Eltrombopag se vinde sub numele de marcă Revolade și este o formă fabricată de om a unei proteine care mărește producția de trombocite (celule de coagulare a sângelui) în corpul dumneavoastră.
The New York BlueJays are promoting their season opener which will feature an amazing half-time show and performances by Rihanna and Chris Brown. The first 20,000 fans will receive exclusive gear and special deals will be offered on food and drinks. Additionally, 10% of proceeds will be donated to the Pink Ribbon Foundation. Fans are encouraged to get tickets and ask themselves if they are ready for the Blue.
Preview of the Book - The Mind of Business Plan
I found a need in the market for would-be entrepreneurs who require a resource which is simple, short and to-the-point for creating a business plan. It should guide the entrepreneur at every stage of the process, while focusing on the startups. It should be able to help even the first time entrepreneurs. The most important activity in developing a business plan is to think through each point of potential business in depth then based upon that knowledge and information create a perfect write-up about the topic which would answer most of the queries of the reader. This book would help you by taking you through that process of thinking and writing.
Preview - Fifty Two Steps: Discover a New Yous.anshuman
This document outlines a 52-week program to help transform one's life through small positive changes each week. The first two weeks focus on learning to say "no" to unwanted tasks and facing your fears in order to gain clarity and eliminate obstacles to happiness. Readers are instructed to identify things they will refuse this week and two specific fears they will work to overcome through a planned, step-by-step process with preparation and support. Completing this weekly program is intended to take control of one's life by gradually implementing simple success principles and experiencing their benefits long-term.
Mos Espa is a strategic PR and marketing consultancy agency operating from London and Paris with expertise in motorsports, automotive, fashion, and consumer brands. The agency offers PR, marketing, media relations, event management, and other services. Mos Espa's approach is to integrate PR strategies into clients' overall marketing mixes and brand strategies. The agency has worked with many well-known brands across industries, developing campaigns and handling projects ranging from single events to long-term sponsorship programs.
Preview book the rabbit who forgot to flys.anshuman
This document is an introduction to a fictional story about a teenager named Victor and his transformational journey. It discusses how teenagers have untapped potential but are often not given opportunities to unlock their creativity and analytical abilities. Victor is described as a below average teenager struggling with confusion, and something drastic happens in his life that changes him forever and impacts his society. The introduction sets up the story of Victor's journey of self-discovery and growth as a metaphor for helping teenagers realize their potential.
Preview - Hidden Pearls : Opportunities in Problemss.anshuman
Book Preview - Hidden Pearls: Opportunities in Problems
The process of rightly perceiving any event is extremely simple, which would require a consciously created optimistic thinking process. Our mind tends to look at most of the happenings of life in passive ways. We need to train our mind with right statements and questions to feel positive and in control of the situation. This book covers a number of such events followed by empowering statements and questions to focus on the positive side of each event. This diversion of attention would help you to protect yourself from any harm which the event can cause, instead use it as a learning platform to make you successful in life.
The New York BlueJays are promoting their season opener which will feature an amazing half-time show and performances by Rihanna and Chris Brown. The first 20,000 fans will receive exclusive gear and special deals will be offered on food and drinks. Additionally, 10% of proceeds will be donated to the Pink Ribbon Foundation. Fans are encouraged to get tickets and ask themselves if they are ready for the Blue.
Preview of the Book - The Mind of Business Plan
I found a need in the market for would-be entrepreneurs who require a resource which is simple, short and to-the-point for creating a business plan. It should guide the entrepreneur at every stage of the process, while focusing on the startups. It should be able to help even the first time entrepreneurs. The most important activity in developing a business plan is to think through each point of potential business in depth then based upon that knowledge and information create a perfect write-up about the topic which would answer most of the queries of the reader. This book would help you by taking you through that process of thinking and writing.
Preview - Fifty Two Steps: Discover a New Yous.anshuman
This document outlines a 52-week program to help transform one's life through small positive changes each week. The first two weeks focus on learning to say "no" to unwanted tasks and facing your fears in order to gain clarity and eliminate obstacles to happiness. Readers are instructed to identify things they will refuse this week and two specific fears they will work to overcome through a planned, step-by-step process with preparation and support. Completing this weekly program is intended to take control of one's life by gradually implementing simple success principles and experiencing their benefits long-term.
