Generational changes and trends pose a great challenge to child upbringing in the society today.
How could godly, healthy and positive parenting be done in our post-modern society?
Generational changes and trends pose a great challenge to child upbringing in the society today.
How could godly, healthy and positive parenting be done in our post-modern society?
This document defines and discusses collective behavior and social movements. It defines collective behavior as voluntary, spontaneous activity by large groups of people, often aimed at social change. Crowds and masses are types of collective behavior. Social movements are the most organized form and seek to promote or resist change through mobilizing resources and exploiting political opportunities. Theories of social movements and their elements, stages, and types are outlined.
This document discusses different definitions and types of families. It explores marriage structures like polygyny, polyandry, and polygamy. A family can consist of nuclear, extended, family of orientation, or family of procreation relationships. The document also examines theories about family from functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspectives, and discusses trends like divorce, cohabitation, and diversity in modern families.
Race has historically been used to group people by physical characteristics, but it originated as a concept in 17th-18th century Europe to justify racist beliefs. There is no scientific basis for race; people of the same race can be more genetically different than people of different races. Race is a social construct used to classify people based on cultural ideas rather than biology. Ethnicity refers to shared cultural characteristics rather than physical traits, and nationality describes one's citizenship within a nation-state.
Social stratification refers to the hierarchical arrangement of individuals within a society based on factors like wealth, power, and prestige. It involves dividing a population into groups that rank some individuals above others. Major forms of stratification throughout history include primitive communalism, slavery, caste systems, and estates. Max Weber identified three dimensions of stratification: class based on economic factors, party/power, and status relating to social prestige. Stratification systems are characterized by rankings that apply broadly to social groups and influence life experiences, though individual mobility and social change can occur over time.
This document discusses the biological and cultural foundations of gender and kinship. It begins by defining sex as physical attributes and gender as cultural attributes derived from sex. It then covers primary and secondary sex characteristics of males and females. The document also discusses gender roles and restrictions on sexual behavior such as incest taboos. It examines explanations for gender divisions of labor, including differences in physical strength and compatibility with childcare responsibilities.
The document discusses the Progressive Era in the United States between the 1890s and 1920s. It describes the political machines and corrupt bosses that controlled many local governments. In response, reformers known as Progressives pushed for regulation of big business and other reforms. Muckraking journalists helped expose issues and push reforms. Women became more active in reform movements and eventually won the right to vote with the 19th Amendment. Progressive presidents like Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson enacted reforms to bust trusts and regulate railroads. However, minorities faced ongoing discrimination and were often excluded from the benefits of reforms during this era.
The document provides information about progressivism in the late 19th/early 20th century United States. Progressives focused on reforms related to improving conditions for the urban poor, workers, and government. Muckraking journalists exposed issues like corrupt corporations and city governments. Reforms addressed issues such as child labor, workplace safety, women's suffrage, and government corruption. Theodore Roosevelt embraced progressive ideals as president and pursued a "Square Deal" agenda regulating business and protecting consumers, workers, and the environment.
This document provides an overview of the Progressive Era in the United States between the 1890s and 1920s. It describes how political machines corrupted local governments and how muckrakers exposed issues through investigative journalism. The Progressive movement aimed to curb the excesses of big business and promote social justice. Reforms included strengthening antitrust laws, passing food and drug safety acts, and giving women the right to vote through the 19th Amendment. However, minorities still faced widespread discrimination, lynching, and exclusion from many reforms during this era of social change.
Ch 9 sec 134 ppt education jim crow and women in progressive eradwessler
This document summarizes education, discrimination, and women's roles in the Progressive Era. It describes the expansion of education for both children and immigrants during this period, though schools remained segregated by race. After the Civil War, discrimination against black Americans increased through Jim Crow laws mandating segregation and restricting voting rights. Meanwhile, the women's movement grew as more women gained access to education and entered the workforce, advocating for women's suffrage and control over their lives.
1) Labor unions began forming in the early 1800s but did not gain significant membership until the 1860s-1870s due to harsh working conditions during industrialization.
2) Two major early unions were the Knights of Labor, founded in 1869, which advocated for broad reforms, and the American Federation of Labor (AFL), founded in 1886, which focused on practical wage and hour issues for skilled workers.
3) Violent strikes in the 1870s-1890s undermined public support for unions and gave companies legal tools to resist organizing, weakening the labor movement for decades until reforms of the 1930s.
