TEC STAR is an Italian company that specializes in developing nanotechnology solutions for industrial applications. It provides a full range of services from R&D to production and characterization of nanoparticles and nanocomposites. The company works with polymers, paints, coatings, metals, and lubricants to enhance their properties using nanoparticles. TEC STAR also conducts research projects and provides characterization of nanoparticles and nanocomposites.
TEC STAR is an Italian company that provides full service solutions for nanotechnology including analysis, development, and industrial supply of nanoparticles. They specialize in developing nanocomposite polymers by adding nanoparticles to materials like polypropylene, polyurethane and PMMA to improve properties such as mechanical strength, flame resistance, and barrier effects. Their process involves characterizing polymer materials, producing nanoparticle-enhanced masterbatches, injection molding test parts, and analyzing the distribution and resulting performance enhancements of the nanoparticles within the polymer matrices.
The document provides an overview of material and chemical research activities at ITRI Jassy in Taiwan. It describes the various divisions and their research focuses, including materials for displays, energy storage, electronics, chemicals and fibers. It also summarizes key projects on hybrid materials, coatings, fibers and international collaborations.
The document summarizes the Master of Science in Human Resource Management program at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. The one-year full-time program provides students with an in-depth understanding of human psychology and how work is organized in modern companies to prepare them for careers managing and developing human resources. Students learn from cases, exercises, lectures, and interactive teamwork while being part of an international classroom. Graduates of the program have obtained jobs in HR consulting, management, and related fields.
Die FITT gGmbH, das Institut f端r Technologietransfer an der HTW des Saarlandes, ist mit einer neu gestalteten Homepage ans Netz gegangen. Unter www.fitt.de k旦nnen sich Unternehmen ab sofort umfassend 端ber FITT und den Ablauf der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Institut an der HTW und der Wirtschaft informieren.
Marketing Automation is very important for business people. By using of marketing automation we will get high ROI and less time taking to send emails automatically.
El resumen resume un examen de matem叩ticas con 4 problemas. El primer problema involucra 叩rboles frutales que dieron 65 kg de fruta cada uno, y pregunta cu叩ntos kg de fruta sana quedar叩n si 38 kg se pudren. El segundo problema pregunta cu叩nto costar叩n 136 ladrillos si cada uno cuesta 20 c辿ntimos. El tercer problema pregunta cu叩nto cuestan juntas una revista de coches a 1,50 y una de moda a la mitad de precio. El cuarto problema pregunta cu叩ntas actividades tend
Vitrine (Artshare) UX Internship DocumentAnne David
As part of the User Experience Research internship with Ribui Pvt Ltd and Goldsmiths University of London (Feb 2014- June 2014), I conducted research on an upcoming project "Vitrine"- A collection management system, digital showcase and social
platform- all integrated into one simple application for art collectors on a private and institutional level.
For any suggestions or job opportunities, please get in touch with me at: annedavid89@gmail.com
website: annedaavid89.wix.com/profile
Ratings, tags, bookmarks and other species: some examples of quantitative res...Salvador S叩nchez-Alonso
In the last few years, the Information Engineering research unit @ University of Alcala has developed a productive research line on the use of these data to identify underlying knowledge such as social relations, user preferences or hints on the quality of the resources to create applications for recommendation, filtering an item or learner clustering, to name just a few. Successes and pitfalls of this research are illustrated from the past experiences of one member of the group.
Good & Strong companies come up with sound marketing planning & policies. Direct selling has more than 50 years old track record worldwide producing more millionaire than any other system. In past ten years, every other country has already experienced good growth cycle in direct selling. We have asked our consultants, leaders & ourselves as to what kind of people we would be in the next five to ten years. The answer is "Hardworking people with good health, prosperity & growth". It is with this mind; we have designed our wealth plan that works on building a reputed career for the people. We believe in the potential of people. We believe that if we put our efforts in utilizing this potential of the people, their values & beliefs, they will in turn achieve their career growth. Compensation plans must be the basis of helping & sharing. A good compensation plan is a joy to work as it is none pressurised & at the same time has generous payout. We are at very beginning of our growth cycle in direct selling. In this positive atmosphere, "I wish" can become "I will", a dream becoming reality!The company has come up with the most innovative compensation plan of all times, Based on the Product Volume (PV) turnover in your teams. Optima is one of the highest paying wealth plan & having an innovative automated system where a common man can also sell & purchase products at more affordable prices.
