Presentació a les escoles i instituts del Prat de Llobregat de l'impuls de la lectura (ILEC), duta a terme al Servei Educatiu del Prat el 18 d'octubre de 2012.
This document lists various hobbies and leisure activities that people can enjoy during their free time, including listening to music, reading magazines, playing musical instruments, watching television, socializing with friends, solving puzzles, going to the movies, playing video games, engaging in crafts like model making, communicating online and by phone, and engaging in outdoor activities like skateboarding.
The document discusses different types of conditional sentences in English including:
1) First conditional - uses "if" with the present tense to talk about possible real events in the future (e.g. "If I finish this, I will go home").
2) Second conditional - uses "if" with the past tense to talk about hypothetical or unlikely events (e.g. "If I were rich, I would travel the world").
3) Third conditional - uses "if" with the past perfect to talk about wishes about the past that cannot be changed (e.g. "I wish I had studied harder").
It also discusses temporary sentences, wish clauses, and the forms used with
This document lists and numbers various parts of the human body without descriptions. It includes eyes, arm, hand, finger, thumb, mouth, teeth, tongue, nose, ear, hair, chest, foot, neck, leg, head, bottom, back, shoulder, toes, brain, lungs, heart, bones, stomach, face, blood, arteries, and veins.
The document discusses passive voice and how to form passive sentences. Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action rather than the subject performing the action. To form a passive sentence, the subject receives the action rather than performs it. The object of an active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence. The structure and formation of passive voice across tenses is also explained.
The document discusses different ways to talk about the future in English grammar:
1) The Future Simple (will/won't + infinitive) is used for general predictions, decisions made now, and certain future events.
2) Going to is used to talk about future intentions/plans already made or predictions based on current evidence.
3) The Present Continuous is used for short-term plans mentioning a specific time.
4) The Future Continuous talks about something in progress at a future time.
5) The Future Perfect talks about something that will be completed by a future time.
This document provides guidance on writing an informal letter to a friend. It outlines the key elements of layout, style, and useful language to include. For layout, it recommends including the address at the top right and date under it, with the greeting on the left margin. For style, it advises using informal language, contractions, questions, and colloquial expressions. Finally, it provides examples of useful language for greetings, closings, thanking, apologizing, asking questions, and personal details.
This document provides instructions and examples for writing a for and against essay. It explains that a for and against essay presents both sides of an issue and concludes by supporting one side. It outlines the structure as an introductory paragraph explaining the topic and stance, followed by paragraphs presenting each side of the argument and a conclusion summarizing the opinions. The document also provides language for connecting and contrasting ideas as well as a sample essay discussing the arguments for and against the internet.
This document provides guidance on writing a discussion essay. It explains that a discussion essay presents a balanced argument with points for and against a topic and includes the writer's own opinion. It recommends including an introductory paragraph outlining the topic and arguments, followed by paragraphs presenting points for and against with supporting facts and language. A conclusion paragraph should summarize the arguments and state the writer's position. Sample language and a sample paragraph modeling the structure are also provided.
This document provides guidance on writing a narrative essay. A narrative essay recreates a personal experience through descriptive details. It tells a story and communicates a lesson learned. When writing a narrative essay, identify a significant experience and draft details of what happened. Create an outline and use vivid language to immerse readers in the experience. Communicate the importance of the experience either at the beginning or end of the essay. Revise by ensuring the experience is effectively recreated and significance is clear. Potential essay topics include childhood memories, achievements, failures, realizations, and life changes.
The document provides guidance on how to write a description of a place, including where to include key details such as the name and location of the place. It then provides a sample description of "The New Forest" area in England, describing it as a large natural forest area popular with tourists for its changing colors throughout the year and small villages with traditional restaurants.
