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If I had more time, I would
have written a shorter letter
- Mark Twain -
What is Twitter ?
 Twitter is :
 a short burst of inconsequential information
 chirps from birds
 Twitter is also a:
 Social Media
 What are you doing ?
Microblogging ?
 Jack Dorsey had grown interested in the simple
idea of being able to know what his friends
were doing
 140 Characters
 To Follow or to be Followed ?
Trending Topics
 Popular Topics
 What are these good for ?
 What are you monitoring ?
Sign Up
 You can actually
change your
user name !
A new way of communicating
Build your network
 What does it mean to Follow ?
 Who Follows you ?
 Focus on convesation
 Who will you listen
 Who listens to you
Marketers Nightmare
 You can choose who to listen, but there is little
you can do to make somebody listen to you !
 Marketers nightmare !
People on MySpace arent running away
from pedophiles and stalkers. Theyre
running away from marketers and
Giovanni Gallucci, co-founder , Dexterity Media
 Who cares ?
 Follow High value
Some Basics
 What are you doing ?
Some Basics
 What are you doing ?
Some Basics
 What are you doing ?
Some Basics
 What are you doing ?
Some More
Search Twitter
What is a hastag ? #
 Hashtags are a community-driven convention for adding additional context
and metadata to your tweets. They're like tags on Flickr, only added inline
to your post. You create a hashtag simply by prefixing a word with a hash
symbol: #hashtag.
 Events or conferences,
 "Tara's presentation on communities was great! #barcampblock"
 "#sandiegofire A shelter has opened up downtown for fire refugees."
 "My #themeword for 2008 is conduct."
 "I can't believe anyone would design software like this! #microsoftoffice"
 "Buy some toilet paper. #todo"
 "Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds
discuss people." ~Eleanor Roosevelt #quote
 NFL suggests #SB44 hashtag, builds site around it
Tr叩fico DF
#comegdl - #traficogdl
Twitter Lists
 Filter Filter Filter
 Provide a personality
 #webmkt _iteso
 Begin Microblogging
 Get Followed
 Use a #
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