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Empowering You
To Take Action.
A Conscious Festival
All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
A conscious festival for truth seekers wanting to improve the
way they live, work and do business while doing more good in
the world.
All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
About the
Green is the New Black brings
together truth seekers, change
makers and thought leaders
across conscious living and
business for a one-of-a-kind
festival that pushes limits and
breaks new ground.
Its a place to laugh, learn,
discover, connect, hack beliefs,
blur the line between life and
business, dream big, and get the
inspiration to make it happen.
Green Is The New Black is where
epiphanies and meaningful
connections are made and built to
last so we can be a catalyst for
change together.
This year we are back bigger and
Date: 22 October 2016
Venue: Hotel Jen Tanglin
Time: 8.00am - 10pm
All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
About the
Singapores number 1 conscious
community. A leading platform that
brings conscious individuals from
around the world to connect, find
inspiration, gain knowledge and be
able to take action to co-create a
better future.
Since their launch in June 2015 they
have had over 1300 people attend their
events and have reached over 200,000
people in Singapore and around the
They are your monthly dose of
Inspiration, Knowledge, and Action.
All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
About the
Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore delivers
quality, comfort and value to travellers
who appreciate the important things
done well - stylish and comfortable
rooms, enthusiastic and upbeat staff,
and easy efficiency.
A travellers business and leisure needs
are both met seamlessly in this chic,
contemporary space. Whether travelling
alone, with family or in groups, youll
leave a little more inspired through
simple pleasures made fuss free.
All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
www.greenisthenewblack.asia Strategic Partners
2 0 1 6
All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
Other potential partners include:
Vegetarian Society | Transparent Supply Chain | Humans Of Singapore | EarthFest | Peatix
All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
Green Is The New Blacks primary audience profile is Singaporean local and
international guests, predominantly aged in they're early 20s to mid 30s.
They are Millennials, who pursue wellness on a daily basis. This is an area
where they have a constant thirst for knowledge and are willing to spend on
compelling brands.
The secondary audience is Singaporean local and international guests in
their mid 30s to mid 40s, professionals and parents who prioritise wellness
and healthy living for their families.
Event statistics
for 2015 festival.
TIME: 11AM - 8PM
All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
Event statistics
for 2016 pop-up.
DATE: 28TH MAY 2016
TIME: 9.30AM - 3PM
All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
www.greenisthenewblack.asia Media Feature Highlights
2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6
All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
www.greenisthenewblack.asia Featured Alumni
2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6
All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
A transformational experience and an exploration
conscious living. Guests will:
> Overcome self-doubt, deal with your inner critic,
and stay on top of your game
> Find purpose at work, connect and learn from
change makers leading the way
> Learn what it means to be sustainable and ethical in
todays world
the TALKS will be conducted in engaging and ground
breaking manner, ensuring an experience like no
A series of engaging workshops with some
of Singapore's top lifestyle gurus on simple
changes you can make in your life today.
A platform to feature local bands and
entertainers to provide exposure for the
local entertainment industry to a
community of conscious consumers.
A gathering of a diverse and exciting group
of food vendors that will exemplify healthy
options that do not sacrifice on taste.
A platform to feature local Fashion, Art,
Beauty and Lifestyle brands who are
conscious and mindful in their business.
These are brands who are championing
better choices and transparency for
Thank you for organising Green Is
The New Black! Overall our
experience surpassed our
expectation, it was terrific!
I had a wonderful time at the
inaugural event, I think it's my
favourite event so far and a hard
act to beat! Please do another one
soon. I would love to work with
you again.
We were thrilled to participate in
your event and found it very well
marketed. Great work for your
entire team! Look forward to
being a part of your events in
I believe it was a very successful
event on all levels, with the intent
of the organising committee, to油all
the participating vendors creating
awareness of their wares and
causes. We were honoured to be a
part of it!
All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
A one day event that fuses the best speakers,
change makers, music and brands with
mindfulness, the pursuit of happiness, and
meaningful connections.

Contact us for your spot now!