This document provides guidance for writing an opinion essay. It explains that an opinion essay allows the writer to state their view on a subject without considering other perspectives. It recommends including an introductory paragraph with the statement and opinion, followed by paragraphs with reasons to support the opinion and a concluding paragraph summarizing the views. Useful language for stating opinions, facts, and referring to other ideas is also outlined. An example essay topic and response is provided on whether top sports people earn too much money.
Relative clauses allow us to add information about people or things without repeating the name. There are two types: defining relative clauses provide essential information and are not set off by commas, while non-defining relative clauses provide extra information and are set off by commas. Relative pronouns like who, whom, which, that introduce relative clauses and vary based on whether the antecedent is a person or thing.
The document outlines the long and short forms of being verbs (to be) in the affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms in English. It lists the full and contracted forms of I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, you are, they are in the affirmative and negative. It also lists the question forms for each subject in the interrogative.
This document contains common phrases for classroom language organized into four categories: asking for repetition or clarification, asking for help or permission, asking about words, and asking for something. Key phrases include "Can you repeat, please?", "I'm sorry, I don't understand", "Can I borrow your...", "What does...mean?", and "How do you pronounce/spell...". The document provides essential English phrases for students to use in the classroom.
The document discusses the structure and uses of the present tenses in English:
1) The present simple is used for facts, habits, schedules, and jokes or stories. It takes the form of subject + verb (+s/es) or subject + do/does + verb.
2) The present continuous is used for actions happening now, temporary situations, and future plans. It takes the form of subject + am/is/are + verbing.
3) The present perfect simple is used for situations that started in the past and continue to the present. It takes the form of subject + have/has + past participle and can indicate duration using "for" or a specific starting point
This document discusses the structure and use of different types of conditional sentences in English:
1) First conditional sentences use the present simple in the if-clause and will/may/might in the result clause to talk about possible futures.
2) Second conditional sentences use the past simple in the if-clause and would/could/might in the result clause to talk about hypothetical or unlikely present situations.
3) Third conditional sentences use the past perfect in the if-clause and would have/could have/might have in the result clause to talk about hypothetical past situations.
It also covers temporary sentences, wish clauses, and some grammatical rules for using conditionals.
This document contains an English grammar lesson about mixed modals and modal verbs. It includes exercises for students to complete involving choosing the correct modal verb to fill in blanks in sentences. It also provides translations of sentences containing modal verbs from English to another language. The document focuses on teaching students the proper uses of modal verbs like "can", "must", "should", etc. in different grammatical contexts like expressing ability, permission, obligation, possibility and necessity.
The document discusses the present simple tense in English and how it is used to talk about habits and daily routines. It provides the affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms for the present simple tense of the verb "to work" including the subjects I, you, he, she, it, we, you, and they. It also gives the short answer responses for yes and no.
The document introduces the members of the Simpson family, including father Homer, mother Marge, brother Bart, sister Lisa, and baby sister Maggie. It also mentions friends of the family like Krusty the clown, Carl and Lenny, and teachers at Bart and Lisa's school, Mr. Skinner and Ms. Krabappel. Characteristics of each family member are described, with Homer noted as fat, old and ugly, Marge as pretty, tall and thin, and the children as young and short.
8. Avaluació del TR Es divideix en 3 blocs: Treball de recerca Curs 08-09 L’avaluen conjuntament el professor tutor i la resta del professorat del tribunal Correcció, vocabulari i claredat Capacitat d’estructuració i de sÃntesi Materials de suport 3. Exposició oral (10%) L’avaluen conjuntament el professor tutor i la resta del professorat del tribunal Estructura i presentació del dossier Desenvolupament dels continguts / ni Projecte d’experimentació Ús de la llengua escrita Capacitat d’anà lisi i d’extreure conclusions 2. Treball escrit (50%) L’avalua el professor tutor del treball Procediments de recerca de la informació i ús dels recursos Esforç, responsabilitat, regularitat i planificació en la realització de les tasques Creativitat, iniciativa i grau d’autonomia adquirit 1. Seguiment (40%)