This resume summarizes over 20 years of experience in banking and financial leasing with progressive responsibility and documented success. The candidate has knowledge of operations, taxes, accounting, client services, and audits. She is interested in customer service positions that utilize her interpersonal skills and experience. Having previously worked for Citigroup for many years, she now seeks a more fun job in a relaxed atmosphere, where she can provide maturity, self-motivation, flexibility and a team-oriented approach to get the job done.
El resumen describe un evento de emprendimiento social que se llevar叩 a cabo el 26 de junio de 2014 en La Laguna, Tenerife. El evento incluir叩 presentaciones de tres proyectos sociales, una charla sobre emprendimiento social, y tiempo para networking. El objetivo es compartir informaci坦n y apoyarse mutuamente para maximizar el impacto social de los proyectos. La asistencia es gratuita previa inscripci坦n.
1) O voleibol foi criado em 1885 por William G. Morgan nos Estados Unidos como uma atividade recreativa para o inverno.
2) Morgan queria uma atividade suave que n達o fosse competitiva como o basquetebol e que n達o precisasse de muito equipamento.
3) Ele inventou as regras b叩sicas do voleibol com uma rede e duas equipes jogando uma bola leve para cima e para o ch達o.
Ibpt apresenta sistema para informar o imposto na nota fiscal revista in co...AFRAC
O IBPT apresentou um sistema para c叩lculo da carga tribut叩ria incidente em produtos e servi巽os que permitir叩 a aplica巽達o da Lei 12.741/12 de forma simples. O sistema foi bem recebido por parlamentares e entidades do com辿rcio e servi巽os. A Receita Federal e o Minist辿rio da Justi巽a se comprometeram a levar a proposta para reuni達o nos pr坦ximos dias antes da lei entrar em vigor em junho.
Big Data Europe WP2: Food & Agriculture requirements elicitationTheo Kontogiannis
This document outlines a plan to elicit requirements from the agri-food research community in Europe for big data and data management needs. It involves conducting an online survey promoted through the agINFRA community, as well as telephone/Skype interviews and interactive sessions at major agri-food events. The goals are to understand the research community, collect their data requirements, present results on the BDE website, and map the BDE platform to the identified needs. Target personas include project coordinators and knowledge/data managers from Horizon 2020 agri-food projects.
This document is an engineering drawing for a double shelf unit. It includes dimensions for two shelf models, technical specifications like material used and surface finish, as well as manufacturing details such as tolerances and a note about removing sharp edges. The drawing also contains title block information crediting the designer and manufacturer.
Mrs. Dunham's calendar outlines the schedule and special events for her kindergarten classroom for the month. It lists the daily schedule, with library days, show and share days, and pizza lunch noted. It also identifies the special helpers for each day of the week and notes upcoming scholastics book orders and PA days with no school. The document provides contact information for Mrs. Dunham and information about the Oscar Peterson Public School.
This resume summarizes over 20 years of experience in banking and financial leasing with progressive responsibility and documented success. The candidate has knowledge of operations, taxes, accounting, client services, and audits. She is interested in customer service positions that utilize her interpersonal skills and experience. Having previously worked for Citigroup for many years, she now seeks a more fun job in a relaxed atmosphere, where she can provide maturity, self-motivation, flexibility and a team-oriented approach to get the job done.
El resumen describe un evento de emprendimiento social que se llevar叩 a cabo el 26 de junio de 2014 en La Laguna, Tenerife. El evento incluir叩 presentaciones de tres proyectos sociales, una charla sobre emprendimiento social, y tiempo para networking. El objetivo es compartir informaci坦n y apoyarse mutuamente para maximizar el impacto social de los proyectos. La asistencia es gratuita previa inscripci坦n.
1) O voleibol foi criado em 1885 por William G. Morgan nos Estados Unidos como uma atividade recreativa para o inverno.
2) Morgan queria uma atividade suave que n達o fosse competitiva como o basquetebol e que n達o precisasse de muito equipamento.
3) Ele inventou as regras b叩sicas do voleibol com uma rede e duas equipes jogando uma bola leve para cima e para o ch達o.