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  • 1. www.greenisthenewblack.asia Empowering You To Take Action. A Conscious Festival All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
  • 2. A conscious festival for truth seekers wanting to improve the way they live, work and do business while doing more good in the world. FESTIVAL ETHOS All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
  • 3. About the festival. A FEAST FOR YOUR MIND AND MOTIVATION. Green is the New Black brings together truth seekers, change makers and thought leaders across conscious living and business for a one-of-a-kind festival that pushes limits and breaks new ground. Its a place to laugh, learn, discover, connect, hack beliefs, blur the line between life and business, dream big, and get the inspiration to make it happen. Green Is The New Black is where epiphanies and meaningful connections are made and built to last so we can be a catalyst for change together. This year we are back bigger and better Date: 22 October 2016 Venue: Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore Time: 8.00am - 10pm www.greenisthenewblack.asia All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
  • 4. www.greenisthenewblack.asia About the organiser. THE WEDGE ASIA Singapores number 1 conscious community. A leading platform that brings conscious individuals from around the world to connect, find inspiration, gain knowledge and be able to take action to co-create a better future. Since their launch in June 2015 they have had over 1300 people attend their events and have reached over 200,000 people in Singapore and around the region. They are your monthly dose of Inspiration, Knowledge, and Action. All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
  • 5. About the host. HOTEL JEN TANGLIN SINGAPORE Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore delivers quality, comfort and value to travellers who appreciate the important things done well - stylish and comfortable rooms, enthusiastic and upbeat staff, and easy efficiency. A travellers business and leisure needs are both met seamlessly in this chic, contemporary space. Whether travelling alone, with family or in groups, youll leave a little more inspired through simple pleasures made fuss free. www.greenisthenewblack.asia All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
  • 6. www.greenisthenewblack.asia Strategic Partners 2 0 1 6 All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP Other potential partners include: Vegetarian Society | Transparent Supply Chain | Humans Of Singapore | EarthFest | Peatix
  • 7. Visitors pro鍖le. THE MILLENNIAL AUDIENCE All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP Green Is The New Blacks primary audience profile is Singaporean local and international guests, predominantly aged in they're early 20s to mid 30s. They are Millennials, who pursue wellness on a daily basis. This is an area where they have a constant thirst for knowledge and are willing to spend on compelling brands. The secondary audience is Singaporean local and international guests in their mid 30s to mid 40s, professionals and parents who prioritise wellness and healthy living for their families.
  • 8. Event statistics for 2015 festival. DATE: 28TH NOVEMBER 2015 TIME: 11AM - 8PM VENUE: THE WORKING CAPITOL www.greenisthenewblack.asia Reached: Viewed: Engaged: Attendees: Brands: 1,305,000+ 10,000+ 2500+ 600+ 40 All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
  • 9. Event statistics for 2016 pop-up. DATE: 28TH MAY 2016 TIME: 9.30AM - 3PM VENUE: THE WORKING CAPITOL www.greenisthenewblack.asia Reached: Viewed: Engaged: Attendees: Brands: All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP 50,000+ 5,000+ 1,000+ 400+ 26
  • 10. www.greenisthenewblack.asia Media Feature Highlights 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
  • 11. www.greenisthenewblack.asia Featured Alumni 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
  • 12. Components Festival 5 COMPONENTS, A 360 EXPERIENCE. All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
  • 13. the TALKS. 1 DAY, 3 TRACKS, ALL ENCOMPASSING A transformational experience and an exploration conscious living. Guests will: > Overcome self-doubt, deal with your inner critic, and stay on top of your game > Find purpose at work, connect and learn from change makers leading the way > Learn what it means to be sustainable and ethical in todays world the TALKS will be conducted in engaging and ground breaking manner, ensuring an experience like no other.
  • 14. the WORKSHOPS. CLARITY COMES FROM ENGAGEMENT NOT THOUGHT. A series of engaging workshops with some of Singapore's top lifestyle gurus on simple changes you can make in your life today.
  • 15. the STAGE. SOULFUL SENSATIONS FOR A LIVELY ATMOSPHERE BY LOCAL ARTISTS. A platform to feature local bands and entertainers to provide exposure for the local entertainment industry to a community of conscious consumers.
  • 16. the GRUB. THE BEST OF SINGAPORES HEALTHY AND DELICIOUS EATERIES. A gathering of a diverse and exciting group of food vendors that will exemplify healthy options that do not sacrifice on taste.
  • 17. the MARKETPLACE. A MINDFUL MARKET OF BRANDS WHO CHAMPION BETTER CHOICES. A platform to feature local Fashion, Art, Beauty and Lifestyle brands who are conscious and mindful in their business. These are brands who are championing better choices and transparency for consumers.
  • 18. ELIZA INOUE CO-FOUNDER, TOUCH THE TOES Thank you for organising Green Is The New Black! Overall our experience surpassed our expectation, it was terrific! JODIE NEI FOUNDER, SCENT LIBRARY I had a wonderful time at the inaugural event, I think it's my favourite event so far and a hard act to beat! Please do another one soon. I would love to work with you again. NEHA MEHTA CO-FOUNDER, CURATORS DEN We were thrilled to participate in your event and found it very well marketed. Great work for your entire team! Look forward to being a part of your events in future.油 AUDREY CHOO MANAGER, CARE CORNER I believe it was a very successful event on all levels, with the intent of the organising committee, to油all the participating vendors creating awareness of their wares and causes. We were honoured to be a part of it! All rights reserved 息 2016 The Wedge Asia LLP
  • 19. www.greenisthenewblack.asia A one day event that fuses the best speakers, change makers, music and brands with mindfulness, the pursuit of happiness, and meaningful connections. Contact us for your spot now! JERALD LIM | JERALD@THEWEDGE.ASIA