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Fall River Heritage State Park Improvements 
Fall River by the 
TA Workshop 
Fall Rivers Finest 
Inside this issue: 
October 2014 
Volume 3, Issue 10 
Trending Developments 
FROED Board of Directors: 
Mayor William A Flanagan, Chairman/Ex-officio 
Frank Marchione, President 
James M. Karam, Vice President 
Carlos A. DaCunha, Treasurer 
Alan F. Macomber, Clerk 
At-Large Members 
Joseph Baptista 
Paul C. Burke 
Francisco Cabral 
Nicholas M. Christ 
Robert Cooper 
Mark Cordeiro 
Larry Couto 
Jerry Donovan 
Bruce Fernandes 
Alfredo M. Franco 
Craig A. Jesiolowski 
Stephen R. Karam 
Michael Lund 
Joseph A. Marshall 
George Matouk, Jr. 
Paul S. Medeiros 
Joan Menard 
Kenneth R. Rezendes 
Anthony Riccitelli 
Joseph Ruggeiro, Sr. 
Ron Rusin 
James P. Sabra 
Len Sullivan 
Ex-Officio Members 
Joseph D. Camara 
Carl Garcia 
Craig A. Jesiolowski 
Atty. William G. Kenney 
Meg Mayo-Brown 
John J. Sbrega 
James Wallace 
Corporate Counsel 
Atty. James W. Clarkin 
Non-Voting Members 
Robert A. Mellion 
FROED Staff: 
Kenneth Fiola, Jr., Esq. 
Executive Vice President 
Janet A. Misturado, Director of Administration 
Louise A. Methot, Financial Services Representative 
Maria R. Doherty, Network 
Lynn M. Oliveira, Economic 
Development Coordinator 
Valarie Lacasse, Microloan 
Coordinator/Technical Assistance Specialist 
Fall River Office of 
Economic Development 
One Government Center 
Fall River, MA 02722 
Phone: (508) 324-2620 
Fax: (508) 677-2840 
The City of Boston is look- ing to host the 2024 summer Olympics, which could mean great opportunity for sur- rounding communities if Boston is selected. 
Last week Dan OConnell, President of the Boston 2024 Partnership, the organization leading the effort to bring the Olympics games to Boston, and Nikko Mendoza, Vice President of Engagement, Strategy and External Affairs for the organization visited Fall River to meet with State Representative Carole Fiola, State Senator Michael Ro- drigues, Fall River Office of Economic Development Vice President Kenneth Fiola and Fall River Cham- ber of Commerce Director Robert Mellion to discuss 
Fall Rivers potential role in the 2024 summer Olympics. 
Fall River locals have al- ways considered the Citys waterfront one of its main assets and this could prove true in securing Fall Rivers participation in the 2024 Olympics. While Boston is submitting the bid for the Olympics, the Charles River does not meet the criteria required to host sailing and/ or rowing events. The Taun- ton River, however, may be able to fill that void. While other Massachusetts commu- nities are also interested in hosting the sailing and/or rowing portions of the Olympics, Fall River re- mains a viable possibility. 
(Continued on page 2) 
2024 Summer Olympics Events in Fall River 
Looking for a job? 
Visit froed.org then select the Current Employment Opportunities tab. Next click Job Search and this will launch an 
interactive database. 
Within this database alone there are currently 959 
opportunities within a 5 mile radius of Fall River. 
959 Jobs Available 
Above: Aerial view of the Taunton River, a potential location for the 2024 Summer Olympic sailing and/or rowing events
Page 2 
Trending Developments 
(Continued from page 1) 
The Boston Committee must submit a detailed bid to the United States Olym- pic Committee by Decem- ber 1, 2014. The United States Olympic Committee will then select a bid to forward to the Internation- al Olympic Committee by mid-January. 
With Fall River located approximately 50 miles from Boston, it may not seem like an ideal location for Olympic events. How- ever, Olympic events are often held well outside the official host city. For ex- ample, when London host- ed the summer Olympics, some event sites were as far as 120 miles from Lon- don. 