El documento resume las caracter鱈sticas del periodo neonatal y del desarrollo de los reci辿n nacidos. Explica que el periodo neonatal abarca las primeras cuatro semanas de vida y describe las caracter鱈sticas f鱈sicas de los neonatos. Tambi辿n cubre temas como la nutrici坦n, el crecimiento, las causas de muerte neonatal y los principios del desarrollo cerebral en los primeros a単os de vida.
Este documento describe un proyecto para dise単ar e implementar un sistema de seguridad electr坦nico para hogares basado en las normas UNE-EN15232 para prevenir robos. El objetivo general es dise単ar e implementar un sistema de seguridad electr坦nico basado en estas normas. Los objetivos espec鱈ficos son dise単ar un prototipo de seguridad electr坦nico para una vivienda unifamiliar siguiendo las normas para mejorar la eficiencia energ辿tica, y implementar un sistema de seguridad electr坦nico con control automatizado.
Este documento presenta las soluciones a 25 preguntas de un examen de f鱈sica. Cada pregunta contiene entre 2 y 5 afirmaciones y la respuesta correcta se identifica con una letra. El resumen proporciona la informaci坦n clave sobre el tipo de contenido cubierto en el examen (preguntas sobre ondas, sonido, electricidad, mec叩nica) sin entrar en detalles sobre las respuestas espec鱈ficas.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre el Helicobacter pylori (Hp), incluyendo su diagn坦stico, tratamiento de erradicaci坦n y presencia en ni単os. En cuanto al diagn坦stico, se discuten los m辿todos invasivos y no invasivos, as鱈 como cu叩ndo est叩 indicado realizar una prueba para diagnosticar Hp. En relaci坦n al tratamiento, se describe la terapia est叩ndar triple y cu叩druple, as鱈 como opciones secuenciales y de confirmaci坦n de la erradicaci坦n. Finalmente, se menciona brevemente la presencia
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a r叩pida de selecci坦n de instrumentos de medici坦n para 2016. Incluye analizadores de redes el辿ctricas y data loggers, c叩maras termogr叩ficas, instrumentaci坦n multifunci坦n para verificaci坦n de seguridad el辿ctrica, medidores de resistencia de aislamiento y tierra, instrumentos de verificaci坦n y simulaci坦n multifunci坦n, mult鱈metros digitales y calibradores de procesos, pinzas amperim辿tricas digitales, instrumentaci坦n para instalaciones fotovoltaicas, instrumentaci坦n para redes L
El 74% de los encuestados considera que los productos de Giros y Finanzas son confiables. Los productos m叩s conocidos son pagos y env鱈os de giros (68%), tarjeta de cr辿dito La 14 (38%), CDT (29%) y cuenta de ahorros (27%). La atenci坦n en las agencias de Giros y Finanzas fue calificada positivamente por el 62% de los encuestados.
Analysis Of Corporate Email Management SystemDharmesh Gandhi
The document analyzes and proposes improvements to a corporate email management system. It consists of 5 scanning stages: anti-spam, mail composite check, file filter test, content scan, and anti-virus. The existing system evenly distributes 10 threads across each stage, resulting in a bottleneck. A new proposed system pools all 50 threads and runs all scanning sequentially on each email, increasing capacity by 5%. Reordering stages based on rejection rates and speed further boosts capacity by 24%, achieving an overall 182.3% increase from the original system.
