This document outlines the key points from a presentation on anti-corruption compliance given by Iohann Le Frapper. It discusses the basics of anti-corruption standards and definitions, the importance of risk assessment to identify high risk areas, how to conduct due diligence on business partners, and guidance on adequate anti-corruption procedures from the UK Bribery Act.
#LSCon 2015: 10 quick learning hacks that started my sessionglowman71
The document shares tips and hacks presented at an #LSCon session, beginning with 10 quick hacks. It discusses using screensavers, tip slideshows, and other "deadspace" to deliver key messages. It provides links to resources on using expectations of being tested to improve memory retention. Other tips include using PowerPoint's compare option for track changes-like review and a website with many tips. It suggests ways to create buzz through music, memes, and popular content. Additional tips include using a phone mic to transcribe audio, extracting media from Word and PowerPoint files, and an easier method for selecting objects in Photoshop. More details will be posted online.
The document discusses the rise of smart and intelligent buildings and the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in enabling user engagement. It defines smart buildings as those that integrate systems to effectively manage resources and maximize technical performance, costs savings, and flexibility. However, critics argue that buildings are often designed with a techno-centric focus rather than prioritizing user goals. The document suggests that innovation is needed in tools that offer increased user participation and collaboration in building management. It questions whether providing users with more information will change their behaviors and if users want greater control of their buildings. Further research is needed to apply themes of co-creation and participation within the built environment.
ProyectoTamazula is a non-profit organization made up of immigrants and children of immigrants from Tamazula, Jalisco, Mexico and their friends in Northern California. It works to create educational and social opportunities in Tamazula by providing scholarships and building a learning center, focusing on helping the children and youth of the community. The organization depends on financial contributions and efforts from its members, volunteers, and friends to make its dreams of educational and social equity a reality through projects in Mexico and community events in the United States.
The document discusses Yahoo's presence and offerings in mobile and broadcast. It notes that Yahoo has over 211 million global monthly mobile users and that 76% of US smartphone users visit Yahoo daily for news, sports, finance and connecting with friends. The document promotes Yahoo's ability to deliver personalized targeted mobile advertising and content across all screens including tablets, phones and connected TVs, reaching over 23 million US iPad users, 90 million US mobile users and 171 million US PC users monthly.
An evil grandma breaks into a boy's friend's house in South Africa and escapes when the boy tries to catch her. The boy follows the grandma into the bush to search for her. With help from his friend, the boy investigates the grandma's house and saves his friends from her poisoned cookies, freeing the hostages.
This document discusses key elements of succession planning including:
1) Assessment of key positions and identification of key talent, development of development plans, and monitoring and review of progress.
2) Getting the whole team working together to achieve defined and measurably improving results through determining strategy, setting objectives, improving recruitment and training, and implementing coaching and appraisal systems.
3) Including management overviews at key stages to ensure consistency and develop team spirit and synergy.
Vinod Batus is a Mumbai, India based independent creative
consultant specialising in online, graphic design & digital illustration.
Services include:
Website design & development
Graphic Design
Digital & Social media marketing
1) The document discusses the topic of idolatry and fighting idolatry in one's life. It provides biblical examples of how Israel struggled with idolatry and faced consequences.
2) It examines what idolatry looks like and how it has resulted in turning from God. Descriptions of idols are presented from passages like Psalms and Isaiah.
3) Jesus is presented as the perfect representation of God, and believers are called to grow in becoming more like His image through obeying His commands out of love.
4) The document encourages evaluating motivations to identify idolatry today and offers questions to apply logic and glorify God in all thoughts and actions.
Presentation given over the Internet in a S2E event in Ljubljana on April 6, 2016 (Policy Instruments for Widening Participation). An introduction to policy measures for improving research and innovation performance in low-performing countries in the context of Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
The Hudson Valley is a treasured landscape that has undergone tremendous change over the past century. This forum explores how science-based stewardship on private land can help protect and promote healthy forests and open spaces, now and for future generations.
Presentations (5) explore threats our forests and natural areas face from invasive species and climate change to deer overabundance and actions that can be taken on a site-by-site basis to optimize conditions. A special focus will be given to the overlap between sport hunting and conservation communities, with a roundtable discussion on advancing common ground. Hosted April 12, 2014 at Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Presentation Part I by: Charles Canham, Forest Ecologist, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
iNeighbour TV is a social TV application designed to improve quality of life for senior citizens. It has six main modules: Community, Health, Leisure, Info, Communication, and Wall. The Community module allows users to connect with friends and neighbors by creating profiles, searching for others, and seeing what TV channels others are watching. The Health module provides medication reminders and helps users keep track of medical appointments. The Leisure module enables users to create social events and find voluntary work opportunities. The Info module gives weather forecasts and warnings. The Communication module facilitates calling and messaging with other users. The Wall module shares community updates and medication reminders.
