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Ryan Baker
10320 Newport Ave
Omaha, NE 68122
University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Masters of Education
Focus: Special Education Behavior Disorders
Graduation: 5/2016
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Masterof Education
Focus: Special Education Behavior Disorders
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Degree: Secondary Education with endorsements in Physical Education K-12
Graduated 12/08
Teaching Experiences
Bryan High School: 8/10-Current
 Teach a variety of content areas including English, Algebra, Geometry, International Studies, American
Government, Physical Science and Biology, assess student learning according to content standards,generate
lessons based on research based techniques,and communicate progress to parents.
 Developed curriculum to educate special education students on goalsetting, how to advocate IEP accommodations,
complete applications, write resumes, manage finances, maintain employment, and how to effectively interview.
 Organized Alternative Curriculum Program Physical Education program that is developmentally and age
appropriate, trained students fordistrict wide competitions, and integrated general education students to promote an
inclusive environment.
 Piloted new Infinite Campus referral systemand First Class parent contact to enact professionaldevelopment for
departmentalized execution, generated pre-referral systemfor staff and administration, and communicated solutions
to challenges with supervising staff.
JP Lord Alternative School: Summers ’08-‘14
 Plan and administer classroom activities to enrich students with multiple disabilities education, conduct school
wide enrichment programs, and provide sensory stimulation to increase student moral.
 Collaborate with physicaltherapists to properly conduct physicaltherapy routines,operate modified equipment,
and promote life skills.
 Monitor and continue administering IEP goals and objectives, to be communicated home daily.
Blackburn Alternative Program: 8/08-8/10
 Established and allocated resources for a behavioral skills program and within an alternative schoolsetting.
 Maintained a caseload, monitored IEP goals progress,and implemented learning and behavior interventions.
 Marketing coordinator and treasurer for the Blackburn Event Committee.
 Organized and supervised an after schoolprogram for at-risk youth in weight training.
 Scheduled and implemented Acuity testing for students through pullout due to attendance issues.
 Wrote EXCELS plans as a part of the administrative team at TAC for mathematics and science.
Friedel Jewish Academy: 1/08-5/08
 Taught students various skills related to physicaleducation, planned lessons,managed classroom setting,assessed
learning, and communicating concerns and progress to parents/administration.
 Chaperoned outdoorfield experience, administered first aid as needed,and ensured youth safety.
Coaching Experiences
Softball: 8/10-Current
 Interterm head coach for the 2015-2016 softball season
 Head JV coach 2010-2014, assistant to the head varsity coach
 Delegate responsibilities to coaching staff, parents, and players
 Monitor athletes’ health in conjunction with team goals and district policies
 Develop and modify practices based on athletes’ performance and skill levels
 Communicate with schooladministration, teachers,parents, players and staff relating to education/athletics
 Research developmentally appropriate workouts for player skill development
 Introduced technology based method of communication with parents and reporting of stats
Soccer: 8/2013-Current
 Head JV coach,assistant to the varsity head
 Record and report stats
 Lead practices that are developmentally appropriate for skill level and physical development
Basketball: 8/10-3/2013
 Volunteer coach 2010, head JV and Reserves coach 11/11-3/13
 Schedule transportation for athletic events and ensured safe pickup for student athletes
 Collect stats and report to coaches in determination of strategy and athlete monitoring
Professional Enrichment
Omaha Public Schools Safety Manual Revision: 2013-2014
 Researched industry standards in safety in science classrooms, revised manual, generated assessments that were
disbursed to classroom teachers throughout the district, and communicated changes to district supervisors
Lesson Plan Committee: 2013
 Piloted and provided feedback to various lesson plan formats to be disseminated throughout the district
Science Curriculum Writing: 2012-2013
 Provided input from a special education perspective for all grade level curriculum writing, edited slides on
PowerPoint to be used by classroomteachers,wrote slides based on NeSA standards and practices, and
collaborated with teachers of various disciplines to update products within the district deadlines.
Co-teaching Institute: 2013
 Collaborated with general education counterparts to learn effective teaching methods,communication techniques,
and professionalconflict resolution practices to enrich student learning.
Autism Book Club: 2012
 Independently researched written text to understand students that have been verified as having a disability within
the autism spectrum, provided insight from teaching experiences in small groups,and learned effective techniques
to engage students within the autism spectrum.

