Lecture I Introduction to Oil&Gas (Reservoir Engineering).pdfKaisBenAbdallah2
Kais Ben Abdallah presented on concepts related to the energy industry and petroleum engineering. The presentation covered topics such as driving factors for investments in renewable vs hydrocarbon resources, basic concepts in petroleum engineering including what petroleum engineering is, what petroleum means, how petroleum is generated, and geological and exploration concepts. It also discussed parameters that control petroleum occurrence like source rocks, reservoir rocks, migration and entrapment of petroleum. Remote sensing methods for oil exploration like magnetic, gravity, and seismic methods were outlined.
High-Resolution 3D Seismic: Coal Mines FieldsAli Osman ncel
1. CONSOL developed a robust coal geophysics program between 1985-2000 that utilized various seismic and non-seismic methods to address exploration, engineering, and environmental challenges.
2. A key case study involved using high-resolution 3D surface seismic data to detect a complex geologic anomaly called a "roll" in a coal seam, which showed up as amplitude anomalies.
3. Interpretation of the 3D seismic data found that the roll meandered into the property from the north and turned southeast, allowing mine plans to be adjusted to account for more difficult mining conditions on the roll's western flank.
The document provides an overview of upstream oil and gas exploration and production processes in India. It discusses key steps in the exploration cycle including surveys, drilling, reservoir analysis, and production. It covers geological concepts like source rocks, migration, traps, and basin formation. Key methods are outlined, such as seismic acquisition and different trap types. The importance of inputs from geology, geophysics, geochemistry is highlighted. Drilling and production activities are also summarized. India has 26 sedimentary basins but only 7 have yielded commercial oil and gas discoveries to date.
Geophysical Challenge in Oil and Gas ProjectGilang Wiranda
The Oil and Gas industries, especially in the exploration stage rely so much on subsurface earth condition information. Geophysical methods are tools that help deliver much information to obtain good decisions in the oil and gas projects. All of it comes with some challenges in various aspect.
Apec workshop 2 presentation 13 r wright apec-gccsi engineering disclipines...Global CCS Institute
Dr. Robert Wright presented on the U.S. Department of Energy's carbon capture and storage (CCS) research and development programs. He discussed multiple R&D areas including CO2 capture from power plants and industrial sources, geological storage of CO2, monitoring and verification technologies, use of CO2 in enhanced oil recovery, and regional infrastructure through partnerships. Large pilot and demonstration projects were highlighted that involve injecting over 1 million tons of CO2 each to validate CCS technologies at commercial scales.
Modeling CO2 injection into saline aquifers, Gonzalo Zambrano, University of ...Global CCS Institute
The document summarizes research on carbon capture and storage (CCS) being conducted by Dr. Rick Chalaturnyk and his research team at the University of Alberta. Some of the major areas of research include well integrity, reservoir geomechanics processes, risk assessment, and reservoir surveillance. The document provides details on several CCS-related research projects and field tests being carried out to evaluate CO2 injection and storage at sites such as Weyburn and Penn West. Numerical modeling is a key part of the research to simulate CO2 injection and predict fluid movement, trapping mechanisms, and reservoir responses over time.
The significance of Surface Logging For The Formation Evaluation Advance Surf...Evangelos Siskos
The significance of Surface Logging For The Formation Evaluation Advance Surface Logging Technology is a Master of Science Thesis presentation for the MSc in Oil & Gas Technology program at Eastern Macedonia and thrace Institute of Technology.
Part 2 of the overview of sediment management at sites across the Great Lakes. Excellent information about the north harbour section of the Thunder Bay Area of Concern
Seismic exploration for conventional and unconventional oil and gas resourcesTongji UNIVERSITY
This document provides an overview of seismic exploration techniques used to locate conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources such as gas hydrates. It discusses the history of seismology and outlines the four main stages of seismic exploration: acquisition, processing, interpretation, and exploration drilling. Key findings from seismic data that indicate the presence of gas hydrates include bottom-simulating reflectors, weak seismic reflections, high interval velocity, low relative impedance, and high absolute impedance. Gas hydrates are crystalline solids formed from water and gas that are located in marine sediments along continental margins and in sedimentary deposits beneath Arctic permafrost.
This document summarizes a study evaluating mining methods for the 543-S copper deposit in Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula. An underground cut-and-fill method was selected based on the deposit's geometry. A block model of the deposit was created from drill data. Economic analysis was conducted to determine optimal pit limits and underground development. The study concluded the deposit has potential for open-pit, underground, or hybrid mining and that cut-and-fill is reasonable given the deposit. Future work includes environmental monitoring and feasibility assessments.
This document provides an overview of a project studying shales as seals and unconventional reservoirs for carbon storage. The project aims to evaluate shale matrix and fracture response to CO2 exposure through experimental and modeling work. This will improve understanding of CO2 injection and storage performance in shales and inform resource assessment and risk analysis. The work involves measuring shale properties like permeability and porosity under CO2 exposure, analyzing how CO2 sorption impacts fracture conductivity, and modeling multi-phase CO2 flow through fractured shale networks. Core samples from South Dakota are being acquired and analyzed to support the experiments and modeling. The results will enhance understanding of shales for carbon storage and sealing capacity predictions.