The document discusses nanocomposite materials and their applications in paints and functional coatings. It describes how Tec Star produces nanoparticles that provide new properties when used as nanofillers, such as increasing scratch resistance, UV resistance, and corrosion protection for paints. The nanoparticles can also provide benefits for functional coatings, ceramic enamels, and anti-stick treatments for plastic molds. Case studies demonstrate improvements in properties like wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
The document describes Tec Star S.r.l., a company that analyzes tribology issues using specialized equipment. It discusses their tribometer, ball-on-disk tester, block-on-ring tester, and reciprocating mode tester which can evaluate properties like coefficient of friction and wear rate under different conditions. Three case studies are presented: analyzing polymer friction properties, the effect of lubricants on wear rates, and reciprocating polymer-steel coupling tests. Customized tests can simulate real contact geometries and environments.
The document discusses nanofluids and their applications. It describes how nanofluids are fluids containing nanoparticles that can enhance heat transfer properties more than conventional fluids. Some key applications discussed include using nanofluids for cooling in engines, drilling operations in the oil industry, enhanced oil recovery, and improving the properties of enamels. The document provides details on the enhanced thermal conductivity of nanofluids and their potential to allow for more efficient heat transfer in various industrial systems and processes.
COMAC is an Italian company that has been developing extrusion technology for plastics since 1978. They produce twin screw extruders and specialized equipment for processing polymers and plastic compounds. COMAC works with customers to design efficient and profitable extrusion lines tailored to their needs and applications. Their goal is to offer advanced technological solutions and expertise in extrusion processing.
Marco Rudilosso is an Italian mechanical designer and R&D engineer born in 1988. He has work experience in railway product design, aluminum alloy research and development for automotive applications, and laser-based product testing and validation. Currently he is the project manager for an ongoing 4 million euro FP7 project involving additive manufacturing and virtual characterization of aluminum alloys for automotive structural components.
Nanoscale-based Concepts for Innovative and Eco-Sustainable Constructive Mate...teixeiravasco
Invited talk at Conference Dubai Nanotech 2013. Nanoscale-based Concepts for Innovative and Eco-Sustainable Constructive Materials: Challenges and Opportunities for Energy and Environment Applications.
Economic impact of Nanotechnology. 1-Development of smart coatings for window IR control
2-Flexible smart multilayers for coloration & shading
3-Solar Tiles - photovoltaics thin films integrated on roof tiles and ceramic facades
4-Development of novel asphalt pavements with photocatalytic ability (with self-cleaning and pollution reduction functions)
Christian Ferrarese is an Italian project manager and laboratory manager currently working for the Joint Research Center of the European Commission in Ispra, Italy. He obtained a Master's degree in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology from Politecnico di Milano in 2020 and has over 8 years of experience managing emission testing facilities and experimental campaigns. He is responsible for logistics, testing, data analysis, and reporting related to assessing vehicles' compliance with emission regulations.
Advanced Materials International Forum, Bari 18-19 settembre, conferenza internazionale dedicata ai materiali avanzati e alle loro possibili applicazioni nei settori industriali, con un focus particolare sui trasporti (aerospazio, automotive, navale e cantieristico).
Gersteltec is a Swiss company that develops and manufactures SU-8 photoresists and functional materials. It provides consulting, prototyping, and production services for SU-8 applications. Gersteltec has developed advanced photoresists with enhanced mechanical, electrical, optical, and tribological properties through the addition of nanoparticles and additives. It works with customers from concept development through commercialization. Gersteltec aims to expand the uses of SU-8 photoresists from microsystems to larger nano-to-macro applications.