Not only would hosting Olympic events bring a great deal of revenue to the area through tourism, it would also allow the City to tap into federal funds used to prepare communities and build appropriate accommoda- tions for the events. One area in which the south- coast could greatly benefit would be funding for Southcoast Rail, which would provide easy access 
The Massachusetts De- partment of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has put forth a proposal to implement mainte- nance repairs and im- provements to the exist- ing walkway and other site features at the Fall River Heritage State Park. 
The Fall River Heritage State Park site was con- structed in the early 1980s and includes ap- proximately 1,948 feet of riverfront walkway, a granite block seawall, a pedestrian walkway over the Quequechan River, a boat ramp, a visitors cen- ter, a community boating center, and floating docks. 
The amenities listed above are well utilized 
and as such have deteri- orated over time. The proposed work to the area includes: repairs to the granite block wall, replacement of the walk- way and railings along the length of the site, replacement of the float- ing dock system to con- form to ADA Accessi- bility Guidelines, repair/ replacement of the wall below the deck at the Community Boating Cen- ter, replacement and im- provement of lighting at the site and construction of a pavilion. 
The project is being fund- ed by the Massachusetts Division of Conservation and Recreation. The con- tract for the project is ex- pected to be awarded by December 31, 2014. 
Fall Rivers Role in Bostons Bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics 
Fall River Heritage State Park Improvements 
to Fall River Olympic event sites from Boston. 
Attorney Kenneth Fiola, Jr., Executive Vice Presi- dent of the Fall River Of- fice of Economic Devel- opment is pleased with the prospect of Fall Rivers involvement in the 2024 Summer Olym- pics noting, The Boston Olympic Committee is working diligently to build a strong bid for the 2024 Olympic Games and Fall River could sure- ly add value to the overall project. Fall Rivers in- volvement in the game would not only bolster the City through tourism and federally funded in- frastructure upgrades, but by doing its part to bring international recognition to the Commonwealth as a whole. 
Best of luck to the Boston Olympic Committee with the submission of their 2024 Summer Olympic bid. 
Above: The Boardwalk at Heritage State Park in Fall River
Page 3 
Trending Developments 
Fall River by the Numbers 
Source: Commonwealth of Massachusetts 
*Affordability ratio is derived by dividing a communitys average tax bill by its average home value. 
Affordability of Taxes in Comparison to the Average Single Family Home Assessment 
Statewide Rank 
Average single-family home assessment 
Average tax bill 
Affordability ratio* 
New Bedford 
Fall River 
One Government Center 
Fall River, MA 02722-7700 
Phone: 508-324-2620 
Fax: 508-677-2840 
E-mail: info@froed.org 
Mission statement of the Fall River Office of Economic Development: 
Incorporated in 1978 as a 501(c)(4) corporation to promote the prosperity and general welfare of the citizens of Fall River through the stimulation of economic strength and expansion of new and existing business. 
Keeping Fall River working in Fall River. 
For more information please visit our website: www.froed.org 
Page 4 
As a small business owner, how do you choose bene- fits that will protect you and your family, as well as the employees you hire to work for you? Do all employees have to offer health insurance to their employees under the federal ACA laws? What is the most cost effective way to purchase benefits? How can you get the most out of your plan through tax deductible plans, government subsidies and discount programs? 
Julie Jennings and Rose Lopes from Paradigm Em- ployee Benefits, member of the Sylvia Group, will provide an interactive pro- gram with valuable infor- mation and plenty of op- portunity to ask questions. 
This FREE event will be held on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Cherry & Webb Build- ing, 139 South Main Street, 4th floor, Fall 
River, MA and is spon- sored by the Fall River Office of Economic Devel- opment. 
Space is limited, so please register on line at www.msbdc.org/semass and click on event calendar or call us at 508-673-9783 x10. 
