Compendio general de mitos y relatos escritos por los estudiantes de la Esc...centroeducativoelguayabal
Compendio general de mitos y relatos escritos por los estudiantes de la Escuela Rural Mixta El Guayabal. Documento que contiene en un solo archivo cada uno de los mitos y leyendas escritas y recreadas por los estudiantes de la Escuela el Guayabal.
The document lists and provides images of many famous comic characters throughout history, from the earliest cave paintings in Lascaux Caves, to modern characters like Spiderman, The Incredible Hulk, and The Simpsons. Some of the characters mentioned include Max und Moritz from the 19th century, The Yellow Kid and Felix the Cat from the late 19th to early 20th century, Mickey Mouse in 1928, Tintin and Betty Boop in the late 1920s to early 1930s, Superman in 1938, and Asterix and Obelix in 1959.
Online Reputation Management - 2011 Power of eMarketing ConferenceAngie Pascale
The document discusses online reputation management and social media monitoring. It explains that reputation management involves identifying conversations about a brand online, learning from them, and steering them. It also discusses the importance of social media due to growing user numbers and influence. Additionally, it outlines benefits of listening like preventing lawsuits and improving customer experience. The document provides tips on monitoring, responding to feedback, measuring success through metrics like search performance and sentiment analysis.
The document discusses trends in digital marketing, focusing on inbound marketing and optimization strategies. It emphasizes the importance of inbound tactics like SEO, SMO, and content marketing to attract online visitors. Specifically, it notes that 70% of searches are not in English, so multi-lingual SEO is important. Social media optimization is also key, and social networks can be powerful communication tools if used correctly. The future of marketing involves engaging with audiences and doing things with and for people. Mobile devices are increasingly important as well.
UI for web/mobile Performance AcceleratorPooran Panwar
This document discusses a web/mobile performance accelerator service that provides a high-level UI for customers to self-configure through a management console where they can access supporting documentation, APIs, operational analytics, and business intelligence. The management console gives customers tools for configuration, documentation, analytics and intelligence related to the accelerator service.
The document lists and provides images of many famous comic characters throughout history, from the earliest cave paintings in Lascaux Caves, to modern characters like Spiderman, The Incredible Hulk, and The Simpsons. Some of the characters mentioned include Max und Moritz from the 19th century, The Yellow Kid and Felix the Cat from the late 19th to early 20th century, Mickey Mouse in 1928, Tintin and Betty Boop in the late 1920s to early 1930s, Superman in 1938, and Asterix and Obelix in 1959.
Online Reputation Management - 2011 Power of eMarketing ConferenceAngie Pascale
The document discusses online reputation management and social media monitoring. It explains that reputation management involves identifying conversations about a brand online, learning from them, and steering them. It also discusses the importance of social media due to growing user numbers and influence. Additionally, it outlines benefits of listening like preventing lawsuits and improving customer experience. The document provides tips on monitoring, responding to feedback, measuring success through metrics like search performance and sentiment analysis.
The document discusses trends in digital marketing, focusing on inbound marketing and optimization strategies. It emphasizes the importance of inbound tactics like SEO, SMO, and content marketing to attract online visitors. Specifically, it notes that 70% of searches are not in English, so multi-lingual SEO is important. Social media optimization is also key, and social networks can be powerful communication tools if used correctly. The future of marketing involves engaging with audiences and doing things with and for people. Mobile devices are increasingly important as well.
UI for web/mobile Performance AcceleratorPooran Panwar
This document discusses a web/mobile performance accelerator service that provides a high-level UI for customers to self-configure through a management console where they can access supporting documentation, APIs, operational analytics, and business intelligence. The management console gives customers tools for configuration, documentation, analytics and intelligence related to the accelerator service.
Presentation on Cultural Toolkits aimed at developing audiences of 'family and community focused' and 'dinner and a show' segments of the UK population.
The document provides 10 tips for using Facebook in 10 minutes per day to build your brand and community. The tips include updating your status, scanning friends' walls to interact and comment, sharing quotes and friends' posts, creating lists to stay organized, checking highlights, events and groups, wishing friends happy birthday, reviewing friend requests and messages, checking notifications, and having fun engaging with your network on Facebook. The overall guidance is how to efficiently utilize Facebook on a daily basis through these various engagement activities.
This recipe calls for 4 eggs, 2 potatoes, and some salt to make a tortilla omelette. The potatoes are peeled, washed, cut, and fried. Then the eggs are whisked with salt and combined with the fried potatoes. Finally, the mixture is fried at low heat.