Good & Strong companies come up with sound marketing planning & policies. Direct selling has more than 50 years old track record worldwide producing more millionaire than any other system. In past ten years, every other country has already experienced good growth cycle in direct selling. We have asked our consultants, leaders & ourselves as to what kind of people we would be in the next five to ten years. The answer is "Hardworking people with good health, prosperity & growth". It is with this mind; we have designed our wealth plan that works on building a reputed career for the people. We believe in the potential of people. We believe that if we put our efforts in utilizing this potential of the people, their values & beliefs, they will in turn achieve their career growth. Compensation plans must be the basis of helping & sharing. A good compensation plan is a joy to work as it is none pressurised & at the same time has generous payout. We are at very beginning of our growth cycle in direct selling. In this positive atmosphere, "I wish" can become "I will", a dream becoming reality!The company has come up with the most innovative compensation plan of all times, Based on the Product Volume (PV) turnover in your teams. Optima is one of the highest paying wealth plan & having an innovative automated system where a common man can also sell & purchase products at more affordable prices.
El documento resume las caracter鱈sticas del periodo neonatal y del desarrollo de los reci辿n nacidos. Explica que el periodo neonatal abarca las primeras cuatro semanas de vida y describe las caracter鱈sticas f鱈sicas de los neonatos. Tambi辿n cubre temas como la nutrici坦n, el crecimiento, las causas de muerte neonatal y los principios del desarrollo cerebral en los primeros a単os de vida.
Este documento describe un proyecto para dise単ar e implementar un sistema de seguridad electr坦nico para hogares basado en las normas UNE-EN15232 para prevenir robos. El objetivo general es dise単ar e implementar un sistema de seguridad electr坦nico basado en estas normas. Los objetivos espec鱈ficos son dise単ar un prototipo de seguridad electr坦nico para una vivienda unifamiliar siguiendo las normas para mejorar la eficiencia energ辿tica, y implementar un sistema de seguridad electr坦nico con control automatizado.
Este documento presenta las soluciones a 25 preguntas de un examen de f鱈sica. Cada pregunta contiene entre 2 y 5 afirmaciones y la respuesta correcta se identifica con una letra. El resumen proporciona la informaci坦n clave sobre el tipo de contenido cubierto en el examen (preguntas sobre ondas, sonido, electricidad, mec叩nica) sin entrar en detalles sobre las respuestas espec鱈ficas.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre el Helicobacter pylori (Hp), incluyendo su diagn坦stico, tratamiento de erradicaci坦n y presencia en ni単os. En cuanto al diagn坦stico, se discuten los m辿todos invasivos y no invasivos, as鱈 como cu叩ndo est叩 indicado realizar una prueba para diagnosticar Hp. En relaci坦n al tratamiento, se describe la terapia est叩ndar triple y cu叩druple, as鱈 como opciones secuenciales y de confirmaci坦n de la erradicaci坦n. Finalmente, se menciona brevemente la presencia
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a r叩pida de selecci坦n de instrumentos de medici坦n para 2016. Incluye analizadores de redes el辿ctricas y data loggers, c叩maras termogr叩ficas, instrumentaci坦n multifunci坦n para verificaci坦n de seguridad el辿ctrica, medidores de resistencia de aislamiento y tierra, instrumentos de verificaci坦n y simulaci坦n multifunci坦n, mult鱈metros digitales y calibradores de procesos, pinzas amperim辿tricas digitales, instrumentaci坦n para instalaciones fotovoltaicas, instrumentaci坦n para redes L
El 74% de los encuestados considera que los productos de Giros y Finanzas son confiables. Los productos m叩s conocidos son pagos y env鱈os de giros (68%), tarjeta de cr辿dito La 14 (38%), CDT (29%) y cuenta de ahorros (27%). La atenci坦n en las agencias de Giros y Finanzas fue calificada positivamente por el 62% de los encuestados.
Analysis Of Corporate Email Management SystemDharmesh Gandhi
The document analyzes and proposes improvements to a corporate email management system. It consists of 5 scanning stages: anti-spam, mail composite check, file filter test, content scan, and anti-virus. The existing system evenly distributes 10 threads across each stage, resulting in a bottleneck. A new proposed system pools all 50 threads and runs all scanning sequentially on each email, increasing capacity by 5%. Reordering stages based on rejection rates and speed further boosts capacity by 24%, achieving an overall 182.3% increase from the original system.