Mos Espa is a strategic PR and marketing consultancy agency operating from London and Paris with expertise in motorsports, automotive, fashion, and consumer brands. The agency offers PR, marketing, media relations, event management, and other services. Mos Espa's approach is to integrate PR strategies into clients' overall marketing mixes and brand strategies. The agency has worked with many well-known brands across industries, developing campaigns and handling projects ranging from single events to long-term sponsorship programs.
Preview book the rabbit who forgot to flys.anshuman
This document is an introduction to a fictional story about a teenager named Victor and his transformational journey. It discusses how teenagers have untapped potential but are often not given opportunities to unlock their creativity and analytical abilities. Victor is described as a below average teenager struggling with confusion, and something drastic happens in his life that changes him forever and impacts his society. The introduction sets up the story of Victor's journey of self-discovery and growth as a metaphor for helping teenagers realize their potential.
Preview - Hidden Pearls : Opportunities in Problemss.anshuman
Book Preview - Hidden Pearls: Opportunities in Problems
The process of rightly perceiving any event is extremely simple, which would require a consciously created optimistic thinking process. Our mind tends to look at most of the happenings of life in passive ways. We need to train our mind with right statements and questions to feel positive and in control of the situation. This book covers a number of such events followed by empowering statements and questions to focus on the positive side of each event. This diversion of attention would help you to protect yourself from any harm which the event can cause, instead use it as a learning platform to make you successful in life.
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Scorul dvs. crește pe măsură ce alegeți o categorie, completați o descriere lungă și adăugați mai multe etichete.
Scorul dvs. crește pe măsură ce alegeți o categorie, completați o descriere lungă și adăugați mai multe etichete.
Scorul dvs. crește pe măsură ce alegeți o categorie, completați o descriere lungă și adăugați mai multe etichete.
Scorul dvs. crește pe măsură ce alegeți o categorie, completați o descriere lungă și adăugați mai multe etichete.
Scorul dvs. crește pe măsură ce alegeți o categorie, completați o descriere lungă și adăugați mai multe etichete.
Scorul dvs. crește pe măsură ce alegeți o categorie, completați o descriere lungă și adăugați mai multe etichete.
Scorul dvs. crește pe măsură ce alegeți o categorie, completați o descriere lungă și adăugați mai multe etichete.
Scorul dvs. crește pe măsură ce alegeți o categorie, completați o descriere lungă și adăugați mai multe etichete.
Scorul dvs. crește pe măsură ce alegeți o categorie, completați o descriere lungă și adăugați mai multe etichete.
Scorul dvs. crește pe măsură ce alegeți o categorie, completați o descriere lungă și adăugați mai multe etichete.
2. Sunt substanţe anticonvulsivante capabile să împiedice specific crizele de epilepsie. Epilepsia = tulburări acute şi severe ale funcţiei creierului. Atacurile de epilepsie pornesc dintr-un grup de celule hiperexcitabile ( focus ) din care descărcările periodice se răspândesc pe arii limitate ale creierului, producând atacuri parţiale sau pe arii extinse rezultând atacuri generalizate .
4. Clasificarea atacurilor de epilepsie Ìý: 1. atacuri parÅ£iale Ìý: 2. atacuri generalizate Ìý: a. crize tonico-clonice (grand-mal) –pierderi acute ale conÅŸtienÅ£ei, cu contracÅ£ii tonice ale musculaturii corpului, urmate de miscări ritmice ale extremităţilor ÅŸi deprimarea funcÅ£iilor SNC pentru perioade variabile de timp b. crize de absenţă (petit-mal) – pierderi scurte ale stării de vigilitate, uneori cu clipiri frecvente ale ochilor sau miÅŸcări ale buzelor, dar fără pierderea conÅŸtienÅ£ei sau a tonusului. c. crize mioclonice –miÅŸcări involuntare apărute brusc ale membrelor, trunchiului sau întregului corp.