Ibpt apresenta sistema para informar o imposto na nota fiscal revista in co...AFRAC
O IBPT apresentou um sistema para c叩lculo da carga tribut叩ria incidente em produtos e servi巽os que permitir叩 a aplica巽達o da Lei 12.741/12 de forma simples. O sistema foi bem recebido por parlamentares e entidades do com辿rcio e servi巽os. A Receita Federal e o Minist辿rio da Justi巽a se comprometeram a levar a proposta para reuni達o nos pr坦ximos dias antes da lei entrar em vigor em junho.
Big Data Europe WP2: Food & Agriculture requirements elicitationTheo Kontogiannis
This document outlines a plan to elicit requirements from the agri-food research community in Europe for big data and data management needs. It involves conducting an online survey promoted through the agINFRA community, as well as telephone/Skype interviews and interactive sessions at major agri-food events. The goals are to understand the research community, collect their data requirements, present results on the BDE website, and map the BDE platform to the identified needs. Target personas include project coordinators and knowledge/data managers from Horizon 2020 agri-food projects.
This document is an engineering drawing for a double shelf unit. It includes dimensions for two shelf models, technical specifications like material used and surface finish, as well as manufacturing details such as tolerances and a note about removing sharp edges. The drawing also contains title block information crediting the designer and manufacturer.
Mrs. Dunham's calendar outlines the schedule and special events for her kindergarten classroom for the month. It lists the daily schedule, with library days, show and share days, and pizza lunch noted. It also identifies the special helpers for each day of the week and notes upcoming scholastics book orders and PA days with no school. The document provides contact information for Mrs. Dunham and information about the Oscar Peterson Public School.
Este documento parece ser una lista de nombres y direcciones. Contiene m叩s de 200 entradas con los nombres de personas y parejas, seguidos de sus direcciones. Las direcciones incluyen nombres de calles, pueblos y ciudades en Indonesia.
Proposal ini meminta dana sebesar Rp1.750.000 untuk seragam, biaya pendaftaran, dan konsumsi tim sepak bola Garlo FC dalam mengikuti turnamen di Laiworu pada 3 Maret 2017 guna mengembangkan bakat pemuda dan memajukan sepak bola di masyarakat.
Surat pernyataan yang berisi 10 poin pernyataan dari Lilis Fitra Saswati Arsil tentang statusnya yang tidak pernah dihukum, diberhentikan tidak hormat, menjadi calon pegawai, menjadi pengurus partai, terikat kerja, bersedia tidak menikah dan ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia, serta bersedia mengembalikan biaya seleksi dan pelatihan jika mengundurkan diri.
Surat pernyataan yang ditandatangani oleh Fajar Aswati yang menyatakan bahwa dirinya tidak pernah dihukum, diberhentikan tidak hormat, menjadi calon pegawai negeri, menjadi pengurus partai politik, sedang terikat kontrak kerja, bersedia tidak menikah selama 6 bulan, ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia, mengembalikan biaya seleksi jika mengundurkan diri, dan mengganti biaya enam kali lipat jika mengundurkan
This document contains reports from midwives at the Paramata Raha Midwifery Academy in Muna Regency on their targets for antenatal care, infant care, postnatal care, and family planning in 2017. The reports provide the midwife's name, student ID number, and academic institution for each of their assigned targets.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang makromolekul yang terdiri dari berbagai jenis seperti karbohidrat, lipid, dan protein. Karbohidrat dibagi menjadi monosakarida, disakarida, dan polisakarida. Lipid terdiri dari lemak, fosfolipid, dan steroid. Sedangkan protein tersusun atas kombinasi asam amino yang dihubungkan oleh ikatan peptida. Ketiga makromolekul ini memainkan peran penting dalam struktur dan metabolisme sel.
Pemimpin perlu memahami karakteristik karyawan sesuai teori X, Y, dan Z McGregor. Teori X mengasumsikan karyawan malas, teori Y mengasumsikan karyawan akan bekerja keras jika kondisinya tepat, teori Z menekankan partisipasi karyawan. Pemimpin harus mengembangkan kompetensi karyawan untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan. Membangun budaya kepemimpinan penting agar kaderisasi terj
Tes akhir semester mata pelajaran Seni Budaya di SMK Kelautan dan Perikanan Raha meliputi berbagai aspek seni seperti seni rupa, musik, tari, dan drama. Soal-soalnya mencakup pengetahuan tentang sejarah seni, tokoh-tokoh seniman, unsur-unsur karya seni, dan fungsi seni dalam kehidupan. Ujian ini dimaksudkan untuk menilai pemahaman siswa terhadap berbagai aspek seni.