During the Gilded Age, the US economy underwent a revolution characterized by demographic, technological, market, business, and government shifts. There was a movement from agriculture to manufacturing, and new groups like women, immigrants, and African Americans joined the workforce. Cities grew as manufacturing and population centers. New technologies like the assembly line increased production, while expanded transportation and communication networks created national and global markets. Large enterprises specialized and took advantage of economies of scale, with increased capital accumulation through banking and corporations vertically and horizontally integrating. The federal government subsidized economic programs and infrastructure development while also seeking to regulate some corporate abuses.
Between 1865-1900, America rapidly urbanized as the population doubled and more than 40% lived in cities by 1900. New technologies like steel, elevators, trains, and public transportation enabled the growth of large cities and populations over 1 million. While cities attracted workers with jobs and amenities, they also struggled with waste, crime, and poor living conditions in slums. A new wave of immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe more than doubled the immigrant population in the 1880s, straining cities and fueling nativist and anti-immigrant sentiments. Debates also emerged around education, religion, morality, and the role of women in the new urban society.
The document provides information on the Gilded Age in the United States from 1870-1900. It summarizes the presidents during this period and discusses the rise of large industries, such as steel, oil, and railroads, led by businessmen like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Morgan. It also examines the working conditions, labor unions, immigration, and growth of cities during the Gilded Age, which saw both rapid industrialization but also significant social problems.
- Southern black men cast ballots for the first time in 1867 in elections for state constitutional conventions. They made up 265 of the delegates across 10 southern states.
- The new state constitutions established public education systems and supported economic development, but failed to significantly improve lives of black citizens or enact protections against racial discrimination.
- Black political participation was opposed by violent white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan and through acts of intimidation and violence aimed at removing black people from politics. This opposition, combined with fading northern commitment, led to the end of Reconstruction.
Abraham Lincoln initially sought to preserve the Union rather than abolish slavery during the Civil War. However, northern public opinion and soldiers increasingly saw abolition as a goal. Lincoln responded by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and pushing for the 13th Amendment, officially abolishing slavery. After the war, Reconstruction policies aimed to integrate freed slaves as citizens and restore the South to the Union. However, the South passed "Black Codes" restricting black rights. This increased tensions between Congress and President Johnson, leading to impeachment efforts and Republican control of Reconstruction. Ultimately, the Compromise of 1877 ended Reconstruction and removed federal troops from the South, abandoning protections for black civil rights.
The Federal Reserve uses three main tools to implement monetary policy: open market operations, the reserve ratio, and the discount rate. Open market operations, which involve buying and selling Treasury securities, are the most important tool as they directly change the amount of bank reserves and money supply. The Fed conducts expansionary policy by buying Treasury securities to increase bank reserves and money supply, while contractionary policy involves selling securities to decrease reserves and money supply. The reserve ratio and discount rate can also expand or contract the money supply but are used less due to their greater impact.
The North won the Civil War due to having several strategic advantages over the South in terms of population, industry, transportation infrastructure like railroads, and access to military resources. The North also increased its population through African American recruiting after the Emancipation Proclamation. While the South had initial advantages in fighting a defensive war on its own territory, it ultimately lost due to the North's greater capacity for waging a long-term war of attrition through its larger population and industrial base.
The document summarizes key events leading up to the start of the American Civil War in 1861. It describes Abraham Lincoln being elected President in 1860 which caused several Southern states to secede from the Union. After Lincoln's inauguration in March 1861, the Confederate army fired on and forced the surrender of Fort Sumter in South Carolina in April, which is widely regarded as the start of the Civil War. The Union and Confederacy both began responding militarily in the months that followed.
The Home Front document discusses how the Civil War impacted American families both in the North and South. It summarizes that women took over men's work while some even disguised themselves as men to join the fighting. Children and teenagers also found themselves involved in the war through roles like nursing the wounded. Shortages led to food riots in Richmond in 1863. Civilians near battles often had their homes destroyed or confiscated as field hospitals. Everyone on the home front faced challenging times supporting their families and the war effort.
The Civil War resulted in several important political, economic, and social changes for the United States. Politically, the Union victory preserved the United States as one nation and led to the abolition of slavery. Economically, the war spurred industrialization and the growth of a national economy. Socially, it brought an end to slavery and established the rights of African Americans, though racism and discrimination continued.
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#5: Initially used on the deeper rivers, the steamboat was quickly adapted to carry large cargoes on shallower western rivers.