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The action of leading a group of people or an
Leaders motivate others to achieve something
new and better.
Concept / Elements Of Leadership
1. Communication: - Leadership starts with communication. Effective
communication is clear, transparent and customized to the recipient. A good
leader will take the time to find out which communication style and method
(text, e-mail, phone or in-person) work best for each team member. By
communicating with your team, you build trust, rapport and a culture of shared
accountability. Communicateoften, clearly and honestly.
2. Knowing Your People: - A good leader knows his or her team better than anyone
elsetheir strengths, their weaknesses, what makes them tick and what
motivates them. Take the time to get to know your team and youll know how to
talk to themand how to get things done.
3. Knowing Yourself: - Its not only important to know your team; its important to
know yourself. Is this just a job to you, or do you truly want to be a leader?Do
you want to motivate, inspire and lead people? If youre just in it for the money
or the prestige, youre not a true leader. Your team most likely wont be happy or
engaged, and neither will you.
Concept / Elements Of Leadership
4. Diplomacy: - If youre simply telling people what to do, youre not going to
have engaged workers, and your results will probably suffer, too. Sure,
sometimes you have to make a tough call and push through an unpopular
agenda item, but for the most part you should try to show your team that they
do have choices. Listen to their needs, take suggestions and implement the
democratic process when it comes to projects. Of course, every company,
department and project are different, but, for the most part, giving people the
autonomy they crave will result in a more engaged workforce and better results.
Gently encouraging a collaborative, democratic work environment will be more
effective than forcing roles and expectations on people.
5. Seeking Out Feedback: - Its hard to do an honest self-assessment so regularly
ask for feedbacknot only from your team, but other managers, mentors and
other colleagues as well. Feedback helps you to understand what your strengths
and weaknesses are and how to use them to your advantage. When you grow,
your team grows!
Leadership Theories
1. Management Theories: - Popularly known as
transactional theories, management theory lays
a lot of emphasis on supervision, organization
and teamwork. The management theory
establishes a system of reward and
punishment, which means if you do well, you
will be rewarded and if you dont, you will be
Leadership Theories
2. Relationship Theories: - Relationship theory is
also known as transformational leadership
theories. It revolves around the bond between
leader and follower. The stronger the bond the
better will be the results. Transformational
leaders inspire and motivate their followers
and keep them on the same page.
Leadership Theories
3. Behavioral Theories: - When it comes to leadership, the
world is divided into two different camps. One thinks that
leaders are made, while other camp believes that leaders
are born. Behavioral theory sides with the people in the
former camp and challenges the notion that leaders are
born. As a result, it completely ignores all the qualities
that set natural leaders apart from their trained
counterparts. This theory puts its weight behind actions of
leaders and advocates the fact that people can learn from
their experience, observation and teachings to transform
into a good leader.
Leadership Theories
4. Participative Theories: - Leaders can be divided into two broad
categories. One that follows the autocratic leadership style and
makes decisions on their own. On the other end of the
spectrum are those leaders who take input from others.
Participatory theory backs the approach of the latter.
Leaders who follow participative theory welcome
suggestions from team members and encourages them to speak
up. As a result, the team members think that they have their
say in the decision-making process. Although, the leader
reserve the right to stop taking input but in most cases, they
dont exercise that right.
Leadership Theories
5. Trait Theories: - As the name suggests, leaders inherit
certain leadership qualities and traits that make them
stand out from the crowd. These leadership abilities
propel them to leadership status. The trait theory focuses
on these personality traits. For instance, commitment,
integrity and confidence are characteristics that are
usually associated with a great leader.
By linking certain qualities with leadership, you are
literally limiting its scope. What about people who
possess these qualities but are not leaders.
Leadership Theories
6. Situational Theories: - Situational leadership theories
encourages leaders to act by critically analyzing the
situation. It argues that instead of following a single
leadership approach, leaders should change leadership
approach based on the situation. For instance, there is a
situation where a leader is the most knowledgeable and
experienced, they should opt for an authoritarian style of
leadership and take a decision on their own. On the flip
side, they should let team members handle the situation if
they are subject matter experts by following a democratic
leadership style.
Leadership Theories
7. Contingency Theories: - Contingency theory takes things to the
next level and proposes leaders to take action based on certain
variables instead of looking at the situation as a whole. Take all
the variables influencing the situation into account before
choosing a course of action.
