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200 Random Facts
The sweat colour of Hippo is Red
Female Hippos Produces Pink Milk and even 500 calories in single cup of milk.
Youre Nose and Ears never stop growing throughout your full life.
While you snoring you cant dreaming, and you cant snoring while dreaming.
FB, Twitter other socials site are banned in china. YouTube is banned in Pakistan.
Brand HP (Hewlett-Packard) name was decided by toss and Hewlett had won the toss.
Land Slugs has 4 noses.
Eat apple, onion potato, while plugging you nose, you will feel same taste
The Titan was first ship who ever use SOS Signal.
There are 1665 Steps in the Eiffel Tower.
Flocks of many crows know as murder.
Human have also unique tongue prints as finders.
Kangarooss tail work as main leg which help him to stand.
The meaning of Colgate in Spanish language is go hang yourself
In the urine of cat has some radiant factor that glows in black light.
Your blood is makes up 7% of your Weight.
First electric chair was found by a Dentist.
Thomas Edison, who invented light bulb, was afraid of dark.
In spring time children are grows fast then other session.
Elephant is only biggest animal who have four knees.
Tiger can run 70 kilometer per hour for 10 second.
. Male koalas have two penises for his female koalas that also have two vaginas.
To create 1 violin, need 70 different piece of wood.
Dark colour lipsticks contain fish scales.
The size of sun is 330330 times big as compare to earth.
Chicken can fly up to 10 seconds.
By sleeping you can burn 45% of your calories.
The best source of protein is egg.
In the world 20 banks are robbed daily.
Polar bear can eat 80 penguins in single sitting.
In USA 40,000 injuries cases are related to toilet.
5 seconds of kissing is enough to transfer millions of bacteria.
Pure form of water has no smell and taste too.
On the earth there are 10,000 types of plants.
There are 68% types of poisonous plants on earth.
Botulinum toxin is the most poisonous chemical on the planet, 100% death chance only in 2
Human eyes cannot see magnetic field.
Kevin Mitnic is the greatest hacker all time, millions of dollars he could hack in just 1 hour.
Drawing of Raphaels Head of a Muse is one of most expensive things on earth.
There are no brain exits in Star Fish
Hairs, teeth, Nails are comes in the category of tumor.
Butterflies can taste of flower with his feet.
Polar Bear use left hand to eat.
The quack of duck has no echo because duck has no long food pipe.
The original colour of Coca Cola is green.
You know why letter (i) has dot over it, it is actually called title.
Sand snails can sleep up to 3 year without food or eating.
Crocodile can live 6 month without eating.
Boeing 373 Airbus is largest the Airplane.
97% spices of frogs are poisonous.
The first computer was 10 times bigger than as today.
A home fly has 3000 eyes.
Tianhe-2 is the fastest computer in the world.
Mohammed is very common name in the world.
It is found in survey that Facebook has more visitor then Google.
A Sun light is combination 7 different colours.
A human can live in 3 hour in water.
In the USA every hour at least one person killed by a drunk driver.
314 Million People are living in United State.
There are seven rays on the crown of statue of Liberty represent 7 different continentals.
The declaration of Independence Day of United State was written on hemp paper.
DNA can be extracted from cheek cells, ever from urine.
Hydrogen bomb is the most dangerous invention for mankind.
Radiations from Nuclear once enter in your DNA, stay up to next to next generation.
In English language E word is most frequent to use.
Type of deer, a reindeer likes bananas the most.
Wild bear has 43 teeth.
11% of people are left handed in the world.
Honey never spoils up to 100 years.
Cat has 30 muscles in the ears.
Dogs cannot sleep well in the night.
If we combine all the nerves of human being, then the length of it can be up to 1000 km.
1 minute kiss burns 25 calories.
A pop corn is gifted by Indians.
Your skin is made up of 1 trillion cells.
In the world there is holiday every day.
In one year there is 31,557,600 seconds.
The Octopuss eye pupil is rectangular in shape
Town is the oldest word in English.
Put the grapes into microwave, youll see little explodes here.
40-45% people dont wash their hand after use of public toilet.
A group of many frogs is called Army.
Pop is called to group of whales.
Lack of oxygen in brain for 15 minute, results in death.
Your brain has two types of memory short term and long term.
Short term can remember only for 5 sec.
Honey bee can travel up to 1000 km area his in life to collect honey from flowers.
Taj Mahel is India the 1 wonder in world.
Bill Gates is the shining star from back benchers.
You take over up to 2000 breathe in single day.
Humans nails are made of keratin
Your forearm and foot are same in length.
Lifespan of Mayflies have 24 hour.
Monkey Orchid named flower has strangest look.
