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ma n w a r in g la u r e l@ g ma il. c o m  8 0 5 - 7 9 6 - 4 5 7 2
Laurel Manwaring
Communication Disorders (BS)  Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah  December 2015
Emphasis on diagnosing specific areas of cognitive impairments that affect speech, and improving
social awareness in individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities.
Professional Experience
Professional Parent Coordinator  RISE Services Orem, Utah  September 2016  present
Worked as a team to: plan, create, and implement individual intervention strategies in order to
address the needs of each client.
 Maintained legal and sensitive records, logs and other documentation in compliance with state
and agency policies in a timely manner.
 Established partnerships and developed supportive relationships with customers, employees,
agencies and other personnel involved.
Instructional Assistant  Spring Creek Elementary, Provo, Utah  January 2016  April 2016
Responsible for assisting the lead teacher in providing a warm and promoting classroom
environment in which the child can grow physically, emotionally and mentally.
 Conducted assessment tests for the students to analyze their progress according to difference
parameters established by school administrators.
 Developed lesson plans for small group instruction using Wonders and Phonics for Reading as
Speech Pathologist Assistant  Wonderwood Academy, Woods Cross, Utah  July 2015  April 2016
Worked closely with certified Speech Language Pathologist Marilyn Howe, CCC-SLP, in a group
therapy setting of students with Down Syndrome between the ages of 16 to 26.
 Assisted the speech pathologist in monitoring and recording data collected during sessions.
 Shepherded activities to focus on the basics of phonological awareness and articulation skills.
 Directed activities towards improving: vowel/consonant combinations, syllable separations, and
fricative productions.
 As directed and supervised by the speech pathologist, acted as an instructor of a group of
students in lesson curriculum.
Personal Trainer  Acumen Fiscal Services, Provo, Utah  April 2014  May 2015
Worked with a physically and intellectually impaired individual to increase academic, physical,
cognitive, and pragmatic abilities.
 Administered nutrition and medication through a PEG feeding tube and monitored and contained
any diverse degree of seizure activity.
 Built a relationship of trust, compassion, and firmness to increase the individuals confidence and
motivation while implementing prescribed cognitive and physical activities.
Additional Experience
NSSLHA Secretary  Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah  January 2014 - December 2015
 Planned and implemented activities to connect with professionals and patients in the field.
Activities Volunteer  Utah Down Syndrome Foundation, Utah  November 2014  present
Coordinated events and relations with individuals and families.
Ecclesiastical Missionary  Helsinki, Finland  April 2012 - November 2013
 Responsibilities included communicating, teaching, presenting, assisting, and counseling
individuals, students, and families from many countries and cultures. Taught individuals English.
 Fluent in Finnish. Adept at learning quickly and getting along with people of all backgrounds.

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  • 1. ma n w a r in g la u r e l@ g ma il. c o m 8 0 5 - 7 9 6 - 4 5 7 2 Laurel Manwaring Education Communication Disorders (BS) Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah December 2015 Emphasis on diagnosing specific areas of cognitive impairments that affect speech, and improving social awareness in individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities. Professional Experience Professional Parent Coordinator RISE Services Orem, Utah September 2016 present Worked as a team to: plan, create, and implement individual intervention strategies in order to address the needs of each client. Maintained legal and sensitive records, logs and other documentation in compliance with state and agency policies in a timely manner. Established partnerships and developed supportive relationships with customers, employees, agencies and other personnel involved. Instructional Assistant Spring Creek Elementary, Provo, Utah January 2016 April 2016 Responsible for assisting the lead teacher in providing a warm and promoting classroom environment in which the child can grow physically, emotionally and mentally. Conducted assessment tests for the students to analyze their progress according to difference parameters established by school administrators. Developed lesson plans for small group instruction using Wonders and Phonics for Reading as supplements. Speech Pathologist Assistant Wonderwood Academy, Woods Cross, Utah July 2015 April 2016 Worked closely with certified Speech Language Pathologist Marilyn Howe, CCC-SLP, in a group therapy setting of students with Down Syndrome between the ages of 16 to 26. Assisted the speech pathologist in monitoring and recording data collected during sessions. Shepherded activities to focus on the basics of phonological awareness and articulation skills. Directed activities towards improving: vowel/consonant combinations, syllable separations, and fricative productions. As directed and supervised by the speech pathologist, acted as an instructor of a group of students in lesson curriculum. Personal Trainer Acumen Fiscal Services, Provo, Utah April 2014 May 2015 Worked with a physically and intellectually impaired individual to increase academic, physical, cognitive, and pragmatic abilities. Administered nutrition and medication through a PEG feeding tube and monitored and contained any diverse degree of seizure activity. Built a relationship of trust, compassion, and firmness to increase the individuals confidence and motivation while implementing prescribed cognitive and physical activities. Additional Experience NSSLHA Secretary Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah January 2014 - December 2015 Planned and implemented activities to connect with professionals and patients in the field. Activities Volunteer Utah Down Syndrome Foundation, Utah November 2014 present Coordinated events and relations with individuals and families. Ecclesiastical Missionary Helsinki, Finland April 2012 - November 2013 Responsibilities included communicating, teaching, presenting, assisting, and counseling individuals, students, and families from many countries and cultures. Taught individuals English.
  • 2. Fluent in Finnish. Adept at learning quickly and getting along with people of all backgrounds.