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8/12/2014 Truck Mounted Attenuators Rental | Street Smart Rental 
Nationwide. Call 888-653-6800 
We purchased newer trucks for all of our attenuator packages. We want you to be able to 
trust the reliability of our entire fleet of Truck-Mounted Attenuator Systems. 
-Mik e Granger, President of Street Smart Rental 
Truck-Mounted Attenuators (TMA) offer many unique features that extend the life of the TMA, keep it in service 
without interruption, and significantly reduce maintenance costs. 
All Truck-Mounted Attenuators meet Test Level 3 NCHRP 350 approval and offer a wide range of protection for 
workers, motorists and equipment. Designed to absorb collision energy during rear-end impacts, the TMAs 
reduce expensive equipment damage and prevent impacting vehicles from under riding the truck. 
Each system is constructed of a lightweight aluminum cartridge(s) with a reusable steel support frame. The truck 
system has a hydraulic system to lower and raise the TMA for storage. 
Our rental fleet of Truck-Mounted Attenuators: 
Are 2010 or newer 
Require no maintenance hassles (Street Smart covers the costs of maintenance) 
Automatic transmission 
Street Smart Product Rentals 
Advertising Trailers 
Airport X-Marker 
Arrow Board Trailers 
Automated Flaggers 
Camera Trailers 
Changeable Message Signs 
Highway Advisory Radio 
Portable Traffic Signals 
Radar Speed Trailers 
Traffic Detection Trailers 
Trailer Attenuators 
Truck-Mounted Attenuators 
Water Barriers 
The Street Smart Rental Advantage 
http://www.streetsmartrental.com/products/truck-mount-attenuators-rental.html 1/2
8/12/2014 Truck Mounted Attenuators Rental | Street Smart Rental 
Have air conditioning and radio 
Are compliant with 62 mph NCHRP 350 requirement 
Have 25 Light Arrow Boards 
Have MUTCD-compliant strobe lights 
This site has been blocked by the network administrator. 
URL: http://www.youtube.com/embed/LT7CgLl-6ZE 
Block reason: Forbidden Category "Multimedia" 
If you believe the below web site is rated incorrectly click here. 
All Street Smart Rental products meet MUTCD requirements. Product specifications differ between all Street 
Smart Rental products. We offer a wide variety of products to meet all of your needs. For a list of Truck-Mounted 
Attenuator specifications, call Street Smart Rental today at 888-653-6800.. 
The traffic control industry is bombarded with 
change and innovation. In this fast-evolving 
marketplace, how do you get up to speed on 
technology while staying cost-competitive at the 
same time? Street Smart helps by giving you fast, 
easy access to the most technologically 
advanced, reliable and cost-effective traffic control 
devices available. 
Email * 
Street Smart Rental, Inc. 
Street Smart Rental, Inc. added 5 new photos. 
August 4 at 9:22pm 
Street Smart Rental teamed up with Horizon Signal and the 
South Dakota DOT to create and control 7 intersections during 
the Sturgis bike rally Aug 2 - 8. Turn arrows, video detection, 
luminaires and more! 
Facebook social plugin 
Better Roads 
Office of Highway Safety 
Roads & Bridges 
ITS Minnesota 
Copyright 2014 Street Smart Rental | All Rights Reserved 
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Truck mounted attenuators - streetsmartrental.com

  • 1. 8/12/2014 Truck Mounted Attenuators Rental | Street Smart Rental Nationwide. Call 888-653-6800 Search HOME ABOUT US FAQ PRODUCT RENTALS PRODUCT SALES SMART WORK ZONES OUR SERVICES CONTACT TRUCK-MOUNTED ATTENUATORS TRUCK-MOUNTED ATTENUATORS VIEW GALLERY We purchased newer trucks for all of our attenuator packages. We want you to be able to trust the reliability of our entire fleet of Truck-Mounted Attenuator Systems. -Mik e Granger, President of Street Smart Rental Truck-Mounted Attenuators (TMA) offer many unique features that extend the life of the TMA, keep it in service without interruption, and significantly reduce maintenance costs. All Truck-Mounted Attenuators meet Test Level 3 NCHRP 350 approval and offer a wide range of protection for workers, motorists and equipment. Designed to absorb collision energy during rear-end impacts, the TMAs reduce expensive equipment damage and prevent impacting vehicles from under riding the truck. Each system is constructed of a lightweight aluminum cartridge(s) with a reusable steel support frame. The truck system has a hydraulic system to lower and raise the TMA for storage. Our rental fleet of Truck-Mounted Attenuators: Are 2010 or newer Require no maintenance hassles (Street Smart covers the costs of maintenance) Automatic transmission Street Smart Product Rentals Advertising Trailers Airport X-Marker Arrow Board Trailers Automated Flaggers Camera Trailers Changeable Message Signs Highway Advisory Radio Icone速 Portable Traffic Signals Radar Speed Trailers Traffic Detection Trailers Trailer Attenuators Truck-Mounted Attenuators Water Barriers The Street Smart Rental Advantage NEVER SKIP A BID AGAIN LET THE PROS HELP 24/7 TECH SUPPORT http://www.streetsmartrental.com/products/truck-mount-attenuators-rental.html 1/2
  • 2. 8/12/2014 Truck Mounted Attenuators Rental | Street Smart Rental Have air conditioning and radio Are compliant with 62 mph NCHRP 350 requirement Have 25 Light Arrow Boards Have MUTCD-compliant strobe lights This site has been blocked by the network administrator. URL: http://www.youtube.com/embed/LT7CgLl-6ZE Block reason: Forbidden Category "Multimedia" If you believe the below web site is rated incorrectly click here. All Street Smart Rental products meet MUTCD requirements. Product specifications differ between all Street Smart Rental products. We offer a wide variety of products to meet all of your needs. For a list of Truck-Mounted Attenuator specifications, call Street Smart Rental today at 888-653-6800.. OUR SERVICES USED EQUIPMENT The traffic control industry is bombarded with change and innovation. In this fast-evolving marketplace, how do you get up to speed on technology while staying cost-competitive at the same time? Street Smart helps by giving you fast, easy access to the most technologically advanced, reliable and cost-effective traffic control devices available. SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER Email * Lists MN Subscribe FIND US ON FACEBOOK Street Smart Rental, Inc. 58 Like Street Smart Rental, Inc. added 5 new photos. August 4 at 9:22pm Street Smart Rental teamed up with Horizon Signal and the South Dakota DOT to create and control 7 intersections during the Sturgis bike rally Aug 2 - 8. Turn arrows, video detection, luminaires and more! Facebook social plugin AFFILIATES ATSSA AMWA Better Roads AGCA AASHTO Office of Highway Safety Roads & Bridges ARTBA ITS Minnesota ITS AMERICA Copyright 2014 Street Smart Rental | All Rights Reserved http://www.streetsmartrental.com/products/truck-mount-attenuators-rental.html 2/2