In this world chickens are more than people
Americans like vanilla flavor in Ice creams.
Pea is oldest vegetable on the earth.
Human Brain contain 150 Bones
The dictionary of English language is written 1973.
There are approximately 600 extant species of oaks tree.
There isnt any product that loses weight in 24 hours.
Banana, apple, avocadoes are actual berries.
Mangoes are number 1 favorite fruit in worldwide.
The best source of Vitamin C is Kiwi.
Some time ago Kiwis are knew as Chinese berries.
Peacock sings only before to rain.
An apple tree can produce up to 350-400 apples per year.
There are only 11.2% people are vegetarian in United State.
A girls decision is always changeable, dont believe them.
There are 7000 kinds of apple exist in worldwide.
A liter of Coca cola bottle has more sugar then large cinnabon.
In 1307 A.D Coffee beans were more valuable then silver coins.
A single strawberry contains around 200 seeds.
A banana gives energy very slowly.
99% types of Jellyfish are poisonous.
Red blood cells live up to 120 days.
Hot water is heavy then cold water.
Sun has a 1390,000 Km. diameter.
Sun Contain 75% Hydrogen.
Babies start dreaming even before they are born.
King Cobra is longest snake in world.
One square of inch of our skin contains around 600 sweat glands.
Our blood is on 120,000 Km. journey per day
10% of human weight comes from bacteria.
There are 5,000,000,000 Condoms used every year in the world.
Female lion hunting more than lion.
The speed of sound is 10 times faster in steal as compare to air.
Hitler was found of cartoons, he loved Disney.
Real name of Hitler was Adolf Schicklgruber; his father had changed his name in 1877.
Avocado is most fatty fruit.
Sea hours like salty water at the most.
Human birth control pills works even on Gorillas.
Dolphins can sleep with one eye open.
Normal humans heart beats over 100,000 times per day.
There are 200 dead bodies on Mount Everest.
A Shrimps heart exists in his head.
The Mimic Octopus can change the color and body shape too.
Dont sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib.
When the university of Nebraska Cornhusker play football at home ground, the stadium become third
largest city in the world.
A humming bird cant walk, they are weighs less then penny.
A shark can detect a single drop of blood in 1000 millions part of water.
Sex burns between 100 and 200 calories
Your brain can think up to 6 minute only.
Wall Mart average profit is 1.6 million every hour.
Apples retina display actually made by Samsung.
Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.
When the chicks are born, their eyes are open.
Adding /4 in the end of url of Facebook redirect you to Mark Zuckerberg profile.
Original name of Google is Backrub.
Everything you say to Siri is sent to apple for storage.
Smoking near apple computer voids the warranty.
Candy crush brings around $633,000 a day in revenue.
Adidas in 1924 was known as Gebr端der Dassler Schuhfabrik.
Three strips on Adidas snicker were put there for function.
Boeing 373 Airplane 45,800 gallons of fuel daily.
Mercury is 15 millions away from sun.
Googles driver less car has no steering and gear system.
Googles Robot Dog has been discard by Army because it too noisy.
Megalodon is the largest types of sharks.
Yahoo Answer is worlds largest online website which contains 10 million questions.
Facebook is no.1 Website in World.
Elephants dont forget his enemy for life time
Black Mamba is most poisonous snake in South Africa.
There is no bone in your ears, but they are too hard.
You can eat more after exercise.
Amazon is largest forest in the world.
Zucchini reduce the risk of cancer.
There are 260+ species of monkey in the world
Like human finger prints zebra has also unique stripes pattern.
Lemon is fastest weight lose fruit.
The speed of electron is same as speed.
Almonds are very helpful to reduce cholesterol.
Banana maintains night vision.
Green tea improves your immune system.
Zebra is symbol of balance in Native America.
Uranium is most expensive product in world.
Apple is very useful to maintain your digestion.
Spanish gives you high fiber.
For better and long time sex eat apples.
Grapes relax your blood vessels.
There is always dark in Amazon forest because tree covers the roof.
When you take alcohol, your brain work 3 times fast to digest it.
Amazon River is the 2nd largest river in the world.
There are 130 pyramids in Egypt.
For over 3800 years, the Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest man made structure in the
Some Owls have 360 visions.
Around 1.2 % mass of sun is oxygen.
Elephants have big ears to keep, blood pressure low.
Zika fever is causes by mosquito.
Kangaroos cant walk backward.
98.36 % dust on human body is actually dead skin.
Rabbits can see backward without moving his head.
Bats are the only mammals that can achieve sustained level flight.
Goldfish has 3 sec memory span.
Babies are most like too born on Tuesday according to Baby care Center.
