4. Contents
Look Angle Determination : Azimuthal Angle, Elevation Angle
Subsatellite Point :Nadir Direction, Zenith Direction
Azimuthal Angle Measurement
Elevation Angle Measurement
Visibility Test
5. Look Angle Determination
The coordinates to which an earth station antenna must be pointed to
communicate with a satellite are called the look angles.
These are most commonly expressed as azimuth (Az) and elevation (El),
although other pairs exist.
Azimuth Angle
Elevation Angle
6. Generally, the values of these angles change for non-geostationary
orbits. Whereas, the values of these angles dont change for
geostationary orbits. Because, the satellites present in geostationary
orbits appear stationary with respect to earth.
These two angles are helpful in order to point at the satellite directly
from the earth station antenna. So, the maximum gain of the earth
station antenna can be directed at satellite.
7. We can calculate the look angles of geostationary orbit by using
longitude & latitude of earth station and position of satellite orbit.
Azimuth Angle
The angle between local horizontal plane and the plane passing through
earth station, satellite and center of earth is called as azimuth angle.
Elevation Angle
The angle between vertical plane and line pointing to satellite is known
as Elevation angle. Vertical plane is nothing but the plane, which is
perpendicular to horizontal plane.
8. Azimuth is measured eastward (clockwise) from geographic north to the projection of the satellite path on a (locally)
horizontal plane at the earth station.
Elevation is the angle measured upward from the local horizontal plane at the earth station to the satellite path.
9. Navigation around the earths oceans became more precise when the
surface of the globe was divided up into a grid-like structure of
orthogonal lines: latitude and longitude.
Latitude is the angular distance, measured in degrees, north or south of
the equator and longitude is the angular distance, measured in degrees,
from a given reference longitudinal line.
England drew its reference zero longitude through Greenwich, a town
close to London, England, and France, not surprisingly, drew its reference
longitude through Paris, France.
10. When GEO satellite systems are registered in Geneva, their (subsatellite)
location over the equator is given in degrees east to avoid confusion.
Thus, the INTELSAT primary location in the Indian Ocean is registered at
60属E and the primary location in the Atlantic Ocean at 335.5属E (not
Earth stations that communicate with satellites are described in terms of
their geographic latitude and longitude when developing the pointing
coordinates that earth station must use to track the apparent motion of
the satellite.
11. The Subsatellite Point
The subsatellite point is the location on the surface of the earth that lies
directly between the satellite and the center of the earth.
It is the nadir pointing direction from the satellite and, for a satellite in an
equatorial orbit, it will always be located on the equator.
Since geostationary satellites are in equatorial orbits and are designed to
stay stationary over the earth, it is usual to give their orbital location in
terms of their subsatellite point.
12. To an observer of a satellite standing at
the subsatellite point, the satellite will
appear to be directly overhead, in the
zenith direction from the observing
The zenith and nadir paths are
therefore in opposite directions along
the same path
Designers of satellite antennas
reference the pointing direction of the
satellites antenna beams to the nadir
13. The communications coverage region on the earth from a satellite is
defined by angles measured from nadir at the satellite to the edges of
the coverage.
Earth station antenna designers, however, do not reference their pointing
direction to zenith.
As noted earlier, they use the local horizontal plane at the earth station
to define elevation angle and geographical compass points to define
azimuth angle, thus giving the two look angles for the earth station
antenna toward the satellite (Az, El).
15. Figure shows the geometry of the elevation angle calculation.
rs is the vector from the center of the earth to the satellite
re is the vector from the center of the earth to the earth
d is the vector from the earth station to the satellite
These three vectors lie in the same plane and form a triangle.
16. The central angle 粒 measured between re and rs is the angle between the
earth station and the satellite
is the angle (within the triangle) measured from re to d.
Defined so that it is non-negative, 粒 is related to the earth station north
latitude Le (i.e., Le is the number of degrees in latitude that the earth
station is north from the equator) and west longitude le (i.e., le is the
number of degrees in longitude that the earth station is west from the
Greenwich meridian) and the subsatellite point at north latitude Ls and
west longitude ls by
18. Azimuth Angle Calculation
Since the earth station, the center of the earth, the satellite, and the
subsatellite point all lie in the same plane, the azimuth angle Az from the
earth station to the satellite is the same as the azimuth from the earth
station to the subsatellite point.
This is more difficult to compute than the elevation angle because the
exact geometry involved depends on whether the subsatellite point is
east or west of the earth station, and in which of the hemispheres the
earth station and the subsatellite point are located.
21. Visibility Test
For a satellite to be visible from an earth station, its elevation angle El must be above some minimum value, which is
at least 0属. A positive or zero elevation angle requires that