Cyfrowe archiwum ziemi chrzanowskiej w Miejskiej Bibliotece Publicznej w Chrz...Śląska Biblioteka CyfrowaPrezentacja Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Chrzanowie na XIII Zebranie Uczestników ŚBC, aut. Małgorzata Zbroszczyk.
Dobór instalacji solarnej do wspomagania ogrzewaniaHewalex Sp. z o.o. Sp.K.Solarne wspomaganie ogrzewania domu pozwala zmniejszyć koszty ogrzewania domu i zapewnić 100-procentowe pokrycie potrzeb wody użytkowej poza sezonem grzewczym. Budowane również domy solarne pozwalają pokryć potrzeby ciepła od 50 do 100% rocznie. Standardowo pokrycie potrzeb ciepła w domach energooszczędnych zakłada się na poziomie 15 do 25%. Pozwala to ograniczyć przegrzewy w okresie letnim. Bardzo dobre rezultaty daje zastosowanie instalacji solarnych 3-systemowych, gdzie nadwyżka ciepła latem wykorzystana jest do podgrzewania wody basenowej w basenie sezonowym.
SEMMELROCK - pomysly na ogrod kostka brukowaLuskar - Z Nami Wybudujesz i OgrzejeszZapraszamy do kontaktu z naszymi hurtowniami Luskar w Michałowicach, Zielonkach oraz Wielkiej Wsi koło Krakowa.
Erasmus+ Edukacja szkolna 2016FRSEErasmus+ Edukacja szkolna 2016 to zbiór przydatnych wskazówek i procedur dla osób zamierzających złożyć wniosek w 2016 r. do programu Erasmus+ (w sektorze edukacji szkolnej). Prezentacja została przygotowana na Ogólnopolski Dzień Informacyjny Programu Erasmus+ (19 stycznia 2016 r.)
Sektor 3.0_Jak stworzyć ciekawe wideo promujące ważny temat?_Karol PaciorekSektor 3.0Seminarium "Jak stworzyć ciekawe wideo promujące ważny temat", które 27 maja poprowadził Karol Paciorek podczas konferencji "Sektor 3.0".
Sector 3.0_New technologies in fundraising_Aazadi_SheridanSektor 3.0This document summarizes a presentation on new fundraising technologies and trends. It discusses both offline and online fundraising methods, highlighting direct debit as a major source of recurring donations in the UK. The presentation emphasizes using data to better understand and engage donors over time through personalized outreach, creative partnerships, and technology like video reports. However, it stresses that technology should enhance relationships and donor outcomes, not replace the importance of thanking donors and maintaining their interest in the cause.
SEMMELROCK - pomysly na ogrod kostka brukowaLuskar - Z Nami Wybudujesz i OgrzejeszZapraszamy do kontaktu z naszymi hurtowniami Luskar w Michałowicach, Zielonkach oraz Wielkiej Wsi koło Krakowa.
Erasmus+ Edukacja szkolna 2016FRSEErasmus+ Edukacja szkolna 2016 to zbiór przydatnych wskazówek i procedur dla osób zamierzających złożyć wniosek w 2016 r. do programu Erasmus+ (w sektorze edukacji szkolnej). Prezentacja została przygotowana na Ogólnopolski Dzień Informacyjny Programu Erasmus+ (19 stycznia 2016 r.)
Sektor 3.0_Jak stworzyć ciekawe wideo promujące ważny temat?_Karol PaciorekSektor 3.0Seminarium "Jak stworzyć ciekawe wideo promujące ważny temat", które 27 maja poprowadził Karol Paciorek podczas konferencji "Sektor 3.0".
Sector 3.0_New technologies in fundraising_Aazadi_SheridanSektor 3.0This document summarizes a presentation on new fundraising technologies and trends. It discusses both offline and online fundraising methods, highlighting direct debit as a major source of recurring donations in the UK. The presentation emphasizes using data to better understand and engage donors over time through personalized outreach, creative partnerships, and technology like video reports. However, it stresses that technology should enhance relationships and donor outcomes, not replace the importance of thanking donors and maintaining their interest in the cause.
Sector 3.0_A few ways to build awarenessfor fundraising target groups_Azadi_S...Sektor 3.0This document discusses building awareness for fundraising target groups through crowdfunding. It provides examples of successful crowdfunding campaigns that raised hundreds of thousands of dollars through social media outreach and securing influencers. The document notes that online giving is becoming the primary way donors contribute and that mobile devices are increasingly the preferred way to make donations. It emphasizes designing fundraising experiences and pages for both web and mobile to ensure they are simple, visual, and transparent about how donations will be used.
Sector 3.0 3 d printer in the right cause_Ivan_OwenSektor 3.0A 3D printing community called e-NABLE has created over 1,000 prosthetic hands for those in need over the past 2 years without an R&D budget. Started in the US, the community now has over 5,000 members worldwide who volunteer their time and 3D printing resources to help people in South Africa, Brazil, Turkey, the UK, China, and Columbia receive prosthetics.
New sector 3 0 Prof_Junseok Hwang_People,Technology,Development?Sektor 3.0This document summarizes Prof. Jun Seok I. HWANG's presentation on people, technology, and development in Korea. It outlines 7 best practices for using information and communication technologies (ICT) in Korea, including using ICT in education, the environment, healthcare, culture, welfare, and private sector cases. The practices focus on increasing social value, strengthening businesses, and creating shared value through trust-building efforts using technology to address social problems and promote sustainability.
Terry Stokes - LASASektor 3.0- Digital technologies provide opportunities for non-profits to broaden their service delivery through online tools, social media, mobile technologies, and collaboration.
- Top trends include the need for non-profits to engage digitally, opportunities through online fundraising and communications, and collaboration using social media and shared data.
- In the UK, non-profits are adopting mobile fundraising, using open data, and social media for outreach, fundraising, and research. Cloud technologies also allow smaller non-profits to work more efficiently.
Till Behnke - "Sektor 3.0"Sektor 3.0Till Behnke discusses the potential of online fundraising in Germany. He notes that over 75% of the German population is online, accessing social media platforms like Facebook. Online fundraising and corporate donations are seen as two important fundraising channels for non-profits over the next three years. offers non-profits tools to collect online donations, report on donations, and engage donors through features like project descriptions, donor feedback, and transparency around fundraising. It aims to create opportunities for both donors and non-profits through its online fundraising portal.
Amy Sample Ward - NTENSektor 3.0The document discusses how technology is changing workspaces and allowing more remote and distributed work arrangements. It addresses virtual offices where people work from home or remote locations, as well as distributed teams where staff work remotely in different time zones. It also covers managing materials remotely, accessing data and resources from outside the office, and collaborating with partners remotely. The document asks what tools are useful for engaging remote staff, tracking projects, accessing resources, and collaborating with other organizations from afar.
Amy Sample Ward - NTENSektor 3.0Amy Sample Ward shared a list of 10 low cost communications tools including Skype vs Hangouts, Yammer, Trello, Piktochart vs, Dropbox & Evernote, Feedly, Buffer,, Sparkwise & Metricly. She asked what tools readers use for collecting content, sharing content internally, collaborating with others on work, and posting and promoting content online.