Konpers LSI Denny JA Desember 2016 - Mayoritas Publik Ingin Gubernur Baru DKIFahd Pahdepie
Tersisa 2 (bulan) menjelang pemilihan Gubernur DKI Jakarta, dengan berbagai pro kontra terkait dengan dugaan penistaan agama oleh Basuki Tjahaya Purnama, justru sentimen inginkan gubernur baru Jakarta makin meningkat. Saat ini mereka yang menginginkan DKI Jakarta punya gubernur baru sebesar 60.3 %. Yang ingin tetap gubernur lama sebesar 22.1 %. Dan sebesar 17.6 % tidak menjawab.
Ideas 5 - Roger Hudson - Understanding WCAG 2.0awia
Roger Hudson will provide an overview of WCAG 2.0 and the compliance process. He will describe the practical differences to WCAG 1.0 and the benefits to be gained by adopting WCAG 2.0. He will outline the move to technology neutrality and the introduction of the concept of "Accessibility Supported Technologies".
This document summarizes key discussions and presentations from the June 2011 MESH conference. The conference covered topics like how the adult entertainment industry has shaped the internet by reacting quickly and creating unique content and experiences. It was noted that Canada's internet and copyright laws are subpar but that social media advocacy has been effective in influencing policy. Presenters also discussed lessons around gamification including that rewards are not always the most important part of games. Finally, the potential for "F-commerce" using social platforms like Facebook for online shopping was explored.
The document discusses the performance of the EMC VNX series, noting that it set the SPECsfs2008 NFSv3 world record of 497,623 operations per second with an overall response time of 0.96 milliseconds. The VNX series delivers 3 times the performance and 1/10th the footprint of competitors, and is 160% faster than NetApp and 49% faster than HP. It also has a 40% lower overall response time than HP and an 18% lower overall response time than NetApp.
This document profiles a Canarian technologist who has worked in prominent global centers of research and technology. It summarizes his experiences as an entrepreneur in Spain, researcher in Japan, and consultant for banks in Singapore and Japan. His education focused on business, computer science, and intelligence. The document brings together his various roles and advises others to pursue their passions like the "crazy ones".
This document provides a critical evaluation of a media product created by the author that aims to emulate the style of the NME music magazine for ages 16-25. The author analyzed how their product used conventions from real magazines, represented their target audience, and could potentially be distributed. Through feedback and learning Adobe Photoshop, the author improved their skills and created a higher quality final product compared to their preliminary task. The technologies used, like Photoshop and PowerPoint, allowed the author to develop their technical skills and represent their target demographic effectively.
WellShare International is a non-profit organization that aims to improve the health of women, children, and communities around the world through education, training, and community partnerships. Their website and brochure redesign project seeks to personalize the user experience and recognize volunteer contributions to inspire further involvement through donations of time and money. The organization works both domestically with immigrant communities in the US and internationally in East African countries on various public health initiatives focused on issues like reproductive health, nutrition, and disease prevention.
The document outlines presentations from the Socal UX Camp 2014 on accessible UX. Joseph Karr O'Connor discussed including people with disabilities in testing and persona creation. Glenda Watson Hyatt and Cara Quinn discussed keyboard accessibility, using labels instead of placeholders, autofilling forms, and proper semantic structure. Shawn Henry discussed making interfaces perceivable, operable, and understandable for all. Eric Wright and a demonstration of BIG Launcher controlled via Tecla Shield focused on the same accessibility topics. The day concluded with a discussion from Sarah Horton and Witney Quesenbery on building an accessible web for all.
The document describes a service called R.U.P. that allows city governments to create multilingual profiles and banners to promote their cities. It involves three main roles: municipalities, local businesses and organizations, and users searching for information. Municipalities can create banners and videos in different languages that are displayed on business listings and user profiles from other cities around the world, giving them a way to market internationally. The value to municipalities is based on the number of impressions their banners receive from users of the service in other cities each month.
Ted Sweet's writing and spelling goals for the term are to improve his use of speech marks and punctuation and increase his spelling level from 350 words to 450 words. He took steps like practicing spelling words with his buddy to achieve these goals. Ted also discusses places he has lived, holidays he took, and activities he enjoys like skateboarding and sports.
The people system an introduction v.1.2Carol Moxam
This document discusses introducing a system called "The People System" to businesses facing challenges with time, money, and resources. It promises to elevate efficiency, productivity, and profits through teams of young apprentices at little to no additional cost. The system recruits complementary people and resources, provides tools and training to both business owners and interns. It aims to address myths about internships and overcome challenges like time investment in training. In exchange for feedback, the document requests businesses recommend others who could benefit from the low $20/day, 90-day investment in building their own "People System" team.
