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The evaluation
By Eve Lakatos- Yarde
URBAN: The Magazine
How does Urban use, develop or challenge forms and
          conventions of real media products?

 Ticker tape

                                          Date and
Colour scheme of

                                            Key words:
                                            Exclusive and

  Key words:
                                         and link
  Headlines                              to
The Masthead

The masthead is the 2nd main feature of the front cover, as it takes up almost a quarter of
the page. On most of my examples, the masthead is covered by the main photo, this is
because the magazine is an established brand and consumer would immediately
recognise the magazine. The masthead should be short and catchy and use colour
throughout, as it makes it stand out more. For my masthead,                      I picked a
short word associated with the r¨n¨b/hip hop music scene. I also used the three primary
colours: red, yellow, blue and kept the red as a prominent feature through out.
Key words

Keywords are important as they draw the reader in and also insinuates that the reader
is getting exclusive knowledge. This gives the reader a sense of being in a group . The
keywords I have used are; `exclusive, official and top ten¨.

The headline is the main convention that will entice the reader to buy the magazine.
Depending on who the magazine is for the style and layout will be very different. The
headline is usually the main featured artist, so has to be an artist the suits your
magazine¨s audience. The headline has to be clear and easy to read.
Contents Pages
                      Quirky layout of the

            Full length image, of
            featured person

             List of features in the
             magazine, in a set line
Red colour scheme        Contents Page                   Clear sub

 Clear title

                                                                       Pictures of

Date, website and
page number are       Clear page label
institutional                              Picture of main/
conventions                                front cover artist
Double page spread
              Quotes from
              the interview

                                                   Differentiation of
                                                   text, to show
                                                   interviewer and

Full page picture
of interviewee
Double page spread
                                                         cover and
                                                         track list

                                                          upcoming cd
Red colour

  quotes                                                   Varies
                                                           images of
                        Water marked                       artist
                        background photo   Makes the
          Makes other                      background
          images more                      more
          prominent                        interesting
How does your media product represents a particular
                 social group?

           What social group does urban represent?

           The social group my magazine represents is young adults, the
           majority of them will be students either at college or at university.
           Many of them will have a part time job, to make them
           independent from `mummy and daddy¨. They will prefer the
           luxuries of life, such as smart phones, up market branded clothes
           e.g. supreme hats, Fred Perry, vans and original adidas. Girls will
           have a similar style to boys, with same style hats and jumpers
           but will make it more girly with elaborate nail designs and
           costume jewellery. Geek glasses, shirts and baseball jackets are
           also significant style features.
How does your media product represents a particular
                         social group?
 How do you represent this social group?

 My social group is fashionable, interested in new music, attractive and confident. The way
 I¨ve represented them is through the language, images and fonts I¨ve used.

                                                           Facial expression

interest in                                                           Approachable and
music; new                                                            calm
and old.
                microphone                                    Target may aspire
                                                              to look and be like
Symbolises artist
Holding the microphone                                                              style to
casually, laid back, similar                                   Baseball
to attitude and life style of                                  jacket
target audience
How does your media product represents a particular
                          social group?
  Urban magazine compared to a real magazine; Vibe.

Similarities                                          Differences
?male cover                                           ?Facial expression
artist                                                ?Pose of artist
?Long mid shot                                        ?Colour scheme
?Barcode                                              ?background
?Ticker tape
What kind of media institution might distribute you
               media product and why?

My magazine is aimed at both males and female aged 16-24, and could become a
very popular, mainstream music magazine brand. As it could be sold as a
mainstream magazine, I think Bauer Media or IPC could distribute it, as they
distribute mainstream music magazines such Q and NME.

As well as being in printed format, I would have a web edition and as its quite a
high-end brand, maybe host/sponsor urban music awards ceremony, this could
feature artists that have been published in the magazine and also give readers a
chance to come along.
Who would be the audience for media product?

Name: Yasmin                     Name: Jermaine
Age:16                           Age:17
Favourite artist: Drake, The     Favourite artists: Tyler the creator,
Weekend and Nicki Minaj          J.Cole and Ed Sheeran
Favourite clothes brand/ shop:   Favourite clothes brand/shop: vans,
converse, bank, top shop and     Fred Perry and River Island
H&M                              Favourite film: Get rich or die trying
Favourite film: Adulthood and
How did you attract/ address your audience?

