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Transforming Your Employee Experience with a User-Centric Digital Workplace
Internal Digital Communications Manager
Sr. Digital Communications Specialist
We integrate control and information across the enterprise to help industrial
companies and their people be more productive.
3Copyright 息 2018 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC Copyright 息 2018 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC
Transforming Your Employee Experience with a User-Centric Digital Workplace
Transforming Your Employee Experience with a User-Centric Digital Workplace
t h a t e n a b l e e m p l o y e e s t o wo r k
m o r e t r a n s p a r e n t l y a n d b e t t e r
l e v e r a g e s o c i a l n e t wo r k s .
b y k e e p i n g e m p l o y e e s c o n n e c t e d
t h r o u g h t h e i r m o b i l e d e v i c e s t o
p r o v i d e a n y w h e r e , a n y t i m e a c c e s s
t o t o o l s a n d c o r p o r a t e i n f o r m a t i o n .
b y p r o v i d i n g e m p l o y e e s wi t h a s i m i l a r
u s e r e x p e r i e n c e t h e y h a v e o u t s i d e t h e
f i r e wa l l  p r o v i d i n g c h o i c e , f l e x i b i l i t y
a n d p e r s o n a l i z a t i o n .
t h a t a l l o w e m p l o y e e s t o s t a y
c o n n e c t e d i n d i s t r i b u t e d a n d
v i r t u a l i z e d wo r k l o c a t i o n s .
b y p r o v i d i n g e m p l o y e e s wi t h t h e
r i g h t t o o l s a n d r i g h t i n f o r m a t i o n
a t t h e r i g h t t i m e .
Transforming Your Employee Experience with a User-Centric Digital Workplace
Transforming Your Employee Experience with a User-Centric Digital Workplace
Transforming Your Employee Experience with a User-Centric Digital Workplace
Find a variety of company
news and information, all
personalized just for you.
The articles and resources
in your News Center are
targeted based on your
location, which business
unit youre a part of, and
your role.
News stories help keep
employees informed,
aligned and engaged.
Social features embedded
in News stories help
connect employees with
each other, share
comments and praise and
see how content is
Our media center feature
enables employees to
directly share photos and
videos from our home page.
This popular feature lets
employees see each other
around the world and helps
inform others about events
and achievements going on
in the company.
Putting our social feed on
the home page provides
opportunities for important
information to surface on our
home page in real-time and
directly from the source.
Here employees may
discover information or
resources they may not
otherwise have known
about, or connect with like-
minded people from other
groups, teams or regions.
Employees need to be able
to find people and location
information quickly, and from
anywhere. For Epoch, were
investing a lot into this
feature. We designed our
people search to be visual
and intuitive. We added
features that allow
employees to instantly start
up a Skype chat or send an
email to contacts.
Here employees will see
only the apps theyve
selected, in addition to just
a few apps that have been
admin pinned for all users.
This feature can be
access from the browser
or from mobile, providing
easy and quick access
anywhere you go.
Employees can now search
for sites based on relative
key words to quickly get a
set of resources that provide
the information they are
looking for. From the App
Center, employees can
favorite the apps they use
most frequently to be added
to their personal My Apps
section of the home page.
With Epoch we deployed an
integrated search feature that
allows employees to search
across many parts of our
Office environment in one
query. Right from the home
page employees can enter a
keyword search and
immediately see a drop-down
set of results from People,
Locations, Sites and Files
without even hitting enter.
When employees click on
the waffle icon, they can
browse to a tab containing
a selection of the most used
Office 365 Apps available
to employees.
Having a quick way to
access office tools is
important to helping
employees stay productive.
After hitting enter, users are
able to filter results to help
them find exactly what they
are looking for as quickly
as possible.
Transforming Your Employee Experience with a User-Centric Digital Workplace

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Transforming Your Employee Experience with a User-Centric Digital Workplace

  • 2. WHO WE ARE ANTHONY JONES Internal Digital Communications Manager amjones@ra.rockwell.com BILL SCHMIDT Sr. Digital Communications Specialist bhschmidt@ra.Rockwell.com @nthonymjones /anthonymjones/ /bhschmidt/
  • 3. at A GLANCE OUR STRATEGY IS TO BRING THE CONNECTED ENTERPRISE TO LIFE We integrate control and information across the enterprise to help industrial companies and their people be more productive. $6.3B FISCAL 2017 SALES 22,000 EMPLOYEES 80+ COUNTRIES ABOVE-MARKET GROWTH | PRODUCTIVITY | INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL VALUE CREATION 3Copyright 息 2018 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC Copyright 息 2018 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.PUBLIC
  • 6. SUPPORT CHANGES IN WORKING STYLES t h a t e n a b l e e m p l o y e e s t o wo r k m o r e t r a n s p a r e n t l y a n d b e t t e r l e v e r a g e s o c i a l n e t wo r k s .