Metered parking is availa- ble on South Main Street. 
Funded in part through a coop- erative agreement with the U. S. Small Business Administra- tion. 
John J. McDonough was born in Fall River in 1857 to Ellen Hays and Michael McDonough. He attended local Fall River schools and Candian Seminary of St. Sul- pice, where he studied for the priesthood. However, he be- came a lawyer, graduating from the College of the Holy Cross and Boston University Law School. McDonough also received an Honorary Law Degree from the College of the Holy Cross in a rare instance of an undergraduate degree recipient being award- ed an honorary doctorate. 
Judge McDonough was the presiding justice in the Dis- trict Court from 1893 until his death in 1912. As the first Catholic judge in Fall River District Court, McDonough instituted a campaign against Jew-Baiting pronouncing that no Jews living in Fall River should be persecuted. He imposed heavy sentences against those who were found guilty of the same. 
Strategic Planning for Employee Benefits 
As the first Irish Catholic Judge in District Court he was also known for speaking against the British and sympa- thizing with Ireland and the Irish. 
In addition to his prestigious legal career, McDonough was also a member of the Massa- chusetts House of Representa- tives for two terms and a news- paper editor for the Fall River Herald and the Catholic Advo- cate. 
McDonough, known as the fearless and upright judge was honored when the City named an elementary school after him. In 1911, the McDonough School located on Williams Street was dedicated in his honor. 
(Source: Cream of the CropFall Rivers Best and Brightest by John B. Cummings Jr.) 
(Article contributed by MSBDC) 
Fall Rivers Finest: 
Judge John J. McDonough

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Trending developments vol 3, issue 10

  • 1. Fall River Heritage State Park Improvements 2 Fall River by the Numbers 3 TA Workshop 4 Fall Rivers Finest 4 Inside this issue: October 2014 Volume 3, Issue 10 FALL RIVER OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Trending Developments FROED Board of Directors: Officers Mayor William A Flanagan, Chairman/Ex-officio Frank Marchione, President James M. Karam, Vice President Carlos A. DaCunha, Treasurer Alan F. Macomber, Clerk At-Large Members Joseph Baptista Paul C. Burke Francisco Cabral Nicholas M. Christ Robert Cooper Mark Cordeiro Larry Couto Jerry Donovan Bruce Fernandes Alfredo M. Franco Craig A. Jesiolowski Stephen R. Karam Michael Lund Joseph A. Marshall George Matouk, Jr. Paul S. Medeiros Joan Menard Kenneth R. Rezendes Anthony Riccitelli Joseph Ruggeiro, Sr. Ron Rusin James P. Sabra Len Sullivan Ex-Officio Members Joseph D. Camara Carl Garcia Craig A. Jesiolowski Atty. William G. Kenney Meg Mayo-Brown John J. Sbrega James Wallace Corporate Counsel Atty. James W. Clarkin Non-Voting Members Robert A. Mellion FROED Staff: Kenneth Fiola, Jr., Esq. Executive Vice President Janet A. Misturado, Director of Administration Louise A. Methot, Financial Services Representative Maria R. Doherty, Network Administrator Lynn M. Oliveira, Economic Development Coordinator Valarie Lacasse, Microloan Coordinator/Technical Assistance Specialist Fall River Office of Economic Development One Government Center Fall River, MA 02722 Phone: (508) 324-2620 Fax: (508) 677-2840 http://froed.org The City of Boston is look- ing to host the 2024 summer Olympics, which could mean great opportunity for sur- rounding communities if Boston is selected. Last week Dan OConnell, President of the Boston 2024 Partnership, the organization leading the effort to bring the Olympics games to Boston, and Nikko Mendoza, Vice President of Engagement, Strategy and External Affairs for the organization visited Fall River to meet with State Representative Carole Fiola, State Senator Michael Ro- drigues, Fall River Office of Economic Development Vice President Kenneth Fiola and Fall River Cham- ber of Commerce Director Robert Mellion to discuss Fall Rivers potential role in the 2024 summer Olympics. Fall River locals have al- ways considered the Citys waterfront one of its main assets and this could prove true in securing Fall Rivers