The document discusses India's Right to Education Act 2009. It provides background on India's population, literacy rates, and educational challenges. Millions of children are not in school, and dropout rates are high. It then outlines various government programs to promote early childhood education, primary education through initiatives like the District Primary Education Program and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, the Mid-Day Meal program, and programs targeting girls' education and secondary education. The document argues that the right to education is important for informed voting and was introduced as a compromise in the Constitution. It defines "compulsory education" and "free education" and outlines the responsibilities of central, state and local authorities to make schools available and ensure all children
The document discusses several audience and media theories: reception theory describes dominant, negotiated, and oppositional readings of media; uses and gratifications theory proposes that people use media to fulfill individual needs like surveillance, identity, relationships, and entertainment; cultivation theory suggests that heavy television viewing shapes peoples' perceptions of social reality; and Maslow's hierarchy of needs proposes that people are motivated to fulfill basic needs before pursuing higher-level needs like self-actualization.
This Joint Venture project with Iparmar Group, Pune is a true feather in the cap for the Vijaylaxmi group and offers a grand palette of colors for the residents of this residential township. It is a 34 acre integrated township nestled amidst a 25 acre reserved green zone. This is where lush green spaces meet the deep blue of the Indrayaniriver! This is where luxury has a whole new meaning. River Residency allows your lifestyle to gush and flow like never before! The 12 storey structures that house a range of 1,2 & 3 BHK apartments have been laid down with a design approach that focuses on providing maximum sunlight, fresh air and green views to each individual apartment.
Noor Ibrahim AL-Dwairi received her bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology with very good grades. She has 10 years of experience working in management positions at the Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization and currently works as the Head of Planning and Monitoring Division at the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology. She has expertise in quality management systems, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, and leadership.
The impact of social pedagogy and interviews with children and young people i...BASPCAN
This document discusses a study evaluating the impact of introducing a social pedagogy approach in foster care. The study has three modules: 1) examining the impact on children and youth through interviews; 2) assessing the impact on foster carers and practices through surveys and interviews; and 3) analyzing the implementation process and systemic changes through manager interviews and case studies. Preliminary findings suggest social pedagogy affirms the role of foster carers and helps children and youth map their lives and relationships. However, fully assimilating this approach presents complexity as foster carers work to integrate it into existing practices. Next steps involve follow up interviews and a cost analysis comparing outcomes and expenses over time between traditional and social pedagogy-based foster
FPGA Implementation of an Area Optimized Architecture for 128 bit AES AlgorithmIJERA Editor
This paper aims at FPGA Implementation of an Area Optimized Architecture for 128 bit AES Algorithm. The
conventional designs use a separate module for 32 bit byte substitution and 128 bit byte substitution. The 32 bit
byte substitution is used in round key generation and the 128 bit byte substitution is used in the rounds. This
report presents a modified architecture of 128 bit byte substitution module using a single 32 bit byte substitution
module to reduce area.The AES encryption and decryption algorithm were designed using Verilog HDL. The
functionality of the modules were checked using ModelSim. The simulations were carried out in ModelSim and
Quartus II. The algorithm was implemented in FPGA and achieved a 2% reduction in the total logic element
Comparison between Test-Driven Development and Conventional Development: A Ca...IJERA Editor
In Software Engineering, different techniques and approaches are being used nowadays to produce reliable
software. The software quality relies heavily on the software testing. However, not all developers are concerned
with the testing stage of a software. This has affected the software quality and has increased the cost as well. To
avoid these issues, researchers paid a lot of effort on finding the best technique that guarantee the software
quality. In this paper we aim to explore the effectiveness of building test cases using Test-Driven Development
(TDD) technique compared with the conventional technique (Test-last). The comparison measures the
effectiveness of test cases with regard to number of defects, code coverage and test cases development duration
between TDD and Test-Last. The results has been analyzes and presented to support the best technique. On an
average, the effectiveness of test cases with regards to the selected quality factors in Test-Driven Development
(TDD) was better than the conventional technique (Test-last). TDD and conventional testing had nearly the
same percentage as result in code coverage. Moreover, the number of defects found and the test cases
development duration spent in TDD are high compared with Test-Last. The results led to suggest some
contributions and achievement that could be gained from applying TDD technique in software industry. As
using TDD as development technique in young companies can produce high quality software in less time.
Pengantar Bisnis - 6 Manajemen Sumber Daya ManusiaAndiNurkholis1
Materi slide Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia mata kuliah Pengantar Bisnis mencakup:
1. Sumber daya manusia
2. Manajemen SDM
3. Kegiatan manajemen SDM
4. Fungsi manajemen SDM
5. Manfaat perencanaan SDM
6. Pelatihan & pengembangan SDM
7. Hukum SDM
8. Tantangan masa depan SDM
"Desain algoritma" merujuk pada proses pembuatan serangkaian langkah logis yang terdefinisi dengan baik (algoritma) guna memecahkan masalah tertentu, yang pada hakikatnya menguraikan prosedur langkah demi langkah bagi komputer untuk diikuti guna menjalankan tugas secara efisien; proses ini melibatkan analisis masalah, pemilihan teknik yang tepat, dan penataan solusi ke dalam urutan instruksi yang jelas.