You spend 8.5 year in your bathroom.
A jellyfish is made of 95 % water.
Calama is state where never had rain.
Women blink more then men.

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Unknown Facts

  • 1. 200 Random Facts The sweat colour of Hippo is Red Female Hippos Produces Pink Milk and even 500 calories in single cup of milk. Youre Nose and Ears never stop growing throughout your full life. While you snoring you cant dreaming, and you cant snoring while dreaming. FB, Twitter other socials site are banned in china. YouTube is banned in Pakistan. Brand HP (Hewlett-Packard) name was decided by toss and Hewlett had won the toss. Land Slugs has 4 noses. Eat apple, onion potato, while plugging you nose, you will feel same taste The Titan was first ship who ever use SOS Signal. There are 1665 Steps in the Eiffel Tower. Flocks of many crows know as murder. Human have also unique tongue prints as finders. Kangarooss tail work as main leg which help him to stand. The meaning of Colgate in Spanish language is go hang yourself In the urine of cat has some radiant factor that glows in black light. Your blood is makes up 7% of your Weight. First electric chair was found by a Dentist. Thomas Edison, who invented light bulb, was afraid of dark. In spring time children are grows fast then other session. Elephant is only biggest animal who have four knees. Tiger can run 70 kilometer per hour for 10 second. . Male koalas have two penises for his female koalas that also have two vaginas.
  • 2. To create 1 violin, need 70 different piece of wood. Dark colour lipsticks contain fish scales. The size of sun is 330330 times big as compare to earth. Chicken can fly up to 10 seconds. By sleeping you can burn 45% of your calories. The best source of protein is egg. In the world 20 banks are robbed daily. Polar bear can eat 80 penguins in single sitting. In USA 40,000 injuries cases are related to toilet. 5 seconds of kissing is enough to transfer millions of bacteria. Pure form of water has no smell and taste too. On the earth there are 10,000 types of plants. There are 68% types of poisonous plants on earth. Botulinum toxin is the most poisonous chemical on the planet, 100% death chance only in 2 sec. Human eyes cannot see magnetic field. Kevin Mitnic is the greatest hacker all time, millions of dollars he could hack in just 1 hour. Drawing of Raphaels Head of a Muse is one of most expensive things on earth. There are no brain exits in Star Fish Hairs, teeth, Nails are comes in the category of tumor. Butterflies can taste of flower with his feet. Polar Bear use left hand to eat. The quack of duck has no echo because duck has no long food pipe. The original colour of Coca Cola is green. You know why letter (i) has dot over it, it is actually called title. Sand snails can sleep up to 3 year without food or eating.
  • 3. Crocodile can live 6 month without eating. Boeing 373 Airbus is largest the Airplane. 97% spices of frogs are poisonous. The first computer was 10 times bigger than as today. A home fly has 3000 eyes. Tianhe-2 is the fastest computer in the world. Mohammed is very common name in the world. It is found in survey that Facebook has more visitor then Google. A Sun light is combination 7 different colours. A human can live in 3 hour in water. In the USA every hour at least one person killed by a drunk driver. 314 Million People are living in United State. There are seven rays on the crown of statue of Liberty represent 7 different continentals. The declaration of Independence Day of United State was written on hemp paper. DNA can be extracted from cheek cells, ever from urine. Hydrogen bomb is the most dangerous invention for mankind. Radiations from Nuclear once enter in your DNA, stay up to next to next generation. In English language E word is most frequent to use. Type of deer, a reindeer likes bananas the most. Wild bear has 43 teeth. 11% of people are left handed in the world. Honey never spoils up to 100 years. Cat has 30 muscles in the ears. Dogs cannot sleep well in the night. If we combine all the nerves of human being, then the length of it can be up to 1000 km.
  • 4. 1 minute kiss burns 25 calories. A pop corn is gifted by Indians. Your skin is made up of 1 trillion cells. In the world there is holiday every day. In one year there is 31,557,600 seconds. The Octopuss eye pupil is rectangular in shape Town is the oldest word in English. Put the grapes into microwave, youll see little explodes here. 40-45% people dont wash their hand after use of public toilet. A group of many frogs is called Army. Pop is called to group of whales. Lack of oxygen in brain for 15 minute, results in death. Your brain has two types of memory short term and long term. Short term can remember only for 5 sec. Honey bee can travel up to 1000 km area his in life to collect honey from flowers. Taj Mahel is India the 1 wonder in world. Bill Gates is the shining star from back benchers. You take over up to 2000 breathe in single day. Humans nails are made of keratin Your forearm and foot are same in length. Lifespan of Mayflies have 24 hour. Monkey Orchid named flower has strangest look. In this world chickens are more than people Americans like vanilla flavor in Ice creams.