participation in the 2024 Olympics. While Boston is submitting the bid for the Olympics, the Charles River does not meet the criteria required to host sailing and/ or rowing events. The Taun- ton River, however, may be able to fill that void. While other Massachusetts commu- nities are also interested in hosting the sailing and/or rowing portions of the Olympics, Fall River re- mains a viable possibility. (Continued on page 2) 2024 Summer Olympics Events in Fall River Looking for a job? Visit froed.org then select the Current Employment Opportunities tab. Next click Job Search and this will launch an interactive database. Within this database alone there are currently 959 employment opportunities within a 5 mile radius of Fall River. 959 Jobs Available Above: Aerial view of the Taunton River, a potential location for the 2024 Summer Olympic sailing and/or rowing events
  • 2. Page 2 Trending Developments (Continued from page 1) The Boston Committee must submit a detailed bid to the United States Olym- pic Committee by Decem- ber 1, 2014. The United States Olympic Committee will then select a bid to forward to the Internation- al Olympic Committee by mid-January. With Fall River located approximately 50 miles from Boston, it may not seem like an ideal location for Olympic events. How- ever, Olympic events are often held well outside the official host city. For ex- ample, when London host- ed the summer Olympics, some event sites were as far as 120 miles from Lon- don. Not only would hosting Olympic events bring a great deal of revenue to the area through tourism, it would also allow the City to tap into federal funds used to prepare communities and build appropriate accommoda- tions for the events. One area in which the south- coast could greatly benefit would be funding for Southcoast Rail, which would provide easy access The Massachusetts De- partment of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has put forth a proposal to implement mainte- nance repairs and im- provements to the exist- ing walkway and other site features at the Fall River Heritage State Park. The Fall River Heritage State Park site was con- structed in the early 1980s and includes ap- proximately 1,948 feet of riverfront walkway, a granite block seawall, a pedestrian walkway over the Quequechan River, a boat ramp, a visitors cen- ter, a community boating center, and floating docks. The amenities listed above are well utilized and as such have deteri- orated over time. The proposed work to the area includes: repairs to the granite block wall, replacement of the walk- way and railings along the length of the site, replacement of the float- ing dock system to con- form to ADA Accessi- bility Guidelines, repair/ replacement of the wall below the deck at the Community Boating Cen- ter, replacement and im- provement of lighting at the site and construction of a pavilion. The project is being fund- ed by the Massachusetts Division of Conservation and Recreation. The con- tract for the project is ex- pected to be awarded by December 31, 2014. Fall Rivers Role in Bostons Bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics Fall River Heritage State Park Improvements to Fall River Olympic event sites from Boston. Attorney Kenneth Fiola, Jr., Executive Vice Presi- dent of the Fall River Of- fice of Economic Devel- opment is pleased with the prospect of Fall Rivers involvement in the 2024 Summer Olym- pics noting, The Boston Olympic Committee is working diligently to build a strong bid for the 2024 Olympic Games and Fall River could sure- ly add value to the overall project. Fall Rivers in- volvement in the game would not only bolster the City through tourism and federally funded in- frastructure upgrades, but by doing its part to bring international recognition to the Commonwealth as a whole. Best of luck to the Boston Olympic Committee with the submission of their 2024 Summer Olympic bid. Above: The Boardwalk at Heritage State Park in Fall River
