Este documento describe los elementos b叩sicos de la perspectiva c坦nica, incluyendo el plano del cuadro, la l鱈nea de tierra, el plano de tierra, la l鱈nea del horizonte y los puntos de fuga. Explica la perspectiva paralela con un punto de fuga y la perspectiva oblicua con dos puntos de fuga. Luego, ofrece instrucciones detalladas en 11 pasos para dibujar una escalera en perspectiva oblicua utilizando los puntos de fuga.
This document discusses the challenges and rewards of being a missionary. It describes the missionary profession as high-risk work that involves long hours, great responsibility before God and men, living in marginal areas, seeing doors close, tolerating insults, helping those unwanted or undeserving, taking on others' problems without recognition. However, it says all this is worth it to feel fulfilled with humanity, love, God, friendship and bring positive change. The missionary aims to share the love of God, light and hope with those most in need, as was Jesus' message of universal love.
This document discusses the challenges and rewards of being a missionary. It describes the missionary profession as high-risk work that involves long hours, great responsibility before God and men, living in marginal areas, seeing doors close, tolerating insults, helping those unwanted or undeserving, taking on others' problems without recognition. However, it says all this is worth it to feel fulfilled with humanity, love, God, friendship and bring positive change. The missionary aims to share the love of God, light and hope with those most in need, as was Jesus' message of universal love.