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Emagine Relocates to
Fall River
Fall River by the
Community Job Fair 4
Fall Rivers Finest 4
Inside this issue:
February 2016Volume 5, Issue 2
Trending Developments
FROED Board of Directors:
Mayor Jasiel Correia, II,
Frank Marchione, President
James M. Karam, Vice President
Carlos A. DaCunha, Treasurer
Alan F. Macomber, Clerk
At-Large Members
Joseph Baptista
Paul C. Burke
Francisco Cabral
Nicholas M. Christ
Robert Cooper
Mark Cordeiro
Larry Couto
Bruce Fernandes
Alfredo M. Franco
Craig A. Jesiolowski
Michael Lund
George Matouk, Jr.
Paul S. Medeiros
Joan Menard
Kenneth R. Rezendes
Anthony Riccitelli
Joseph Ruggeiro, Sr.
Ron Rusin
James P. Sabra
Len Sullivan
Ex-Officio Members
Joseph D. Camara
Carl Garcia
Craig A. Jesiolowski
Atty. William G. Kenney
Meg Mayo-Brown
John J. Sbrega
James Wallace
Non-Voting Members
Robert A. Mellion
FROED Staff:
Kenneth Fiola, Jr., Esq.
Executive Vice President
Janet A. Misturado, Director of
Maria R. Doherty, Network
Lynn M. Oliveira, Economic
Development Coordinator
Michael Motta, Technical Assistance
Fall River Office of
Economic Development
One Government Center
Fall River, MA 02722
Phone: (508) 324-2620
Fax: (508) 677-2840
Extensive renovations are
slated to take place at the
New Harbour Mall located at
374 William S. Canning
Boulevard in Fall River.
CEA Development Corp.
(CEA), the entity which owns
the property has previously
discussed their plans to rede-
velop the property to accom-
modate 20-30 new retail spac-
es for shops, services, and
restaurants as well as a state
of the art cinema. The total
cost of the design and rehabil-
itation will reflect an estimat-
ed $25 million investment,
plus very significant addition-
al investment by retail ten-
Upon completion of the re-
development, it is anticipat-
ed that a total of 500 new
employment positions will
be created.
As part of the redevelop-
ment, CEA will subdivide
the property and convey 9.5
acres of land to Demoulas
Super Markets, Inc., d/b/a.
Market Basket, which will
anchor the shopping center.
The total cost of the Market
Basket portion of the rede-
velopment project will re-
flect an estimated $16 mil-
lion investment. Upon
(Continued on Page 2)
Market Basket Announced as Anchor Tenant
of New Harbour Mall Renovation Project
Looking for a job?
Visit froed.org then select
the Current Employment
Opportunities tab. Next
click Job Search and
this will launch an
interactive database.
Within this database
alone there are currently
opportunities within a 5
mile radius of Fall River.
1,102 Jobs
Above: Main entrance of an existing Market Basket location.
Page 2
Trending Developments
CEA, which is based out of
Cambridge, has extensive
experience in development
in and around Massachu-
The Demoulas/Market
Basket brand first began in
1916 as a grocery store
specializing in fresh lamb
in Lowell, MA. Today
Market Basket is a grocery
giant with a total of 75 lo-
cations in three states:
Massachusetts, New
Hampshire and Maine.
Both CEA and Market
Basket plan to complete
final design and commence
full construction in the ear-
ly fall of 2016.
Market Basket
(Continued from Page 1)
completion of the Market
Basket redevelopment, it
is anticipated that a total
of 400 new full and part-
time positions will be cre-
Fall River Office of Eco-
nomic Development Vice
President, Kenneth Fiola,
Jr. is pleased with the re-
development plans of both
CEA and Market Basket
noting, This project rep-
resents a significant pri-
vate sector investment in a
blighted property in the
Citys south end. Not on-
ly with this project revital-
ize a key property in the
city, but it will also create
hundreds of jobs for our
community and establish
competitive pricing prac-
tices for our local super
Emagine is a national full-
service digital marketing
agency that recently moved
its headquarters from Taun-
ton, MA to the Common-
wealth Landing located at
1082 Davol Street in Fall
Emagine started in Canton,
MA and moved to Taunton
nine years ago. The compa-
ny is now located in 8,000
SF in Commonwealth
Landing, which is the com-
panys headquarters and
houses emagines 45 em-
ployees. Emagine also has
another office in Delray
Beach, FL.
Emagine describes its ser-
vices as offering an inte-
grated suite of digital solu-
tions from pre-project plan-
ning and research through
post-launch support.
Emagine is known for their
award-winning, world-class
creative team. The compa-
ny has created more than
1,000 websites for startups
to Fortune 100 companies.