According to leadership experts White and Hodgson,
Effective leadership is about striking the right balance
between needs, context and behavior. Great leaders focus on
the needs of the followers, analyze the situation and tweak their
behavior accordingly. Success in leadership hinges on multiple
factors such as leadership style, relationship with followers and
the situation.
What Are the Qualities of a Good Leader?
1. Honesty and Integrity: Leaders value virtuousness
and honesty. They have people who believe in them
and their vision.
2. Inspiration: Leaders are self-motivating, and this
makes them great influencers. They are a good
inspiration to their followers. They help others to
understand their roles in a bigger context.
3. Communication skills: Leaders possess great
communication skills. They are transparent with their
team and share failures and successes with them.
What Are the Qualities of a Good Leader?
4. Vision: Leaders are visionaries. They have a clear idea of what
they want and how to achieve it. Being good communicators,
leaders can share their vision with the team successfully.
5. Never give-up spirit: Leaders challenge the status quo.
Hence, they never give up easily. They also have unique ways
to solve a problem.
6. Intuitive: Leadership coach Hortense le Gentil believes that
leaders should rely on intuition for making hard decisions.
Especially because intuition heavily relies on a persons
existing knowledge and life learnings, which proves to be
more useful in complex situations.
What Are the Qualities of a Good Leader?
7. Empathy: A leader should be an emotional and empathetic fellow
because it will help them in developing a strong bond with their team.
Furthermore, these qualities will help a leader in addressing the
problems, complaints, and aspirations of his team members.
8. Objective: Although empathy is an important quality a leader must
imbibe, getting clouded by emotions while making an important
business decision is not advisable. Hence, a good leader should be
9. Intelligence: A good leader must be intelligent enough to arrive at
business solutions to difficult problems. Furthermore, a leader should
be analytical and should weigh the pros and cons before making a
decision. This quality can be polished with an all-inclusive leadership
training program.
What Are the Qualities of a Good Leader?
10. Open-mindedness and creativity: A good leader is someone who is open
to new ideas, possibilities, and perspectives. Being a good leader means
understanding that there is no right way to do things. Therefore, a good
leader is always ready to listen, observe, and be willing to change. They
are also out-of-the-box thinkers and encourage their teams to do so. If you
enrol for a leadership course, all these things will be a part of the
11. Patient: A good leader understands that a business strategy takes time to
develop and bear results. Additionally, they also believe that continuous
improvement and patient leads to success.
12. Flexible: Since leaders understand the concept of continuous
improvement, they also know that being adaptable will lead them to
success. Nothing goes as per plan. Hence, being flexible and intuitive helps
a manager to hold his ground during complex situations.
Group Dynamics
Groups are important for organizational life.
Managers spend substantial time in managing
groups and teams so that groups contribute to
organisational and group goals. How effectively a
manager plans, organizes, staffs, leads and controls
depends upon how effectively he manages the
groups. A group means two or more people who
interact with one another, are psychologically aware
of one another, perceive themselves to be members
of the group, and work towards a common goal.
Group Dynamics
It is a social process by which people interact and
behave in a group environment. Group dynamics
involves the influence of personality, power, and
behavior on the group process.
It can be used as a means for problem-solving,
teamwork, and to become more innovative and
productive as an organization. The concept of group
dynamics will also provide you with the strengths,
success factors and measures along with other
professional tools.
Importance Of Group Dynamics
1. Firstly, a group can influence the way the members think. The members are
always influenced by the interactions of other members in the group. A group
with a good leader performs better as compared to a group with a weak leader.
2. The group can give the effect of synergy, that is, if the group consists of
positive thinkers then its output is more than double every time.
3. Group dynamism can furthermore give job satisfaction to the members.
4. The group can also infuse the team spirit among the members.
5. Even the attitude, insights & ideas of members depend on group
dynamism. For example, negative thinkers convert to positive thinkers with
the help of the facilitator.
6. Also, if the group works as a cohesive group, the cooperation and
convergence can result in maximiza足
tion of productivity
7. Furthermore, group dynamism can reduce labor unrest. Lastly, it reduces labor
turnover due to emotional attach足
ment among the group members.
Stages Of Group Dynamics
Stages Of Group Dynamics
Group Development is a dynamic process. How do groups evolve? There is a
process of five stages through which groups pass through. The process includes
the five stages: forming, storming, forming, performing, and adjourning.