The document discusses nanocomposite materials and their applications in paints and functional coatings. It describes how Tec Star produces nanoparticles that provide new properties when used as nanofillers, such as increasing scratch resistance, UV resistance, and corrosion protection for paints. The nanoparticles can also provide benefits for functional coatings, ceramic enamels, and anti-stick treatments for plastic molds. Case studies demonstrate improvements in properties like wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
The document describes Tec Star S.r.l., a company that analyzes tribology issues using specialized equipment. It discusses their tribometer, ball-on-disk tester, block-on-ring tester, and reciprocating mode tester which can evaluate properties like coefficient of friction and wear rate under different conditions. Three case studies are presented: analyzing polymer friction properties, the effect of lubricants on wear rates, and reciprocating polymer-steel coupling tests. Customized tests can simulate real contact geometries and environments.
The document discusses nanofluids and their applications. It describes how nanofluids are fluids containing nanoparticles that can enhance heat transfer properties more than conventional fluids. Some key applications discussed include using nanofluids for cooling in engines, drilling operations in the oil industry, enhanced oil recovery, and improving the properties of enamels. The document provides details on the enhanced thermal conductivity of nanofluids and their potential to allow for more efficient heat transfer in various industrial systems and processes.
COMAC is an Italian company that has been developing extrusion technology for plastics since 1978. They produce twin screw extruders and specialized equipment for processing polymers and plastic compounds. COMAC works with customers to design efficient and profitable extrusion lines tailored to their needs and applications. Their goal is to offer advanced technological solutions and expertise in extrusion processing.
Marco Rudilosso is an Italian mechanical designer and R&D engineer born in 1988. He has work experience in railway product design, aluminum alloy research and development for automotive applications, and laser-based product testing and validation. Currently he is the project manager for an ongoing 4 million euro FP7 project involving additive manufacturing and virtual characterization of aluminum alloys for automotive structural components.
Nanoscale-based Concepts for Innovative and Eco-Sustainable Constructive Mate...teixeiravasco
Invited talk at Conference Dubai Nanotech 2013. Nanoscale-based Concepts for Innovative and Eco-Sustainable Constructive Materials: Challenges and Opportunities for Energy and Environment Applications.
Economic impact of Nanotechnology. 1-Development of smart coatings for window IR control
2-Flexible smart multilayers for coloration & shading
3-Solar Tiles - photovoltaics thin films integrated on roof tiles and ceramic facades
4-Development of novel asphalt pavements with photocatalytic ability (with self-cleaning and pollution reduction functions)
Christian Ferrarese is an Italian project manager and laboratory manager currently working for the Joint Research Center of the European Commission in Ispra, Italy. He obtained a Master's degree in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology from Politecnico di Milano in 2020 and has over 8 years of experience managing emission testing facilities and experimental campaigns. He is responsible for logistics, testing, data analysis, and reporting related to assessing vehicles' compliance with emission regulations.
Advanced Materials International Forum, Bari 18-19 settembre, conferenza internazionale dedicata ai materiali avanzati e alle loro possibili applicazioni nei settori industriali, con un focus particolare sui trasporti (aerospazio, automotive, navale e cantieristico).
Gersteltec is a Swiss company that develops and manufactures SU-8 photoresists and functional materials. It provides consulting, prototyping, and production services for SU-8 applications. Gersteltec has developed advanced photoresists with enhanced mechanical, electrical, optical, and tribological properties through the addition of nanoparticles and additives. It works with customers from concept development through commercialization. Gersteltec aims to expand the uses of SU-8 photoresists from microsystems to larger nano-to-macro applications.
This document discusses the use of nanomaterials for thermal energy storage (TES). It provides examples of how nanomaterials like nanofluids and nanocomposites can improve TES when used as additives to base storage materials. Applications discussed include using nanomaterials to enhance TES in building construction and heating/cooling, automotive engines, electronics, computers, and solar energy collection. Specific nanomaterials mentioned include metal oxide nanoparticles, nanoceramics, carbon nanotubes, and nanoparticles dispersed in salt solutions. The document aims to demonstrate how integrating nanomaterials can enhance TES technologies across multiple industries.