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  • 1. Ryan Baker 10320 Newport Ave Omaha, NE 68122 402-850-0774 MrRyanTBaker@gmail.com Education University of Nebraska at Lincoln Masters of Education Focus: Special Education Behavior Disorders Graduation: 5/2016 University of Nebraska at Omaha Masterof Education Focus: Special Education Behavior Disorders University of Nebraska at Omaha Degree: Secondary Education with endorsements in Physical Education K-12 Graduated 12/08 Teaching Experiences Bryan High School: 8/10-Current  Teach a variety of content areas including English, Algebra, Geometry, International Studies, American Government, Physical Science and Biology, assess student learning according to content standards,generate lessons based on research based techniques,and communicate progress to parents.  Developed curriculum to educate special education students on goalsetting, how to advocate IEP accommodations, complete applications, write resumes, manage finances, maintain employment, and how to effectively interview.  Organized Alternative Curriculum Program Physical Education program that is developmentally and age appropriate, trained students fordistrict wide competitions, and integrated general education students to promote an inclusive environment.  Piloted new Infinite Campus referral systemand First Class parent contact to enact professionaldevelopment for departmentalized execution, generated pre-referral systemfor staff and administration, and communicated solutions to challenges with supervising staff. JP Lord Alternative School: Summers ’08-‘14  Plan and administer classroom activities to enrich students with multiple disabilities education, conduct school wide enrichment programs, and provide sensory stimulation to increase student moral.  Collaborate with physicaltherapists to properly conduct physicaltherapy routines,operate modified equipment, and promote life skills.  Monitor and continue administering IEP goals and objectives, to be communicated home daily. Blackburn Alternative Program: 8/08-8/10  Established and allocated resources for a behavioral skills program and within an alternative schoolsetting.  Maintained a caseload, monitored IEP goals progress,and implemented learning and behavior interventions.  Marketing coordinator and treasurer for the Blackburn Event Committee.  Organized and supervised an after schoolprogram for at-risk youth in weight training.  Scheduled and implemented Acuity testing for students through pullout due to attendance issues.  Wrote EXCELS plans as a part of the administrative team at TAC for mathematics and science. Friedel Jewish Academy: 1/08-5/08  Taught students various skills related to physicaleducation, planned lessons,managed classroom setting,assessed learning, and communicating concerns and progress to parents/administration.  Chaperoned outdoorfield experience, administered first aid as needed,and ensured youth safety. Coaching Experiences
  • 2. Softball: 8/10-Current  Interterm head coach for the 2015-2016 softball season  Head JV coach 2010-2014, assistant to the head varsity coach  Delegate responsibilities to coaching staff, parents, and players  Monitor athletes’ health in conjunction with team goals and district policies  Develop and modify practices based on athletes’ performance and skill levels  Communicate with schooladministration, teachers,parents, players and staff relating to education/athletics  Research developmentally appropriate workouts for player skill development  Introduced technology based method of communication with parents and reporting of stats Soccer: 8/2013-Current  Head JV coach,assistant to the varsity head  Record and report stats  Lead practices that are developmentally appropriate for skill level and physical development Basketball: 8/10-3/2013  Volunteer coach 2010, head JV and Reserves coach 11/11-3/13  Schedule transportation for athletic events and ensured safe pickup for student athletes  Collect stats and report to coaches in determination of strategy and athlete monitoring Professional Enrichment Omaha Public Schools Safety Manual Revision: 2013-2014  Researched industry standards in safety in science classrooms, revised manual, generated assessments that were disbursed to classroom teachers throughout the district, and communicated changes to district supervisors Lesson Plan Committee: 2013  Piloted and provided feedback to various lesson plan formats to be disseminated throughout the district Science Curriculum Writing: 2012-2013  Provided input from a special education perspective for all grade level curriculum writing, edited slides on PowerPoint to be used by classroomteachers,wrote slides based on NeSA standards and practices, and collaborated with teachers of various disciplines to update products within the district deadlines. Co-teaching Institute: 2013  Collaborated with general education counterparts to learn effective teaching methods,communication techniques, and professionalconflict resolution practices to enrich student learning. Autism Book Club: 2012  Independently researched written text to understand students that have been verified as having a disability within the autism spectrum, provided insight from teaching experiences in small groups,and learned effective techniques to engage students within the autism spectrum.