The document discusses various topics related to starting a social bookmarking startup, including hedging bets that people care about what their friends do, ideas for monetization by taking a proven concept like AdWords and making it their own, competition from other location-based social apps like Foursquare, Foodspotting, and Hungrygowhere, and what keeps founders floored like having the right team, marketing to the right target market, and achieving explosive growth.
Search Engine Marketing class final presentation for United Way of Greater Toledo. It covers analysis of their Google AdWords campaign with suggestions for keyword and website improvements and modifications.
This document summarizes a study that analyzed genetic variations in African and European cattle genomes using workflows built in the Taverna workflow system. Researchers sequenced the genome of an African Boran cow and identified 11.9 million genetic variants. The variants were mapped between assemblies, filtered to find those in protein-coding genes, and analyzed with PolyPhen to identify variants likely to affect proteins. The full analysis workflow was packaged in a virtual machine image for easy sharing. The workflow demonstrated new features of Taverna 2.2 for reproducible analysis of large genomic datasets.
The document provides guidance on basic hygiene for food handlers. It stresses the importance of maintaining high standards of personal hygiene, such as washing hands regularly and keeping clean clothing and short nails. Food handlers must also ensure all surfaces, equipment and utensils are thoroughly cleaned to prevent the spread of bacteria. Proper food handling practices like separating raw and cooked foods are also emphasized.
#LSCon 2015: 10 quick learning hacks that started my sessionglowman71
The document shares tips and hacks presented at an #LSCon session, beginning with 10 quick hacks. It discusses using screensavers, tip slideshows, and other "deadspace" to deliver key messages. It provides links to resources on using expectations of being tested to improve memory retention. Other tips include using PowerPoint's compare option for track changes-like review and a website with many tips. It suggests ways to create buzz through music, memes, and popular content. Additional tips include using a phone mic to transcribe audio, extracting media from Word and PowerPoint files, and an easier method for selecting objects in Photoshop. More details will be posted online.
The document discusses the rise of smart and intelligent buildings and the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in enabling user engagement. It defines smart buildings as those that integrate systems to effectively manage resources and maximize technical performance, costs savings, and flexibility. However, critics argue that buildings are often designed with a techno-centric focus rather than prioritizing user goals. The document suggests that innovation is needed in tools that offer increased user participation and collaboration in building management. It questions whether providing users with more information will change their behaviors and if users want greater control of their buildings. Further research is needed to apply themes of co-creation and participation within the built environment.
ProyectoTamazula is a non-profit organization made up of immigrants and children of immigrants from Tamazula, Jalisco, Mexico and their friends in Northern California. It works to create educational and social opportunities in Tamazula by providing scholarships and building a learning center, focusing on helping the children and youth of the community. The organization depends on financial contributions and efforts from its members, volunteers, and friends to make its dreams of educational and social equity a reality through projects in Mexico and community events in the United States.
The document discusses Yahoo's presence and offerings in mobile and broadcast. It notes that Yahoo has over 211 million global monthly mobile users and that 76% of US smartphone users visit Yahoo daily for news, sports, finance and connecting with friends. The document promotes Yahoo's ability to deliver personalized targeted mobile advertising and content across all screens including tablets, phones and connected TVs, reaching over 23 million US iPad users, 90 million US mobile users and 171 million US PC users monthly.
An evil grandma breaks into a boy's friend's house in South Africa and escapes when the boy tries to catch her. The boy follows the grandma into the bush to search for her. With help from his friend, the boy investigates the grandma's house and saves his friends from her poisoned cookies, freeing the hostages.
This document discusses key elements of succession planning including:
1) Assessment of key positions and identification of key talent, development of development plans, and monitoring and review of progress.
2) Getting the whole team working together to achieve defined and measurably improving results through determining strategy, setting objectives, improving recruitment and training, and implementing coaching and appraisal systems.
3) Including management overviews at key stages to ensure consistency and develop team spirit and synergy.
