This document discusses input and output streams in C++. It explains that streams are sequences of characters that move from a source to a destination, and covers input streams from devices to a computer and output streams from the computer to devices. It also details the standard input stream cin and standard output stream cout, and how to use various manipulators to format output, such as setprecision, fixed, showpoint, setw, setfill, left, and right.
This document provides an overview of data types in C programming, including:
1) It describes four main types of data types - fundamental, modifiers, derived, and user defined. Fundamental types include integer, character, float, void. Modifiers change properties of other types. Derived types include arrays and pointers.
2) It explains the integer, float, character, and void fundamental data types in more detail. Integer can be short, int, long. Float and double store numbers in mantissa and exponent. Character represents keyboard characters.
3) Common C data type sizes and value ranges are provided for integer, float, and character types along with their modifiers like short, long, signed, unsigned.
This document defines and explains functions in C programming. It states that a function is a block of code that performs a specific task and contains its own definition. There are two types of functions: predefined functions that are included in header files, and user-defined functions that are created by the user. User-defined functions can have no arguments with no return type, no arguments with a return type, arguments with no return type, or arguments with a return type. Arguments pass data values from the calling function to the called function. A function is called by another function and will only execute when called.
The document discusses the character set, keywords, and identifiers in the C programming language. It provides lists of uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and special characters that are valid in C. It also lists and describes common keywords for data types, qualifiers, loop controls, user-defined types, jumping controls, and storage classes. Rules for writing identifiers are outlined, noting they must start with a letter, can include letters, digits, and underscores, and the first 31 characters are significant to the compiler.
C is a general-purpose programming language developed in the early 1970s. It produces very fast executable code and is widely used for operating systems, language compilers, utilities and other system software. The document provides an overview of the history and development of C, why it is still useful today, basic C programming concepts like tokens, constants, variables and data types, and the overall structure and execution of a C program.
What is a File?
High Level I/O Functions
Defining & Opening a File
Closing a File
The getc and putc Functions
The getw and putw Functions
The fprintf and fscanf Functions
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** Python Certification Training: **
This Edureka PPT on 'Python Spyder iDE' will train you to use the Python Spyder IDE along with its installation and customizations.
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The document provides information about pointers in the C programming language. It discusses pointer declaration, definition, initialization, dereferencing, arithmetic operations like incrementing and decrementing, and relationships between arrays and pointers. It also covers dynamic memory allocation functions like malloc(), calloc(), free(), and realloc(). Pointers allow accessing and manipulating data in memory and performing tasks like dynamic memory allocation.
C programming provides standard library functions defined in header files and user-defined functions. Standard library functions like printf() and scanf() are pre-built to perform common tasks and are declared in header files like stdio.h. To use these functions, the corresponding header file must be included. Users can also define their own functions to customize program behavior. User-defined functions are defined using declarations, definitions, and calls.
1. Python Presented By: Rajesh Kumar Guided By: Mr. Jaishankar Bhatt
2. Content ?Python Introduction ?Python Code Execution ?Python Comments & ?Indentation ?Variables ?Data Types ?Strings ?Collections (Arrays)
3. Python Introduction ?What is Python? ?Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. ?Created by Guido van Rossum ? Released in 1991
4. Python Code Execution Source code extension is .py Byte code extension is .pyc (compiled python code) Python’s runtime execution model:
5. Comments ?Creating a Comment: Ex: Comments starts with a # Output:
6. Comments ?Multi Line Comments: Ex: or:
7. Python Indentation ?Indentation refers to the spaces at the beginning of a code line. Ex1: Ex2:
8. Variables ?Variables are containers for storing data values. Ex:
9. Data Types ?Built-in Data Types
10. Getting the Data Type ?You can get the data type of any object by using the type() method. Ex: Print the data type of the variable x: Output:
11. Setting the Data Type ?In Python, the data type is set when you assign a value to a variable:
12. Strings ?String literals in python are surrounded by either single quotation marks, or double quotation marks. ?'hello' is the same as "hello". Ex:
13. Multiline Strings ?You can assign a multiline string to a variable by using three quotes Ex: Output:
14. Slicing ?You can return a range of characters by using the slice syntax. Ex:Get the characters from position 2 to position 5. Output:
15. String Methods Method Description len() Returns the length of a string. lower() Returns the string in lower case. upper() Returns the string in upper case. count() Returns the number of times a specified value appears in the string.
16. Collections (Arrays) ?There are four collection data types in the Python programming language. Types: 1. List 2. Tuple 3. Set 4. Dictionary
17. Python Lists ?A list is a collection which is ordered and changeable. In Python lists are written with square brackets. Ex: Create a List: Output:
18. Python Tuples ?A tuple is a collection which is ordered and unchangeable. In Python tuples are written with round brackets. Ex: Create a Tuple: Output:
19. Python Sets ?A set is a collection which is unordered and unindexed. In Python sets are written with curly brackets. Ex: Create a Set:
20. Python Dictionaries ?A dictionary is a collection which is unordered, changeable and indexed. In Python dictionaries are written with curly brackets. Ex: Create a Dictionary:
21. Conclusion Python is a great option, whether you are a beginning programmer looking to learn the basics, an experienced programmer designing a large application, or anywhere in between. The basics of Python are easily grasped, and yet its capabilities are vast.
22. Reference ? programming-with-python ?
The document discusses algorithms and their role in computing. It defines an algorithm as a well-defined computational procedure that takes input and produces output. Algorithms must be correct, producing the right output for each input, and efficient. It presents examples of computational problems and their algorithms. The document also discusses pseudo-code for writing algorithms and the divide-and-conquer technique for algorithm design, which breaks problems into smaller subproblems.