                                                     I used black font for my
                                                     masthead as I felt it would
                                                     stand out more against my
                                                     white background. Also
                                                     the use of colour in it, is
                                                     very contrasting and will
 Featured artistes- I                                help the reader recognise
 have used artists that                              it for future copies.
 I feel my audience will
 like and will also be
 interested in so they
 will want to buy the
                                                   Price- I would
                                                   say ?2.99 is a
                                                   price for a
Keywords-these help                                monthly
attract the audience, by                           magazine.
showing they're getting
an `exclusive¨ product
How did you attract/ address your audience?

                                                      Page numbers-
                                                      make the
                                                      magazine more
Constant use of                                       reader friendly as
red theme- this                                       they can
just gives the                                        navigate quickly
reader some                                           and easily to
familiarity to the                                    articles
magazine and
also stand out on
the white

         Main artist photo- this is used
         to give the reader sustained
         focus on the main artist, so
         they know directly who the
         main article is about
How did you attract/ address your audience?

Constant use of                                         Quotes- adds to
red theme and                                           the intimate
same font-                                              detail of the
familiar to the                                         artists interview,
reader and also                                         also gives hints
is very clear and                                       at what the
easy to read                                            readers can
                                                        expect the
                                                        interview to be

         Background image- adds a
         edge to the magazine and
         makes it more interesting to
         look at
What have you learnt about technologies from the
      process of constructing this product?

                                I learnt how to use
                                serif page plus. This
                                software was very
                                new to me, as had I
                                never used it before I
                                started my
                                preliminary task.
                                Using this software, I
                                built up my
                                masthead, and article
                                and also used the cut
                                out tool to crop most
                                of my pictures.
What have you learnt about technologies from the
      process of constructing this product?

                                I learnt how to use
                                picnik, a online photo
                                editing site . I had
                                never used this site
                                before but it was
                                quite easy to navigate
                                around.. On this site,
                                I edited all my
                                pictures, by using
                                various effect and
                                editing features,
What have you learnt about technologies from the
              process of constructing this product?

Computer- this was an essential       Camera- this was also essential, as
technology tool as I could not have   I used it to take all my pictures. As
constructed my magazine with out.     it was a good quality camera, it
On my computer I had all the          meant all my pictures were clear
different software that I used to     and crisp, so not blurry.
construct my magazine and also
uploaded my pictures onto it, so I
could edit them.
Preliminary task compared to main task.....

I feel like my preliminary task was very basic and was too rigid. Most of
the text was set in a boring straight line and the font choice was very safe,
as I didn¨t take a risk to make it a bit more creative. In my main task I
learnt to use a variety of images as well, this made the magazine more
engaging for the reader.

