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Ben Molfetta
Victoria Monachino
Core Online Marketing
Presentation Overview
1. Introduction
2. Best Practices
3. Twitter Tools/ Resources
Social Media is a critical component within
an online marketing infrastructure.
 Brand Building
 Inbound Lead Generation
 Customer Service/Retention
 Expanding Reach/Amplify Your Message
 Connecting with Influencers/Creating Online Authority
Twitter is real time. Twitter is the most effective social media
tool for real-time communication.
Twitter Best Practices
Use Twitter for on-going, thought
provoking conversation  rather than
using it as a broadcast tool
Twitter Best Practices
 Be yourself
 Be responsive
 Be respectful
 Be knowledgeable
Twitter Best Practices
 Tweets should be varied; information, opinion,
curated content, humour, etc.
 Use Twitter as a complement to other social
media tools
 Quality over Quantity
Twitter Best Practices
 Produce great content
 Be engaged with your community
 Seek out like-minded communities of interest
Twitter Dos
 Use hashtags wisely
 Respond to all tweets (even negative tweets)
 Say thank-you
 Ask and answer questions
 Tweet at different times
 Engage and interact
 Leave room for others to re-tweet your message
 Build relationships like you would offline
 Connect with people at business events
Twitter Donts
 Dont automate your responses
 Dont follow everyone
 Dont be rude
 Dont ignore people who take the time to tweet you
 Dont over promote
 Dont get too personal or negative
Example Twitter Tools
HootSuite www.hootsuite.com
Sprout Social www.sproutsocial.com
Twitter Resources
Twitter Dictionary
Twitter Blog
Twitter Tips

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