  • 7. OFFLINE & ONLINE b y k e e p i n g e m p l o y e e s c o n n e c t e d t h r o u g h t h e i r m o b i l e d e v i c e s t o p r o v i d e a n y w h e r e , a n y t i m e a c c e s s t o t o o l s a n d c o r p o r a t e i n f o r m a t i o n . UNIFY COMMUNICATIONS
  • 8. b y p r o v i d i n g e m p l o y e e s wi t h a s i m i l a r u s e r e x p e r i e n c e t h e y h a v e o u t s i d e t h e f i r e wa l l p r o v i d i n g c h o i c e , f l e x i b i l i t y a n d p e r s o n a l i z a t i o n . THE EMPLOYEE OPTIMIZE EXPERIENCE
  • 9. SUPPORT VIRTUALWORK ENVIRONMENTS t h a t a l l o w e m p l o y e e s t o s t a y c o n n e c t e d i n d i s t r i b u t e d a n d v i r t u a l i z e d wo r k l o c a t i o n s .
  • 10. MINIMIZE SPENDING & ENHANCE PRODUCTIVITY b y p r o v i d i n g e m p l o y e e s wi t h t h e r i g h t t o o l s a n d r i g h t i n f o r m a t i o n a t t h e r i g h t t i m e .
  • 16. INFORMED & INSPIRED NEWS CENTER Find a variety of company news and information, all personalized just for you. The articles and resources in your News Center are targeted based on your location, which business unit youre a part of, and your role. NEWS CENTER
  • 17. NEWS STORY News stories help keep employees informed, aligned and engaged. Social features embedded in News stories help connect employees with each other, share comments and praise and see how content is trending. INFORMED & INSPIRED NEWS STORY
  • 18. INFORMED & INSPIRED MEDIA CENTER Our media center feature enables employees to directly share photos and videos from our home page. This popular feature lets employees see each other around the world and helps inform others about events and achievements going on in the company. MEDIA CENTER
  • 19. CONNECTED YAMMER FEED Putting our social feed on the home page provides opportunities for important information to surface on our home page in real-time and directly from the source. Here employees may discover information or resources they may not otherwise have known about, or connect with like- minded people from other groups, teams or regions. YAMMER FEED
  • 20. CONNECTED PEOPLE SEARCH Employees need to be able to find people and location information quickly, and from anywhere. For Epoch, were investing a lot into this feature. We designed our people search to be visual and intuitive. We added features that allow employees to instantly start up a Skype chat or send an email to contacts. PEOPLE SEARCH
  • 21. IN CONTROL MY APPS Here employees will see only the apps theyve selected, in addition to just a few apps that have been admin pinned for all users. This feature can be access from the browser or from mobile, providing easy and quick access anywhere you go. MY APPS
  • 22. IN CONTROL APP CENTER APP CENTER Employees can now search for sites based on relative key words to quickly get a set of resources that provide the information they are looking for. From the App Center, employees can favorite the apps they use most frequently to be added to their personal My Apps section of the home page.
  • 23. PRODUCTIVE INTEGRATED SEARCH With Epoch we deployed an integrated search feature that allows employees to search across many parts of our Office environment in one query. Right from the home page employees can enter a keyword search and immediately see a drop-down set of results from People, Locations, Sites and Files without even hitting enter. INTEGRATED SEARCH
  • 24. PRODUCTIVE OFFICE TOOLS When employees click on the waffle icon, they can browse to a tab containing a selection of the most used Office 365 Apps available to employees. Having a quick way to access office tools is important to helping employees stay productive. OFFICE TOOLS
  • 25. PRODUCTIVE FILTERS & METADATA After hitting enter, users are able to filter results to help them find exactly what they are looking for as quickly as possible. FILTERS & METADATA
  • 28. T H A N K Y O U

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Our team launched an entirely new digital workplace to 22,000+ global employees.油Weve learned a lot about how to transform our employees experience with a user-centric workplace. And wed like to share those learnings with you.