The SMART-NANO project has enabled the development of an innovative and cost-effective technology platform that provides a complete "sample-to-result" solution for the detection, identification and measurement of nanoparticles designed in a wide range of matrices.
Application Of Nanotechnology In Civil EngineeringGrimGod
Nanotechnology refers to manipulating matter at the nanoscale, around 1 to 100 nanometers. It can be used in various areas of civil engineering like materials, construction, and maintenance. Some applications of nanotechnology in construction include using carbon nanotubes to strengthen concrete and coatings, nano-silica to improve properties of fly ash concrete, and nano-sensors to monitor structures. However, high costs remain a barrier to widespread use of nanotechnology in construction due to small production volumes and lengthy commercialization timelines.
Teknor Apex has developed new thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) compounds with enhanced flow properties to address common defects in automotive sealing systems and exterior parts. The defects include flow marks, streaking, and tiger striping. The new TPE compounds have higher flow and slower crystallization, allowing for a wider processing window. This improves surface quality and adhesion. Representative grades from three new high-flow TPE series for applications like window encapsulation and corner moldings are presented, showing enhanced properties over standard materials.
The document discusses nanotechnology in construction materials and waste management. It describes how nanomaterials are used in cement, paints, insulation, and other building elements to improve properties. When these materials reach the end of their life, they become nanowaste. Proper monitoring and disposal of nanowaste is important due to their small size and reactivity. Suggested solutions for nanowaste include reusing it in concrete, pavements, foundations, or growing mediums to give it environmental significance.
The document discusses applications of nanotechnology in the construction industry. It describes how nanomaterials can improve properties of materials like concrete, coatings, and glass. Some key nanomaterials discussed are nano silica, titanium dioxide, and carbon nanotubes which can enhance strength, self-cleaning abilities, and durability of construction materials. The document also outlines various nanocoatings that provide benefits like fire protection, heat insulation, corrosion protection and abrasion resistance. Reinste Nano Ventures provides several nanomaterials and nanocoatings tailored for the construction industry.
This document discusses the use of nanotechnology in civil engineering applications. It begins by defining nanotechnology and nanoscale materials like carbon nanotubes and nano-silica. It then discusses several uses of nanotechnology in concrete to improve strength, durability, and permeability. The document also discusses uses of nanotechnology in steel, wood, stone, and coatings/paints to provide benefits like increased strength, corrosion resistance, self-cleaning properties, and insulation. Specific products discussed include Cuore concrete, SandvikNanoflex steel, MMFX2 steel, and the Nansulate insulation coating.
In this presentation i have described about nanotechnology in present and future automobiles.And i also gave applications regarding nanotechnology in automobiles.
This document discusses conductive inks for functional printing. It describes Agfa, a company that produces two core technologies for thin printable conductors: PEDOT:PSS conductive polymer and nano-silver ink. PEDOT:PSS is transparent, flexible and formable, while nano-silver ink offers high conductivity and allows printing thinner layers and smaller features. The document provides examples of applications for each technology and discusses parameters like curing time and temperature to optimize conductivity. It emphasizes that nano-silver ink can achieve high conductivity through multiple printing steps and higher curing temperatures.
Nano technology is the control of matter on an atomic and molecular scale less than 100 nanometers. It is being used in construction materials like concrete, steel, wood, glass, coatings and more to improve properties like strength, durability, self-cleaning, fire resistance and more. Some examples include using nano silica to densify concrete structure, carbon nanotubes to strengthen cement, titanium dioxide to provide self-cleaning surfaces, and magnesium and calcium nanoparticles to increase weld toughness. Overall, nanotechnology offers promising applications to advance sustainable construction.
