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Introduction to Japanese
WebHack 2020-11-10
by Wanasit T.
About Me
¢ Github: @wanasit
$ Text / NLP projects
¢ Manager, Software Engineer @ Indeed
$ Search Quality (Metadata) team
$ Work on NLP problems for Jobs / Resumes
1. This talk NOT related to any of Indeed¨s technology
2. I¨m not a Japanese (or a native-speaker)
$ But I built a Japanese tokenizer on my free time
Today Topics
¢ NLP and Tokenization (for Japanese)
¢ Lattice-based Tokenizers (MeCab -style tokenizers)
¢ How it works
$ Dictionary
$ Tokenization
NLP and Tokenization
NLP and Tokenization
¢ How does computer represent text?
¢ String (or Char[ ] or Byte[ ] )
* "Abc"
* "Hello World"
NLP and Tokenization
"Biden is projected winner in Michigan,
Wisconsin as tense nation watch final tally"
Source: NBC News
NLP and Tokenization
"Biden is projected winner in Michigan,
Wisconsin as tense nation watch final tally"
¢ What¨s the topic?
¢ Who is winning? where?
Source: NBC News
NLP and Tokenization
"Biden is projected winner in Michigan,
Wisconsin as tense nation watch final tally"
¢ What¨s the topic?
¢ Who is winning? where?
Source: NBC News
NLP and Tokenization
¢ Tokenization / Segmentation
¢ The ?rst step to solve NLP problems is usually
identifying words from the string
$ Input: string, char[ ] (or byte[ ])
$ Output: a list of meaningful words (or tokens)
NLP and Tokenization
"Biden is projected winner in Michigan, Wisconsin as
tense nation watch final tally".split(/W+/)
> ["Biden", "is", "projected", "winner", "in", ...]
Japanese Tokenization
Source: TBS News
Japanese Tokenization
Source: TBS News
Japanese Tokenization
¢ No punctuations
¢ Q: How do you split this into words?
Source: TBS News
Japanese Tokenization
¢ Use prior Japanese knowledge (Dictionary)
$ が, に, ´, 箆, 巒, ´, バイデン
¢ Consider the context and combination of characters
¢ Consider the likelihood
$ e.g. |奨脅 => [|奨, 脅], or [|, 奨脅]
Lattice-based Tokenizers
Lattice-based Tokenizers
¢ aka. MeCab -based tokenizer (or Viterbi tokenizer)
¢ How:
$ From a Dictionary (required)
$ Build a Lattice (or a graph) from surface dictionary terms
$ Run Viterbi algorithm to ?nd the best connected path
Lattice-Based Tokenizers
¢ Most tokenizers are MeCab (C/C++)¨s re-implementation on
different platforms:
$ Kuromoji, Sudachi (Java), Kotori (Kotlin)
$ Janome, SudachiPy (Python)
$ Kagome (Go)
$ ...
Non- Lattice-Based Tokenizers
¢ Is Lattice-based the only approach?
¢ Mostly yes, but there are also:
$ Juman++, Nagisa (RNN)
$ SentencePiece (Unsupervised, used in BERT)
¢ Out-of-scope of this presentation
How it works
> Dictionary
¢ Lattice-based tokenizers need dictionary
$ To recognize prede?ned terms and grammar
¢ Dictionaries are often can be downloaded as Plugins e.g.
$ $ brew install mecab
$ $ brew install mecab-ipadic
¢ Recommended beginner dictionary is MeCab¨s IPADIC
¢ Available from this website
Dictionary - Term Table / Lexicon / CSV ?les
Surface Form
Context ID
Context ID
Cost Type Form Spelling ...
|奨 1293 1293 3003 兆~ (place) - トウキョウ ...
奨脅 1293 1293 2135 兆~ (place) - キョウト ...
|奨V 1293 1293 8676 兆~ (place) - ヒガシキョウ
佩く 992 992 8852 嘖~ (v) 児云侘 イク ...
佩か 1002 1002 7754 嘖~ (v) 隆隼侘 イカ ...
いく 992 992 9672 嘖~ (v) 児云侘 イク ...
Dictionary - Term Table
¢ Surface Form: How the term should appear in the string
¢ Context ID (left/right): ID used for connecting terms
together (see. later)
¢ Cost: How commonly used the term
$ The more the cost, the less common or less likely
Dictionary - Connection Table / Connection Cost
Context ID
Context ID
... ...
992 992 3003
992 993 2135
... ...
992 1293 -1000
992 1294 -1000
... ...
¢ Connection cost between
type of terms.
¢ The lower, the more likely
¢ e.g.