  • #3: My name is Anthony Jones. Im the Internal Digital Communications Manager at Rockwell Automation.油 Ive been with the company for just over 10 years and my experience spans Internal Communications, Corporate Communications and Marketing.油Currently, my team is passionate about giving our employees the best possible experience through technology and design thats engaging, informative and inspiring.
  • #4: Havent heard of us before? Thats okay we mostly work behind-the-scenes to help industrial companies and their people be more productive. Our lifeblood is technology and innovation. Our employees deliver productivity to customers every day, and they expect that same innovation from the tools and systems at work.
  • #5: Our journey is about launching a new intranet globally. And not just any off-the-shelf intranet we implemented an entirely new, digital workplace. And by doing so, were transforming our employee experience.油
  • #6: When people ask me about why we made this investment to change platforms, the answer they really want to know is, Was it worth all the change management work we had to do? The answer is yes. But before I jump ahead to the answer, let me talk about the journey. 油 We started two years ago because to be honest we had to. Our environment was 15+ years old and was failing frequently. Soon, the entire system would collapse.油 油 Not only was failure imminent, but the system was horribly time-consuming to maintain. We identified significant security vulnerabilities and the user experience was beyond dated. We needed something new.油
  • #7: Beyond these immediate needs, there were 5 key drivers for making this change 1: Support changing油work styles. People can work from anywhere, at any time. We need to support that productivity.
  • #8: 2: Unify offline and online communications.油 Before introducing our new digital workplace, our employees had no way of accessing our intranet except from the office or on VPN via a work computer. How frustrating is that? Especially if youre in the field, where most of the day is spent traveling and working from a phone.油
  • #9: 3: People deserve (and demand) choice, flexibility and personalization. We needed to provide employees with a similar user experience they have outside the firewall.
  • #10: 4: Support virtual work environments. Come into the office every day? Dont think so. Employees need to stay connected in distributed and virtualized work locations.
  • #11: The last reason and perhaps to leadership, the most important: Productivity and spend. This was important to our leadership (and Im certain its important to all leaders and people who care about budgets). Research firm McKinsey estimates a potential improvement of information worker productivity by up to 25% when fully leveraging modern intranet/digital workplace technology (see next slide).
  • #12: Research firm McKinsey estimates a potential improvement of information worker productivity by up to 25% when fully leveraging modern intranet/digital workplace technology.
  • #13: Now you know WHY we changed. So lets talk about HOW we started our partnership with油our vendor of choice, QueryNow.
  • #14: We call our modern digital workplace Epoch. (Go ahead and Google the term. Well wait.)
  • #15: We talked to employees and learn about what they wanted and preferred. We coupled feedback from our focus groups with industry best-practices to inform our product design. We partnered with our marketing UX Team to conduct usability labs with feedback and discussion. This part of the process was incredibly informative and helped us drive enhancements in our design that improved the user-interface and feature prioritization. From here, we started building Epoch.
  • #16: Your digital workplace is more than just a door to the intranet. It shapes how employees feelings about your company and their jobs. It fosters collaboration and connects employees around the world or across teams. We want our employees to see themselves and each other through Epoch. And to discover content, resources and stories that are meaningful and drive productivity. 油 We focused on four ways the digital workplace helps employees stay: Informed & Inspired: News & Media Center Connected: Yammer, People Directory In control: customization (MyApps) Productive: Integrated search, Office Tools, Filtering and meta data
  • #17: Informed & Inspired: News & Media Center Employees who are informed and engaged will be inspired to do their best work, so we wanted employees to see how their job contributes to the goals of the company and helps customers. Thats why we dedicated a large portion of the home page to news and media.
  • #18: Using targeted profile capabilities, were delivering relevant news stories directly to the employees who need it. Employees can see content thats targeted by Region, Business Unit or Role. Our people managers are critical communicators and help employees stay informed and engaged, so we introduced a manager indicator in profiles that allows us to target content to them.
  • #19: Sometimes a picture is worth a 1,000 words. Our media center lets employees share photos and videos (often photos link back to news stories or other resources to help employees learn more). When employees see each other doing great things, great vibes spread around the world.
  • #20: Social platforms connect people and teams together across business units and regions. Most companies have some type of social platform ours is Yammer. We put Yammer on our home page because we recognize the business value how it can help employees communicate and connect it surfaces important information real-time and directly from the source.
