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How to be awesome in 140 characters or less
By now we all know that
Twitter is an online social
media tool in which users post
short (140 character
max)updates about what is
going on in their lives.

* Twitter is about having

conversations, sometimes with
everyone and sometimes with no one.

* The life of a tweet is short-lived. Most
users do not go back through their feed
to catch up on what they have missed.

* As a result, most Twitter

conversations happen in the moment.

* Following someone on Twitter is

essentially what friending is on

* Like Facebook, Twitter users choose

who they do and do not follow. This
gives them total control of what news
they receive in their feed.

When you log into Twitter, you will see a screen similar to
* Your feed is the list of tweets you see
on the HOME TAB after signing into your
Twitter account.

* Your feed contains a list of all your

outgoing tweets and tweets sent by
people you follow.

* PRIVATE LIST (only viewable by you)
* Displays all interactions with others

(mentions, retweets of your tweets and
new followers).



* PRIVATE LIST (only viewable by you)
* Displays all mentions of your Twitter
name / replies to you from other
Twitter users

* Although they look similar, your feed is
different from your public page

* Your public page contains a

chronological listing of all your
outgoing tweets including your replies
to other users and any retweets you
have made

Tweet Sent By
Retweet made by

Reply/mention made
by me
* Your HOME FEED displays your outgoing

tweets + tweets made by every person
you follow. You are the only person who
sees this feed.

* Your PUBLIC PAGE is a public listing of

every outgoing tweet you have sent,
including replies and mentions. Any
person can views this feed by visiting

This is a Twitter handle. Your handle is a username you create when you sign
up with Twitter. This handle serves as your virtual calling card.
Every Twitter handle is unique. In order to communicate with you, other
Twitter users must include your unique handle in their tweet or reply.
When communicating on Twitter, a handle is always preceded by the @ symbol.

* Direct Messages are private tweets

exchanged between two users that
follow each other.
* You cannot direct message someone who
does not follow you or vice versa.
* DMs are basically private emails sent
through Twitter.
* Like tweets, DMs are limited to 140

* EVERYTHING you publish on Twitter is

publicly viewable to and searchable by

* EVERYTHING you publish on Twitter will
show up on your homepage

* Basic tweets are the foundation of Twitter.
* Use a basic tweet to broadcast a message
or to share a link, thought or photo with
your entire Twitter following.

* When you post a basic tweet, every person
that follows you will see your tweet in
their feed


* Mentions/replies are used any time you want to
communicate with someone directly on Twitter.

* Typically, replies/mentions are a response to

something someone you follow who has said or
shared, or a tweet you want to draw a specific
persons attention to.

* Unlike, DMs, anyone can see your mention

tweets on your public Twitter homepage, but
they will only see you r mention tweets in their
feed if they follow both you and the person you
are mentioning.


This is a basic mention.

* By putting another persons @username at the start of a tweet, I limit who
sees it

* Anyone who follows both @kwbuzzard and @vizify will see this in their feeds,

* Anyone who only follows one of us will not see this tweet in their feed.

Example 2

This is a mention/reply too. But done another way

* If @username is not at the start of a tweet, it will be treated like a basic

tweet, which means everyone who follows @VargasL will see this in their feed,
whether they follow @kwbuzzard or now

* This is generally the wrong way to reply to someone on Twitter.

Example 3

This is a mention/reply too. But done another way

* By adding any character (typically a period) before the @username part of a
mention/reply, it turns the mention into a basic tweets.

* Anyone following @kwbuzzard will see this tweet in their feed.

Example 4

This is a mention/reply using multiple handles

* When a mention/reply begins with a string of mentions, only the first @username
will influence which (unmentioned) Twitter followers also see the tweet.

* In this instances, people who follow @kwbuzzard and @kschaner will see this tweet
in their feeds, regardless of whether they follow @arizonAmes or not.