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Urban evaluation

  • 1. The evaluation By Eve Lakatos- Yarde
  • 3. How does Urban use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Masthead Ticker tape Date and price Colour scheme of red Key words: Exclusive and exaggeration Key words: Insider knowledge Barcode and link Headlines to website
  • 4. The Masthead The masthead is the 2nd main feature of the front cover, as it takes up almost a quarter of the page. On most of my examples, the masthead is covered by the main photo, this is because the magazine is an established brand and consumer would immediately recognise the magazine. The masthead should be short and catchy and use colour throughout, as it makes it stand out more. For my masthead, I picked a short word associated with the r¨n¨b/hip hop music scene. I also used the three primary colours: red, yellow, blue and kept the red as a prominent feature through out.
  • 5. Key words Keywords are important as they draw the reader in and also insinuates that the reader is getting exclusive knowledge. This gives the reader a sense of being in a group . The keywords I have used are; `exclusive, official and top ten¨.
  • 6. Headlines The headline is the main convention that will entice the reader to buy the magazine. Depending on who the magazine is for the style and layout will be very different. The headline is usually the main featured artist, so has to be an artist the suits your magazine¨s audience. The headline has to be clear and easy to read.
  • 7. Contents Pages Quirky layout of the title Full length image, of featured person List of features in the magazine, in a set line
  • 8. Red colour scheme Contents Page Clear sub headings Clear title Pictures of other featured artists Date, website and page number are Clear page label institutional Picture of main/ conventions front cover artist
  • 9. Double page spread Quotes from the interview Differentiation of text, to show interviewer and interviewee Full page picture of interviewee
  • 10. Double page spread headline Album cover and track list introduction Promotes artist¨s upcoming cd Red colour scheme Interview quotes Varies images of Water marked artist background photo Makes the Makes other background images more more prominent interesting
  • 11. How does your media product represents a particular social group? What social group does urban represent? The social group my magazine represents is young adults, the majority of them will be students either at college or at university. Many of them will have a part time job, to make them independent from `mummy and daddy¨. They will prefer the luxuries of life, such as smart phones, up market branded clothes e.g. supreme hats, Fred Perry, vans and original adidas. Girls will have a similar style to boys, with same style hats and jumpers but will make it more girly with elaborate nail designs and costume jewellery. Geek glasses, shirts and baseball jackets are also significant style features.
  • 12. How does your media product represents a particular social group? How do you represent this social group? My social group is fashionable, interested in new music, attractive and confident. The way I¨ve represented them is through the language, images and fonts I¨ve used. Headphones Facial expression Represents interest in Approachable and music; new calm and old. microphone Target may aspire to look and be like this Symbolises artist talent Similar Holding the microphone style to casually, laid back, similar Baseball target to attitude and life style of jacket audience target audience
  • 13. How does your media product represents a particular social group? Urban magazine compared to a real magazine; Vibe. Similarities Differences ?male cover ?Facial expression artist ?Pose of artist ?Long mid shot ?Colour scheme ?Barcode ?background ?Masthead ?Ticker tape
  • 14. What kind of media institution might distribute you media product and why? My magazine is aimed at both males and female aged 16-24, and could become a very popular, mainstream music magazine brand. As it could be sold as a mainstream magazine, I think Bauer Media or IPC could distribute it, as they distribute mainstream music magazines such Q and NME. As well as being in printed format, I would have a web edition and as its quite a high-end brand, maybe host/sponsor urban music awards ceremony, this could feature artists that have been published in the magazine and also give readers a chance to come along.
  • 15. Who would be the audience for media product? Name: Yasmin Name: Jermaine Age:16 Age:17 Favourite artist: Drake, The Favourite artists: Tyler the creator, Weekend and Nicki Minaj J.Cole and Ed Sheeran Favourite clothes brand/ shop: Favourite clothes brand/shop: vans, converse, bank, top shop and Fred Perry and River Island H&M Favourite film: Get rich or die trying Favourite film: Adulthood and 4,3,2,1
  • 16. How did you attract/ address your audience? I used black font for my masthead as I felt it would stand out more against my white background. Also the use of colour in it, is very contrasting and will Featured artistes- I help the reader recognise have used artists that it for future copies. I feel my audience will like and will also be interested in so they will want to buy the magazine Price- I would say ?2.99 is a reasonable price for a Keywords-these help monthly attract the audience, by magazine. showing they're getting an `exclusive¨ product
  • 17. How did you attract/ address your audience? Page numbers- make the magazine more Constant use of reader friendly as red theme- this they can just gives the navigate quickly reader some and easily to familiarity to the articles magazine and also stand out on the white background Main artist photo- this is used to give the reader sustained focus on the main artist, so they know directly who the main article is about
  • 18. How did you attract/ address your audience? Constant use of Quotes- adds to red theme and the intimate same font- detail of the familiar to the artists interview, reader and also also gives hints is very clear and at what the easy to read readers can expect the interview to be about Background image- adds a edge to the magazine and makes it more interesting to look at
  • 19. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? I learnt how to use serif page plus. This software was very new to me, as had I never used it before I started my preliminary task. Using this software, I built up my masthead, and article and also used the cut out tool to crop most of my pictures.
  • 20. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? I learnt how to use picnik, a online photo editing site . I had never used this site before but it was quite easy to navigate around.. On this site, I edited all my pictures, by using various effect and editing features,
  • 21. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Computer- this was an essential Camera- this was also essential, as technology tool as I could not have I used it to take all my pictures. As constructed my magazine with out. it was a good quality camera, it On my computer I had all the meant all my pictures were clear different software that I used to and crisp, so not blurry. construct my magazine and also uploaded my pictures onto it, so I could edit them.
  • 22. Preliminary task compared to main task..... I feel like my preliminary task was very basic and was too rigid. Most of the text was set in a boring straight line and the font choice was very safe, as I didn¨t take a risk to make it a bit more creative. In my main task I learnt to use a variety of images as well, this made the magazine more engaging for the reader.