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Transformational Teachers [email_address] Rotorua Feb 2009
Transactional Transformational
Core Beliefs Of Transformation Awareness Connectivism Creativity Sustainability The Common Good
Your inspirations 1. Introduce yourself to (at least) two people who are sitting nearby 2. Ask (at least) one of them about the most inspiring teaching moment he / she has had in his / her life 3. Recognise how this memory can alter your mood / energy
Altered paradigms of life and learning Its not necessarily a financial crisis. Its a sustainability rebalancing. World is becoming dramatically more electronic - just over one billion new mobiles in 2008 Learning is now recognised as a significant contributor to personal and national wealth  - Learning communities; Learning cities; online Learning worlds; Learning nations
Transformational Humanities Choices made over the next few years will impact on most civilizations for the rest of the century We will need people who are solution-focused We will need people with a very different kind of mind - creative, inspiring, compassionate We will need people who know that they can make a difference
No Change (no learning; ignorance, denial, or tokenism Accommodation (first order learning, adaptation and maintenance) Reformation (second order learning, critically reflective adaptation) Transformation (third order learning. creative re-visioning) Sustainable Education, Stephen Sterling, 2002, Green Books) Possible learning stages
Although its important, the key question is not:  What do we need to teach? The key question is:  Who do we need to be?
How often are you aware of the daily displays of genius in your school??!
Thinking patterns that develop awareness and energy?? Be present Teaching (and life) can be a mirror - your attitude can be reflected back to you  Regulate your self-talk (and show students how to do this) Consult with your MetaSelf
Your own energy  When and how do you get energy from teaching? What are your real reasons for being involved with education? How consistently do you engage in positive dialogue about education (100%, 90%, 80% of the time)? How do you consciously generate your own energy?
Connecting through professional dialogue The quality of everyday teacher dialogue will determine the professionalism in a school The critical skills in dialogue are listening and paraphrasing Paraphrasing? Listen first, then: Pause Then begin with: So, youre saying that....
Academic Controversy 1. Form into teams of 4, and appoint two yes and two no representatives 2. The statement is: Each working adult is to donate 5% of all wages to disadvantaged communities world-wide. 3. In your pairs, brainstorm all of the arguments that support your side of the argument.
And then..... 4. Present your arguments to the other pair 5. Now change sides, and present the other perspective 6. Drop the yes and no, and determine your groups final response to the topic 7. Mark your groups final decision on a Yes / No line, and justify your teams stance to others
What was your last highly creative idea? What will be your next highly creative idea?
Develop similar practices to the best-practice companies when attracting the most innovative graduates eg Wireless access anywhere anytime Money???! Demonstrated ethical values-driven environmental / global stances Uncompromising opportunity to explore new initiatives Deep respect for talent, regardless of age Attracting creative people to teaching
The rise and rise of creativity New Educational Intrapreneurs A pending  Age Of  Austerity / Ethics Andragogy (Adult Learning) New learning delivery mechanisms eg Virtual Learning Environments? I Tunes U + RateMyProfessor + Second Life? -
Intrapreneurial solution-finding at the personal / community / global level 1. Do your research 2. Work out the real issue / problem 3. Brainstorm solutions 4. Choose one (or several) solution(s) 5. Put it into action
Key Questions How intrapreneurial are YOU? How intrapreneurial is your SCHOOL? Whats your perspective on the need to attract highly creative people to teaching?
Sustainability: The program that lasts and lasts Sustainable practices require: Concerted visioning and reflective analysis A focus on staff and student wellness Supportive coaching / mentoring frameworks Ongoing professional learning Developing sustainable practice
Transforming our beliefs?? A rebalancing of standard of living, with quality of life A profound awareness of ones contribution to the Common Good - applying the ripple effect Sustainable practices in personal and professional life - moving beyond being a greenie The microcosm of your classroom: The macrocosm of your planet
Some support addresses tonyryan.edublogs.org tonyryan.com.au plotpd.com ted.com
Some TED options Eve Ensler Clifford Stoll Dave Eggars Johnny Lee Sugata Mitra
Hints for sustaining your conference learnings Revisit the notes twice: In 2 days from now In one week from now In your diary, add one special idea / action each day for the next 2 weeks Ask questions in team meetings such as: What have you put into action? What worked? Why? What didnt? Why? What will you do next?