A group of accessibility practitioners is creating free and accessible WordPress themes called "Cities" themes to address the lack of accessible themes. The Cities project will produce themes for different cities managed by individual contributors and addressing front-end and back-end accessibility guidelines. It will include themes for Montreal, Mumbai, Canberra, Copenhagen, Sydney, Washington D.C., Toronto, Nashville, Boston, Ottawa, New York, Twin Cities, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Augusta Georgia, Manchester UK, and Los Angeles.
This document provides information on merchant account credit card processing services for both internet and retail businesses. It lists several internet merchant account options that offer rates of 1.99% and $0.27 per transaction. It also mentions services for retail businesses such as cash registers, multi-merchant processing, and electronic check acceptance, and provides a phone number to call for a special offer on retail statement analysis.
The document describes two types of users ("Blue Travelers" and "Green Globes") who search for businesses ("BOs") on the MultiLingualCity website. Blue Travelers search for BOs while abroad that can serve them in their native language. Green Globes search for BOs internationally that can export goods/services to their home country in their language. The document provides examples of a Dutch antique dealer ("Blue Icon") and software company ("Green Boat") that list on MultiLingualCity to reach these international clients in English.
The document discusses the process of developing a climate strategy for municipalities. It involves conducting an inventory, setting climate goals, developing an action plan, and following up on the plan. The process starts with an idea and situation analysis before getting political approval. A coordinator and working team are established to guide the strategy development. Key steps include gathering input from departments, gaining approval from decision-makers, and engaging the community through initiatives like working with schools.
Presentaci坦n Programa Superior de #ContactCenterRaquel1704
Jornada de presentaci坦n del Programa Superior de #ContactCenter, animando a que los profesionales se formen en nuestra Industria.
Monetising your startup from the word go with advertising & affiliatesDigi Joe
presentation from @digijoe at Techcrunch UK Geek n Rolla on how early stage startups should approach monetisation, from an advertising and affiliate perspective.
(Skimlinks is a simplified affiliate marketing service so we've got experience helping web publishers & startups add affiliate to their revenue strategy)
Cross-Build Injection attacks are a completely new class of attacks that take place at build time. In this presentation (which was presented at JavaOne 2012) I show what the problem is and what can be done about. As always, security doesn't come for free: you'll have to work to get it right!
(unfortunately, some graphics got mangled by the 際際滷Share conversion. Sorry!)
Aula Polska #86 - Jak si robi PR w sp坦kach technologicznychMateusz Krogulec
http://youtu.be/b1j_5gMkjZQ ---> Zapis video mojego wystpienia z Aula Polska o PR sp坦ek technologicznych. Prosz o recenzje wystpienia i zapraszam do kontaktu www.facebook.com/mateusz.krogulec lub na mail kontakt@mateuszkrogulec.com.
This document provides a critical evaluation of a media product created by the author that aims to emulate the style of the NME music magazine for ages 16-25. The author analyzed how their product used conventions from real magazines, represented their target audience, and could potentially be distributed. Through feedback and learning Adobe Photoshop, the author improved their skills and created a higher quality final product compared to their preliminary task. The technologies used, like Photoshop and PowerPoint, allowed the author to develop their technical skills and represent their target demographic effectively.
WellShare International is a non-profit organization that aims to improve the health of women, children, and communities around the world through education, training, and community partnerships. Their website and brochure redesign project seeks to personalize the user experience and recognize volunteer contributions to inspire further involvement through donations of time and money. The organization works both domestically with immigrant communities in the US and internationally in East African countries on various public health initiatives focused on issues like reproductive health, nutrition, and disease prevention.
The document outlines presentations from the Socal UX Camp 2014 on accessible UX. Joseph Karr O'Connor discussed including people with disabilities in testing and persona creation. Glenda Watson Hyatt and Cara Quinn discussed keyboard accessibility, using labels instead of placeholders, autofilling forms, and proper semantic structure. Shawn Henry discussed making interfaces perceivable, operable, and understandable for all. Eric Wright and a demonstration of BIG Launcher controlled via Tecla Shield focused on the same accessibility topics. The day concluded with a discussion from Sarah Horton and Witney Quesenbery on building an accessible web for all.
