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Project Title: A Tree and Me

Project Description: What will the activities and materials look like?

       In A Tree and Me students spend several months up-close-and-personal with a tree.
Children are often interested in animals and video games, but take the wonders of nature for
granted. Since plants dont move quickly or make loud noises, they are easy for students to pass
by. However, the significance of plants to our environment is undeniable. It is important for
children to connect to the outdoors and become active members of their communities.

        Students first identify one tree and perform background research on its scientific name,
life cycle, ecology, and uses. Students may use the internet, books, encyclopedias, or field
guides to build their foundation of knowledge. Students practice identifying plants and use
botanical vocabulary during class Leaf Walks, in which traits such as size, shape, and texture are
identified. A written scientific description of the students tree follows, with measures of its
height, circumference, and physical features. Students begin observing their tree on a weekly
basis, making mathematical and qualitative evaluations of its environment (temperature, time of
sunset, leaf counts, precipitation, and noticeable environmental changes). Students will also
document how animals and plants large and small interact with their tree. They may take
photographs using digital cameras or record nature sounds of their trees habitat.

         Meanwhile, students begin creative reflections of their tree. They write an in-depth life
story, describing its cycle from seed to mature tree. They also write six shorter stories or poems
about the trees experiences with squirrels, storms, people, and the like. Students will make
several artistic and scientific renderings of their tree using a variety of media: impressions of its
shape, bark and leaf rubbings, labeled drawings of leaves, a map of the trees location, and
illustrations of branches, fruit or flowers. They will also write and record, or select, music that
reflects their feelings about their tree.

        Students will participate in a class service project to improve awareness of, or raise funds
for, local environmental education. This may take the form of planting trees for Arbor Day,
sharing Earth Day activities with younger classes, painting birdhouses for Habitat for
Humanitys Bird Fest, or another group project. Students will also design and implement an
independent conservancy project inspired by their interactions with their tree.

        Students will create a multimedia presentation incorporating all areas of their A Tree and
Me project. Scanned artwork and photographs may fade in the background with the music
selection. Students may play nature sounds or music they have composed. Students will present
their background research and life stories. They may play digital recordings their short writing
or poems. Spreadsheets or tables could be shared of observational data. Documentation and
reflections of community service projects will be displayed. Presentations will be recorded
digitally and shared with other classes, schools, or educational institutions.

Learning objectives and N.C. Standards:

Students will:
   Understand relationships between music, the other arts, and content areas outside the arts
       (Music Goal 8)
      Organize the components of a work into a cohesive whole through knowledge of
       organizational principles of design and are elements (Visual Arts Goal 3)
      Examine how individuals can initiate change in families, neighborhoods, and
       communities (Social Studies Goal 3)
      Conduct investigations and build an understanding of plant growth and adaptations
       (Science Goal 1)
      Recognize and use standard units of metric and customary measurement (Math Goal 2)
      Apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts (Language Arts Goal 4)
      Use a variety of techniques to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and
       communicate information (Technology Skills Goal 3)

How will technology be used in these lessons? Students will use technology in variety of ways
as they participate in A Tree and Me.

        Lessons taught about plant growth and adaptations include technology. Our school has
ActivBoards (interactive white boards with computer projectors), which are utilized for
presentations of all kinds. Promethian Planet is a website dedicated to sharing interactive
teaching materials about all subjects, including science. PowerPoint presentations of peoples
travels to different ecosystems are shown as we discuss plant adaptations to diverse
environments. UnitedStreaming is a service our school uses, which shows narrated video clips
pertaining to educational topics, such as time-lapse video of a plant growing. Is it sponsored by
the Discovery Channel, and has a wealth of information. In class students grow plants to observe
the cycle themselves, using genetically engineered Wisconsin Fast Plants and grow lights.

        Students use technology in a variety of ways as they gather and present data about their
tree. They perform background research about their tree using the internet and library. Students
often take digital photographs of their tree as it changes and document nature sounds with digital
recorders. Thermometers and watches are used as they record the temperature and time of
observations of their tree. Students use word processing skills to type their project, including
background research and creative writing. They create tables to organize their observations.