Nishant Lomash is seeking assignments in project management, logistics management, or sales and marketing. He has a M.B.A. from National Institute of Technology, Durgapur with a CGPA of 6.4/10 and a B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from E.V.P Engineering College, Anna University with 64% marks. He has 7 months of experience as an assistant engineer at Shilpi Engineering Private Limited. His project experience includes preparing tender quotations for infrastructure projects and utilizing waste heat recovery at a heavy water plant. He has strong skills in project planning, resource coordination, and feasibility analysis.
The document discusses the VPN market and competitive landscape. It analyzes major vendors including Cisco, Nortel, Lucent, Checkpoint, Efficient Networks, Intel, and Microsoft. For each it summarizes their market share, target markets, channels, strengths, weaknesses, and strategic partnerships. The VPN market is projected to grow from $85M in 1998 to $1.5B in 2003, driven by remote access and e-business applications. Dedicated hardware and software from various vendors address different market segments.
This document lists different endangered or extinct animal species such as dolphins, cichlids, dodos, kakapos, rats, rhinoceros, Siberian tigers, tapirs, chimpanzees, killer whales, bald ibis, Spix's macaw along with time periods related to 65 million years ago, 250 million years ago, the 1680s, and the 1950s.
Sharing Microsoft RMS Data with QuickBooksDawn Scranton
The document discusses various strategies for using QuickBooks in retail and professional services environments, including integrating it with additional software solutions. It provides examples of using QuickBooks with barcode scanners to track inventory, with Microsoft Retail Management Software to manage sales and inventory, and with an electronic service control solution to schedule and track service calls. The document also covers QuickBooks features for job costing, tracking locations and departments, and managing items versus expenses.
The document discusses lenses for viewing and treating eating disorders. Major diagnoses covered are Binge Eating Disorder, Anorexia Nervosa, and Bulimia Nervosa. Each diagnosis is examined through a particular lens - abandonment for BED, control for AN, and trust for BN. Treatment approaches are outlined for each diagnosis and lens, including cognitive behavioral therapy, establishing trust and rapport with clients, addressing underlying issues, and managing symptoms. The document emphasizes that eating disorders cause serious harm and treatment can help.
1. The MACUL SIGPL introduces a new Action Research Grant to support teacher-led research on educational technology that can produce fast results to match the changing landscape of technology.
2. Action research is practitioner-driven, allows teachers to investigate questions relevant to their own practice, and can be an effective way for teachers to improve instruction and student learning.
3. The grant provides $500 to support a MACUL member's action research project related to educational technology, with the expectation they will present their findings at the upcoming conference.
Shirley took a winning shot but her previous shots were unsuccessful, as her experimentation had been disastrous, though she never gave up and eventually was able to see the moon in her shot. Her thoughts then shifted to changing the scene to find a different charm.
Facebook Denver Boot Camp for Business. This is part 2 of our step-by-step Facebook workshop. Topics include marketing your Facebook Page, events, Facebook contests and more. Classes by Your Marketing Gal in Denver are always in small groups and are interactive.
The document provides examples of reported speech from different contexts. Each section describes something that was said and indicates the context in which it was said:
1) At a supermarket - a man reported what an employee said about the location of milk and bread.
2) At a shoe store - a woman reported what an employee said about not having a shoe in the requested size.
3) At a hospital - a patient reported what a doctor asked about how their arm was broken.
4) At a restaurant - someone reported what a waiter asked about wine or water to drink with a meal.
5) In a museum - someone reported what a tour guide said about the artist and date of a
The document is a dialogue where one person states their intention to steal various items and the other responds with the location of the intended theft. The locations listed are various shops and establishments including a bakery, butcher, chemist, library, coffee shop, newsagent, museum, bank, post office, supermarket, and clothes shop.
Family history project maria villanueva 2byorogo74
Emilia was born in cija, Spain in 1927 and moved to Osuna at age 8. She met her neighbor and future husband at age 13 but did not marry until 1953. During World War II, her father fought in the war and after the war she returned to Seville. Emilia enjoyed painting with her husband until he passed away in 1972. Mar鱈a shares her family history and notes she may have inherited her grandmother Emilia's intelligence.
Osuna is the second largest city in Seville, Spain, with a population of 18,000 people who primarily speak Spanish. It is a great place to visit with museums, parks, a beautiful bull ring, and the most popular tourist spot being the Colegiata, while the city also has an university and holds an important festival in May with dancing.
Este documento describe el curr鱈culo biling端e de la escuela secundaria Sierra Sur. Ofrece cursos en lengua castellana, ingl辿s y franc辿s, as鱈 como asignaturas no ling端鱈sticas ense単adas parcialmente en ingl辿s y franc辿s. Detalla los programas, coordinadores, profesores y objetivos de integrar contenidos acad辿micos y lenguas extranjeras.