¢ 992 (v-ru) then 992 (v-ru)
$ Cost = 3000 (unlikely)
¢ 992 (v-ru) then 1294 (noun)
$ Cost = -1000 (likely)
Dictionary - Term Table
Term table size:
¢ Kotori (default) ~380,000 terms (3.7 MB)
¢ MeCab-IPADict ~400,000 terms (12.2 MB)
¢ Sudachi - Small ~750,000 terms (39.8 MB)
¢ Sudachi - Full ~2,800,000 terms (121 MB)
Dictionary - Term Table
Term table size:
¢ Kotori (default) ~380,000 terms (3.7 MB)
¢ MeCab-IPADict ~400,000 terms (12.2 MB)
¢ Sudachi - Small ~750,000 terms (39.8 MB)
¢ Sudachi - Full ~2,800,000 terms (121 MB)
$ Include term like: "c(```)ノ"
Dictionary - Term Table
¢ What about words not in the table?
$ e.g. "ワナシット タナキットルンアン"
$ ^Unknown-Term Extraction ̄ Problem
$ Typically, some heuristic rules
* e.g. if there are consecutive katana, it¨s a Noun.
¢ Out-of-scope of this presentation
How it works
> Tokenization
Lattice-Based Tokenization
¢ The Dictionary
¢ Input:"|奨脅に廖む"
1. Find all terms in the input
and build a lattice
2. Find the minimum cost
path through the lattice
Step 1: Finding all terms
Step 1: Finding all terms
¢ For each index i-th
$ ?nd all terms in dictionary starting at i-th location
¢ String / Pattern Matching problem
$ Require e?cient lookup data structure for the dictionary
$ e.g. Trie, Finite-State-Transidual
Step 2: Finding minimum cost
¢ Viterbi Algorithm (Dynamic Programing)
¢ For each node from the left to right
$ Find the minimum cost path leading to that node
$ Reuse the selected path when consider the following
Introduction to Japanese Tokenizers
¢ Introduction to NLP and Tokenization
¢ Lattice-based tokenizers (MeCab and others)
$ Dictionary
* Term table, Connection Cost, ...
$ Tokenization Algorithms
* Pattern Matching, Viterbi Algorithm, ...
Learn more:
¢ Kotori (on Github), A Japanese tokenizer written in Kotlin
$ Small and performant (fastest among JVM-based)
$ Support multiple dictionary formats
¢ Article: How Japanese Tokenizers Work (by Wanasit)
¢ Article: 晩云Z侘B殆盾裂のY箸鰔く (by Cookpad Developer)
¢ Book: 徭隼冱ZI尖の児A (by Manabu Okumura)

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Introduction to japanese tokenizer

  • 2. About Me ¢ Github: @wanasit $ Text / NLP projects ¢ Manager, Software Engineer @ Indeed $ Search Quality (Metadata) team $ Work on NLP problems for Jobs / Resumes
  • 3. Disclaimer 1. This talk NOT related to any of Indeed¨s technology 2. I¨m not a Japanese (or a native-speaker) $ But I built a Japanese tokenizer on my free time
  • 4. Today Topics ¢ NLP and Tokenization (for Japanese) ¢ Lattice-based Tokenizers (MeCab -style tokenizers) ¢ How it works $ Dictionary $ Tokenization
  • 6. NLP and Tokenization ¢ How does computer represent text? ¢ String (or Char[ ] or Byte[ ] ) * "Abc" * "Hello World"
  • 7. NLP and Tokenization "Biden is projected winner in Michigan, Wisconsin as tense nation watch final tally" Source: NBC News
  • 8. NLP and Tokenization "Biden is projected winner in Michigan, Wisconsin as tense nation watch final tally" ¢ What¨s the topic? ¢ Who is winning? where? Source: NBC News
  • 9. NLP and Tokenization "Biden is projected winner in Michigan, Wisconsin as tense nation watch final tally" ¢ What¨s the topic? ¢ Who is winning? where? Source: NBC News
  • 10. NLP and Tokenization ¢ Tokenization / Segmentation ¢ The ?rst step to solve NLP problems is usually identifying words from the string $ Input: string, char[ ] (or byte[ ]) $ Output: a list of meaningful words (or tokens)
  • 11. NLP and Tokenization "Biden is projected winner in Michigan, Wisconsin as tense nation watch final tally".split(/W+/) > ["Biden", "is", "projected", "winner", "in", ...]
  • 14. Japanese Tokenization "バイデン箆がミシガン巒拈、寄yIにむけ^藍返" ¢ No punctuations ¢ Q: How do you split this into words? Source: TBS News
  • 15. Japanese Tokenization ¢ Use prior Japanese knowledge (Dictionary) $ が, に, ´, 箆, 巒, ´, バイデン ¢ Consider the context and combination of characters ¢ Consider the likelihood $ e.g. |奨脅 => [|奨, 脅], or [|, 奨脅]
  • 17. Lattice-based Tokenizers ¢ aka. MeCab -based tokenizer (or Viterbi tokenizer) ¢ How: $ From a Dictionary (required) $ Build a Lattice (or a graph) from surface dictionary terms $ Run Viterbi algorithm to ?nd the best connected path
  • 18. Lattice-Based Tokenizers ¢ Most tokenizers are MeCab (C/C++)¨s re-implementation on different platforms: $ Kuromoji, Sudachi (Java), Kotori (Kotlin) $ Janome, SudachiPy (Python) $ Kagome (Go) $ ...