This document discusses a seismic survey conducted in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to explore seabed minerals. It provides background on the geological features of the survey area, including the Mohn's Ridge slow spreading ridge. It then describes the 2D seismic acquisition using a source vessel and towed streamer, and the processing sequence applied to the data. The document presents some preliminary seismic section examples and interpretations, noting imaging challenges from the 2D nature and short offsets. It concludes by acknowledging the project partners and highlighting the improved geological understanding from the survey.
Shale Gas | SPE YP Egypt Educational WeekAhmed Omar
This presentation is a result of intensive search about unconventional shale gas resources. These slides was presented at SPE Egyptian section educational week.
Authors :
Karim Magdy, Suez University, karim_magdy5298@yahoo.com
Karim Mohamed Kamel, The British University in Egypt, kareem.kaml@gmail.com
Ahmed Omar Eissa, Suez University, ahmedomar92@yahoo.com
Ahmed Alhassany, Al-Azhar University, Al7assany@gmail.com
Yunus Ashour, Alazhar University Eng.yunusashour@Gmail.com
Mahmoud Elwan, Cairo University, elwan_92@hotmail.com
Mahmoud Abbas , Suez university mahmoudabbas15@gmail.com
Khaled Elnagar, Suez University
Presentation by Dr Robert Wright, APEC and US Department of Energy at the 2015 CCUS Workshop on CO2 Storage, January 22 at the University of Sonora, Hermosillo
This document discusses new techniques for reducing exploration risk in challenging subsurface environments like deep water and beneath salt or basalt. It describes how 3D seismic surveys have improved drilling success rates from 25% to 50% but success is still low in some areas like 10% in deep Gulf of Mexico wells. New methods of acquiring seismic data from multiple azimuths and with vertically aligned sources and receivers are providing higher quality images to further reduce risk by illuminating subsurface targets from more directions. Examples from various basins demonstrate how these improvements in seismic technology decrease the chance of drilling dry holes.
1st NRG Corp is an exploration and production company with assets in Colorado and Ohio. The document summarizes 1st NRG's recent drilling of the Townley 1S well in southeast Ohio, which encountered potential reservoirs in the Utica Shale, Beekmantown Dolomite, and Conasauga Formation. Analysis of samples from these formations indicated their hydrocarbon potential. The document also includes projections for production, revenues, costs, and cash flow from the Beekmantown and Conasauga formations over the next five years.
Saudi Aramco has developed a comprehensive technology roadmap for carbon management that focuses on CO2 capture, storage, and utilization. As part of this roadmap, Saudi Aramco plans to implement a CO2-EOR demonstration project in Saudi Arabia by 2013/2014. This project will inject CO2 into an oil field using 4 injectors and 4 producers to test CO2-EOR and monitor CO2 storage. It aims to evaluate CO2 potential for EOR and storage while testing new monitoring and surveillance technologies to track the CO2 plume and changes in oil saturation.
This project proposal seeks funding to analyze swelling clay near Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) in Kathmandu and reconstruct a damaged road. The proposal outlines collecting soil samples from within 2-4 meters of the surface, testing the samples to determine soil consistency, clay content, and mineral composition, and reconstructing the road with a safety factor over 1. The total anticipated budget is 250,000 Nepali rupees.
The document describes plans for a proposed CaMI Field Research Station (FRS) in Alberta, Canada. The FRS would conduct research on carbon capture and storage (CCS) and containment and monitoring technologies. Plans for the FRS include controlled injection of 1000 tonnes/year of CO2 at depths of 300m and 500m to study detection thresholds and gas migration. Monitoring technologies like seismic surveys, well logging, and geochemical analysis would evaluate CO2 behavior and impacts on groundwater. The FRS would also provide opportunities for university and industry collaboration on CCS challenges like conformance and containment verification.
The exploration, mining and financing for diamond mines.James AH Campbell
Presentation on diamond exploration, mining, financing and entrepreneurial leadership to a programme entitled: "From Mine to Finger: A Deep Dive into the World of Diamonds". Hosted by GIBS, Antwerp University and the AWDC.
This document introduces the TechnoTectonics methodology for identifying prospective mineral and hydrocarbon targets. It analyzes satellite images, maps, and other geospatial data to identify lineaments and intersections that often indicate mineralization. The methodology was successfully tested on blind areas, locating known deposits. Customers have been impressed with results that identified new prospective zones. The methodology integrates lineament analysis with geological, geophysical and geochemical data to create prospective maps and recommend highest priority targets for exploration.
Monitoring measuring and verification, Gonzalo Zambrano, University of AlbertaGlobal CCS Institute
This document summarizes Gonzalo Zambrano's presentation on monitoring, measuring and verification (MMV) for CO2 storage projects. It discusses the Aquistore project, which aims to demonstrate safe CO2 storage in deep saline formations in Alberta, Canada. The Aquistore project involves injecting CO2 into a saline formation over 3 km underground and uses various surface and downhole techniques to monitor the CO2 plume and ensure containment. These include 3D and time-lapse seismic surveys, a permanent seismic array, tiltmeters, GPS, and soil gas and groundwater monitoring.