Este documento presenta tres historias breves:
1) Un reportaje cultural sobre la antigua Universidad de Osuna, un edificio emblem叩tico de la ciudad.
2) Un brote de salmonella que afect坦 a 102 personas en Osuna.
3) Una intervenci坦n novedosa realizada en el Hospital de Osuna para implantar una pr坦tesis de hombro.
This document contains a collection of articles from a student newspaper in Spanish and English. It includes recipes for fondue and croissants, profiles of local athletes Javier Lopez Rodriguez and Teemu Pukki, an article on baseball player Joe DiMaggio, and classified ads. The articles cover topics like sports, food, and profiles of hometown heroes.
The document discusses various topics related to homosexuality and Catholicism, including:
1) It asks which insult would hurt the most out of several insulting Spanish words.
2) It raises questions about why certain biblical prohibitions are ignored while prohibitions on homosexuality are not.
3) It discusses research showing people are born gay, not that it is a choice, citing identical twins studies and discoveries of genes linked to homosexuality.
In Finland, Easter is a Christian holiday celebrated in churches rather than with public displays. While church attendance increases during Easter, religious proceedings are similar to normal services. Traditional Finnish Easter foods include m辰mmi, Easter lamb, and uunijuusto cheese, and customs involve virpominen egg decorating, using rairuoho ryegrass, and lighting p辰辰si辰iskokko bonfires. The document wishes readers a happy Easter in Finnish, Swedish, English and Spanish.
This document discusses traditions associated with St. Patrick's Day. It explains that some traditions include wearing green so leprechauns cannot see you and getting pinched if you forget. It notes that Boston has the earliest St. Patrick's Day celebrations in the US in 1737 and has many Irish pubs. It also discusses how in Chicago, they dye the river green for St. Patrick's Day and includes some video links about the tradition.
Valentine's Day is celebrated annually on February 14th. According to legend, Valentine was a priest in ancient Rome who performed secret marriages for young lovers, in defiance of Emperor Claudius II's ban. Valentine was imprisoned and sentenced to death for this. On the eve of his execution, he wrote a farewell letter to his jailer's daughter, who he had befriended, signing it "from your Valentine." Now on February 14th, people exchange love letters and gifts with their Valentines to commemorate his courage and sacrifice.
This recipe involves preparing ingredients like meat, bacon, onion and garlic by chopping and cutting them, then grilling them. Next, boil spaghetti and spread the grilled ingredients and spaghetti on a baking dish along with tomato sauce. Finally, grate cheese over the top and bake, then serve on a plate.
Este documento describe el programa biling端e de la escuela secundaria Sierra Sur. Ofrece cursos en espa単ol, ingl辿s y franc辿s con contenidos integrados de diferentes asignaturas. Cuenta con una coordinadora, profesores nativos y ayudantes para las diferentes lenguas. El objetivo es que los estudiantes adquieran competencia pluriling端e e integren el aprendizaje de lenguas y contenidos de otras asignaturas.
Este documento presenta el proyecto biling端e del IES Sierra Sur para el a単o 2. Detalla los profesores que imparten las asignaturas de lengua (ALs) y no lengua (ANLs) en modalidad biling端e para primero y segundo de ESO, as鱈 como los grupos flexibles de alumnos. Tambi辿n menciona otros participantes del proyecto que no imparten clases.
Este documento presenta el proyecto biling端e del IES Sierra Sur para el a単o 2. Detalla los profesores que imparten las asignaturas de lengua (ALs) y no lengua (ANLs) en modalidad biling端e para primero y segundo de ESO, as鱈 como los grupos flexibles de alumnos. Tambi辿n menciona otros participantes del proyecto que no imparten clases.
Easter is celebrated differently in Puerto Rico and the United States. In Puerto Rico, some people celebrate by going to church while others relax at the beach with family. In the US, Easter has both religious and pagan origins, with traditions like Easter eggs, candy, and the Easter bunny stemming from pagan spring festivals. The holiday is now highly commercialized and focused on candy and gifts for children. The term "Easter" comes from the Saxon goddess Eastre, who was associated with spring, fertility, and rabbits.
The leprechaun encounters a dragon crying because it has lost its fire. The leprechaun agrees to help the dragon find its fire if the dragon will help the leprechaun find the rainbow and his pot of gold that he had hidden under it. They climb a volcano where eating hot rocks from it restores the dragon's fire. After unsuccessfully searching elsewhere, they see a rainbow appear after a rainstorm ends, and find the leprechaun's pot of gold beneath it. They thank each other for their help.