Vinod Batus is a Mumbai, India based independent creative
consultant specialising in online, graphic design & digital illustration.
Services include:
Website design & development
Graphic Design
Digital & Social media marketing
1) The document discusses the topic of idolatry and fighting idolatry in one's life. It provides biblical examples of how Israel struggled with idolatry and faced consequences.
2) It examines what idolatry looks like and how it has resulted in turning from God. Descriptions of idols are presented from passages like Psalms and Isaiah.
3) Jesus is presented as the perfect representation of God, and believers are called to grow in becoming more like His image through obeying His commands out of love.
4) The document encourages evaluating motivations to identify idolatry today and offers questions to apply logic and glorify God in all thoughts and actions.
Presentation given over the Internet in a S2E event in Ljubljana on April 6, 2016 (Policy Instruments for Widening Participation). An introduction to policy measures for improving research and innovation performance in low-performing countries in the context of Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
The Hudson Valley is a treasured landscape that has undergone tremendous change over the past century. This forum explores how science-based stewardship on private land can help protect and promote healthy forests and open spaces, now and for future generations.
Presentations (5) explore threats our forests and natural areas face from invasive species and climate change to deer overabundance and actions that can be taken on a site-by-site basis to optimize conditions. A special focus will be given to the overlap between sport hunting and conservation communities, with a roundtable discussion on advancing common ground. Hosted April 12, 2014 at Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Presentation Part I by: Charles Canham, Forest Ecologist, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
iNeighbour TV is a social TV application designed to improve quality of life for senior citizens. It has six main modules: Community, Health, Leisure, Info, Communication, and Wall. The Community module allows users to connect with friends and neighbors by creating profiles, searching for others, and seeing what TV channels others are watching. The Health module provides medication reminders and helps users keep track of medical appointments. The Leisure module enables users to create social events and find voluntary work opportunities. The Info module gives weather forecasts and warnings. The Communication module facilitates calling and messaging with other users. The Wall module shares community updates and medication reminders.
The document discusses various topics related to starting a social bookmarking startup, including hedging bets that people care about what their friends do, ideas for monetization by taking a proven concept like AdWords and making it their own, competition from other location-based social apps like Foursquare, Foodspotting, and Hungrygowhere, and what keeps founders floored like having the right team, marketing to the right target market, and achieving explosive growth.
Search Engine Marketing class final presentation for United Way of Greater Toledo. It covers analysis of their Google AdWords campaign with suggestions for keyword and website improvements and modifications.
This document summarizes a study that analyzed genetic variations in African and European cattle genomes using workflows built in the Taverna workflow system. Researchers sequenced the genome of an African Boran cow and identified 11.9 million genetic variants. The variants were mapped between assemblies, filtered to find those in protein-coding genes, and analyzed with PolyPhen to identify variants likely to affect proteins. The full analysis workflow was packaged in a virtual machine image for easy sharing. The workflow demonstrated new features of Taverna 2.2 for reproducible analysis of large genomic datasets.
The document provides guidance on basic hygiene for food handlers. It stresses the importance of maintaining high standards of personal hygiene, such as washing hands regularly and keeping clean clothing and short nails. Food handlers must also ensure all surfaces, equipment and utensils are thoroughly cleaned to prevent the spread of bacteria. Proper food handling practices like separating raw and cooked foods are also emphasized.
De ultieme klantbediening - The brown paper companyRoger van Lier
De ultieme klantbediening - op de meest effici谷nte en effectieve manier. De Brown Paper methodiek is zeer praktisch toepasbaar en helpt echt om vanuit het organisatie DNA duurzaam bestaansrecht te defini谷ren.
14. Alle UNC consultants hebben LeanSix Sigma in hun bagageWWW.UNC.NLKlanten over UNCUNC had snel de kern te pakken en zette dit razend snel om in een resultaat Rene Sonneveld, Manager Servicedesk LargeEnterpriseUNC levert een grote vari谷teit aan diensten en past zich hierbij graag aan volgens de wensen van de klant. De communicatie is vanaf het begin altijd al heel open en eerlijk geweest. Rene Bockmeulen manager Customer Service
15. De werkwijze van UNCOns credo is: GettingtheretogetherUNC werkt vanuit de overtuiging dat samenwerking tussen mensen bepalend is voor blijvend resultaat. UNC is immers alleen succesvol als haar klanten en medewerkers dat ook zijn. Onder Gettingtheretogether verstaat UNC: Samenwerken