Geocience skills have a place in the future. Geophysical & geotechnical data, interpretation will be required for identifying the best places & ways to install wind turbines.
- Olitra Inc is an oil and gas exploration company that has acquired three properties in Quebec totaling over 330,000 hectares with the goal of efficiently exploring for and developing oil and gas resources.
- The presentation outlines Olitra's exploration strategy which includes geological mapping, geophysical surveys, soil sampling, and drilling one deep well and two shallow wells across the three properties.
- Olitra believes these properties have potential based on prior evidence of hydrocarbons and possess geological features known to trap and generate natural gas and oil deposits.
OLITRA INC presents its business plan to acquire oil and gas properties in Quebec, Canada. It owns permits covering 332,790 hectares across three properties: T辿miscouata, Charlevoix, and Lac-St-Jean. OLITRA will conduct efficient exploration using new geological methods to rapidly increase shareholder value. Its exploration program includes soil sampling, geophysics, and drilling a deep well on T辿miscouata and two shallow wells on the other properties.
Managing carbon geological storage and natural resources in sedimentary basinsGlobal CCS Institute
To highlight the research and achievements of Australian researchers, the Global CCS Institute, together with Australian National Low Emissions Coal Research and Development (ANLEC R&D), will hold a series of webinars throughout 2017. Each webinar will highlight a specific ANLEC R&D research project and the relevant report found on the Institutes website.
This is the eighth webinar of the series and will present on basin resource management and carbon storage. With the ongoing deployment of CCS facilities globally, the pore space - the voids in the rock deep in sedimentary basins are now a commercial resource. This is a relatively new concept with only a few industries utilising that pore space to date.
This webinar presented a framework for the management of basin resources including carbon storage. Prospective sites for geological storage of carbon dioxide target largely sedimentary basins since these provide the most suitable geological settings for safe, long-term storage of greenhouse gases. Sedimentary basins can host different natural resources that may occur in isolated pockets, across widely dispersed regions, in multiple locations, within a single layer of strata or at various depths.
In Australia, the primary basin resources are groundwater, oil and gas, unconventional gas, coal and geothermal energy. Understanding the nature of how these resources are distributed in the subsurface is fundamental to managing basin resource development and carbon dioxide storage. Natural resources can overlap laterally or with depth and have been developed successfully for decades. Geological storage of carbon dioxide is another basin resource that must be considered in developing a basin-scale resource management system to ensure that multiple uses of the subsurface can sustainably and pragmatically co-exist.
This webinar was presented by Karsten Michael, Research Team Leader, CSIRO Energy.
Part 2 of the overview of sediment management at sites across the Great Lakes. Excellent information about the north harbour section of the Thunder Bay Area of Concern
Seismic exploration for conventional and unconventional oil and gas resourcesTongji UNIVERSITY
This document provides an overview of seismic exploration techniques used to locate conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources such as gas hydrates. It discusses the history of seismology and outlines the four main stages of seismic exploration: acquisition, processing, interpretation, and exploration drilling. Key findings from seismic data that indicate the presence of gas hydrates include bottom-simulating reflectors, weak seismic reflections, high interval velocity, low relative impedance, and high absolute impedance. Gas hydrates are crystalline solids formed from water and gas that are located in marine sediments along continental margins and in sedimentary deposits beneath Arctic permafrost.
This document summarizes a study evaluating mining methods for the 543-S copper deposit in Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula. An underground cut-and-fill method was selected based on the deposit's geometry. A block model of the deposit was created from drill data. Economic analysis was conducted to determine optimal pit limits and underground development. The study concluded the deposit has potential for open-pit, underground, or hybrid mining and that cut-and-fill is reasonable given the deposit. Future work includes environmental monitoring and feasibility assessments.
This document provides an overview of a project studying shales as seals and unconventional reservoirs for carbon storage. The project aims to evaluate shale matrix and fracture response to CO2 exposure through experimental and modeling work. This will improve understanding of CO2 injection and storage performance in shales and inform resource assessment and risk analysis. The work involves measuring shale properties like permeability and porosity under CO2 exposure, analyzing how CO2 sorption impacts fracture conductivity, and modeling multi-phase CO2 flow through fractured shale networks. Core samples from South Dakota are being acquired and analyzed to support the experiments and modeling. The results will enhance understanding of shales for carbon storage and sealing capacity predictions.
This document discusses a seismic survey conducted in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to explore seabed minerals. It provides background on the geological features of the survey area, including the Mohn's Ridge slow spreading ridge. It then describes the 2D seismic acquisition using a source vessel and towed streamer, and the processing sequence applied to the data. The document presents some preliminary seismic section examples and interpretations, noting imaging challenges from the 2D nature and short offsets. It concludes by acknowledging the project partners and highlighting the improved geological understanding from the survey.
Shale Gas | SPE YP Egypt Educational WeekAhmed Omar
This presentation is a result of intensive search about unconventional shale gas resources. These slides was presented at SPE Egyptian section educational week.