Consolidation on this session 1. What three ideas / concepts most appealed to you from this session? 2. What could you put into action? 3. What will you put into action? 4. Whats the 1st step? 5. How will you keep it going?  Adapted from The Leadership Coaching Guide
Final Points [email_address] Deeply embed this in your beliefs: Teaching is the critical profession
In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, because passing civilization along from one generation to the next ought to be the highest honour and the highest responsibility anyone could have.  (Lee Iacocca)

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Transformational Teaching

  • 3. Core Beliefs Of Transformation Awareness Connectivism Creativity Sustainability The Common Good
  • 4. Your inspirations 1. Introduce yourself to (at least) two people who are sitting nearby 2. Ask (at least) one of them about the most inspiring teaching moment he / she has had in his / her life 3. Recognise how this memory can alter your mood / energy
  • 5. Altered paradigms of life and learning Its not necessarily a financial crisis. Its a sustainability rebalancing. World is becoming dramatically more electronic - just over one billion new mobiles in 2008 Learning is now recognised as a significant contributor to personal and national wealth - Learning communities; Learning cities; online Learning worlds; Learning nations
  • 6. Transformational Humanities Choices made over the next few years will impact on most civilizations for the rest of the century We will need people who are solution-focused We will need people with a very different kind of mind - creative, inspiring, compassionate We will need people who know that they can make a difference
  • 7. No Change (no learning; ignorance, denial, or tokenism Accommodation (first order learning, adaptation and maintenance) Reformation (second order learning, critically reflective adaptation) Transformation (third order learning. creative re-visioning) Sustainable Education, Stephen Sterling, 2002, Green Books) Possible learning stages
  • 8. Although its important, the key question is not: What do we need to teach? The key question is: Who do we need to be?
  • 10. How often are you aware of the daily displays of genius in your school??!
  • 11. Thinking patterns that develop awareness and energy?? Be present Teaching (and life) can be a mirror - your attitude can be reflected back to you Regulate your self-talk (and show students how to do this) Consult with your MetaSelf
  • 12. Your own energy When and how do you get energy from teaching? What are your real reasons for being involved with education? How consistently do you engage in positive dialogue about education (100%, 90%, 80% of the time)? How do you consciously generate your own energy?
  • 14. Connecting through professional dialogue The quality of everyday teacher dialogue will determine the professionalism in a school The critical skills in dialogue are listening and paraphrasing Paraphrasing? Listen first, then: Pause Then begin with: So, youre saying that....
  • 15. Academic Controversy 1. Form into teams of 4, and appoint two yes and two no representatives 2. The statement is: Each working adult is to donate 5% of all wages to disadvantaged communities world-wide. 3. In your pairs, brainstorm all of the arguments that support your side of the argument.
  • 16. And then..... 4. Present your arguments to the other pair 5. Now change sides, and present the other perspective 6. Drop the yes and no, and determine your groups final response to the topic 7. Mark your groups final decision on a Yes / No line, and justify your teams stance to others
  • 18. What was your last highly creative idea? What will be your next highly creative idea?
  • 19. Develop similar practices to the best-practice companies when attracting the most innovative graduates eg Wireless access anywhere anytime Money???! Demonstrated ethical values-driven environmental / global stances Uncompromising opportunity to explore new initiatives Deep respect for talent, regardless of age Attracting creative people to teaching
  • 20. The rise and rise of creativity New Educational Intrapreneurs A pending Age Of Austerity / Ethics Andragogy (Adult Learning) New learning delivery mechanisms eg Virtual Learning Environments? I Tunes U + RateMyProfessor + Second Life? -
  • 21. Intrapreneurial solution-finding at the personal / community / global level 1. Do your research 2. Work out the real issue / problem 3. Brainstorm solutions 4. Choose one (or several) solution(s) 5. Put it into action
  • 22. Key Questions How intrapreneurial are YOU? How intrapreneurial is your SCHOOL? Whats your perspective on the need to attract highly creative people to teaching?
  • 24. Sustainability: The program that lasts and lasts Sustainable practices require: Concerted visioning and reflective analysis A focus on staff and student wellness Supportive coaching / mentoring frameworks Ongoing professional learning Developing sustainable practice
  • 25. Transforming our beliefs?? A rebalancing of standard of living, with quality of life A profound awareness of ones contribution to the Common Good - applying the ripple effect Sustainable practices in personal and professional life - moving beyond being a greenie The microcosm of your classroom: The macrocosm of your planet
  • 26. Some support addresses tonyryan.edublogs.org tonyryan.com.au plotpd.com ted.com
  • 27. Some TED options Eve Ensler Clifford Stoll Dave Eggars Johnny Lee Sugata Mitra
  • 28. Hints for sustaining your conference learnings Revisit the notes twice: In 2 days from now In one week from now In your diary, add one special idea / action each day for the next 2 weeks Ask questions in team meetings such as: What have you put into action? What worked? Why? What didnt? Why? What will you do next?
  • 29. Consolidation on this session 1. What three ideas / concepts most appealed to you from this session? 2. What could you put into action? 3. What will you put into action? 4. Whats the 1st step? 5. How will you keep it going? Adapted from The Leadership Coaching Guide
  • 30. Final Points [email_address] Deeply embed this in your beliefs: Teaching is the critical profession
  • 31. In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, because passing civilization along from one generation to the next ought to be the highest honour and the highest responsibility anyone could have. (Lee Iacocca)