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Unit 120 
Design Software 
Author  Jo Lowes 
Bradley Wilde
Unit 120
Unit 120
Introduction (1.1 & 1.5) 
 The task what we have to do is take pictures of Salford city 
college and make a magazine out of them we will have to 
edit the photos in Photoshop and illustrator. 
 The images what I need are just of Salford city college and 
the places what you can go to while your there. 
 In the Magazine there will be a front cover a contents page 
and a double page.
Mass Head 
Model Credit 
Bar Code 
Main Image
Survey Introduction 
I am going to create a survey asking people all about their likes and 
dislikes in a magazine. I will complete this survey on survey monkey and 
email it to 10 people and get their responses and use these to help me 
make my magazine cover.
Survey Research (1.1 & 1.5) 
1. Which magazine type 
do you prefer? 
2. Do you prefer pictures 
or text in your 
3. How many times do 
you buy magazines a 
1 Week 
3 Weeks 
4. How much would you 
pay for a magazine 
5. How much of each 
magazine issue do you 
All of it 
Most of it 
Some of it 
None of it 
6. How often do you 
read them? 
7. What would make you 
buy a magazine? 
Free CD Free Poster Competition 
8. Where in Salford or 
Manchester would you 
like to see in the 
Media City 
Manchester Ship canal 
Imperial War Museum 
9. What Reviews what go 
on in Manchester? 
10. Where do you buy 
them from? 
Local Shops 
Survey results 
Here are the graphs what I created 
about 3 of the questions I made on 
survey monkey. This tells me the 
percentages on each of my 3 
Magazine logo designs using 
Dafont (2.1)
Magazine logo designs using 
Illustrator (2.1)
Logo design 
I chose this logo because I think that 
the black bit inside the star is really 
nice because I have put an effect on it. I 
have also put a red border around it. I 
also used a tool on illustrator to make 
my star look like that I like the turn out 
of this I think it looks great I chose this 
because I thought it looked the best 
Designing the magazine (1.4, 
2.1, 2.2)
Copy right (1.3) 
 Copy right means that if someone has created their own 
work then you cant copy it. You can only copy their work if 
you have permission from the owner this means that if you 
copy their work without permission you can loose your 
property, loose your freedom, and also loose your job. You 
will also have to pay a fine. My front cover meets 
copyright laws because I have used images that I have 
taken my self rather than copying someone else's .
1.7 Organising Your Files 
This is a screenshot of my 
files organised as you can 
see in the screenshot I 
have 3 different folders 
for the teachers I have 
that is where I store all 
my work for them. I have 
done this so I know where 
to access my work and I 
know it will be easy to 
find it.
1.6 File Formats- JPEG 
 I will save a version of my magazine as a JPEG? 
 An advantage is that it doesnt take up much storage space. 
 You can edit a JPEG image file in other Microsoft documents. 
 You can do different graphics with a JPEG image file. 
 Lossy form of compression. 
 JPEGS only support 8 bit file images. 
 JPEGS dont support layers of images.
1.6 File Formats - PSD 
I will also save a version of my magazine in a PSD 
Any kind of graphics you can do in a PSD document 
Quality isn't lost with this document 
You can edit your images in other editing websites. 
Very few other programmes will understand or open PSD files. 
Can make the file unwieldy and can be difficult to email or transfer. 
PSD support is often inconsistent outside of Adobes products.
1.6 File Formats PDF 
PDFS are good for forms and manuals. 
They are ideal where specialised fonts are required. 
They deliver high resolution images in a small file format. 
Larger files can be slower 
The reader must have Adobe reader plug in 
They are usually formatted to print vertically.
2.3 How your work meets clients 
Ye my pictures meet the clients needs because I 
edited them on Photoshop. 
Ye I saved them all as a JPEG because that is the 
correct file formats. 
Ye it is a high enough quality. 
Ye my images support Salford city college.