Authors :
Karim Magdy, Suez University, karim_magdy5298@yahoo.com
Karim Mohamed Kamel, The British University in Egypt, kareem.kaml@gmail.com
Ahmed Omar Eissa, Suez University, ahmedomar92@yahoo.com
Ahmed Alhassany, Al-Azhar University, Al7assany@gmail.com
Yunus Ashour, Alazhar University Eng.yunusashour@Gmail.com
Mahmoud Elwan, Cairo University, elwan_92@hotmail.com
Mahmoud Abbas , Suez university mahmoudabbas15@gmail.com
Khaled Elnagar, Suez University
Presentation by Dr Robert Wright, APEC and US Department of Energy at the 2015 CCUS Workshop on CO2 Storage, January 22 at the University of Sonora, Hermosillo
This document discusses new techniques for reducing exploration risk in challenging subsurface environments like deep water and beneath salt or basalt. It describes how 3D seismic surveys have improved drilling success rates from 25% to 50% but success is still low in some areas like 10% in deep Gulf of Mexico wells. New methods of acquiring seismic data from multiple azimuths and with vertically aligned sources and receivers are providing higher quality images to further reduce risk by illuminating subsurface targets from more directions. Examples from various basins demonstrate how these improvements in seismic technology decrease the chance of drilling dry holes.
1st NRG Corp is an exploration and production company with assets in Colorado and Ohio. The document summarizes 1st NRG's recent drilling of the Townley 1S well in southeast Ohio, which encountered potential reservoirs in the Utica Shale, Beekmantown Dolomite, and Conasauga Formation. Analysis of samples from these formations indicated their hydrocarbon potential. The document also includes projections for production, revenues, costs, and cash flow from the Beekmantown and Conasauga formations over the next five years.
Saudi Aramco has developed a comprehensive technology roadmap for carbon management that focuses on CO2 capture, storage, and utilization. As part of this roadmap, Saudi Aramco plans to implement a CO2-EOR demonstration project in Saudi Arabia by 2013/2014. This project will inject CO2 into an oil field using 4 injectors and 4 producers to test CO2-EOR and monitor CO2 storage. It aims to evaluate CO2 potential for EOR and storage while testing new monitoring and surveillance technologies to track the CO2 plume and changes in oil saturation.
This project proposal seeks funding to analyze swelling clay near Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) in Kathmandu and reconstruct a damaged road. The proposal outlines collecting soil samples from within 2-4 meters of the surface, testing the samples to determine soil consistency, clay content, and mineral composition, and reconstructing the road with a safety factor over 1. The total anticipated budget is 250,000 Nepali rupees.
The document describes plans for a proposed CaMI Field Research Station (FRS) in Alberta, Canada. The FRS would conduct research on carbon capture and storage (CCS) and containment and monitoring technologies. Plans for the FRS include controlled injection of 1000 tonnes/year of CO2 at depths of 300m and 500m to study detection thresholds and gas migration. Monitoring technologies like seismic surveys, well logging, and geochemical analysis would evaluate CO2 behavior and impacts on groundwater. The FRS would also provide opportunities for university and industry collaboration on CCS challenges like conformance and containment verification.
The exploration, mining and financing for diamond mines.James AH Campbell
Presentation on diamond exploration, mining, financing and entrepreneurial leadership to a programme entitled: "From Mine to Finger: A Deep Dive into the World of Diamonds". Hosted by GIBS, Antwerp University and the AWDC.
This document introduces the TechnoTectonics methodology for identifying prospective mineral and hydrocarbon targets. It analyzes satellite images, maps, and other geospatial data to identify lineaments and intersections that often indicate mineralization. The methodology was successfully tested on blind areas, locating known deposits. Customers have been impressed with results that identified new prospective zones. The methodology integrates lineament analysis with geological, geophysical and geochemical data to create prospective maps and recommend highest priority targets for exploration.
Monitoring measuring and verification, Gonzalo Zambrano, University of AlbertaGlobal CCS Institute
This document summarizes Gonzalo Zambrano's presentation on monitoring, measuring and verification (MMV) for CO2 storage projects. It discusses the Aquistore project, which aims to demonstrate safe CO2 storage in deep saline formations in Alberta, Canada. The Aquistore project involves injecting CO2 into a saline formation over 3 km underground and uses various surface and downhole techniques to monitor the CO2 plume and ensure containment. These include 3D and time-lapse seismic surveys, a permanent seismic array, tiltmeters, GPS, and soil gas and groundwater monitoring.
Geocience skills have a place in the future. Geophysical & geotechnical data, interpretation will be required for identifying the best places & ways to install wind turbines.
- Olitra Inc is an oil and gas exploration company that has acquired three properties in Quebec totaling over 330,000 hectares with the goal of efficiently exploring for and developing oil and gas resources.
- The presentation outlines Olitra's exploration strategy which includes geological mapping, geophysical surveys, soil sampling, and drilling one deep well and two shallow wells across the three properties.
- Olitra believes these properties have potential based on prior evidence of hydrocarbons and possess geological features known to trap and generate natural gas and oil deposits.