  • #21: We made is super easy to find people and location information quickly, and from anywhere. Investing in an easy, visual and intuitive way to find contact information, reporting structure and people is delivering big results (and immediate connections as you can start a Skype conversation right from the search results). These are just a few of the ways that our digital workplace is helping employees stay connected.
  • #22: A user-centric digital workplace puts the employee in control. The ability to customize is crucial to the modern digital workplace. One of our most popular features has always been the directory of websites and resources. In the past, this was a static list with no search capability, meta data or mobile access. And with hundreds of links, it can be cumbersome to navigate to a link you use often and need to access quickly.
  • #23: We reimagined our directory and introduced the App Center to Epoch, which includes a customizable My Apps feature. Employees can now search for sites based on relative key words. From the App Center, employees can add favorite apps to their personal My Apps section and will see only the apps theyve selected (plus a few apps pinned by administrators because everyone need them). Were adding more customization including integrated app modules and layout configuration options. A customized workplace, that you can access from anywhere at any time, is a more valuable workplace.
  • #24: Everyone wants to do their best work, every day, and that means being productive. Thats why productivity is a big deal. And constantly searching is not productive (in fact, it wastes time and frustrates people). We deployed an integrated search feature that allows employees to search across many parts of our Microsoft Office 365 environment in one query. Right from the home page employees can enter a keyword search and immediately see a drop-down set of results from People, Locations, Sites and Files without hitting enter. Employees can click directly to a resource from the menu, or hit enter to go to a robust results page organized by category and with filters and a features to help narrow results where needed. Each category includes a link to expand the results to show all matches with that content type. And, the results are displayed based on each employees unique permissions providing a personalized experience for search results. We are always looking for ways to improve and optimize the search function. Were already working on new enhancements to search as well as ongoing programs to help promote search optimization for content and data quality for profile records.
  • #25: In addition to My Apps weve added a second tab to the drawer feature in the top left corner. When employees click on the waffle icon, they can browse to a tab containing a selection of the most used Office 365 Apps available to employees. Having a quick way to access office tools is important to helping employees stay productive.
  • #27: And weve only just begun. Launching Epoch was our first step to realizing our vision for the Rockwell Automation digital workplace. Your digital workplace is never done. Like the world around us, we must evolve with technology and user expectations with natural and progressive changes. 油 Change can be tough for employees, but when change is part of a continuous evolution, its easier for employees to adjust and helps promote confidence and adoption of new features and changes. 油 We constantly seek employee feedback that helps inform new features and changes, and we have received lots of great ideas that are both essential and innovative. A few of the things were planning to bring to Epoch in future releases are: More home page customization Themes and style preferences Application integrations with other systems Chat Bot and AI A true mobile application Push notifications and more
  • #28: Change management is extremely important! Make sure your employees know what to expect. Our biggest surprise came with the deployment of integrated search. Because search spans across multiple office environments, including SharePoint and OneDrive some employees were surprised to see content and files that were either restricted or personal private files. While we ensured that security permissions were inherited for all search results, employees were not used to seeing this type of content in home page search results and this created some initial confusion over who could see what. 油 We learned very quickly that we needed to inform and assure employees that private and restricted files would only show up in results for those who have permissions to see them. In a short amount of time we were able to cascade messaging to employees around this capability and resolve the confusion. But we definitely know we could have approached this differently, and early, to help avoid that confusion. Today employees are now realizing the benefits of this smart search capability and some have even taken extra precautions to ensure that confidential information is protected, which is great! Its also important to recognize that your solution will not please everyone. Long-tenured employees can prefer familiar systems, and may resist change. Some features of your digital workplace may not appeal to everyone. And, feedback from these employees may feel negative. Dont be discouraged and make sure you weigh negative feedback against the positive experiences most of your employees will enjoy. Dont be afraid to take risks and avoid compromising your strategy based on a minority, sometimes outspoken, group of haters. Listen, and consider all feedback, always. And stay the course with a focus on enabling your users with more customization to achieve the goal of providing a user-centric digital workplace.
  • #29: The possibilities are endless as we continue our journey to evolve and enhance the digital workplace. Whether you are already on your journey or just getting started, remember to keep a focus on user experience to inform decision, design, features and your roadmap. If you have questions or want to learn more, just reach out directly to us.