* Because @arizonAmes is mentioned second in the list, her followers will not see the
tweet in the feed whether they follow @kwbuzzard or not.

Example 6

This is another kind of mention. I dont follow @webby2001 and
@webby2001 does not follow me.

* Even though @webby2001 does not follow @kwbuzzard (and I dont follow him), he
can still mention @kwbuzzaard and @kwbuzzard will see it in @mentions

* As long as your @username is mentioned somewhere in a tweet, it will appear in
your @mentions

* Because @kwbuzzard is in the middle of the statement, it is treated as a basic
tweet, and DOES show up in @webby2001s followers feeds.

Retweet (RT) is used when you want to
share a tweet that someone else posted
with your followers.
Retweeting serves two functions:
* Forwards the content of the original
tweet to your followers
* Serves as a way of citing/giving credit to
the person who originally posted the

The simplest way to RT is to use the RT
button built into Twitter and most Twitter
Another popular way to RT is to copy and
past the full tweet (including the persons
name) and type RT before it. By
putting, RT at the onset of the
tweet, your followers know that whatever
comes next was said by that user.

It is very easy to RT on
Twitter.com, simply click
on the Retweet button.

Once you click
Retweet a box like this
will pop up. Click the
blue Retweet button to
* Hashtags are a way to label tweets so
that other users can easily find/see
tweets on the same topic.

* Hashtags contain no spaces or

punctuation and begin with a #

* Examples: #ctcachat, #bcsm, #cancer

There is not right or wrong way to find
users to follow. The simplest way is to find
your friends who are already on Twitter
and then search for people who interest
you i.e. newspapers, sport figures, etc.

Building a following is a process.