OLITRA INC presents its business plan to acquire oil and gas properties in Quebec, Canada. It owns permits covering 332,790 hectares across three properties: T辿miscouata, Charlevoix, and Lac-St-Jean. OLITRA will conduct efficient exploration using new geological methods to rapidly increase shareholder value. Its exploration program includes soil sampling, geophysics, and drilling a deep well on T辿miscouata and two shallow wells on the other properties.
Managing carbon geological storage and natural resources in sedimentary basinsGlobal CCS Institute
To highlight the research and achievements of Australian researchers, the Global CCS Institute, together with Australian National Low Emissions Coal Research and Development (ANLEC R&D), will hold a series of webinars throughout 2017. Each webinar will highlight a specific ANLEC R&D research project and the relevant report found on the Institutes website.
This is the eighth webinar of the series and will present on basin resource management and carbon storage. With the ongoing deployment of CCS facilities globally, the pore space - the voids in the rock deep in sedimentary basins are now a commercial resource. This is a relatively new concept with only a few industries utilising that pore space to date.
This webinar presented a framework for the management of basin resources including carbon storage. Prospective sites for geological storage of carbon dioxide target largely sedimentary basins since these provide the most suitable geological settings for safe, long-term storage of greenhouse gases. Sedimentary basins can host different natural resources that may occur in isolated pockets, across widely dispersed regions, in multiple locations, within a single layer of strata or at various depths.
In Australia, the primary basin resources are groundwater, oil and gas, unconventional gas, coal and geothermal energy. Understanding the nature of how these resources are distributed in the subsurface is fundamental to managing basin resource development and carbon dioxide storage. Natural resources can overlap laterally or with depth and have been developed successfully for decades. Geological storage of carbon dioxide is another basin resource that must be considered in developing a basin-scale resource management system to ensure that multiple uses of the subsurface can sustainably and pragmatically co-exist.
This webinar was presented by Karsten Michael, Research Team Leader, CSIRO Energy.
Welcome to the March 2025 issue of WIPAC Monthly the magazine brought to you by the LinkedIn Group WIPAC Monthly.
In this month's edition, on top of the month's news from the water industry we cover subjects from the intelligent use of wastewater networks, the use of machine learning in water quality as well as how, we as an industry, need to develop the skills base in developing areas such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Enjoy the latest edition
1. Machine Learning: Discover the world of AI and ML!
2. App Development: Build innovative mobile apps!
3. Competitive Programming: Enhance your coding skills!
4. Web Development: Create stunning web applications!
5. Blockchain: Uncover the power of decentralized tech!
6. Cloud Computing: Explore the world of cloud infrastructure!
Join us to unravel the unexplored, network with like-minded individuals, and dive into the world of tech!
Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any ch...dhanashree78
Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere.
Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are common sources of air pollution. Pollutants of major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Outdoor and indoor air pollution cause respiratory and other diseases and are important sources of morbidity and mortality.
WHO data show that almost all of the global population (99%) breathe air that exceeds WHO guideline limits and contains high levels of pollutants, with low- and middle-income countries suffering from the highest exposures.
Air quality is closely linked to the earths climate and ecosystems globally. Many of the drivers of air pollution (i.e. combustion of fossil fuels) are also sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Policies to reduce air pollution, therefore, offer a win-win strategy for both climate and health, lowering the burden of disease attributable to air pollution, as well as contributing to the near- and long-term mitigation of climate change.
Preface: The ReGenX Generator innovation operates with a US Patented Frequency Dependent Load Current Delay which delays the creation and storage of created Electromagnetic Field Energy around the exterior of the generator coil. The result is the created and Time Delayed Electromagnetic Field Energy performs any magnitude of Positive Electro-Mechanical Work at infinite efficiency on the generator's Rotating Magnetic Field, increasing its Kinetic Energy and increasing the Kinetic Energy of an EV or ICE Vehicle to any magnitude without requiring any Externally Supplied Input Energy. In Electricity Generation applications the ReGenX Generator innovation now allows all electricity to be generated at infinite efficiency requiring zero Input Energy, zero Input Energy Cost, while producing zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions, zero Air Pollution and zero Nuclear Waste during the Electricity Generation Phase. In Electric Motor operation the ReGen-X Quantum Motor now allows any magnitude of Work to be performed with zero Electric Input Energy.
Demonstration Protocol: The demonstration protocol involves three prototypes;
1. Protytpe #1, demonstrates the ReGenX Generator's Load Current Time Delay when compared to the instantaneous Load Current Sine Wave for a Conventional Generator Coil.
2. In the Conventional Faraday Generator operation the created Electromagnetic Field Energy performs Negative Work at infinite efficiency and it reduces the Kinetic Energy of the system.
3. The Magnitude of the Negative Work / System Kinetic Energy Reduction (in Joules) is equal to the Magnitude of the created Electromagnetic Field Energy (also in Joules).
4. When the Conventional Faraday Generator is placed On-Load, Negative Work is performed and the speed of the system decreases according to Lenz's Law of Induction.
5. In order to maintain the System Speed and the Electric Power magnitude to the Loads, additional Input Power must be supplied to the Prime Mover and additional Mechanical Input Power must be supplied to the Generator's Drive Shaft.