  • 19. Non- Lattice-Based Tokenizers ¢ Is Lattice-based the only approach? ¢ Mostly yes, but there are also: $ Juman++, Nagisa (RNN) $ SentencePiece (Unsupervised, used in BERT) ¢ Out-of-scope of this presentation
  • 20. How it works > Dictionary
  • 21. Dictionary ¢ Lattice-based tokenizers need dictionary $ To recognize prede?ned terms and grammar ¢ Dictionaries are often can be downloaded as Plugins e.g. $ $ brew install mecab $ $ brew install mecab-ipadic
  • 22. Dictionary ¢ Recommended beginner dictionary is MeCab¨s IPADIC ¢ Available from this website
  • 23. Dictionary - Term Table / Lexicon / CSV ?les Surface Form Context ID (left) Context ID (right) Cost Type Form Spelling ... |奨 1293 1293 3003 兆~ (place) - トウキョウ ... 奨脅 1293 1293 2135 兆~ (place) - キョウト ... |奨V 1293 1293 8676 兆~ (place) - ヒガシキョウ ヅカ ... 佩く 992 992 8852 嘖~ (v) 児云侘 イク ... 佩か 1002 1002 7754 嘖~ (v) 隆隼侘 イカ ... いく 992 992 9672 嘖~ (v) 児云侘 イク ...
  • 24. Dictionary - Term Table ¢ Surface Form: How the term should appear in the string ¢ Context ID (left/right): ID used for connecting terms together (see. later) ¢ Cost: How commonly used the term $ The more the cost, the less common or less likely
  • 25. Dictionary - Connection Table / Connection Cost Context ID (from) Context ID (to) Cost ... ... 992 992 3003 992 993 2135 ... ... 992 1293 -1000 992 1294 -1000 ... ... ¢ Connection cost between type of terms. ¢ The lower, the more likely ¢ e.g. ¢ 992 (v-ru) then 992 (v-ru) $ Cost = 3000 (unlikely) ¢ 992 (v-ru) then 1294 (noun) $ Cost = -1000 (likely)
  • 26. Dictionary - Term Table Term table size: ¢ Kotori (default) ~380,000 terms (3.7 MB) ¢ MeCab-IPADict ~400,000 terms (12.2 MB) ¢ Sudachi - Small ~750,000 terms (39.8 MB) ¢ Sudachi - Full ~2,800,000 terms (121 MB)
  • 27. Dictionary - Term Table Term table size: ¢ Kotori (default) ~380,000 terms (3.7 MB) ¢ MeCab-IPADict ~400,000 terms (12.2 MB) ¢ Sudachi - Small ~750,000 terms (39.8 MB) ¢ Sudachi - Full ~2,800,000 terms (121 MB) $ Include term like: "c(```)ノ"
  • 28. Dictionary - Term Table ¢ What about words not in the table? $ e.g. "ワナシット タナキットルンアン" $ ^Unknown-Term Extraction ̄ Problem $ Typically, some heuristic rules * e.g. if there are consecutive katana, it¨s a Noun. ¢ Out-of-scope of this presentation
  • 29. How it works > Tokenization
  • 30. Lattice-Based Tokenization Given: ¢ The Dictionary ¢ Input:"|奨脅に廖む" Tokenizer: 1. Find all terms in the input and build a lattice 2. Find the minimum cost path through the lattice
  • 31. Step 1: Finding all terms
  • 32. Step 1: Finding all terms ¢ For each index i-th $ ?nd all terms in dictionary starting at i-th location ¢ String / Pattern Matching problem $ Require e?cient lookup data structure for the dictionary $ e.g. Trie, Finite-State-Transidual
  • 33. Step 2: Finding minimum cost ¢ Viterbi Algorithm (Dynamic Programing) ¢ For each node from the left to right $ Find the minimum cost path leading to that node $ Reuse the selected path when consider the following nodes
  • 35. Introduction to Japanese Tokenizers ¢ Introduction to NLP and Tokenization ¢ Lattice-based tokenizers (MeCab and others) $ Dictionary * Term table, Connection Cost, ... $ Tokenization Algorithms * Pattern Matching, Viterbi Algorithm, ...
  • 36. Learn more: ¢ Kotori (on Github), A Japanese tokenizer written in Kotlin $ Small and performant (fastest among JVM-based) $ Support multiple dictionary formats ¢ Article: How Japanese Tokenizers Work (by Wanasit) ¢ Article: 晩云Z侘B殆盾裂のY箸鰔く (by Cookpad Developer) ¢ Book: 徭隼冱ZI尖の児A (by Manabu Okumura)