They also have an in-house
team of expert strategists,
architects, designers, devel-
opers and project managers
to ensure all their clients
needs are met.
Emagine is a great addition
to the Commonwealth
Landing that is home to a
number of commercial and
office users. Common-
wealth Landing will also
offer 100 market rate resi-
dential units, which are cur-
rently under construction.
For more information about
emagine, visit the compa-
nys website at
Above: Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia and State Representative Carole Fiola
join emagine President, Bill Gadless and emagine staff at the grand opening of
the companys new headquarters in Fall River, MA.
Emagine Relocates to Fall River
Above: The main entrance of the New Harbour Mall, which will undergo
extensive renovations beginning in the fall of 2016
Page 3
Trending Developments
Fall River by the Numbers
2014 Property Crime Rates by Massachusetts City
Source: Agency Checklist, Massachusetts Insurance News
City Population Total
Burglary Larceny/
Boston 654,413 17,269 2,680 13,077 1,512 2.64%
Worcester 183,248 5,604 1,414 3,824 366 3.06%
Springfield 153,766 5,903 1,793 3,478 632 3.84%
Lowell 109,729 2,792 638 1,832 322 2.54%
Cambridge 108,201 2,607 291 2,187 129 2.41%
New Bedford 95,366 3,363 866 2,253 244 3.53%
Brockton 94,427 2,900 572 2,098 230 3.07%
Quincy 94,035 1,499 405 1,032 62 1.59%
Lynn 92,131 2,283 445 1,605 233 2.48%
Fall River 88,915 2,187 527 1,462 198 2.46%
Newton 88,881 750 154 572 24 0.84%
Somerville 79,798 1,224 192 923 109 1.53%
Lawrence 78,169 2,042 393 871 778 2.61%
Waltham 62,756 747 109 607 31 1.19%
Haverhill 62,552 1,402 351 946 105 2.24%
One Government Center
Fall River, MA 02722-7700
Phone: 508-324-2620
Fax: 508-677-2840
E-mail: info@froed.org
Mission statement of the Fall River Office of Economic Development:
Incorporated in 1978 as a 501(c)(4) corporation to promote the prosperity
and general welfare of the citizens of Fall River through the stimulation of
economic strength and expansion of new and existing business.
Keeping Fall River working in Fall River.
For more information please
visit our website:
Page 4
The Fall River Housing
Authority, in collabora-
tion with the Fall River
Joint Tenants Council,
Inc. is sponsoring a
Community Job & Edu-
cation Fair on Tuesday,
February 23, 2016.
The job fair will take
place at the Boys and
Girls Club, located at
803 Bedford Street, be-
tween the hours of 10:00
a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Vet-
erans and graduates only
from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00
a.m. and general public
from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00
In preparation for the job
fair, The First Impres-
sions Workshop will be
held on February 19, 2016
from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00
a.m. at the Fall River Ca-
reer Center located at 446
North Main Street in Fall
This workshop is a great
opportunity to get advice
on how best to present one-
self to potential employers
from appropriate attire to
resume support. These
skills will help candidates
to capitalize on the oppor-
tunities offered during the
job fair where employers
will be ready and willing to
hire eligible candidates.
If you or someone you
know is unemployed or
underemployed, the job
fair is a great place to find
employment opportunities
and take a step forward.
For additional infor-
mation about the job fair
or workshop please con-
tact Joseph DaSilva, Fam-
ily & Youth Service Co-
ordinator at 508-765-
3527 or jo-
ey@fallriverha.org or
Mary Lizzie Macomber was
an American artist who paint-
ed in the Pre-Raphaelite style.
In 1893 her work was exhibit-
ed in at the Worlds Columbi-
an Exposition. Her paintings
are held in the Smithsonian
and the Museum of Fine Arts
in Boston.
Macomber was born in Fall
River to Fredrick William, a
jeweler, and Mary White Ma-
comber in 1861. As a young
woman she took painting les-
sons with Robert S. Dunning,
a prominent local still life
painter in Fall River. Follow-
ing her lessons with Dunning,
Macomber began studying at
the school of the Boston Mu-
seum of Fine Arts. However,
in 1883 she had to discontinue
her studies due to health rea-
sons. Following her recovery
she studied with Frank Duve-
Macomber opened her own
studio in Boston around 1885.
Initially she painted still lifes,
but then began to concentrate
on allegorical works.
Her work was first exhibited
at the National Academy exhi-
bition of 1889 then at the
Worlds Columbian Exposi-
tion in 1893.
In addition to her painting,
Macomber also worked as a
poet and published a book of
her poetry in 1914.