6. For example, if 100 Watts of Electric Power is delivered to the Load by the Faraday Generator, an additional >100 Watts of Mechanical Input Power must be supplied to the Generator's Drive Shaft by the Prime Mover.
7. If 1 MW of Electric Power is delivered to the Load by the Faraday Generator, an additional >1 MW Watts of Mechanical Input Power must be supplied to the Generator's Drive Shaft by the Prime Mover.
8. Generally speaking the ratio is 2 Watts of Mechanical Input Power to every 1 Watt of Electric Output Power generated.
9. The increase in Drive Shaft Mechanical Input Power is provided by the Prime Mover and the Input Energy Source which powers the Prime Mover.
10. In the Heins ReGenX Generator operation the created and Time Delayed Electromagnetic Field Energy performs Positive Work at infinite efficiency and it increases the Kinetic Energy of the system.
How to Build a Maze Solving Robot Using ArduinoCircuitDigest
Learn how to make an Arduino-powered robot that can navigate mazes on its own using IR sensors and "Hand on the wall" algorithm.
This step-by-step guide will show you how to build your own maze-solving robot using Arduino UNO, three IR sensors, and basic components that you can easily find in your local electronics shop.
Engineering at Lovely Professional University (LPU).pdfSona
LPUs engineering programs provide students with the skills and knowledge to excel in the rapidly evolving tech industry, ensuring a bright and successful future. With world-class infrastructure, top-tier placements, and global exposure, LPU stands as a premier destination for aspiring engineers.
. マ留 裡留略龍侶: Foundation Analysis and Design: Single Piles
Welcome to this comprehensive presentation on "Foundation Analysis and Design," focusing on Single PilesStatic Capacity, Lateral Loads, and Pile/Pole Buckling. This presentation will explore the fundamental concepts, equations, and practical considerations for designing and analyzing pile foundations.
We'll examine different pile types, their characteristics, load transfer mechanisms, and the complex interactions between piles and surrounding soil. Throughout this presentation, we'll highlight key equations and methodologies for calculating pile capacities under various conditions.
upstrem-activity explained the process of Upstream Exploration
1. Varenna, July 23rd 2019
Exploration Activity in the Oil & Gas Upstream Cycle
Jonathan Craig Senior Vice President, Exploration
Eni, San Donato Milanese (Italy)
2. 2
Eniin brief
Founded in 1953 by Enrico Mattei, Eni (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi) is a supermajor
multinational energy company with a worldwide presence
Operating in all energy sector areas, from its traditional Oil and Gas business to renewables
through its subsidiaries and associated companies. Significant investments in Research and
Development (over 200 R&D Projects at present)
Continuous growth oriented towards the sustainable development of energy resources
(low-carbon sources: mix of natural gas and renewables, such as photovoltaic, waste
recycling, bio-refineries, green chemistry, etc). Investments in CCS (Carbon Capture
Sequestration) and CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) and Magnetic-onfinement fusion (with
Core activities of Oil & Gas sector cover the entire Oil and Natural Gas supply chain as well
the production and marketing of electricity and chemical products
3. 3
Oil & Gas Cycle: Eni covering the entire chain
Regional Studies in order to identify areas with Hydrocarbon potential
Licenses Acquisition, Geological Studies, Seismic Acquisition & Drilling
Development Plan and Drilling
Facilities and Infrastructure Construction
Management, Work-Over, Abandonment
Oil Pipes
Gas Pipes
Gas Market
5. 5
Oil & Gas Activity: Upstream
Regional Studies in order to identify areas with
Hydrocarbon potential
Licenses Acquisition, Geological Studies, Seismic
Acquisition & Drilling
Development Plan and Drilling
Facilities and Infrastructure Construction
Reservoir Management, Work-Over,
6. Upstream Activity Cycle
Regional Studies
Geological Model
Exploration Potential
acquisition &
NFW Drilling
Geology Studies
Production Test
Development Plan
Wells Drilling &
Surface facilities
and infrastructure
Work Over
Well dismission
Bid Round
Direct negotiation
Farm in
Merge / Acquisition
Discovery Start Production (First Oil)
License Awarding Time to Discovery Time to Market
7. 7
What does Exploration mean?
Exploration is a set of coordinated activities from different integrated
disciplines, sciences and technologies - not only geology/geophysics
aiming at discovering new oil and gas volumes that could be exploited
in a reasonable future with an economic return
To explore, one needs to understand and carefully map the present day
subsurface structure of an area, understand its evolution in time, locate
the areas where HCs may be generated, locate and accurately map the
structures in which they may be preserved, estimate their volumes,
evaluate the chances that our prediction have to be correct
To achieve such a target in the most efficient way, high level skills and
know-how have to be employed together through a powerful digitally
integrated approach and along the support of dedicated R&D projects
9. 9
Sedimentary Basin are regions of the earth of long term subsidence creating space for infilling by sediments
For Hydrocarbon Exploration deep sedimentary basins are needed (usually over 2500m of sediment thickness)
Where do we explore to find Hydrocarbons?