5. 1. FENITOINA Acţiune farmacodinamică : - anticonvulsivantă; - antiaritmică; - inductor enzimatic. Mecanism de acţiune : - blocarea canalelor de sodiu voltaj - dependente -> prelungirea stării lor inactive şi scăderea conductanţei pentru Na+. Stabilizarea membranei -> inhibarea generării de potenţiale de acţiune repetitive. Utilizări terapeutice : - crizele majore tipice de epilepsie şi crizele focale; - nevralgii trigeminale.
12. ANTIEPILEPTICE NOI GABAPENTIN analog al GABA, cu situsuri de legare diferite de ale tuturor celorlaltor antiepileptice cunoscute până în prezent indicat ca anticonvulsivant în epilepsie, dar şi ca analgezic în durerea neurologică efecte adverse: somnolenţă, vertij. NEURONTIN cp 300 mg; oral: prima zi – de 2x/zi, apo i de 3x/zi, doza crescând treptat.
13. LAMOTRIGIN inhibă eliberarea glutamatului şi aspartatului, blochează canalele de sodiu şi previne atacurile repetate este metabolizat în ficat, iar t1/2 este diminuat de carbamazepină şi fenitoină şi crescut de acidul valproic indicat în convulsii parţiale şi convulsii tonico-clonice generalizate efecte adverse: somnolenţă, rash cutanat LAMICTAL cp 25 mg; oral: de 2x/zi, doza crescând treptat
22. Efecte adverse : - mişcări anormale involuntare: diskinezie (clipire, deschiderea gurii, rotirea spontană a membrelor, torsiunea şi înclinarea capului); apar la 1-4 ore de la administrarea medicamentului şi lipsesc la trezirea din somn - digestive (greaţă, vomă, anorexie, constipaţie) - apar mai ales dacă se administrează pe stomacul gol - hTA ortostatică; necesită dietă bogată în sare şi evitarea antihipertensivelor - aritmii cardiace; - tulburări de somn: somnolenţă (la bătrâni), insomnie (la tineri); insomnia şi coşmarurile impun reducerea dozei administrate seara - psihice: reacţii maniacale, stări paranoide, halucinaţii
23. Contraindicaţii : - psihoze severe; - boli cardiace grave; - melanom malign; - sarcină în primele luni. Administrare : oral, 4 doze zilnice ! Observaţie: Efectul terapeutic este diminuat de mesele bogate în grăsimi şi proteine, de tensiunea psihică şi este scurtat de efortul fizic.
24. ASOCIERILE LEVODOPA - INHIBITORI DE DOPA DECARBOXILAZA Inhibitorii de dopa decarboxilază sunt catecolamine de sinteză care acţionează numai în periferie , diminuând astfel transformarea dopei în dopamină în ţesuturile periferice ->↑ cantitatea de dopamina disponibilă pentru refacerea depozitelor de dopamină din creier. Avantaje : - permit utilizarea de doze mai mici de Levodopa (1/5-1/4 din doza zilnică obişnuită) - fac posibilă atingerea rapidă a dozei utile; - permit administrarea la intervale mai mari; - concentraţia plasmatică a Levodopei prezintă fluctuaţii mult mai mici efectele adverse digestive şi aritmiile apar mai rar. De preferat : - cazuri severe de boală Parkinson; - situaţii ce fac dificilă utilizarea Levodopei ca medicament unic.
29. ROPINIROL agonist dopaminic, care care stimulează receptorii dopaminergici indicat ca monoterapie sau în asociere cu levodopa REQUIP cp; de 3x /zi PRAMIPEXOL agonist dopaminic indicat ca monoterapie sau în asociere cu levodopa MIRAPEXIN cp; de 3x /zi
30. ENTACAPON inhibitor periferic al catecol-O-metiltransferazei (COMT), enzimă implicată în metabolizarea dopaminei şi levodopei asociat cu levodopa creşte eficienţa acesteia şi îi prelungeşte acţiunea, dar creşte şi riscul efectelor adverse ale levodopei COMTAM cp 200 mg; oral 1 cp la fiecare doză de levodopa sau levodopa + inhibitor de dopa-decarboxilază