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I wake up at 6 am and breakfast and I clean my teeth
I take my children to school and
I return home and I go to work at 8 am
Then I return home at 1 pm I have lunch and I take a nap. I wake up at 3 pm , I change clothes and go to the
Then leaving the gym at 4:50 pm I go to school to pick up my children
At home I help make my children with their homework
Then at 8:30 pm I help my wife to cook
dinner. After eating we go to bed.

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  • 1. I wake up at 6 am and breakfast and I clean my teeth I take my children to school and I return home and I go to work at 8 am
  • 2. Then I return home at 1 pm I have lunch and I take a nap. I wake up at 3 pm , I change clothes and go to the gymn Then leaving the gym at 4:50 pm I go to school to pick up my children At home I help make my children with their homework
  • 3. FACUNDO ACEVEDO SECOND LEVEL MALVIN N ORTE TECHNICAL SCHOOL Then at 8:30 pm I help my wife to cook dinner. After eating we go to bed.