This document summarizes the VIVA EastPart project, which aimed to improve management of minor historic centers in the Eastern Partnership region through an integrated cultural heritage approach. The project conducted research on cultural systems, developed a participatory methodology, and implemented pilot projects. Key outputs included comparative analyses, an international network, local action plans, and three pilot projects carried out based on local pacts in Armenia, Moldova, and Romania to showcase territorial cultural planning processes and management tools for sustainable heritage development.
El documento describe al Sol como una estrella que se encuentra en el centro de nuestro sistema solar y es la fuente de luz y calor que mantiene la vida en la Tierra. El Sol es una enorme esfera de gas en combusti坦n que es mayor que todos los planetas juntos y proporciona de forma continua la energ鱈a necesaria para la vida a trav辿s de la luz y el calor que emite.
Itpi presentation: Smarter Cities for Journalistsitalpinas
A presentation showing Italpinas' Green Projects, from current ones to future plans. It shows the effectiveness of applying green architecture in building structures to adapt to climate changes as well as save energy through unique designs.
This document outlines different criteria for segmenting markets: geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral. Geographic segmentation divides markets into international, national, and regional/city segments. Demographic segmentation divides markets by variables like age, gender, family size, income, occupation, and nationality. Psychographic segmentation divides buyers into groups based on classifications like income level. Behavioral segmentation divides markets by variables such as occasions, benefits sought, user status, usage rate, loyalty status, and buyer readiness. Effective market segmentation requires segments to be measurable, accessible, substantial, and actionable. Segments are then evaluated based on size, growth, structural attractiveness, and alignment with company objectives and resources.
Territorial cultural systems in armenia_phases at local level_zhanna galyanVIVA_EAST
This document summarizes a project focused on cultural systems in Armenia. It held workshops in Tavush Marz to raise awareness of cultural and environmental heritage and involve local organizations in developing a Territorial Heritage Action Plan. The plan focused on the town of Dilijan and surrounding area, addressing spatial planning, strategic programs, and territorial development. Local stakeholders signed a pact to implement the action plan, and a pilot project was launched to brand and promote Dilijan's cultural resources using physical and virtual identity tools.
Territorial cultural systems in armenia_dilijan area_sarhat petrosyanVIVA_EAST
This document discusses the legal framework and legislation around cultural heritage protection in Armenia, including its constitution, European conventions, and domestic laws governing urban planning, historical monuments, and cultural legislation. It also outlines state regulations like protected site lists and guidelines. Examples are given of best practices in Armenia, such as preserving the Old Dilijan Complex and Nikol Douman House Museum. The VIVA Cultural Territorial Systems project is introduced as taking an integrated, systematic approach to cultural heritage planning and demonstration projects in Dilijan town and surrounding areas.
This recipe calls for fresh peas, salt, marjoram, and light browning to make a pea soup. The peas are husked, soaked, boiled until soft, and then blended with the other ingredients until smooth. The blended pea soup can be served with small cubes of fried bread.
2BHK, 3BHK & 4BHK Apartments for sale in Sanjay Nagar, Bangalore at Hoysala Infantry Towers
2BHK Apartments in Bangalore
Site at Bangalore
Villa Houses in Bangalore
Apartments for sale at Electronic city
Itpi presentation: Smarter Cities for Journalistsitalpinas
A presentation showing Italpinas' Green Projects, from current ones to future plans. It shows the effectiveness of applying green architecture in building structures to adapt to climate changes as well as save energy through unique designs.
This document outlines different criteria for segmenting markets: geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral. Geographic segmentation divides markets into international, national, and regional/city segments. Demographic segmentation divides markets by variables like age, gender, family size, income, occupation, and nationality. Psychographic segmentation divides buyers into groups based on classifications like income level. Behavioral segmentation divides markets by variables such as occasions, benefits sought, user status, usage rate, loyalty status, and buyer readiness. Effective market segmentation requires segments to be measurable, accessible, substantial, and actionable. Segments are then evaluated based on size, growth, structural attractiveness, and alignment with company objectives and resources.
Territorial cultural systems in armenia_phases at local level_zhanna galyanVIVA_EAST
This document summarizes a project focused on cultural systems in Armenia. It held workshops in Tavush Marz to raise awareness of cultural and environmental heritage and involve local organizations in developing a Territorial Heritage Action Plan. The plan focused on the town of Dilijan and surrounding area, addressing spatial planning, strategic programs, and territorial development. Local stakeholders signed a pact to implement the action plan, and a pilot project was launched to brand and promote Dilijan's cultural resources using physical and virtual identity tools.
Territorial cultural systems in armenia_dilijan area_sarhat petrosyanVIVA_EAST
This document discusses the legal framework and legislation around cultural heritage protection in Armenia, including its constitution, European conventions, and domestic laws governing urban planning, historical monuments, and cultural legislation. It also outlines state regulations like protected site lists and guidelines. Examples are given of best practices in Armenia, such as preserving the Old Dilijan Complex and Nikol Douman House Museum. The VIVA Cultural Territorial Systems project is introduced as taking an integrated, systematic approach to cultural heritage planning and demonstration projects in Dilijan town and surrounding areas.
This recipe calls for fresh peas, salt, marjoram, and light browning to make a pea soup. The peas are husked, soaked, boiled until soft, and then blended with the other ingredients until smooth. The blended pea soup can be served with small cubes of fried bread.
2BHK, 3BHK & 4BHK Apartments for sale in Sanjay Nagar, Bangalore at Hoysala Infantry Towers
2BHK Apartments in Bangalore
Site at Bangalore
Villa Houses in Bangalore
Apartments for sale at Electronic city
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