1. Forming: The first stage in the life of a group is concerned with forming a
group. This stage is characterized by members seeking either a work
assignment (in a formal group) or other benefit, like status, affiliation, power,
etc. (in an informal group). Members at this stage either engage in busy type of
activity or show apathy.
2. Storming: The next stage in this group is marked by the formation of dyads
and triads. Members seek out familiar or similar individuals and begin a
deeper sharing of self. Continued attention to the subgroup creates a
differentiation in the group and tensions across the dyads / triads may appear.
Pairing is a common phenomenon. There will be conflict about controlling the
Stages Of Group Dynamics
3. Norming: The third stage of group development is marked by a more serious concern about
task performance. The dyads/triads begin to open up and seek out other members in the
group. Efforts are made to establish various norms for task performance. Members begin to
take greater responsibility for their own group and relationship while the authority figure
becomes relaxed. Once this stage is complete, a clear picture will emerge about hierarchy of
leadership. The norming stage is over with the solidification of the group structure and a
sense of group identity and camaraderie.
4. Performing: This is a stage of a fully functional group where members see themselves as a
group and get involved in the task. Each person makes a contribution and the authority
figure is also seen as a part of the group. Group norms are followed and collective pressure
is exerted to ensure the Process of Group effectiveness of the group. The group may
redefine its goals Development in the light of information from the outside environment and
show an autonomous will to pursue those goals. The long-term viability of the group is
established and nurtured.
5. Adjourning: In the case of temporary groups, like project team, task force, or any other
such group, which have a limited task at hand, also have a fifth stage, This is known as
adjourning. The group decides to disband. Some members may feel happy over the
performance, and some may be unhappy over the stoppage of meeting with group members.
Adjourning may also be referred to as mourning, i.e. mourning the adjournment of the
Types Of Groups
Types Of Groups
Formal Group: - A formal group is deliberately created by an
organization to achieve an objective. This group has
defined criteria for members to join. It has structure, an
operating procedure, and is led by a leader. A formal
group is also known as a planned group.
Informal Group: - Informal groups are groups that are
formed by individuals when they communicate with one
another. These groups are not created by organizations
and work democratically. People form these groups to
solve their common issues or social needs; the issues may
or may not be related to work.
Types Of Groups
Primary Group: - In primary groups, members directly
interact and influence each other. There is no outside
interaction. The size of the group is small, and
members share a close relationship. These groups are
common among close friends and family.
Secondary Group: - Secondary groups are larger than
primary groups, and they dont have close
relationships like primary groups. These are usually
formal groups created to achieve specific objectives.
These groups are objective-driven.
Types Of Groups
Organized Group: - When people from the same
department or a group of individuals come
together to achieve a certain well-defined
objective, the group is called an organized
Unorganized Group: - These groups are randomly
created with no specific objective. These
groups are temporary, and members have no
connection with each other.
Types Of Groups
Temporary Group: - When a group is formed to
achieve a specific objective and ceases to exist
once it achieves its objective, it is a temporary
group. Temporary groups can be formal or
Permanent Group: - These groups exist for a
longer duration and help organizations run their
business. These groups are usually formal and
have well-defined structures and procedures.
Types Of Groups
Open Group: - In an open group, anyone can
join and exit anytime.
Closed Group: - In a closed group, admission is
restricted, and members fulfilling a particular
criterion are allowed to join the group.
Types Of Groups
Accidental Group: - These groups are formed
accidentally, with no purpose or objective.
These groups can be temporary or permanent.
Purposive Group: - These groups are created to
achieve a particular task.
Nature/Characterstics Of Groups
(1) Size: The first feature of a group is its size. In order to form a group, there should be at least two persons. A
single individual does not form a group. It is important to note that a group does have a minimum limit of
persons forming it, but it does not have the maximum limit. There can be any number of persons in a group
according to the need.
(2) Interaction with each other: Every member of a group remains in contact with each other. Everybody
needs others. The group becomes meaningful only when all the members of the group work together. Every
member of the group influences others with his conduct and in turn himself gets influenced by the conduct
of other members.
(3) Common Goal: A group is formed with the purpose of achieving a collective goal. In the absence of any
collective goal, a group cannot come into existence. Every individual has two goals-individual and
collective. When an individual happens to be the member of a group he has to give priority to the
collective goal over his individual goal.