        A Tree and Me culminates with a multimedia presentation of student experiences and
knowledge. Students will each do a slideshow presentation. Their artwork will be scanned to
provide a changing background, along with digital photographs of the student and their tree.
Students will either choose an existing piece of music or compose and record a piece of music
digitally that relates to their emotions about their tree, and play it in the background. Creative
writing will be recorded digitally so student work can be heard in students own voices.
Technology may be used in a variety of ways as students complete independent service projects,
especially to advertise if they need assistance of any kind. Students will be video recorded in a
brief interview discussing how their connection with a tree has affected their environmental
outlook, behavior, and hopes for the future. Clips may also be aired on our school news
broadcast, Brunson Live. CDs will be recorded and distributed to other schools as an example of
how making a personal connection with the local environment can have a positive impact in the
Project Innovation

A Tree and Me is unique in many ways. It integrates material from all major subjects of study,
helping students make cross-curricular connections and improving achievement. A Tree and Me
utilizes a variety of innovative technology resources. This gives students skills they will need to
remain competitive in the educational and work force. It also provides a way to share student
learning with a wider audience. A Tree and Me helps create reflective citizens who are aware of
their effect on the environment and responsible for its care. This project extends beyond
classroom doors and into the community. A Tree and Me could be made accessible to most
school children in North Carolina, using materials and resources already available in public
schools. A Tree and Me can be adapted across grade levels and can be taught across the state.

How does this project address the needs of students in North Carolina?

This unit addresses the needs of North Carolinas students in many ways. It addresses a variety
of objectives in many areas of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Research shows
that interdisciplinary units are better comprehended by students than lessons that focus on a
single subject. A Tree and Me deepens student understanding of the interaction between humans
and their environment as they participate in creative writing activities. Students learn character
traits such as respect and empathy as they imagine they are a tree. A Tree and Me creates
responsible citizens who design and implement a service project to positively impact their
community. Various learning styles are addressed by this project, so students of all levels and
backgrounds can participate successfully. Technological skills are taught and practiced as
students prepare and distribute their multimedia presentations. A Tree and Me fosters
presentation and public speaking skills, initiative, reflection, and independence, which many
employers say the current workforce is lacking. North Carolinas economy relies heavily on
agriculture and tourism to natural areas, so an understanding and appreciation of our natural
resources will benefit our states future. This project is naturally differentiated to meet the needs
of North Carolinas diverse student population.

How will students be assessed?

Student will be assessed using a variety of tools. Student impressions of trees, the local
environment, and community service will be measured before and after the project using a Likert
scale to observe changes in their views over the course of this project. Student notebooks as we
study plant growth and adaptations in class will document their growing knowledge. Rubrics
will accompany each section of the project, with measurable objectives and tasks in all school
subjects. Students will perform self-assessments of their projects. Peers will assess class
presentations, and wider audience members will be asked to mail their reflections to the school to

