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Under the Hood
of Architecture
Interviews at
- Software engineer for 6 years, at Indeed, India for 5
- Trainer for Architecture Interviews
- Conducted 100+ Architecture Interviews
- Organised calibration sessions for cross-site interviewer panels
Disclaimer: This is not a presentation by Indeed. It is my personal account of how
Architecture Interviews and interviewing, work at Indeed, some of its implications
and learnings.
Interviewing Philosophy at Indeed
- Candidate experience is the top priority
- Allowing them to best represent themselves
- Providing all the necessary directions for them to succeed
- What does this do?
- At best, a good time for everyone involved. At worst, a learning
experience for the candidate
- Requires good training. A ?ne line between helping the
candidate succeed and giving away the solution
Interviewing Philosophy at Indeed (contd.)
- Conducting objective interviews
- Involves de?ning beforehand the speci?c criteria for evaluation and communicating that
precisely and widely
- What does this do?
- Consistent experience for all candidates
- Consistent evaluation across geographic sites
Learnings for interviewers
- Mastering the interviews one thing at a time
- Interviewing is open ended enough to not require more complications due to changing interview
type, or the way of asking questions to the candidate
- Once mastered, interviewer knows their round in and out. There are fewer or no surprises
- Note: must keep in mind that it¡¯s still a ?rst time for the candidate :)
Learnings for interviewers (contd.)
- Criteria to evaluate a candidate on
- Finding out: how well the candidate would perform designing systems in your team
- No correct solution, everything has tradeoffs
- Ability to understand the problem, any relevant requirements or technical constraints, offer a
system architecture that solves the problem with justi?cation and alternatives considered, ?nd
solution(s) to problems that can arise
- The ?nal solution on paper
- The process to reach that solution
- (Optional) Knowing what to communicate
Learnings for interviewers (contd.)
- Responsibility to help candidates succeed
- Help highlight the strengths of the candidate
- If they don't have the necessary skills in one area, there¡¯s little use in asking more questions
about it
- Perhaps they are knowledgeable about something else that is relevant
- Hints to keeping conversation useful and ensure no time is wasted
- No reason to be rude or cause something that spills into next interviews
Learnings for candidates
- Lead the interview as you would lead a design
- Have a planned structure in mind, ahead of time
Learnings for candidates (contd.)
- Product requirements are important ¨C de?ning the problem
- Scoping a problem can introduce or remove components from your design
Learnings for candidates (contd.)
- Technical depth helps ¨C just overview is not enough
- Preparation through reading designs may lack circumstantial knowledge ¨C something may work
well in theory but require checks and balances in practice
- Draw from experience on projects, or build sample systems
Learnings for candidates (contd.)
- No right answer ¨C everything has trade-offs
- Justi?cation and reasoning is very important
- There¡¯s almost always an alternative. Contrasting and comparing displays technical breadth
- Remember to stay relevant to the problem at hand
- Focus on mastering one thing at a time
- Formulate a criteria of evaluation
- Help candidates succeed
- Lead the interview like a design review
- Clearly collect requirements
- Demonstrate technical depth
- Justify choices made

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Under the hood of architecture interviews at indeed

  • 1. Under the Hood of Architecture Interviews at Indeed
  • 2. Introduction - Software engineer for 6 years, at Indeed, India for 5 - Trainer for Architecture Interviews - Conducted 100+ Architecture Interviews - Organised calibration sessions for cross-site interviewer panels Disclaimer: This is not a presentation by Indeed. It is my personal account of how Architecture Interviews and interviewing, work at Indeed, some of its implications and learnings.
  • 3. Interviewing Philosophy at Indeed - Candidate experience is the top priority - Allowing them to best represent themselves - Providing all the necessary directions for them to succeed - What does this do? - At best, a good time for everyone involved. At worst, a learning experience for the candidate - Requires good training. A ?ne line between helping the candidate succeed and giving away the solution
  • 4. Interviewing Philosophy at Indeed (contd.) - Conducting objective interviews - Involves de?ning beforehand the speci?c criteria for evaluation and communicating that precisely and widely - What does this do? - Consistent experience for all candidates - Consistent evaluation across geographic sites
  • 5. Learnings for interviewers - Mastering the interviews one thing at a time - Interviewing is open ended enough to not require more complications due to changing interview type, or the way of asking questions to the candidate - Once mastered, interviewer knows their round in and out. There are fewer or no surprises - Note: must keep in mind that it¡¯s still a ?rst time for the candidate :)
  • 6. Learnings for interviewers (contd.) - Criteria to evaluate a candidate on - Finding out: how well the candidate would perform designing systems in your team - No correct solution, everything has tradeoffs - Ability to understand the problem, any relevant requirements or technical constraints, offer a system architecture that solves the problem with justi?cation and alternatives considered, ?nd solution(s) to problems that can arise - The ?nal solution on paper - The process to reach that solution - (Optional) Knowing what to communicate
  • 7. Learnings for interviewers (contd.) - Responsibility to help candidates succeed - Help highlight the strengths of the candidate - If they don't have the necessary skills in one area, there¡¯s little use in asking more questions about it - Perhaps they are knowledgeable about something else that is relevant - Hints to keeping conversation useful and ensure no time is wasted - No reason to be rude or cause something that spills into next interviews
  • 8. Learnings for candidates - Lead the interview as you would lead a design - Have a planned structure in mind, ahead of time
  • 9. Learnings for candidates (contd.) - Product requirements are important ¨C de?ning the problem - Scoping a problem can introduce or remove components from your design
  • 10. Learnings for candidates (contd.) - Technical depth helps ¨C just overview is not enough - Preparation through reading designs may lack circumstantial knowledge ¨C something may work well in theory but require checks and balances in practice - Draw from experience on projects, or build sample systems
  • 11. Learnings for candidates (contd.) - No right answer ¨C everything has trade-offs - Justi?cation and reasoning is very important - There¡¯s almost always an alternative. Contrasting and comparing displays technical breadth - Remember to stay relevant to the problem at hand
  • 12. Summary Interviewers - Focus on mastering one thing at a time - Formulate a criteria of evaluation - Help candidates succeed Candidates - Lead the interview like a design review - Clearly collect requirements - Demonstrate technical depth - Justify choices made