This document provides an overview of data types in C programming, including:
1) It describes four main types of data types - fundamental, modifiers, derived, and user defined. Fundamental types include integer, character, float, void. Modifiers change properties of other types. Derived types include arrays and pointers.
2) It explains the integer, float, character, and void fundamental data types in more detail. Integer can be short, int, long. Float and double store numbers in mantissa and exponent. Character represents keyboard characters.
3) Common C data type sizes and value ranges are provided for integer, float, and character types along with their modifiers like short, long, signed, unsigned.
This document defines and explains functions in C programming. It states that a function is a block of code that performs a specific task and contains its own definition. There are two types of functions: predefined functions that are included in header files, and user-defined functions that are created by the user. User-defined functions can have no arguments with no return type, no arguments with a return type, arguments with no return type, or arguments with a return type. Arguments pass data values from the calling function to the called function. A function is called by another function and will only execute when called.
The document discusses the character set, keywords, and identifiers in the C programming language. It provides lists of uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and special characters that are valid in C. It also lists and describes common keywords for data types, qualifiers, loop controls, user-defined types, jumping controls, and storage classes. Rules for writing identifiers are outlined, noting they must start with a letter, can include letters, digits, and underscores, and the first 31 characters are significant to the compiler.
C is a general-purpose programming language developed in the early 1970s. It produces very fast executable code and is widely used for operating systems, language compilers, utilities and other system software. The document provides an overview of the history and development of C, why it is still useful today, basic C programming concepts like tokens, constants, variables and data types, and the overall structure and execution of a C program.
What is a File?
High Level I/O Functions
Defining & Opening a File
Closing a File
The getc and putc Functions
The getw and putw Functions
The fprintf and fscanf Functions
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** Python Certification Training: **
This Edureka PPT on 'Python Spyder iDE' will train you to use the Python Spyder IDE along with its installation and customizations.
Follow us to never miss an update in the future.
The document provides information about pointers in the C programming language. It discusses pointer declaration, definition, initialization, dereferencing, arithmetic operations like incrementing and decrementing, and relationships between arrays and pointers. It also covers dynamic memory allocation functions like malloc(), calloc(), free(), and realloc(). Pointers allow accessing and manipulating data in memory and performing tasks like dynamic memory allocation.
C programming provides standard library functions defined in header files and user-defined functions. Standard library functions like printf() and scanf() are pre-built to perform common tasks and are declared in header files like stdio.h. To use these functions, the corresponding header file must be included. Users can also define their own functions to customize program behavior. User-defined functions are defined using declarations, definitions, and calls.
1. Python Presented By: Rajesh Kumar Guided By: Mr. Jaishankar Bhatt
2. Content ?Python Introduction ?Python Code Execution ?Python Comments & ?Indentation ?Variables ?Data Types ?Strings ?Collections (Arrays)
3. Python Introduction ?What is Python? ?Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. ?Created by Guido van Rossum ? Released in 1991
4. Python Code Execution Source code extension is .py Byte code extension is .pyc (compiled python code) Python’s runtime execution model:
5. Comments ?Creating a Comment: Ex: Comments starts with a # Output:
6. Comments ?Multi Line Comments: Ex: or:
7. Python Indentation ?Indentation refers to the spaces at the beginning of a code line. Ex1: Ex2:
8. Variables ?Variables are containers for storing data values. Ex:
9. Data Types ?Built-in Data Types
10. Getting the Data Type ?You can get the data type of any object by using the type() method. Ex: Print the data type of the variable x: Output:
11. Setting the Data Type ?In Python, the data type is set when you assign a value to a variable:
12. Strings ?String literals in python are surrounded by either single quotation marks, or double quotation marks. ?'hello' is the same as "hello". Ex:
13. Multiline Strings ?You can assign a multiline string to a variable by using three quotes Ex: Output:
14. Slicing ?You can return a range of characters by using the slice syntax. Ex:Get the characters from position 2 to position 5. Output:
15. String Methods Method Description len() Returns the length of a string. lower() Returns the string in lower case. upper() Returns the string in upper case. count() Returns the number of times a specified value appears in the string.
16. Collections (Arrays) ?There are four collection data types in the Python programming language. Types: 1. List 2. Tuple 3. Set 4. Dictionary
17. Python Lists ?A list is a collection which is ordered and changeable. In Python lists are written with square brackets. Ex: Create a List: Output:
18. Python Tuples ?A tuple is a collection which is ordered and unchangeable. In Python tuples are written with round brackets. Ex: Create a Tuple: Output:
19. Python Sets ?A set is a collection which is unordered and unindexed. In Python sets are written with curly brackets. Ex: Create a Set:
20. Python Dictionaries ?A dictionary is a collection which is unordered, changeable and indexed. In Python dictionaries are written with curly brackets. Ex: Create a Dictionary:
21. Conclusion Python is a great option, whether you are a beginning programmer looking to learn the basics, an experienced programmer designing a large application, or anywhere in between. The basics of Python are easily grasped, and yet its capabilities are vast.
22. Reference ? programming-with-python ?
The document discusses algorithms and their role in computing. It defines an algorithm as a well-defined computational procedure that takes input and produces output. Algorithms must be correct, producing the right output for each input, and efficient. It presents examples of computational problems and their algorithms. The document also discusses pseudo-code for writing algorithms and the divide-and-conquer technique for algorithm design, which breaks problems into smaller subproblems.
How to replace linux system call by moduleYU-CHENG Hsu
This is a simple example for following items :
1. Build Linux Kernel
2. Add New and Rough System Call
3. Add Some Hook in Linux Kernel for Module Invoking
4. Build Sample Linux Module