Technopreneurship - 3 Ide dan Prinsip BisnisAndiNurkholis1
Materi slide Ide dan Prinsip Bisnis mata kuliah Technopreneurship mencakup:
1. Ide bisnis
2. Pertimbangan ide bisnis
3. Ciptakan ide bisnis
4. Pemilihan ide bisnis
5. Menguji ide bisnis
6. Prinsip-prinsip bisnis
Tangkin4d Menjadi Platfom Yang paling Mudah Di mainkan Dan Meraih Kemenangan ...TANGKI4D
#TANGKI4D adalah sebuah situs judi online terpercaya dengan secara resmi yang menjalin kerjasama resmi dari developer slot gacor tersohor, seperti Pragmatic Play, PG Soft, Habanero dan masih banyak lainnya.#Tangki4dexclusive #tangki4dlink #tangki4dvip #bandarsbobet #idpro2025 #stargamingasia #situsjitu #jppragmaticplay #scatternagahitam #gratis #agentsbobet
FPGA Implementation of an Area Optimized Architecture for 128 bit AES AlgorithmIJERA Editor
This paper aims at FPGA Implementation of an Area Optimized Architecture for 128 bit AES Algorithm. The
conventional designs use a separate module for 32 bit byte substitution and 128 bit byte substitution. The 32 bit
byte substitution is used in round key generation and the 128 bit byte substitution is used in the rounds. This
report presents a modified architecture of 128 bit byte substitution module using a single 32 bit byte substitution
module to reduce area.The AES encryption and decryption algorithm were designed using Verilog HDL. The
functionality of the modules were checked using ModelSim. The simulations were carried out in ModelSim and
Quartus II. The algorithm was implemented in FPGA and achieved a 2% reduction in the total logic element
Comparison between Test-Driven Development and Conventional Development: A Ca...IJERA Editor
In Software Engineering, different techniques and approaches are being used nowadays to produce reliable
software. The software quality relies heavily on the software testing. However, not all developers are concerned
with the testing stage of a software. This has affected the software quality and has increased the cost as well. To
avoid these issues, researchers paid a lot of effort on finding the best technique that guarantee the software
quality. In this paper we aim to explore the effectiveness of building test cases using Test-Driven Development
(TDD) technique compared with the conventional technique (Test-last). The comparison measures the
effectiveness of test cases with regard to number of defects, code coverage and test cases development duration
between TDD and Test-Last. The results has been analyzes and presented to support the best technique. On an
average, the effectiveness of test cases with regards to the selected quality factors in Test-Driven Development
(TDD) was better than the conventional technique (Test-last). TDD and conventional testing had nearly the
same percentage as result in code coverage. Moreover, the number of defects found and the test cases
development duration spent in TDD are high compared with Test-Last. The results led to suggest some
contributions and achievement that could be gained from applying TDD technique in software industry. As
using TDD as development technique in young companies can produce high quality software in less time.
Pengantar Bisnis - 6 Manajemen Sumber Daya ManusiaAndiNurkholis1
Materi slide Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia mata kuliah Pengantar Bisnis mencakup:
1. Sumber daya manusia
2. Manajemen SDM
3. Kegiatan manajemen SDM
4. Fungsi manajemen SDM
5. Manfaat perencanaan SDM
6. Pelatihan & pengembangan SDM
7. Hukum SDM
8. Tantangan masa depan SDM
"Desain algoritma" merujuk pada proses pembuatan serangkaian langkah logis yang terdefinisi dengan baik (algoritma) guna memecahkan masalah tertentu, yang pada hakikatnya menguraikan prosedur langkah demi langkah bagi komputer untuk diikuti guna menjalankan tugas secara efisien; proses ini melibatkan analisis masalah, pemilihan teknik yang tepat, dan penataan solusi ke dalam urutan instruksi yang jelas.
Technopreneurship - 3 Ide dan Prinsip BisnisAndiNurkholis1
Materi slide Ide dan Prinsip Bisnis mata kuliah Technopreneurship mencakup:
1. Ide bisnis
2. Pertimbangan ide bisnis
3. Ciptakan ide bisnis
4. Pemilihan ide bisnis
5. Menguji ide bisnis
6. Prinsip-prinsip bisnis
Tangkin4d Menjadi Platfom Yang paling Mudah Di mainkan Dan Meraih Kemenangan ...TANGKI4D
#TANGKI4D adalah sebuah situs judi online terpercaya dengan secara resmi yang menjalin kerjasama resmi dari developer slot gacor tersohor, seperti Pragmatic Play, PG Soft, Habanero dan masih banyak lainnya.#Tangki4dexclusive #tangki4dlink #tangki4dvip #bandarsbobet #idpro2025 #stargamingasia #situsjitu #jppragmaticplay #scatternagahitam #gratis #agentsbobet