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Tree and Me Student Project

  • 1. Project Title: A Tree and Me Project Description: What will the activities and materials look like? In A Tree and Me students spend several months up-close-and-personal with a tree. Children are often interested in animals and video games, but take the wonders of nature for granted. Since plants dont move quickly or make loud noises, they are easy for students to pass by. However, the significance of plants to our environment is undeniable. It is important for children to connect to the outdoors and become active members of their communities. Students first identify one tree and perform background research on its scientific name, life cycle, ecology, and uses. Students may use the internet, books, encyclopedias, or field guides to build their foundation of knowledge. Students practice identifying plants and use botanical vocabulary during class Leaf Walks, in which traits such as size, shape, and texture are identified. A written scientific description of the students tree follows, with measures of its height, circumference, and physical features. Students begin observing their tree on a weekly basis, making mathematical and qualitative evaluations of its environment (temperature, time of sunset, leaf counts, precipitation, and noticeable environmental changes). Students will also document how animals and plants large and small interact with their tree. They may take photographs using digital cameras or record nature sounds of their trees habitat. Meanwhile, students begin creative reflections of their tree. They write an in-depth life story, describing its cycle from seed to mature tree. They also write six shorter stories or poems about the trees experiences with squirrels, storms, people, and the like. Students will make several artistic and scientific renderings of their tree using a variety of media: impressions of its shape, bark and leaf rubbings, labeled drawings of leaves, a map of the trees location, and illustrations of branches, fruit or flowers. They will also write and record, or select, music that reflects their feelings about their tree. Students will participate in a class service project to improve awareness of, or raise funds for, local environmental education. This may take the form of planting trees for Arbor Day, sharing Earth Day activities with younger classes, painting birdhouses for Habitat for Humanitys Bird Fest, or another group project. Students will also design and implement an independent conservancy project inspired by their interactions with their tree. Students will create a multimedia presentation incorporating all areas of their A Tree and Me project. Scanned artwork and photographs may fade in the background with the music selection. Students may play nature sounds or music they have composed. Students will present their background research and life stories. They may play digital recordings their short writing or poems. Spreadsheets or tables could be shared of observational data. Documentation and reflections of community service projects will be displayed. Presentations will be recorded digitally and shared with other classes, schools, or educational institutions. Learning objectives and N.C. Standards: Students will:
  • 2. Understand relationships between music, the other arts, and content areas outside the arts (Music Goal 8) Organize the components of a work into a cohesive whole through knowledge of organizational principles of design and are elements (Visual Arts Goal 3) Examine how individuals can initiate change in families, neighborhoods, and communities (Social Studies Goal 3) Conduct investigations and build an understanding of plant growth and adaptations (Science Goal 1) Recognize and use standard units of metric and customary measurement (Math Goal 2) Apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts (Language Arts Goal 4) Use a variety of techniques to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and communicate information (Technology Skills Goal 3) How will technology be used in these lessons? Students will use technology in variety of ways as they participate in A Tree and Me. Lessons taught about plant growth and adaptations include technology. Our school has ActivBoards (interactive white boards with computer projectors), which are utilized for presentations of all kinds. Promethian Planet is a website dedicated to sharing interactive teaching materials about all subjects, including science. PowerPoint presentations of peoples travels to different ecosystems are shown as we discuss plant adaptations to diverse environments. UnitedStreaming is a service our school uses, which shows narrated video clips pertaining to educational topics, such as time-lapse video of a plant growing. Is it sponsored by the Discovery Channel, and has a wealth of information. In class students grow plants to observe the cycle themselves, using genetically engineered Wisconsin Fast Plants and grow lights. Students use technology in a variety of ways as they gather and present data about their tree. They perform background research about their tree using the internet and library. Students often take digital photographs of their tree as it changes and document nature sounds with digital recorders. Thermometers and watches are used as they record the temperature and time of observations of their tree. Students use word processing skills to type their project, including background research and creative writing. They create tables to organize their observations. A Tree and Me culminates with a multimedia presentation of student experiences and knowledge. Students will each do a slideshow presentation. Their artwork will be scanned to provide a changing background, along with digital photographs of the student and their tree. Students will either choose an existing piece of music or compose and record a piece of music digitally that relates to their emotions about their tree, and play it in the background. Creative writing will be recorded digitally so student work can be heard in students own voices. Technology may be used in a variety of ways as students complete independent service projects, especially to advertise if they need assistance of any kind. Students will be video recorded in a brief interview discussing how their connection with a tree has affected their environmental outlook, behavior, and hopes for the future. Clips may also be aired on our school news broadcast, Brunson Live. CDs will be recorded and distributed to other schools as an example of how making a personal connection with the local environment can have a positive impact in the community.
  • 3. Project Innovation A Tree and Me is unique in many ways. It integrates material from all major subjects of study, helping students make cross-curricular connections and improving achievement. A Tree and Me utilizes a variety of innovative technology resources. This gives students skills they will need to remain competitive in the educational and work force. It also provides a way to share student learning with a wider audience. A Tree and Me helps create reflective citizens who are aware of their effect on the environment and responsible for its care. This project extends beyond classroom doors and into the community. A Tree and Me could be made accessible to most school children in North Carolina, using materials and resources already available in public schools. A Tree and Me can be adapted across grade levels and can be taught across the state. How does this project address the needs of students in North Carolina? This unit addresses the needs of North Carolinas students in many ways. It addresses a variety of objectives in many areas of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Research shows that interdisciplinary units are better comprehended by students than lessons that focus on a single subject. A Tree and Me deepens student understanding of the interaction between humans and their environment as they participate in creative writing activities. Students learn character traits such as respect and empathy as they imagine they are a tree. A Tree and Me creates responsible citizens who design and implement a service project to positively impact their community. Various learning styles are addressed by this project, so students of all levels and backgrounds can participate successfully. Technological skills are taught and practiced as students prepare and distribute their multimedia presentations. A Tree and Me fosters presentation and public speaking skills, initiative, reflection, and independence, which many employers say the current workforce is lacking. North Carolinas economy relies heavily on agriculture and tourism to natural areas, so an understanding and appreciation of our natural resources will benefit our states future. This project is naturally differentiated to meet the needs of North Carolinas diverse student population. How will students be assessed? Student will be assessed using a variety of tools. Student impressions of trees, the local environment, and community service will be measured before and after the project using a Likert scale to observe changes in their views over the course of this project. Student notebooks as we study plant growth and adaptations in class will document their growing knowledge. Rubrics will accompany each section of the project, with measurable objectives and tasks in all school subjects. Students will perform self-assessments of their projects. Peers will assess class presentations, and wider audience members will be asked to mail their reflections to the school to share.