The document describes a service called R.U.P. that allows city governments to create multilingual profiles and banners to promote their cities. It involves three main roles: municipalities, local businesses and organizations, and users searching for information. Municipalities can create banners and videos in different languages that are displayed on business listings and user profiles from other cities around the world, giving them a way to market internationally. The value to municipalities is based on the number of impressions their banners receive from users of the service in other cities each month.
Ted Sweet's writing and spelling goals for the term are to improve his use of speech marks and punctuation and increase his spelling level from 350 words to 450 words. He took steps like practicing spelling words with his buddy to achieve these goals. Ted also discusses places he has lived, holidays he took, and activities he enjoys like skateboarding and sports.
The people system an introduction v.1.2Carol Moxam
This document discusses introducing a system called "The People System" to businesses facing challenges with time, money, and resources. It promises to elevate efficiency, productivity, and profits through teams of young apprentices at little to no additional cost. The system recruits complementary people and resources, provides tools and training to both business owners and interns. It aims to address myths about internships and overcome challenges like time investment in training. In exchange for feedback, the document requests businesses recommend others who could benefit from the low $20/day, 90-day investment in building their own "People System" team.
A group of accessibility practitioners is creating free and accessible WordPress themes called "Cities" themes to address the lack of accessible themes. The Cities project will produce themes for different cities managed by individual contributors and addressing front-end and back-end accessibility guidelines. It will include themes for Montreal, Mumbai, Canberra, Copenhagen, Sydney, Washington D.C., Toronto, Nashville, Boston, Ottawa, New York, Twin Cities, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Augusta Georgia, Manchester UK, and Los Angeles.
This document provides information on merchant account credit card processing services for both internet and retail businesses. It lists several internet merchant account options that offer rates of 1.99% and $0.27 per transaction. It also mentions services for retail businesses such as cash registers, multi-merchant processing, and electronic check acceptance, and provides a phone number to call for a special offer on retail statement analysis.
The document describes two types of users ("Blue Travelers" and "Green Globes") who search for businesses ("BOs") on the MultiLingualCity website. Blue Travelers search for BOs while abroad that can serve them in their native language. Green Globes search for BOs internationally that can export goods/services to their home country in their language. The document provides examples of a Dutch antique dealer ("Blue Icon") and software company ("Green Boat") that list on MultiLingualCity to reach these international clients in English.
The document discusses the process of developing a climate strategy for municipalities. It involves conducting an inventory, setting climate goals, developing an action plan, and following up on the plan. The process starts with an idea and situation analysis before getting political approval. A coordinator and working team are established to guide the strategy development. Key steps include gathering input from departments, gaining approval from decision-makers, and engaging the community through initiatives like working with schools.
Presentaci坦n Programa Superior de #ContactCenterRaquel1704
Jornada de presentaci坦n del Programa Superior de #ContactCenter, animando a que los profesionales se formen en nuestra Industria.
Monetising your startup from the word go with advertising & affiliatesDigi Joe
presentation from @digijoe at Techcrunch UK Geek n Rolla on how early stage startups should approach monetisation, from an advertising and affiliate perspective.
(Skimlinks is a simplified affiliate marketing service so we've got experience helping web publishers & startups add affiliate to their revenue strategy)
Cross-Build Injection attacks are a completely new class of attacks that take place at build time. In this presentation (which was presented at JavaOne 2012) I show what the problem is and what can be done about. As always, security doesn't come for free: you'll have to work to get it right!
(unfortunately, some graphics got mangled by the 際際滷Share conversion. Sorry!)
Aula Polska #86 - Jak si robi PR w sp坦kach technologicznychMateusz Krogulec
http://youtu.be/b1j_5gMkjZQ ---> Zapis video mojego wystpienia z Aula Polska o PR sp坦ek technologicznych. Prosz o recenzje wystpienia i zapraszam do kontaktu www.facebook.com/mateusz.krogulec lub na mail kontakt@mateuszkrogulec.com.
JST w internecie. Jak to robi inni? Przykady wykorzystania mo甜liwoci jakie daje technologia.
autor: Dariusz Pitera, kierownik projekt坦w, Ideo Sp. z o.o.
Kongres Innowacyjnego Marketingu w Samorzdach
Rzesz坦w | 27 XI 2015
Kiedy obejmowaem urzd prezydenta, jedynie eksperci od fizyki syszeli o terminie World Wide Web. Teraz nawet m坦j kot ma swoj stron. - Bill Clinton
EBIB - hybryda czy nowa forma komunikacji elektronicznej?Marcin Malinowski
EBIB - hybryda czy nowa forma komunikacji elektronicznej? - opracowanie o EBIB przygotowane przez Bo甜en Bednarek-Michalsk na seminarium w Lublinie w 2009 roku. Tre dostpna na licencji CC-BY-SA.