10. Seal
Sediments (usually) with no permeability
Capable to create a barrier above and
around the reservoir
Sediments (usually) with porosity and
Permeability capable to contain and flow
HCs during production
Source Rock
Sediments rich in Organic Matter (shales, marls, carbonates coals)
capable to generate HCs during thermal evolution (if deep enough to
crack organic matter to HCs). Oil vs Gas generation depends on quality
of Source Rock and/or its thermal evolution. Exception: bio-gas (no need
of thermal alteration)
Permeable sediments and/or significant rock fractures (Faults)
allowing buoyancy flowing from Source Rock into Reservoir
Geometrical configuration of the Reservoir
and Seal couplet allowing accumulation
Within a Sedimentary Basin: the 5 Elements of the Petroleum System
Presence of the 5 Elements of the Petroleum System is necessary but not sufficient:
precise timing occurrence of each elements/phase is necessary
14. 14
Code Linear elements
1 Roads, tracks
2 Uadi
3 Linear dunes
4 Rock veins
Areal classification
1 Urban areas
2 Cropland and oasis
3 Natural vegetation
4 Surface waters
5 Bare land (or with poor vegetation)
6 Rock outcrops
7 Sandy desert (Erg)
8 Rocky desert (Reg)
9 Dry riverbed (Uadi)
10 Evaporitic deposit (Sebkha)
Remote Sensing: LandSat7 and ASTER* Study: Landcover and Lithotype
Processed image Interpretation
* Advance Space-born Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (2m resolution)
LandSat7: 15m resolution
15. 15
Bouguer anomaly Bouguer anomaly
GGT* Tzz (vertical) Component
(*Gravity Gradient Tensor)
Total Magnetic Intensity
Reduced to the equator
C.I. 2 nT
Sill Dyke
Magnetic Basement
C. I. 500 m
Total Magnetic Intensity
Reduced to the Equator
Grav-Mag Acquisition and Studies
16. 16
Slicks are flat parts of the sea surface in mm-cm amplitudes similar to the wavelength of the radar
Small amounts of oil create slicks by suppressing mm-cm amplitude waves
Smooth areas (slicks) result in no return to the radar
ERS, Radarsat & Envisat wavelength: 5.6 cm
This is perfect for mapping the wind-generated capillary waves that are damped by oil
Oil not detectable Oil detectable Oil not detectable
Smooth surface Slightly surface Very rough surface
Oil Slicks
20 km
17. Seismics
Seismic is the most important and most used exploration tool
It allows visualizing and describing the subsurface in 3 dimensions
Acquired seismic signals require complex mathematical processing (months-long) before they can
be displayed in an understandable way and used by geologist for interpretation
束Migration損 is referred to the processing step that allows reflections origins to be correctly
located and displayed in a way that mimics a geological profile on a two-way-time scale
Energy source
18. It looks like a 3D echography,
but at a different scale (resolution: dam vs. mm)
What Is a Seismic Volume?
22. 22
Eni Technology Roadmap: Digital Simplification of Geo Complexity
Accuracy Reduction of turnaround times
Computing Power
0,5 PFlops 8 months
5,1 PFlops 6 months
22,4 PFlops
2 months
1000 PFlops
1 wk
Eni Green Data Centre
(hosting HPC3 & HPC4)
27. G&G Studies: Clastic and Carbonate Sedimentology
Integrated exploration and reservoir scale studies
Stratigraphic and sedimentological
Clastic and carbonate Sedimentology
petrography and
diagenetical study
29. G&G Studies: Petroleum System Modeling
The PSM methodology considers all the variables and associated uncertainties
that define the possible hydrocarbon distribution, reducing the exploration risks
10x vertical
& Pressure
Generation &
& Trapping
Risk Evaluation
Source Rock
Biogenic gas
High Resolution PSM
Expelled Gases
Expelled Gases HR detail
Secondary Migration
Eni Award 2008
31. 31
What does Exploration mean?
