Eudochia PACIU, medic narcolog, IMSP Dispensarul Republican de Narcologie, Ministerul Sntii, Muncii i Proteciei Sociale;
Conferinta Publica cu genericul: PENTRU C TINERII CONTEAZ ALEGE O VIA FR DROGURI din 28 mai 2018.
Preview book the rabbit who forgot to flys.anshuman
This document is an introduction to a fictional story about a teenager named Victor and his transformational journey. It discusses how teenagers have untapped potential but are often not given opportunities to unlock their creativity and analytical abilities. Victor is described as a below average teenager struggling with confusion, and something drastic happens in his life that changes him forever and impacts his society. The introduction sets up the story of Victor's journey of self-discovery and growth as a metaphor for helping teenagers realize their potential.
Preview - Fifty Two Steps: Discover a New Yous.anshuman
This document outlines a 52-week program to help transform one's life through small positive changes each week. The first two weeks focus on learning to say "no" to unwanted tasks and facing your fears in order to gain clarity and eliminate obstacles to happiness. Readers are instructed to identify things they will refuse this week and two specific fears they will work to overcome through a planned, step-by-step process with preparation and support. Completing this weekly program is intended to take control of one's life by gradually implementing simple success principles and experiencing their benefits long-term.
Preview of the Book - The Mind of Business Plan
I found a need in the market for would-be entrepreneurs who require a resource which is simple, short and to-the-point for creating a business plan. It should guide the entrepreneur at every stage of the process, while focusing on the startups. It should be able to help even the first time entrepreneurs. The most important activity in developing a business plan is to think through each point of potential business in depth then based upon that knowledge and information create a perfect write-up about the topic which would answer most of the queries of the reader. This book would help you by taking you through that process of thinking and writing.
The document describes a system called "The Code" for predicting whether financial markets will be bullish or bearish based on the crossing of two lines. When the green line crosses above the red line, it signals a bullish market, while a crossover below signals a bearish market. The system aims to profit from these signals by going long when bullish and short when bearish. Gains are closed after 15 points while losses can reach 150 points, but analysis shows gains are realized 180 times per year while losses occur just once per year, resulting in significant annual profits when scaled up with multiple contracts.
Eudochia PACIU, medic narcolog, IMSP Dispensarul Republican de Narcologie, Ministerul Sntii, Muncii i Proteciei Sociale;
Conferinta Publica cu genericul: PENTRU C TINERII CONTEAZ ALEGE O VIA FR DROGURI din 28 mai 2018.
Preview book the rabbit who forgot to flys.anshuman
This document is an introduction to a fictional story about a teenager named Victor and his transformational journey. It discusses how teenagers have untapped potential but are often not given opportunities to unlock their creativity and analytical abilities. Victor is described as a below average teenager struggling with confusion, and something drastic happens in his life that changes him forever and impacts his society. The introduction sets up the story of Victor's journey of self-discovery and growth as a metaphor for helping teenagers realize their potential.
Preview - Fifty Two Steps: Discover a New Yous.anshuman
This document outlines a 52-week program to help transform one's life through small positive changes each week. The first two weeks focus on learning to say "no" to unwanted tasks and facing your fears in order to gain clarity and eliminate obstacles to happiness. Readers are instructed to identify things they will refuse this week and two specific fears they will work to overcome through a planned, step-by-step process with preparation and support. Completing this weekly program is intended to take control of one's life by gradually implementing simple success principles and experiencing their benefits long-term.
Preview of the Book - The Mind of Business Plan
I found a need in the market for would-be entrepreneurs who require a resource which is simple, short and to-the-point for creating a business plan. It should guide the entrepreneur at every stage of the process, while focusing on the startups. It should be able to help even the first time entrepreneurs. The most important activity in developing a business plan is to think through each point of potential business in depth then based upon that knowledge and information create a perfect write-up about the topic which would answer most of the queries of the reader. This book would help you by taking you through that process of thinking and writing.
The document describes a system called "The Code" for predicting whether financial markets will be bullish or bearish based on the crossing of two lines. When the green line crosses above the red line, it signals a bullish market, while a crossover below signals a bearish market. The system aims to profit from these signals by going long when bullish and short when bearish. Gains are closed after 15 points while losses can reach 150 points, but analysis shows gains are realized 180 times per year while losses occur just once per year, resulting in significant annual profits when scaled up with multiple contracts.
Siete pronti allo storno?