  • 5. Pea is oldest vegetable on the earth. Human Brain contain 150 Bones The dictionary of English language is written 1973. There are approximately 600 extant species of oaks tree. There isnt any product that loses weight in 24 hours. Banana, apple, avocadoes are actual berries. Mangoes are number 1 favorite fruit in worldwide. The best source of Vitamin C is Kiwi. Some time ago Kiwis are knew as Chinese berries. Peacock sings only before to rain. An apple tree can produce up to 350-400 apples per year. There are only 11.2% people are vegetarian in United State. A girls decision is always changeable, dont believe them. There are 7000 kinds of apple exist in worldwide. A liter of Coca cola bottle has more sugar then large cinnabon. In 1307 A.D Coffee beans were more valuable then silver coins. A single strawberry contains around 200 seeds. A banana gives energy very slowly. 99% types of Jellyfish are poisonous. Red blood cells live up to 120 days. Hot water is heavy then cold water. Sun has a 1390,000 Km. diameter. Sun Contain 75% Hydrogen. Babies start dreaming even before they are born. King Cobra is longest snake in world. One square of inch of our skin contains around 600 sweat glands.
  • 6. Our blood is on 120,000 Km. journey per day 10% of human weight comes from bacteria. There are 5,000,000,000 Condoms used every year in the world. Female lion hunting more than lion. The speed of sound is 10 times faster in steal as compare to air. Hitler was found of cartoons, he loved Disney. Real name of Hitler was Adolf Schicklgruber; his father had changed his name in 1877. Avocado is most fatty fruit. Sea hours like salty water at the most. Human birth control pills works even on Gorillas. Dolphins can sleep with one eye open. Normal humans heart beats over 100,000 times per day. There are 200 dead bodies on Mount Everest. A Shrimps heart exists in his head. The Mimic Octopus can change the color and body shape too. Dont sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. When the university of Nebraska Cornhusker play football at home ground, the stadium become third largest city in the world. A humming bird cant walk, they are weighs less then penny. A shark can detect a single drop of blood in 1000 millions part of water. Sex burns between 100 and 200 calories Your brain can think up to 6 minute only. Wall Mart average profit is 1.6 million every hour. Apples retina display actually made by Samsung. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. When the chicks are born, their eyes are open. Adding /4 in the end of url of Facebook redirect you to Mark Zuckerberg profile.
  • 7. Original name of Google is Backrub. Everything you say to Siri is sent to apple for storage. Smoking near apple computer voids the warranty. Candy crush brings around $633,000 a day in revenue. Adidas in 1924 was known as Gebr端der Dassler Schuhfabrik. Three strips on Adidas snicker were put there for function. Boeing 373 Airplane 45,800 gallons of fuel daily. Mercury is 15 millions away from sun. Googles driver less car has no steering and gear system. Googles Robot Dog has been discard by Army because it too noisy. Megalodon is the largest types of sharks. Yahoo Answer is worlds largest online website which contains 10 million questions. Facebook is no.1 Website in World. Elephants dont forget his enemy for life time Black Mamba is most poisonous snake in South Africa. There is no bone in your ears, but they are too hard. You can eat more after exercise. Amazon is largest forest in the world. Zucchini reduce the risk of cancer. There are 260+ species of monkey in the world Like human finger prints zebra has also unique stripes pattern. Lemon is fastest weight lose fruit. The speed of electron is same as speed. Almonds are very helpful to reduce cholesterol. Banana maintains night vision.
  • 8. Green tea improves your immune system. Zebra is symbol of balance in Native America. Uranium is most expensive product in world. Apple is very useful to maintain your digestion. Spanish gives you high fiber. For better and long time sex eat apples. Grapes relax your blood vessels. There is always dark in Amazon forest because tree covers the roof. When you take alcohol, your brain work 3 times fast to digest it. Amazon River is the 2nd largest river in the world. There are 130 pyramids in Egypt. For over 3800 years, the Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest man made structure in the world Some Owls have 360 visions. Around 1.2 % mass of sun is oxygen. Elephants have big ears to keep, blood pressure low. Zika fever is causes by mosquito. Kangaroos cant walk backward. 98.36 % dust on human body is actually dead skin. Rabbits can see backward without moving his head. Bats are the only mammals that can achieve sustained level flight. Goldfish has 3 sec memory span. Babies are most like too born on Tuesday according to Baby care Center. You spend 8.5 year in your bathroom. A jellyfish is made of 95 % water. Calama is state where never had rain.
  • 9. Women blink more then men.