Much of her artwork was lost
during a fire in her studio in
1903. Locally, her work may
be seen at the Fall River Pub-
lic Library in addition to the
Museum of Fine Arts in Bos-
Macomber died at the Back
Bay Hospital in Boston in
1916 at the age of 54. She is
buried at Oak Grove Ceme-
Fall Rivers Finest:
Mary Lizzie Macomber
Community Job and Education
Fair: February 23, 2016

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Trending developments vol 5 issue 02

  • 1. Emagine Relocates to Fall River 2 Fall River by the Numbers 3 Community Job Fair 4 Fall Rivers Finest 4 Inside this issue: February 2016Volume 5, Issue 2 F A L L R I V E R O F F I C E O F E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T Trending Developments FROED Board of Directors: Officers Mayor Jasiel Correia, II, Chairman/Ex-officio Frank Marchione, President James M. Karam, Vice President Carlos A. DaCunha, Treasurer Alan F. Macomber, Clerk At-Large Members Joseph Baptista Paul C. Burke Francisco Cabral Nicholas M. Christ Robert Cooper Mark Cordeiro Larry Couto Bruce Fernandes Alfredo M. Franco Craig A. Jesiolowski Michael Lund George Matouk, Jr. Paul S. Medeiros Joan Menard Kenneth R. Rezendes Anthony Riccitelli Joseph Ruggeiro, Sr. Ron Rusin James P. Sabra Len Sullivan Ex-Officio Members Joseph D. Camara Carl Garcia Craig A. Jesiolowski Atty. William G. Kenney Meg Mayo-Brown John J. Sbrega James Wallace Non-Voting Members Robert A. Mellion FROED Staff: Kenneth Fiola, Jr., Esq. Executive Vice President Janet A. Misturado, Director of Administration Maria R. Doherty, Network Administrator Lynn M. Oliveira, Economic Development Coordinator Michael Motta, Technical Assistance Specialist Fall River Office of Economic Development One Government Center Fall River, MA 02722 Phone: (508) 324-2620 Fax: (508) 677-2840 http://froed.org Extensive renovations are slated to take place at the New Harbour Mall located at 374 William S. Canning Boulevard in Fall River. CEA Development Corp. (CEA), the entity which owns the property has previously discussed their plans to rede- velop the property to accom- modate 20-30 new retail spac- es for shops, services, and restaurants as well as a state of the art cinema. The total cost of the design and rehabil- itation will reflect an estimat- ed $25 million investment, plus very significant addition- al investment by retail ten- ants. Upon completion of the re- development, it is anticipat- ed that a total of 500 new employment positions will be created. As part of the redevelop- ment, CEA will subdivide the property and convey 9.5 acres of land to Demoulas Super Markets, Inc., d/b/a. Market Basket, which will anchor the shopping center. The total cost of the Market Basket portion of the rede- velopment project will re- flect an estimated $16 mil- lion investment. Upon (Continued on Page 2) Market Basket Announced as Anchor Tenant of New Harbour Mall Renovation Project Looking for a job? Visit froed.org then select the Current Employment Opportunities tab. Next click Job Search and this will launch an interactive database. Within this database alone there are currently 1,102 employment opportunities within a 5 mile radius of Fall River. 1,102 Jobs Available Above: Main entrance of an existing Market Basket location.
  • 2. Page 2 Trending Developments CEA, which is based out of Cambridge, has extensive experience in development in and around Massachu- setts. The Demoulas/Market Basket brand first began in 1916 as a grocery store specializing in fresh lamb in Lowell, MA. Today Market Basket is a grocery giant with a total of 75 lo- cations in three states: Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. Both CEA and Market Basket plan to complete final design and commence full construction in the ear- ly fall of 2016. Market Basket (Continued from Page 1) completion of the Market Basket redevelopment, it is anticipated that a total of 400 new full and part- time positions will be cre- ated. Fall River Office of Eco- nomic Development Vice President, Kenneth Fiola, Jr. is pleased with the re- development plans of both CEA and Market Basket noting, This project rep- resents a significant pri- vate sector investment in a blighted property in the Citys south end. Not on- ly with this project revital- ize a key property in the city, but it will also create hundreds of jobs for our community and establish competitive pricing prac- tices for our local super markets. Emagine is a national full- service digital marketing agency that recently moved its headquarters from Taun- ton, MA to the Common- wealth Landing located at 1082 Davol Street in Fall River. Emagine started in Canton, MA and moved to Taunton nine years ago. The compa- ny is now located in 8,000 SF in Commonwealth Landing, which is the com- panys headquarters and houses emagines 45 em- ployees. Emagine also has another office in Delray Beach, FL. Emagine describes its ser- vices as offering an inte- grated suite of digital solu- tions from pre-project plan- ning and research through post-launch support. Emagine is known for their award-winning, world-class creative team. The compa- ny has created more than 1,000 websites for startups to Fortune 