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Unit 120

  • 1. Unit 120 Design Software Author Jo Lowes Bradley Wilde
  • 4. Introduction (1.1 & 1.5) The task what we have to do is take pictures of Salford city college and make a magazine out of them we will have to edit the photos in Photoshop and illustrator. The images what I need are just of Salford city college and the places what you can go to while your there. In the Magazine there will be a front cover a contents page and a double page.
  • 5. Mass Head Model Credit Headline Headline Headline Bar Code Main Image
  • 6. Survey Introduction I am going to create a survey asking people all about their likes and dislikes in a magazine. I will complete this survey on survey monkey and email it to 10 people and get their responses and use these to help me make my magazine cover.
  • 7. Survey Research (1.1 & 1.5) Question 1. Which magazine type do you prefer? Music 3 Sport 5 News 2 Celebrities 1 2. Do you prefer pictures or text in your magazine? Pictures 5 Text 5 3. How many times do you buy magazines a week? 1 Week 4 3 Weeks 4 Monthly 1 Yearly 1 4. How much would you pay for a magazine 贈1 3 贈3 3 贈5 2 贈7.50 2 5. How much of each magazine issue do you read? All of it 3 Most of it 4 Some of it 2 None of it 1 6. How often do you read them? Daily 3 Weekly 6 Monthly 1 Yearly 7. What would make you buy a magazine? Free CD Free Poster Competition 8. Where in Salford or Manchester would you like to see in the magazine Media City 4 Manchester Ship canal 5 Imperial War Museum 1 9. What Reviews what go on in Manchester? Music 3 Theatre 3 Comedy 3 10. Where do you buy them from? Local Shops 5 Supermarkets 5
  • 8. Survey results Here are the graphs what I created about 3 of the questions I made on survey monkey. This tells me the percentages on each of my 3 questions.
  • 9. Magazine logo designs using Dafont (2.1)
  • 10. Magazine logo designs using Illustrator (2.1)
  • 11. Logo design I chose this logo because I think that the black bit inside the star is really nice because I have put an effect on it. I have also put a red border around it. I also used a tool on illustrator to make my star look like that I like the turn out of this I think it looks great I chose this because I thought it looked the best overall.
  • 12. Designing the magazine (1.4, 2.1, 2.2)
  • 13. Copy right (1.3) Copy right means that if someone has created their own work then you cant copy it. You can only copy their work if you have permission from the owner this means that if you copy their work without permission you can loose your property, loose your freedom, and also loose your job. You will also have to pay a fine. My front cover meets copyright laws because I have used images that I have taken my self rather than copying someone else's .
  • 14. 1.7 Organising Your Files This is a screenshot of my files organised as you can see in the screenshot I have 3 different folders for the teachers I have that is where I store all my work for them. I have done this so I know where to access my work and I know it will be easy to find it.
  • 15. 1.6 File Formats- JPEG I will save a version of my magazine as a JPEG? Advantages An advantage is that it doesnt take up much storage space. You can edit a JPEG image file in other Microsoft documents. You can do different graphics with a JPEG image file. Disadvantages Lossy form of compression. JPEGS only support 8 bit file images. JPEGS dont support layers of images.
  • 16. 1.6 File Formats - PSD I will also save a version of my magazine in a PSD Advantages Any kind of graphics you can do in a PSD document Quality isn't lost with this document You can edit your images in other editing websites. Disadvantages Very few other programmes will understand or open PSD files. Can make the file unwieldy and can be difficult to email or transfer. PSD support is often inconsistent outside of Adobes products.
  • 17. 1.6 File Formats PDF Advantages PDFS are good for forms and manuals. They are ideal where specialised fonts are required. They deliver high resolution images in a small file format. Disadvantages Larger files can be slower The reader must have Adobe reader plug in They are usually formatted to print vertically.
  • 18. 2.3 How your work meets clients needs Ye my pictures meet the clients needs because I edited them on Photoshop. Ye I saved them all as a JPEG because that is the correct file formats. Ye it is a high enough quality. Ye my images support Salford city college.