* Send tweets regularly and use

* Craft tweets in a way that encourages
a response

* Participate in conversations that other
people start


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Twitter 101

  • 1. * How to be awesome in 140 characters or less
  • 2. By now we all know that Twitter is an online social media tool in which users post short (140 character max)updates about what is going on in their lives. *
  • 3. *
  • 4. *
  • 5. * Twitter is about having conversations, sometimes with everyone and sometimes with no one. * The life of a tweet is short-lived. Most users do not go back through their feed to catch up on what they have missed. * As a result, most Twitter conversations happen in the moment. *
  • 6. * Following someone on Twitter is essentially what friending is on Facebook. * Like Facebook, Twitter users choose who they do and do not follow. This gives them total control of what news they receive in their feed. *
  • 7. *
  • 8. When you log into Twitter, you will see a screen similar to this
  • 9. * Your feed is the list of tweets you see on the HOME TAB after signing into your Twitter account. * Your feed contains a list of all your outgoing tweets and tweets sent by people you follow. *
  • 10. *
  • 11. * PRIVATE LIST (only viewable by you) * Displays all interactions with others (mentions, retweets of your tweets and new followers). *
  • 13. * PRIVATE LIST (only viewable by you) * Displays all mentions of your Twitter name / replies to you from other Twitter users *
  • 14. *
  • 15. * Although they look similar, your feed is different from your public page (www.twitter.com/yourusername). * Your public page contains a chronological listing of all your outgoing tweets including your replies to other users and any retweets you have made *
  • 16. Tweet Sent By Me Retweet made by me Reply/mention made by me
  • 17. * Your HOME FEED displays your outgoing tweets + tweets made by every person you follow. You are the only person who sees this feed. * Your PUBLIC PAGE is a public listing of every outgoing tweet you have sent, including replies and mentions. Any person can views this feed by visiting http://www.twitter.com/yourusername. *
  • 18. *
  • 19. This is a Twitter handle. Your handle is a username you create when you sign up with Twitter. This handle serves as your virtual calling card. Every Twitter handle is unique. In order to communicate with you, other Twitter users must include your unique handle in their tweet or reply. When communicating on Twitter, a handle is always preceded by the @ symbol. *
  • 20. *
  • 21. * Direct Messages are private tweets exchanged between two users that follow each other. * You cannot direct message someone who does not follow you or vice versa. * DMs are basically private emails sent through Twitter. * Like tweets, DMs are limited to 140 characters *
  • 22. * EVERYTHING you publish on Twitter is publicly viewable to and searchable by others. * EVERYTHING you publish on Twitter will show up on your homepage *
  • 23. *
  • 24. * Basic tweets are the foundation of Twitter. * Use a basic tweet to broadcast a message or to share a link, thought or photo with your entire Twitter following. * When you post a basic tweet, every person that follows you will see your tweet in their feed *
  • 26. *
  • 27. * Mentions/replies are used any time you want to communicate with someone directly on Twitter. * Typically, replies/mentions are a response to something someone you follow who has said or shared, or a tweet you want to draw a specific persons attention to. * Unlike, DMs, anyone can see your mention tweets on your public Twitter homepage, but they will only see you r mention tweets in their feed if they follow both you and the person you are mentioning. *
  • 28. Example This is a basic mention. * By putting another persons @username at the start of a tweet, I limit who sees it * Anyone who follows both @kwbuzzard and @vizify will see this in their feeds, too. * Anyone who only follows one of us will not see this tweet in their feed. *
  • 29. Example 2 This is a mention/reply too. But done another way * If @username is not at the start of a tweet, it will be treated like a basic tweet, which means everyone who follows @VargasL will see this in their feed, whether they follow @kwbuzzard or now * This is generally the wrong way to reply to someone on Twitter. *
  • 30. Example 3 This is a mention/reply too. But done another way * By adding any character (typically a period) before the @username part of a mention/reply, it turns the mention into a basic tweets. * Anyone following @kwbuzzard will see this tweet in their feed. *
  • 31. Example 4 This is a mention/reply using multiple handles * When a mention/reply begins with a string of mentions, only the first @username will influence which (unmentioned) Twitter followers also see the tweet. * In this instances, people who follow @kwbuzzard and @kschaner will see this tweet in their feeds, regardless of whether they follow @arizonAmes or not. * Because @arizonAmes is mentioned second in the list, her followers will not see the tweet in the feed whether they follow @kwbuzzard or not. *
  • 32. Example 6 This is another kind of mention. I dont follow @webby2001 and @webby2001 does not follow me. * Even though @webby2001 does not follow @kwbuzzard (and I dont follow him), he can still mention @kwbuzzaard and @kwbuzzard will see it in @mentions * As long as your @username is mentioned somewhere in a tweet, it will appear in your @mentions * Because @kwbuzzard is in the middle of the statement, it is treated as a basic tweet, and DOES show up in @webby2001s followers feeds. *
  • 33. *
  • 34. Retweet (RT) is used when you want to share a tweet that someone else posted with your followers. Retweeting serves two functions: * Forwards the content of the original tweet to your followers * Serves as a way of citing/giving credit to the person who originally posted the tweet *
  • 35. The simplest way to RT is to use the RT button built into Twitter and most Twitter apps. Another popular way to RT is to copy and past the full tweet (including the persons name) and type RT before it. By putting, RT at the onset of the tweet, your followers know that whatever comes next was said by that user. *
  • 36. It is very easy to RT on Twitter.com, simply click on the Retweet button. Once you click Retweet a box like this will pop up. Click the blue Retweet button to confirm.
  • 37. *
  • 38. * Hashtags are a way to label tweets so that other users can easily find/see tweets on the same topic. * Hashtags contain no spaces or punctuation and begin with a # symbol. * Examples: #ctcachat, #bcsm, #cancer *
  • 39. There is not right or wrong way to find users to follow. The simplest way is to find your friends who are already on Twitter and then search for people who interest you i.e. newspapers, sport figures, etc. *
  • 40. Building a following is a process. * Send tweets regularly and use hashtags * Craft tweets in a way that encourages a response * Participate in conversations that other people start *
  • 41. *