The document summarizes information about St. Patrick's Day, including that it is celebrated on March 17th in honor of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Some of the traditions associated with St. Patrick's Day are wearing green, eating corned beef and cabbage, attending parades, and recognizing symbols like the shamrock and leprechauns. The shamrock was used by St. Patrick to illustrate the holy trinity, and according to legend, St. Patrick drove all the snakes from Ireland.
Halloween originated from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, celebrated on October 31st. The Celts believed this was when the boundary between the living and the dead was at its thinnest. They would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. In the 9th century, the Catholic Church designated November 1st as All Saints' Day and made it a holy day of obligation. Halloween traditions include trick-or-treating, carving jack-o'-lanterns from pumpkins, wearing costumes, telling scary stories, and bobbing for apples. Today, Halloween is celebrated in many Western cultures with children going door-to-door looking for treats.
5. UNw L.. :Df 'Ilr't$r,?
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f,cu:; Y'P
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I lu E-xpeLLenne
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g J' o** fLl{ il. fla -*r.r'- #a, /W f !
W t辿 /Wnu鱈,( eb t ?R
17. q Fxperierce
Orci gr: *o.rec多( L<臓crrr) to ci& cL uiv(e ?
J dtl$ I io.臓e i+ , I+b ry Sucn臓 ercr sPttive,
.F $r臓r ..4 cl'ritdcerr uho r.od q. birle <>単{ the$ e単F:fd , in tro(,
臓ttrnen単, f uorrted {o L<sr単.
端臓tsr I uos si.e 5:ol's ctc3, I r臓ent -<JnJ g多炭tj io tre s+ercrq((et
t坦 r炭sf単炭.' Nl <oChr多c qgs c5 R:lber
?o.(Jq in $rccrt oF crr多 lfi臓.J:e
&er:c*r- - bF Ults oitAes iso. T as t idiog oscr q臓ft:n r $elt ,
qcd tbot
cbcr *y'"* -O trt ogt単 ' At flfs'臓, ib 臓sS E dC$SiC"臓ut
s *hB 'r. +c'1fce'.erg s-raog ond t.'eotg .f g* i't.!l!
Then rurk単 s co.sct cicb' G biv , 5 t#*t*"q {臓*ec.J r"臓eevcr'd
P h.?PEb .
trbssE多: Clorq s?l.r^i
cp*e'. csifi, 26s,cc*d<r:c, 2oL
g.i:L '. L{9 S
18. i, Idy xga'erra'臓
LrJhen f ufls J'*. )ars old T uncl ct
b,V-e pr $U [irHrrlo.g
V.c( d"g .I llc*s .rg h.fg.多, h*e T rrc.s
pto'1ing u*h qtt fng
)ri'erds when rn$
rD r de,+
+oh ryE' "
f::'ffi"TTTJ ;:;:'
wir {<c<-rr
ou *omorro,.,j1 The nQ,x}
doU r ulQ qlRn
{b tht gur k ond. T u)os
1-i siog ptuc_
but T
)etr {wice
Ftoq[b , T [orned h r ids rn$ b,t多e, f
u.臓qart tu?igt^lhere
W W b臓Xe
M**, !o,.rio Gesco Grdero
Oqte ,26*he.bber
Gro u
F, .{sc b,(ing,ts
19. t [.n{o{ U *,iq a a,. tte Q3o; 6..:(, '{
tik-n br臓'r臓d? b'., r^$ t*^.htr k"多 1*'Eh+ Tn
i,臓 *&,-[( ''* ',nl,*,1n坦 t*i'r rn( s*坦'
'"n r臓io( k'-5 ^sq s t" E hs^b -(単c.'o多,
CQo )端 : Lc" f)
h[. 多f;t^ Cdy}""
20. tfFlTlNG
, nob Fu 臓臓ttu多 ?
lg多tlrrt t-o ML fiy b$o多tYc , Beetusr fcts( year-
flV.,E i,,.:iLh
T rcLe plry;y {cct[t] oJ 多fun 多he batt h;t 臓#,'^ r,臓"e h臓s
{ace, o.nA M got @grr 6n端 he sucr.,&,l Lo shout aF r,多.
I Jrunt fo rny fanmuk a,端
tctA rn多 W
+ t 多4Jffurr#",a.
T!*o臓, I i^rrogt htc ff炭f arcvc^tp ,
Fec."rdfu Fcqn> 多cr,多..
zo 多07 L炭^L
4eso s