Analisi ciclica su future DJEurostoxx50 integrata con gli indicatori volumetrici per la settimana operativa dal 14 al 18 febbraio 2011
Preview book deep roots - necessary foundations of lifes.anshuman
This document outlines 50 foundations for success. It introduces the document and explains that foundations define a person's values, beliefs, and decisions which determine whether they experience success or failure. It argues that not all foundations are positive and some must be corrected. The document then outlines 50 individual foundations for success, with each one explained in a brief paragraph. The foundations include never giving up, being the best in your field, leaving your comfort zone, having self-belief, and controlling your environment. The document aims to help readers identify which of their own foundations may need adjusting to achieve their goals.
2. DEPENDENTA Un pattern maladaptativ de utilizare a substantei, care duce la o incapacitare sau suferinta semnificativa clinic (1-12 luni) manifestata prin: toleranta nevoia de a creste cantitatea de substanta pt a obtine efectul dorit scaderea efectului obtinut la aceeasi doza
3. Sevraj: simptomul caracteristic de sevraj pt substanta aceeasi substanta (sau una asemanatoare) este luata pt ameliorarea simptomelor substanta este luata in cantitati mai mari si timp mai indelungat decat si-a propus (nu poate controla consumul) exista dorinta/efortul fara succes de a intrerupe sau controla consumul petrece f mult timp in activitati necesare obtinerii substantei, consumului, recuperarii
4. Renuntarea la activitati recreationale, sociale, ocupationale - datorita consumului (este preocupat excesiv de consum) continua consumul desi stie ca are probleme fizice, psihologice datorita acestui fapt dorinta intensa (compulsiva) de a consuma substanta
5. Dependenta fiziologica = prezenta tolerantei sau sevrajului Dependenta psihologica = apetenta (craving) pt substanta pt a evita un disconfort
6. ABUZUL Pattern maladaptaiv de utilizare a substantei care duce la suferinta semnificativa: utilizarea repetata a substantei care duce la imposibilitatea indeplinirii sarcinilor: scoala, serviciu, acasa utilizarea repetata a substantei in situatii riscante: condus probleme legale datorate consumului continua consumul desi are probleme: sociale, interpersonale
7. Consumul este corelat cu probleme fizice, psihice: afectarea judecatii, tulburari de comportament, afectarea relatiilor etc
8. MODALITATI DE EVOLUTIE Remisiune totala timpurie (1 luna, sub 12 luni) - fara criterii de abuz/dependenta Remisiune partiala timpurie Remisiune totala sustinuta - peste 12 luni Remisiune partiala sustinuta - peste 12 luni In tratament cu agonisti (fara criterii abuz/dependenta min 1 luna) In mediu protejat
9. FACTORI NEUROCHIMICI Sistemele: opioid ( ? deficit endorfine), catecolamina (dopamina), GABA neuronii DA din aria tegmentara: sistemul de recompensa - posibil mediator al efectelor amfetaminelor, cocainei locus ceruleus (neuroni adrenergici) - posibil mediator pt opioide
11. EPIDEMIOLOGIE A treia problema de sanatate, in SUA (dupa c-v, cancer) cost estimativ: 150 bilioane dolari 10% femei, 20% barbati - de-a lungul vietii Sexul: barbatii > femeile
12. COMORBIDITATE Tulburari legate de consumul altor subtante Tulburari de personalitate: antisociala Tulburari de dispozitie: 30-40% din alcoolici au depresie majora Tulburari anxioase Suicid: 10-15%
13. FACTORI DE RISC psihodinamici psihosociali, religiosi educationali - modele genetici: mai ales pt barbati
14. INTOXICATIA ALCOOLICA Ingestie recenta Tulburari comportamentale si psihologice: agresivitate, labilitate emotionala, tulburarea judecatii - legate de ingestie Alte tulburari: dezinhibitie, iritabilitate
15. Semne legate de ingestie: dizartire incoordonare ataxie nistagmus tulburari de atentie, memorie stupor, coma Risc de accidente
16. SEVRAJUL ALCOOLIC Oprirea/ reducerea unui consum excesiv si indelungat Simptome care apar la ore/zile: hiperactivitate autonoma: transpiratii, puls accelerat, HTA tremor extremitati - 6-8 h insomnie