(4) Norms: Every group has some norms. These norms are laid down by the members of the group. Normally
they are in oral form (or say unwritten). It is obligatory for all the members to observe them. The group
puts pressure on all the members to observe these norms.
(5) Informal Leadership: Every group has a leader. The choice of the leader is not formal but a particular
member is accepted as a leader because of his ability and experience. Whenever a problem raises its head,
the members look up to their leader for guidance. So much so that within a group more than one leader can
be accepted in respect of different problems or situations.
Nature/Characterstics Of Groups
(6) Cohesiveness: It is an important characteristic of a group to have some sort of
cohesiveness among themselves. It is only this quality that impels individuals to be
a member of the group. The group takes care of the interests of its members. It is
because of this that an individual feels satisfied after having become the member of
a group.
(7) Interdependency: All the members of a group look up to each other for the
solution of a problem. It can, therefore, be said that the members depend on each
other for the achievement of the objectives.
(8) Regularity: Another important feature of a group is that all its members regularly
interact with each other.
(9) Social Pressure: Groups are formed and prosper in society. It is, therefore, their
responsibility to take care of the interests of society along with the interests of their
(10) Devotion: It is an important characteristic of a group. It means that the success of
the group depends on the degree of their devotion to the group.
Reasons For Joining Groups
There is no particular reason answering why individuals join groups. Group helps individual
to feel stronger, have fewer self-doubts, and be more contrary to threats.
The following points help us understand the need of joining a group by individuals : -
1. Security mirrors strength in numbers. Status pinpoints a prestige that comes from
belonging to a specific group. Inclusion in a group is considered as important because
it provides recognition and status.
2. Self-esteem transmits people's feelings of self-worth. Membership can sometimes
raise feelings of self-esteem like being accepted into a highly valued group.
3. Affiliation with groups can meet one's social needs. Work groups significantly
contribute to meet the need for friendships and social relations.
4. Groups represent power. What mostly cannot be achieved individually becomes
possible with group effort. Power might be aimed to protect themselves from
unreasonable demands. Informal groups provide options for individuals to practice
5. People may join a group for goal achievement. Sometimes it takes more than one
person to accomplish a particular task.
Functions Of Groups
 They help organizations achieve their goals
and objectives
 They help solve organizational issues
 They create a healthy environment in an
 They help employees raise issues
 They motivate employees to perform better

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Unit-3-1.pptx of leadership and it's advantage

  • 1. Leadership The action of leading a group of people or an organization. Leaders motivate others to achieve something new and better.
  • 2. Concept / Elements Of Leadership 1. Communication: - Leadership starts with communication. Effective communication is clear, transparent and customized to the recipient. A good leader will take the time to find out which communication style and method (text, e-mail, phone or in-person) work best for each team member. By communicating with your team, you build trust, rapport and a culture of shared accountability. Communicateoften, clearly and honestly. 2. Knowing Your People: - A good leader knows his or her team better than anyone elsetheir strengths, their weaknesses, what makes them tick and what motivates them. Take the time to get to know your team and youll know how to talk to themand how to get things done. 3. Knowing Yourself: - Its not only important to know your team; its important to know yourself. Is this just a job to you, or do you truly want to be a leader?Do you want to motivate, inspire and lead people? If youre just in it for the money or the prestige, youre not a true leader. Your team most likely wont be happy or engaged, and neither will you.
  • 3. Concept / Elements Of Leadership 4. Diplomacy: - If youre simply telling people what to do, youre not going to have engaged workers, and your results will probably suffer, too. Sure, sometimes you have to make a tough call and push through an unpopular agenda item, but for the most part you should try to show your team that they do have choices. Listen to their needs, take suggestions and implement the democratic process when it comes to projects. Of course, every company, department and project are different, but, for the most part, giving people the autonomy they crave will result in a more engaged workforce and better results. Gently encouraging a collaborative, democratic work environment will be more effective than forcing roles and expectations on people. 5. Seeking Out Feedback: - Its hard to do an honest self-assessment so regularly ask for feedbacknot only from your team, but other managers, mentors and other colleagues as well. Feedback helps you to understand what your strengths and weaknesses are and how to use them to your advantage. When you grow, your team grows!
  • 4. Leadership Theories 1. Management Theories: - Popularly known as transactional theories, management theory lays a lot of emphasis on supervision, organization and teamwork. The management theory establishes a system of reward and punishment, which means if you do well, you will be rewarded and if you dont, you will be penalized.