Exploration is a set of coordinated activities from different integrated
disciplines, sciences and technologies - not only geology/geophysics aiming
at discovering new oil and gas volumes that could be exploited in a
reasonable future with an economic return
To explore, one needs to understand and carefully map the present day
subsurface structure of an area, understand its evolution in time, locate the
areas where HCs may be generated, locate and accurately map the structures
in which they may be preserved, estimate their volumes, evaluate the chances
that our prediction have to be correct (PoS, Probability of Success)
To achieve such a target in the most efficient way, high level skills and know-
how have to be employed together through a powerful digitally integrated
approach and along the support of dedicated R&D projects
33. 33
Rotary drilling is the most commonly
used because it is faster and cheaper
A 束bit損 is attached to the end of a string
of steel pipes (rods) and is made to spin
(rotate) by an engine located at the
surface or at the bottom end of the string
Hard steel or diamond dents on the bit
grind the rocks and the string
progressively sinks in the bore driven by
its weight and rotation
The string is extended by screwing in
more and more rods
Bits wear out and must be periodically
changed by lifting the whole string to the
Rotary Drilling
34. Perla-1X Preliminary Petrophysical Zonation
Gamma Ray Resistivity
241 m
8889 = 2709 m (MD)
9681 = 2951 m (MD)
Zone 2
8929 歎 9278 = 349 (106.40 m)
N/G = 100%
Avg. 陸 = 24.90%
Avg. Sw = 5%
Zone 3
9278 歎 9513 = 235 (71.60 m)
N/G = 100%
Avg. 陸 = 18.50%
Avg. Sw = 11%
Zone 4 9513 歎 9611 = 98 (29.90 m)
N/G = 100%
Avg. 陸 = 17.50% Avg. Sw = 16%
Zone 5 9611 歎 9681 = 70 (21.30 m)
N/G = 73%
Avg. 陸 = 15.80% Avg. Sw = 31%
Zone 1 8889 歎 8929 = 40 (12.20 m)
N/G = 73%
Avg. 陸 = 21.20% Avg. Sw = 14%
8889 歎 9681 (MD)
792 (241.40 m)
N/G = 97%
Avg. 陸 = 21%
Avg. Sw = 10%
Eni Petrophysical Interpretation, 03 Sep. 2009
On 09 Oct 2009 the well flowed on 36/64" choke
for Official Flow:
FWHP : 3051 psi
Qgas : 20,7 MMScf/d = 586000 scm/d
Qoil : 442 bbl/d
Qw : 12,7 bbl/d
GOR : 47000 Scf/bbl
Gas SG : 0,660
Oil density : 47,5 属API @ 60 属F
W. Salinity : 150 ppm Cl-
H2S : 0 ppm
CO2 : 2%
Official Flow Results
163 m
35. 35
Near Stack Rephased
PMA = Perla Main Area
Bank Core
Transition To Basin F l a n k
W Bank Margin
NFW and OUT WellS (example from Perla Field, Venezuela)
Porosity Unit
Color Scale
Perla-1x (NFW)
Perla-2x (OUT)
NFW (New Field Wildcat)
First well to be drilled on a structure
in order to prove a HC bearing reservoir
OUT (Outpost or Appraisal)
Well to be drilled on a structure
In order to define extension of an
already proven HC bearing reservoir
36. 36
Characteristics and distribution of conventional and unconventional
petroleum systems
Tight Oil
Tight Gas
Tight Gas Overpressured
Gas Generation
Oil Generation
stratigraphic gas
structural oil
Tight Oil
Shale Oil
Shale Gas
structural gas
Oil Shale
Sand/Heavy Oil
Coalbed gas
Shallow Biogenic
0.6% Ro
1.3% Ro
Tens of miles
37. Conventional vs Unconventional Exploration and Production
Source Rock
Conventional Field
Unconventional Field損
Source Rock
38. Unconventional Fields
Development of Unconventional Fields needs much more production wells compared to Conventinal development (high costs)
It requests huge quantities of water (competition with drinking water supplies, agriculture, industry)
High Environmental Impact (visival, noise)
Induces seismicity
10 km
Unconventional Oil Fields
Permian Basin (Midland TX USA)
Conventional Oil Fields
Val dAgri Italia
39. 39
Global Unconventional Plays
Estimated technically recoverable gas reserves of 6,622 Tcf (48 shale basins in 32 countries)
U.S. Energy Information Administration
40. 40
Unconventional and M&A play an important role in reserves replacement for most majors
Eni has a unique strategy entirely based on conventional exploration
Total Exxon
Eni Statoil BP
Shell Chevron CoP
Competitors Resources Accretion Strategy @ 2018
Conventional Exploration Unconventional Exploration M&A
Eni Strategy
41. 41
Why still Oil & Gas ? Primary Energy Demand
BP Energy Outlook, 2018
43. New discoveries are required to fill the future global needs of Liquid Fuels
Peak liquid demand in 2032
(WoodMac scenario)
15 mboe/d !
44. 44
Forecast of Sources of Energy required to meet World Energy Demand to 2100
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100
World Energy Demand
Crude Oil
Nuclear Electric
Solar Wind
Careers in
Oil & Gas
Remain Important
Projected Demands
45. 45
Shortage of Geoscientists in the U.S. by 2021 (American Geosciences Institute prediction, 2016)
262,627 geoscience jobs in the United States in 2016
130,000 geoscientists expected to retire by 2021
72,000 new geoscience jobs by 2021
15,000 new graduates (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) or 45,000 new
graduates, if also hiring B.Sc. and B.A.
Net shortage of over 150,000 geoscientists in
the United States by 2021
46. The Public Perception of todays E&P Industry
The shale-gas fracking debate
The Macondo Disaster
Arctic drilling and climate change
47. 47
But we should be proud of our industry it has fuelled huge improvements in the
quality of life for billions of people around the world*
Abundant and affordable energy has underpinned huge progress in the human condition
Global Human Development Index vs oil & gas consumption
Life expectancy has surged
(global average, years at birth)
1960 2015
Global hunger is in decline (% pop.
malnourished in developing countries)
1970 2015
Infant mortality has plummeted
(global average infant deaths per 1000 births)
1960 2015
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Today
Human development index (life expectancy / education / per capita income)
Global oil & gas consumption
*After Lambert Energy Advisory