1. TEC STAR S.r.l.
Viale Europa, 40 41011 Campogalliano (MO), Italy
Tel. +39059 527775 Fax +39059 527773
TEC STAR: your FULL partner in nanotecnology
Complete problem solving service: from the analysis of the state of the art to the industrial supply
of nanoparticles
the TEC STAR model
Dr. Alberto Borghi President | CEO
2. TEC STAR S.r.l.
Viale Europa, 40 41011 Campogalliano (MO), Italy
Tel. +39059 527775 Fax +39059 527773
The company
TEC STAR is a dynamic company, specialised in developing hi-tech solutions for nanotechnology
industrial applications. The company deals with R&D, production, engineering and selling of new
nanostructured materials for the mechanical, automotive, ceramics, glass, chemical, textile,
aeronautical, plastic material and composite material and polymer industries, and everything
connected with these industries.
TEC STAR major mission is thus to satisfy the customers needs on the basis of their requests, in
terms of performance and properties of materials, providing a full service from the concept to the
complete execution.
Alberto Borghi: President | CEO
Lorenzo Calabri: Business Development Manager
Leonardo Rettighieri: Chief Technical Officer
Alberto Montagnani: Senior Partner
Paolo Moscatti: Senior Partner
3. TEC STAR S.r.l.
Viale Europa, 40 41011 Campogalliano (MO), Italy
Tel. +39059 527775 Fax +39059 527773
Nanoparticles by
chemical synthesis
R&D Company
R&D Company
University of
Testing & Consulting
private Laboratory
Dry nanoparticles
full service from the concept to the complete execution
4. TEC STAR S.r.l.
Viale Europa, 40 41011 Campogalliano (MO), Italy
Tel. +39059 527775 Fax +39059 527773
TEC STAR customizes and produces nanoparticles that, used as nanofillers in place of traditional fillers, are
able to intercalate and bond to the polymer chains, as a consequence of their typical nanometric dimension
and huge specific surface. In this way it is possible to tune different properties (mechanical, electrical,
magnetic, flame resistance, etc.) with filler concentration within the matrix not larger than 2-5% wt. and
with no variation of material workability.
Polymers treated:
. Polypropylene
. Polyurethane
Distribution of CaCO3 nanoparticles in polypropylene.
SEM cross section picture of PUR. SEM cross section picture of nanocomposite PUR (a) SiO2
nanoparticles; (b) TiO2 nanoparticles.
(a) (b)
5. TEC STAR S.r.l.
Viale Europa, 40 41011 Campogalliano (MO), Italy
Tel. +39059 527775 Fax +39059 527773
TEC STAR produces nanoparticles that, used as nanofillers for paints and inks, provide new properties to
polymer coatings, solving many problems related to the varnish industry:
. increasing scratch resistance and surface hardness
. improvement of UV light resistance
. increasing corrosion protection
. improvement of antiseptic effect
. increasing thermal insulation
. increasing electrical conductivity.
Paints treated:
. Polyurethanic solvent based
. Polyurethanic water based
. UV
Polyurethanic nanocomposite paint.
6. TEC STAR S.r.l.
Viale Europa, 40 41011 Campogalliano (MO), Italy
Tel. +39059 527775 Fax +39059 527773
Development of additives for the galvanic and polymer coating, to provide the traditional coatings (nickel,
zinc, cataphoretic paints, etc..) with high mechanical properties (low friction coefficient and wear rate),
corrosion resistance and hydrophilic/hydrophobic surface properties.
Electrodeposited Nickel + nano.
PMMA nanocoposite hydrophilic coating.
7. TEC STAR S.r.l.
Viale Europa, 40 41011 Campogalliano (MO), Italy
Tel. +39059 527775 Fax +39059 527773
TEC Star is able to provide a new nanotechnology product with an efficient bactericide effect. This is a
nanoparticle-based additive that has been developed for certain specific paint and polymer applications.
The product doesnt modify the colour of the polymeric material, it is, if necessary, totally transparent and
offers a proven and efficient anti-bacterial effect.