  • 5. Leadership Theories 2. Relationship Theories: - Relationship theory is also known as transformational leadership theories. It revolves around the bond between leader and follower. The stronger the bond the better will be the results. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their followers and keep them on the same page.
  • 6. Leadership Theories 3. Behavioral Theories: - When it comes to leadership, the world is divided into two different camps. One thinks that leaders are made, while other camp believes that leaders are born. Behavioral theory sides with the people in the former camp and challenges the notion that leaders are born. As a result, it completely ignores all the qualities that set natural leaders apart from their trained counterparts. This theory puts its weight behind actions of leaders and advocates the fact that people can learn from their experience, observation and teachings to transform into a good leader.
  • 7. Leadership Theories 4. Participative Theories: - Leaders can be divided into two broad categories. One that follows the autocratic leadership style and makes decisions on their own. On the other end of the spectrum are those leaders who take input from others. Participatory theory backs the approach of the latter. Leaders who follow participative theory welcome suggestions from team members and encourages them to speak up. As a result, the team members think that they have their say in the decision-making process. Although, the leader reserve the right to stop taking input but in most cases, they dont exercise that right.
  • 8. Leadership Theories 5. Trait Theories: - As the name suggests, leaders inherit certain leadership qualities and traits that make them stand out from the crowd. These leadership abilities propel them to leadership status. The trait theory focuses on these personality traits. For instance, commitment, integrity and confidence are characteristics that are usually associated with a great leader. By linking certain qualities with leadership, you are literally limiting its scope. What about people who possess these qualities but are not leaders.
  • 9. Leadership Theories 6. Situational Theories: - Situational leadership theories encourages leaders to act by critically analyzing the situation. It argues that instead of following a single leadership approach, leaders should change leadership approach based on the situation. For instance, there is a situation where a leader is the most knowledgeable and experienced, they should opt for an authoritarian style of leadership and take a decision on their own. On the flip side, they should let team members handle the situation if they are subject matter experts by following a democratic leadership style.
  • 10. Leadership Theories 7. Contingency Theories: - Contingency theory takes things to the next level and proposes leaders to take action based on certain variables instead of looking at the situation as a whole. Take all the variables influencing the situation into account before choosing a course of action. According to leadership experts White and Hodgson, Effective leadership is about striking the right balance between needs, context and behavior. Great leaders focus on the needs of the followers, analyze the situation and tweak their behavior accordingly. Success in leadership hinges on multiple factors such as leadership style, relationship with followers and the situation.
  • 11. What Are the Qualities of a Good Leader? 1. Honesty and Integrity: Leaders value virtuousness and honesty. They have people who believe in them and their vision. 2. Inspiration: Leaders are self-motivating, and this makes them great influencers. They are a good inspiration to their followers. They help others to understand their roles in a bigger context. 3. Communication skills: Leaders possess great communication skills. They are transparent with their team and share failures and successes with them.
  • 12. What Are the Qualities of a Good Leader? 4. Vision: Leaders are visionaries. They have a clear idea of what they want and how to achieve it. Being good communicators, leaders can share their vision with the team successfully. 5. Never give-up spirit: Leaders challenge the status quo. Hence, they never give up easily. They also have unique ways to solve a problem. 6. Intuitive: Leadership coach Hortense le Gentil believes that leaders should rely on intuition for making hard decisions. Especially because intuition heavily relies on a persons existing knowledge and life learnings, which proves to be more useful in complex situations.
  • 13. What Are the Qualities of a Good Leader? 7. Empathy: A leader should be an emotional and empathetic fellow because it will help them in developing a strong bond with their team. Furthermore, these qualities will help a leader in addressing the problems, complaints, and aspirations of his team members. 8. Objective: Although empathy is an important quality a leader must imbibe, getting clouded by emotions while making an important business decision is not advisable. Hence, a good leader should be objective. 9. Intelligence: A good leader must be intelligent enough to arrive at business solutions to difficult problems. Furthermore, a leader should be analytical and should weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. This quality can be polished with an all-inclusive leadership training program.