17. Greata, voma, stare de rau cefalee iluzii, halucinatii tranzitorii, vizuale, tactile, auditive - 8-12 h agitatie psihomotorie anxietate convulsii (grand mal) 12-24 h Cu sau fara delirium (vezi criterii) 72 h
19. TRATAMENTUL SEVRAJULUI Benzodiazepine: convulsii, delirium, anxietate, HTA, AV crescut, tremor - asociate cu sevrajul la alcool oral sau parenteral (iv de preferat) diazepam 5-10 mg la 4-6 ore, apoi mai rar - functie de evolutie lorazepam 2-10 mg Carbamazepin 800 mg/zi asociat
20. TRATAMENTUL DT (urgenta) Benzodiazepina la 2-4 h, apoi mai rar hidratare eventual perfuzie vitamine B: B1, B6 supraveghere stricta dieta hipercalorica, vitamine netratat - risc letal
21. ALTE TULBURARI INDUSE DE ALCOOL Dementa indusa/asociata cu alcoolul Tulburare amnestica: sindromul Wernicke-Korsakoff Alte tulburari psihice induse de alcool: psihotica, anxioasa, de dispozitie, sexuale Intoxicatia idiosicratica (?) - cantitati mici, posibil microleziuni cerebrale
22. SINDROMUL WERNICKE-KORSAKOFF Deficienta de tiamina encefalopatia Wernicke (acuta, neurologica): ataxie, confuzie, anomalii motilitate oculara; se remite (spontan) in zile/sapt. sau evolueaza catre sindromul Korsakoff (cronic): sindrom amnestic cronic - amnezie anterograda, confabulatie Ttm: tiamina doze mari, 3-12 luni
23. TRATAMENT Psihoterapie: individuala, grup Farmacoterapie: ttm tulburarilor coexistente (depresia), carbamazepina, acamprosat Terapii comportamentale: relaxare, invatarea abilitatilor de afirmare, de autocontrol Alcoolicii anonimi Centre de reabilitare
24. STIMULANTE Amfetaminele: metamfetamina, metilfenidat simpatomimetice 18-25 ani elibereaza catecolaminele, DA utilizate pt euforie, cresterea performantei Pot induce o tulb psihotica asemanatoare cu SK paranoida
28. CANNABIS Marihuana, hasis s-a identificat un receptor specific - concentrare mare in ganglionii bazali, hipocamp, cerebel f raspandit intre pacientii psihiatrici -Sk agraveaza evolutia unei SK !!
29. INTOXICATIA CANNABIS Consum recent Tulburari comportamentale si psihologice: tulburari de coordonare, euforie, anxietate, sentimentul de incetinire a timpului (deformeaza perceptia timpului), tulburarea judecatii, izolare conjunctivita, uscaciunea gurii, tahicardie, cresterea apetitului
30. RISCURI Nu se descrie un sindrom de sevraj Utilizare indelungata: atrofie cerebrala, scade pragul convulsivant, afecteaza fatul, reactivitatea imuna
31. COCAINA Blocheaza recaptarea DA, creste concentratia de DA (D1, D2), mai putin a norepinefrinei, serotoninei utilizare: inhalare, inj(sc, iv), fumat Comorbiditate: depresie, anxietate, tulburari de personalitate (antisocial)
37. INTOXICATIE HALUCINOGENE Consum recent tulburari de comportament si psihologice: anxietate/depresie, idei de referinta, ideatie paranoida, afectarea judecatii, tulburari de perceptie, subiectul fiind intr-o stare de hipervigilenta: intensificarea perceptiilor, depersonalizare, derealizare, iluzii, halucinatii
40. Receptori opioizi enkefaline, endorfine efect DA, NA Toleranta se dezvolta rapid Co-morbiditate: depresie, alcoolomanie, tulburare de personalitate antisociala, anxietate
41. INTOXICATIA - OPIOIDE Consum recent Tulburari de comportament si psihice: euforie urmata de apatie, disforie, agitatie sau lentoare psihomotorie, alterarea judecatii mioza (midriaza in supradoza) sedare, coma dizartrie tulburari de atentie si memorie
42. SUPRADOZA Deces prin stop respirator coma, dispnee, hipotermie, hTA, bradicardie Coma + mioza + depresie respiratorie = supradoza de opioizi Urgenta!! Naloxona, supravegherea functiilor vitale
43. SEVRAJ - OPIOIDE Oprirea sau reducerea consumului sau administrarea unui antagonist dupa o perioada de consum de opioide disforie greata, voma dureri musculare lacrimare, rinoree
46. ABORDARI TERAPEUTICE Educatie si schimb de seringi metadona: 20-80 mg/zi apoi eventual clonidina mentinerea pe metadona - avantaje alte terapii de substitutie: burpenorfina terapia de durata cu antagonisti - discutabil strategii terapeutice pt gravidele dependente
51. SUPRADOZA Benzodiazepine mai putin grav decat la barbiturice Flumazenil = antagonist bz Barbiturice - risc letal mare, doza letala nu este mult mai mare pt un subiect dependent