  • 3. Page 3 Trending Developments Fall River by the Numbers Source: Commonwealth of Massachusetts *Affordability ratio is derived by dividing a communitys average tax bill by its average home value. Affordability of Taxes in Comparison to the Average Single Family Home Assessment Statewide Rank Municipality Average single-family home assessment Average tax bill Affordability ratio* 1 Springfield $131,774 $2,597 15.0% 7 Fitchburg $155,241 $3,078 12.8% 15 Holyoke $178,742 $3,403 10.7% 17 Worcester $186,442 $3,643 10.5% 24 Brockton $180,012 $3,264 10.1% 28 Chicopee $169,204 $2,794 9.8% 30 Pittsfield $177,766 $3,049 9.6% 35 Lawrence $168,218 $2,626 9.3% 40 Leominster $209,709 $3,961 9.0% 51 New Bedford $183,305 $2,779 8.3% 57 Westfield $224,165 $4,075 8.1% 65 Lynn $217,936 $3,733 7.9% 92 Lowell $216,179 $3,273 7.0% 110 Haverhill $245,586 $3,951 6.6% 113 Revere $238,600 $3,710 6.5% 116 Taunton $227,706 $3,327 6.4% 123 Attleboro $240,768 $3,575 6.2% 129 Fall River $206,793 $2,601 6.1% 136 Salem $284,952 $4,767 5.9% 140 Methuen $255,624 $3,796 5.8% 197 Quincy $320,113 $4,757 4.6% 223 Peabody $305,202 $3,785 4.1%
  • 4. One Government Center Fall River, MA 02722-7700 Phone: 508-324-2620 Fax: 508-677-2840 E-mail: info@froed.org Mission statement of the Fall River Office of Economic Development: Incorporated in 1978 as a 501(c)(4) corporation to promote the prosperity and general welfare of the citizens of Fall River through the stimulation of economic strength and expansion of new and existing business. Keeping Fall River working in Fall River. FALL RIVER OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT For more information please visit our website: www.froed.org Page 4 As a small business owner, how do you choose bene- fits that will protect you and your family, as well as the employees you hire to work for you? Do all employees have to offer health insurance to their employees under the federal ACA laws? What is the most cost effective way to purchase benefits? How can you get the most out of your plan through tax deductible plans, government subsidies and discount programs? Julie Jennings and Rose Lopes from Paradigm Em- ployee Benefits, member of the Sylvia Group, will provide an interactive pro- gram with valuable infor- mation and plenty of op- portunity to ask questions. This FREE event will be held on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Cherry & Webb Build- ing, 139 South Main Street, 4th floor, Fall River, MA and is spon- sored by the Fall River Office of Economic Devel- opment. Space is limited, so please register on line at www.msbdc.org/semass and click on event calendar or call us at 508-673-9783 x10. Metered parking is availa- ble on South Main Street. Funded in part through a coop- erative agreement with the U. S. Small Business Administra- tion. John J. McDonough was born in Fall River in 1857 to Ellen Hays and Michael McDonough. He attended local Fall River schools and Candian Seminary of St. Sul- pice, where he studied for the priesthood. However, he be- came a lawyer, graduating from the College of the Holy Cross and Boston University Law School. McDonough also received an Honorary Law Degree from the College of the Holy Cross in a rare instance of an undergraduate degree recipient being award- ed an honorary doctorate. Judge McDonough was the presiding justice in the Dis- trict Court from 1893 until his death in 1912. As the first Catholic judge in Fall River District Court, McDonough instituted a campaign against Jew-Baiting pronouncing that no Jews living in Fall River should be persecuted. He imposed heavy sentences against those who were found guilty of the same. Strategic Planning for Employee Benefits As the first Irish Catholic Judge in District Court he was also known for speaking against the British and sympa- thizing with Ireland and the Irish. In addition to his prestigious legal career, McDonough was also a member of the Massa- chusetts House of Representa- tives for two terms and a news- paper editor for the Fall River Herald and the Catholic Advo- cate. McDonough, known as the fearless and upright judge was honored when the City named an elementary school after him. In 1911, the McDonough School located on Williams Street was dedicated in his honor. (Source: Cream of the CropFall Rivers Best and Brightest by John B. Cummings Jr.) (Article contributed by MSBDC) Fall Rivers Finest: Judge John J. McDonough