  • 14. What Are the Qualities of a Good Leader? 10. Open-mindedness and creativity: A good leader is someone who is open to new ideas, possibilities, and perspectives. Being a good leader means understanding that there is no right way to do things. Therefore, a good leader is always ready to listen, observe, and be willing to change. They are also out-of-the-box thinkers and encourage their teams to do so. If you enrol for a leadership course, all these things will be a part of the curriculum. 11. Patient: A good leader understands that a business strategy takes time to develop and bear results. Additionally, they also believe that continuous improvement and patient leads to success. 12. Flexible: Since leaders understand the concept of continuous improvement, they also know that being adaptable will lead them to success. Nothing goes as per plan. Hence, being flexible and intuitive helps a manager to hold his ground during complex situations.
  • 15. Group Dynamics Groups are important for organizational life. Managers spend substantial time in managing groups and teams so that groups contribute to organisational and group goals. How effectively a manager plans, organizes, staffs, leads and controls depends upon how effectively he manages the groups. A group means two or more people who interact with one another, are psychologically aware of one another, perceive themselves to be members of the group, and work towards a common goal.
  • 16. Group Dynamics It is a social process by which people interact and behave in a group environment. Group dynamics involves the influence of personality, power, and behavior on the group process. It can be used as a means for problem-solving, teamwork, and to become more innovative and productive as an organization. The concept of group dynamics will also provide you with the strengths, success factors and measures along with other professional tools.
  • 17. Importance Of Group Dynamics 1. Firstly, a group can influence the way the members think. The members are always influenced by the interactions of other members in the group. A group with a good leader performs better as compared to a group with a weak leader. 2. The group can give the effect of synergy, that is, if the group consists of positive thinkers then its output is more than double every time. 3. Group dynamism can furthermore give job satisfaction to the members. 4. The group can also infuse the team spirit among the members. 5. Even the attitude, insights & ideas of members depend on group dynamism. For example, negative thinkers convert to positive thinkers with the help of the facilitator. 6. Also, if the group works as a cohesive group, the cooperation and convergence can result in maximiza足 tion of productivity 7. Furthermore, group dynamism can reduce labor unrest. Lastly, it reduces labor turnover due to emotional attach足 ment among the group members.
  • 18. Stages Of Group Dynamics
  • 19. Stages Of Group Dynamics Group Development is a dynamic process. How do groups evolve? There is a process of five stages through which groups pass through. The process includes the five stages: forming, storming, forming, performing, and adjourning. 1. Forming: The first stage in the life of a group is concerned with forming a group. This stage is characterized by members seeking either a work assignment (in a formal group) or other benefit, like status, affiliation, power, etc. (in an informal group). Members at this stage either engage in busy type of activity or show apathy. 2. Storming: The next stage in this group is marked by the formation of dyads and triads. Members seek out familiar or similar individuals and begin a deeper sharing of self. Continued attention to the subgroup creates a differentiation in the group and tensions across the dyads / triads may appear. Pairing is a common phenomenon. There will be conflict about controlling the group.
  • 20. Stages Of Group Dynamics 3. Norming: The third stage of group development is marked by a more serious concern about task performance. The dyads/triads begin to open up and seek out other members in the group. Efforts are made to establish various norms for task performance. Members begin to take greater responsibility for their own group and relationship while the authority figure becomes relaxed. Once this stage is complete, a clear picture will emerge about hierarchy of leadership. The norming stage is over with the solidification of the group structure and a sense of group identity and camaraderie. 4. Performing: This is a stage of a fully functional group where members see themselves as a group and get involved in the task. Each person makes a contribution and the authority figure is also seen as a part of the group. Group norms are followed and collective pressure is exerted to ensure the Process of Group effectiveness of the group. The group may redefine its goals Development in the light of information from the outside environment and show an autonomous will to pursue those goals. The long-term viability of the group is established and nurtured. 5. Adjourning: In the case of temporary groups, like project team, task force, or any other such group, which have a limited task at hand, also have a fifth stage, This is known as adjourning. The group decides to disband. Some members may feel happy over the performance, and some may be unhappy over the stoppage of meeting with group members. Adjourning may also be referred to as mourning, i.e. mourning the adjournment of the group.
  • 22. Types Of Groups Formal Group: - A formal group is deliberately created by an organization to achieve an objective. This group has defined criteria for members to join. It has structure, an operating procedure, and is led by a leader. A formal group is also known as a planned group. Informal Group: - Informal groups are groups that are formed by individuals when they communicate with one another. These groups are not created by organizations and work democratically. People form these groups to solve their common issues or social needs; the issues may or may not be related to work.