5. Transformacja w Mediach Regionalnych
Transformacja tradycyjnych medi坦w:
1 zmiana systemu pracy
nad informacj (czas,
narzdzia, kanay,
rozw坦j produkt坦w
wyposaanie ludzi
w nowe kompetencje
7. Transformacja w Mediach Regionalnych
Po co transformacja?
Aby by jeszcze bliej odbiorc坦w
Aby sucha naszych odbiorc坦w
Aby nasi odbiorcy byli r坦wnie nadawcami
28. System pracy nad informacj
wykorzystuje wiki
www.pomorska.pl, www.pomorski.regiopedia.pl
29. System pracy nad informacj
dociera z newsem
do odbiorc坦w
30. System pracy nad informacj
dociera z newsem
do odbiorc坦w
31. System pracy nad informacj - czas
5 Pierwsza wersja 30 Druga wersja 60 Trzecia wersja
Pierwsze fakty. Jedno lub kilka zda. Kolejne fakty. Sprawdzonych kilka Rozwinicie tematu. Background.
kto? foto, galeria
添r坦de. Cytaty. foto, galeria Dodatkowe multimedia. Dochodzce
co? wideo MoDO materiay od uytkownik坦w.
gdzie? (mapa)
gdzie? (mapa)
komentarze na forum
relacje wiadk坦w
Na miejsce jedzie nasz reporter
Wkr坦tce nowe fakty
Bye wiadkiem? / Wiesz co o tyM? dodatkowo: zajawka do
Daj nam zna (MoDO, MM, mail, gazety
sekcja portalu
lub Strefa Biznesu
lub MM IGC
hp portalu (jeli big news) Linkowanie pomidzy wasnymi
mediami (portal MM IGC, MoDO),
Strefa Biznesu, Regiopedia,
treci z serwis坦w wasnych i
zewntrznych (wikipedia, onet, wp >60
etc.) Artyku
Kr坦tkie podsumowanie co si wydarzyo wczoraj. Most w
10 Alert
Jak to dziaa? Dlaczego to si stao?
Co bdzie dalej?
1-zdaniowe powiadomienie. Co o tym myl inni?
Co o tym myl inni?
Link do artykuu 添r坦dowego. Jak to wpynie na moje ycie?
Jak to wpynie na moje ycie?
Czy mogem temu zapobiec?
Czy mogem temu zapobiec?
Blip, Twitter Co mog zrobi w tej sprawie?
Co mog zrobi w tej sprawie?
opinie ekspert坦w, komentarz, forum internetowe, MM IGC,
MoDo czat,
social media tematyczne
sonda uliczna, sonda internetowa, infografika.
Przekierowania do online
33. Powiat, miasto jako local marketplace,
obsugiwany przez lokalne zespoy redakcyjne i reklamowe
Patny dziennik
Portal regionalny
Alarm Lokalna baza
firm i instytucji
34. Produkty MM Moje Miasto
w caej Polsce
(10 w duych
16 w maych)
847 734 RU
(sierpie, Megapanel)
Redakcje +
Blogi, imprezy, spoeczno
Powizanie print-
35. Produkty Strefa Biznesu
lokalny portal przedsibiorc坦w
9 serwis坦w w Polsce
lokalna informacja praktyczna i usugowa
powizanie print-online
37. Produkty - MoDO
sms na numer 7168
o treci ememmodo
(koszt 1,22 z VAT)
ze strony
(Mobilny Dziennikarz Obywatelski)
- to aplikacja na telefony kom坦rkowe,
dziki kt坦rej dziennikarze zawodowi
Dostpny oraz obywatelscy mog sa do
na platformach: newsroom坦w materiay multimedialne
symbian, java, wm,
42. Ludzie
1 newsroom, wiele medi坦w
1 temat, wiele uj
1 dziennikarz, r坦ne narzdzia
1 centrum dowodzenia, edytorzy r坦nych specjalnoci
1 cel: najlepszy content w regionie, miecie, powiecie
45. To ju jest koniec (ale nie dla wydawc坦w)
Tradycyjne media nie s skazane na skansen.
Musz tylko przesta by tradycyjnymi.
Najwaniejsze: zmieni mentalno.
Trzeba znale添 swoj formu i przestrze.
My wierzymy w blisko i lokalno.
W biznesie stawiamy na local marketplace.
Nasze portale s rentowne. A to dopiero pocztek ;)