1. Karsinoma tulang adalah pertumbuhan sel ganas abnormal pada tulang dan jaringan terkaitnya.
2. Penyebabnya belum jelas tetapi kemungkinan termasuk genetik, radiasi, bahan kimia, dan trauma.
3. Gejalanya berupa nyeri tulang, bengkak, dan fraktur patologis yang dapat menyebar ke organ lain.
Undangan sosialisasi program tanaman jagung kuning kecamatan Lasalepa yang akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 7 Maret 2017 pukul 09.00 di Balai Pertemuan Desa Labone. Kehadiran para tokoh masyarakat, tokoh agama, kelompok tani, dan aparat desa sangat diharapkan.
SKS Grade Mutu Ket
1. IDIK4010
Komputer dan Media
20142 3 B 9
2. PDGK4502
Pengemb. Kur. & Pembel. di
20142 4 C 8
3. PDGK4503 Materi & Pembelajaran IPA SD 20142 3 A 12
4. PDGK4504
Materi & Pembel. B. Indonesia
20142 3 B 9
5. PDGK4505
Pembaharuan dalam Pembel. di
20142 3 D 3
6. PKNI4317 Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) 20142 2 D 2
7. PDGK4402 Penulisan Karya Ilmiah 20141 2 B 6
8. PDGK4403 Pendidikan Anak di SD 20141 4 C 8
9. PDGK4406 Pembelajaran Matematika SD 20141 3 B 9
10. PDGK4407
Pengantar Pendidikan Anak
20141 3 C 6
11. PDGK4501
Pemantapan Kemampuan
20141 4 A 16
12. MKDK4002 Perkembangan Peserta Didik 20132 2 C 4
13. MKDK4005 Profesi Keguruan 20132 2 C 4
14. PDGK4306
Pembel. Berwawasan
20132 3 A 12
15. PDGK4401 Materi & Pembelajaran PKn SD 20132 3 B 9
16. PEMA4210 Statistika Pendidikan 20132 3 A 12
17. PKNI4317 Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) 20132 2 D 2
18. IDIK4007 Metode Penelitian 20131 2 C 4
19. IDIK4008 Penelitian Tindakan Kelas 20131 2 A 8
20. MKDK4001 Pengantar Pendidikan 20131 3 D 3
21. PDGK4304 Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD 20131 3 B 9
22. PDGK4305 Keterampilan Menulis 20131 2 B 6
23. MKDU4111 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 20122 3 C 6
24. MKDU4221 Pendidikan Agama Islam 20122 3 C 6
25. PDGK4301 Evaluasi Pembelajaran di SD 20122 2 A 8
26. PDGK4302 Pembelajaran Kelas Rangkap 20122 2 C 4
27. PDGK4303 Perspektif Global 20122 2 B 6
28. PDGK4206 Pendidikan Matematika II 20121 3 C 6
29. PDGK4207 Pendidikan Seni di SD 20121 4 B 12
30. PDGK4208
Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olah
20121 3 B 9
31. PDGK4209
Pemantapan Kemampuan
20121 4 A 16
32. PDGK4201 Pembelajaran PKn di SD 20112 4 B 12
33. PDGK4202 Pembelajaran IPA di SD 20112 3 D 3
34. PDGK4203 Pendidikan Matematika 1 20112 3 A 12
2. 35. PDGK4204 Pend. Bahasa Indonesia di SD 20112 4 C 8
36. PDGK4205 Pembelajaran Terpadu di SD 20112 2 A 8
37. PDGK4105 Strategi Pembelajaran di SD 20111 4 B 12
38. PDGK4106 Pendidikan IPS di SD 20111 3 D 3
39. PDGK4107 Praktikum IPA di SD 20111 3 A 12
40. PDGK4108 Matematika 20111 4 C 8
41. PDGK4109
Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia di
20111 3 C 6
42. PDGK4101
Keterampilan Berbahasa
Indonesia SD
20102 3 A 12
43. PDGK4102 Konsep Dasar IPS 20102 4 A 16
44. PDGK4103 Konsep Dasar IPA di SD 20102 4 B 12
45. PDGK4104 Perspektif Pendidikan SD 20102 4 C 8
Jumlah Kredit yang
: 135 Pondok Cabe, 17-02-2015
Jumlah Mutu yang
: 366
Index Prestrasi
: 2.71 Rektor
Universitas Terbuka