  • 23. Types Of Groups Primary Group: - In primary groups, members directly interact and influence each other. There is no outside interaction. The size of the group is small, and members share a close relationship. These groups are common among close friends and family. Secondary Group: - Secondary groups are larger than primary groups, and they dont have close relationships like primary groups. These are usually formal groups created to achieve specific objectives. These groups are objective-driven.
  • 24. Types Of Groups Organized Group: - When people from the same department or a group of individuals come together to achieve a certain well-defined objective, the group is called an organized group. Unorganized Group: - These groups are randomly created with no specific objective. These groups are temporary, and members have no connection with each other.
  • 25. Types Of Groups Temporary Group: - When a group is formed to achieve a specific objective and ceases to exist once it achieves its objective, it is a temporary group. Temporary groups can be formal or informal. Permanent Group: - These groups exist for a longer duration and help organizations run their business. These groups are usually formal and have well-defined structures and procedures.
  • 26. Types Of Groups Open Group: - In an open group, anyone can join and exit anytime. Closed Group: - In a closed group, admission is restricted, and members fulfilling a particular criterion are allowed to join the group.
  • 27. Types Of Groups Accidental Group: - These groups are formed accidentally, with no purpose or objective. These groups can be temporary or permanent. Purposive Group: - These groups are created to achieve a particular task.
  • 28. Nature/Characterstics Of Groups (1) Size: The first feature of a group is its size. In order to form a group, there should be at least two persons. A single individual does not form a group. It is important to note that a group does have a minimum limit of persons forming it, but it does not have the maximum limit. There can be any number of persons in a group according to the need. (2) Interaction with each other: Every member of a group remains in contact with each other. Everybody needs others. The group becomes meaningful only when all the members of the group work together. Every member of the group influences others with his conduct and in turn himself gets influenced by the conduct of other members. (3) Common Goal: A group is formed with the purpose of achieving a collective goal. In the absence of any collective goal, a group cannot come into existence. Every individual has two goals-individual and collective. When an individual happens to be the member of a group he has to give priority to the collective goal over his individual goal. (4) Norms: Every group has some norms. These norms are laid down by the members of the group. Normally they are in oral form (or say unwritten). It is obligatory for all the members to observe them. The group puts pressure on all the members to observe these norms. (5) Informal Leadership: Every group has a leader. The choice of the leader is not formal but a particular member is accepted as a leader because of his ability and experience. Whenever a problem raises its head, the members look up to their leader for guidance. So much so that within a group more than one leader can be accepted in respect of different problems or situations.
  • 29. Nature/Characterstics Of Groups (6) Cohesiveness: It is an important characteristic of a group to have some sort of cohesiveness among themselves. It is only this quality that impels individuals to be a member of the group. The group takes care of the interests of its members. It is because of this that an individual feels satisfied after having become the member of a group. (7) Interdependency: All the members of a group look up to each other for the solution of a problem. It can, therefore, be said that the members depend on each other for the achievement of the objectives. (8) Regularity: Another important feature of a group is that all its members regularly interact with each other. (9) Social Pressure: Groups are formed and prosper in society. It is, therefore, their responsibility to take care of the interests of society along with the interests of their members. (10) Devotion: It is an important characteristic of a group. It means that the success of the group depends on the degree of their devotion to the group.
  • 30. Reasons For Joining Groups There is no particular reason answering why individuals join groups. Group helps individual to feel stronger, have fewer self-doubts, and be more contrary to threats. The following points help us understand the need of joining a group by individuals : - 1. Security mirrors strength in numbers. Status pinpoints a prestige that comes from belonging to a specific group. Inclusion in a group is considered as important because it provides recognition and status. 2. Self-esteem transmits people's feelings of self-worth. Membership can sometimes raise feelings of self-esteem like being accepted into a highly valued group. 3. Affiliation with groups can meet one's social needs. Work groups significantly contribute to meet the need for friendships and social relations. 4. Groups represent power. What mostly cannot be achieved individually becomes possible with group effort. Power might be aimed to protect themselves from unreasonable demands. Informal groups provide options for individuals to practice power. 5. People may join a group for goal achievement. Sometimes it takes more than one person to accomplish a particular task.
  • 31. Functions Of Groups They help organizations achieve their goals and objectives They help solve organizational issues They create a healthy environment in an organization They help employees raise issues They motivate employees to perform better
  • 32. End