100 companies. They also have an in-house team of expert strategists, architects, designers, devel- opers and project managers to ensure all their clients needs are met. Emagine is a great addition to the Commonwealth Landing that is home to a number of commercial and office users. Common- wealth Landing will also offer 100 market rate resi- dential units, which are cur- rently under construction. For more information about emagine, visit the compa- nys website at emagine.com. Above: Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia and State Representative Carole Fiola join emagine President, Bill Gadless and emagine staff at the grand opening of the companys new headquarters in Fall River, MA. Emagine Relocates to Fall River Above: The main entrance of the New Harbour Mall, which will undergo extensive renovations beginning in the fall of 2016
  • 3. Page 3 Trending Developments Fall River by the Numbers 2014 Property Crime Rates by Massachusetts City Source: Agency Checklist, Massachusetts Insurance News City Population Total Property Crime Burglary Larceny/ Theft Motor Vehicle Theft Ratio Boston 654,413 17,269 2,680 13,077 1,512 2.64% Worcester 183,248 5,604 1,414 3,824 366 3.06% Springfield 153,766 5,903 1,793 3,478 632 3.84% Lowell 109,729 2,792 638 1,832 322 2.54% Cambridge 108,201 2,607 291 2,187 129 2.41% New Bedford 95,366 3,363 866 2,253 244 3.53% Brockton 94,427 2,900 572 2,098 230 3.07% Quincy 94,035 1,499 405 1,032 62 1.59% Lynn 92,131 2,283 445 1,605 233 2.48% Fall River 88,915 2,187 527 1,462 198 2.46% Newton 88,881 750 154 572 24 0.84% Somerville 79,798 1,224 192 923 109 1.53% Lawrence 78,169 2,042 393 871 778 2.61% Waltham 62,756 747 109 607 31 1.19% Haverhill 62,552 1,402 351 946 105 2.24%
  • 4. One Government Center Fall River, MA 02722-7700 Phone: 508-324-2620 Fax: 508-677-2840 E-mail: info@froed.org Mission statement of the Fall River Office of Economic Development: Incorporated in 1978 as a 501(c)(4) corporation to promote the prosperity and general welfare of the citizens of Fall River through the stimulation of economic strength and expansion of new and existing business. Keeping Fall River working in Fall River. F A L L R I V E R O F F I C E O F E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T For more information please visit our website: www.froed.org Page 4 The Fall River Housing Authority, in collabora- tion with the Fall River Joint Tenants Council, Inc. is sponsoring a Community Job & Edu- cation Fair on Tuesday, February 23, 2016. The job fair will take place at the Boys and Girls Club, located at 803 Bedford Street, be- tween the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Vet- erans and graduates only from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and general public from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. In preparation for the job fair, The First Impres- sions Workshop will be held on February 19, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Fall River Ca- reer Center located at 446 North Main Street in Fall River. This workshop is a great opportunity to get advice on how best to present one- self to potential employers from appropriate attire to resume support. These skills will help candidates to capitalize on the oppor- tunities offered during the job fair where employers will be ready and willing to hire eligible candidates. If you or someone you know is unemployed or underemployed, the job fair is a great place to find employment opportunities and take a step forward. For additional infor- mation about the job fair or workshop please con- tact Joseph DaSilva, Fam- ily & Youth Service Co- ordinator at 508-765- 3527 or jo- ey@fallriverha.org or eg31712@aol.com. Mary Lizzie Macomber was an American artist who paint- ed in the Pre-Raphaelite style. In 1893 her work was exhibit- ed in at the Worlds Columbi- an Exposition. Her paintings are held in the Smithsonian and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Macomber was born in Fall River to Fredrick William, a jeweler, and Mary White Ma- comber in 1861. As a young woman she took painting les- sons with Robert S. Dunning, a prominent local still life painter in Fall River. Follow- ing her lessons with Dunning, Macomber began studying at the school of the Boston Mu- seum of Fine Arts. However, in 1883 she had to discontinue her studies due to health rea- sons. Following her recovery she studied with Frank Duve- neck. Macomber opened her own studio in Boston around 1885. Initially she painted still lifes, but then began to concentrate on allegorical works. Her work was first exhibited at the National Academy exhi- bition of 1889 then at the Worlds Columbian Exposi- tion in 1893. In addition to her painting, Macomber also worked as a poet and published a book of her poetry in 1914. Much of her artwork was lost during a fire in her studio in 1903. Locally, her work may be seen at the Fall River Pub- lic Library in addition to the Museum of Fine Arts in Bos- ton. Macomber died at the Back Bay Hospital in Boston in 1916 at the age of 54. She is buried at Oak Grove Ceme- tery. Fall Rivers Finest: Mary Lizzie Macomber Community Job and Education Fair: February 23, 2016