This additive could be of interest for all the paint and polymer users and producers, who are interested in
providing a strong bactericide behaviour to their products surfaces. It is, thus, possible to have long-lasting
clean and healthy surfaces, mainly for those products routinely used by different users: food or
commodities distribution equipments, public transportations, etc.
Antibacterial Polypropylene.
8. TEC STAR S.r.l.
Viale Europa, 40 41011 Campogalliano (MO), Italy
Tel. +39059 527775 Fax +39059 527773
TEC STAR uses a ball milling approach to create nanostructured micro-fillers, composed of a aluminium
powder, filled with ceramic nanoparticles. Then, these nanostructured micro-fillers are directly used within
the molten aluminum in order to create the MMNCs.
The main characteristic we are trying to improve is the Elastic Modulus of the alloy. In this sense the results
are very interesting, as we obtain a Youngs Modulus close to 100 GPa, while, traditionally the value for
aluminum is fixed at 70 GPa.
9. TEC STAR S.r.l.
Viale Europa, 40 41011 Campogalliano (MO), Italy
Tel. +39059 527775 Fax +39059 527773
Generally, the best strategy to reduce friction and wear of materials is to design a scienti鍖c tribological
system, which includes optimized mechanical structures, effective lubricating system, appropriate
matching of sliding pairs, etc .
In recent years, numerous studies have been carried out on the effects of nanoparticles as lubricant
additives on friction and wear.
Generally, most scientific studies concluded that nanoparticles into lubricants are able to chemically and
mechanically modify the sliding materials, producing a protective thin 鍖lm on the crests of surface
roughness, reducing direct contact between the asperities, thus, minimize wear.
TEC STAR is deeply involved in nanocomposite lubricant development and test, finding best nanoparticles
and functionalization treatment to guarantee high and long lasting performances.
Coefficient of friction
different TEC STAR additive concentration
in base lubricant (wt.%)
Wear coefficient
ical add.
different TEC STAR additive concentration in base
lubricant (wt.%)
Max wear reduction:
- 90% (with respect to
base oil)
- 80% (with respect to
chemical added oil)
10. TEC STAR S.r.l.
Viale Europa, 40 41011 Campogalliano (MO), Italy
Tel. +39059 527775 Fax +39059 527773
In TEC Star laboratories it is possible to have a full
characterization of the main characteristics of nanopowders
and nanoparticles, for a quality control analysis both in the
production and in the supply phase.
The result of this service will be a Technical sheet, tailored on
the customers needs, with information about the following
characteristics of nanoparticles:
揃 Shape and morphology (Hi-resolution images FE-SEM or
揃 Average size (APS) (using FE-SEM, TEM or XRD)
揃 Main crystal phases (using XRD)
揃 Chemical surface composition (using XPS)
揃 Size, statistical distribution and zeta potential for liquid
dispersion (using DLS)
Zirconium dioxide ZrO2
12. TEC STAR S.r.l.
Viale Europa, 40 41011 Campogalliano (MO), Italy
Tel. +39059 527775 Fax +39059 527773
Funded Research Projects
TEC Star is one of the 31 innovative start-ups located in Emilia
Romagna (one on the 8 from Modena), chosen within the
regional call for the start-up of new innovative companies,
sponsored with the "European Regional Development Fund"
ERDF, based on European Union and Italian Goverment
Project "Italici" - Nuove tecnologie per il Made in Italy -
Industria 2015. TEC Star, along with 10 other companies in the
project, will be an active member for what concerns the
research and development, with the goal to innovate by
nanotechnology the product "brick" and the technologies
required for its production.
NanoSafePack - Development of a best practices guide for the
safe handling and use of nanoparticles in packaging industries.
Nanomicex - Mitigation of risk and control of exposure in
nanotechnology based inks and pigments
13. TEC STAR S.r.l.
Viale Europa, 40 41011 Campogalliano (MO), Italy
Tel. +39059 527775 Fax +39059 527773
Dr. Alberto Borghi
Viale Europa, 40
41011 Campogalliano (MO) - Italy
Tel (+39)059.526845
Fax (+39)059.527000