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Greek Life Gives Back
Greek Life Intern and Panhellenic CouncilPublicRelationsChair
The 12th annual URI Greek Life Philanthropy Week was Sunday, Nov. 16- Saturday, Nov. 23. The
students from 13 fraternities and 9 sororities were paired together and through a series of events raised
$15,984.59 and collected over 1,000 items such as legos, undergarments, stress balls, art supplies,
personal hygiene products and clothing for St. Mary's Home For Children in Providence.
Philanthropy Week is one of the most rewarding times for the Greek System. Throughout this week there
is a series of events where all Greeks come together to fundraise for charitable organizations. Each year
we fundraise for a different charity. In the past that has been the Gloria Gemma Foundation, Habitat for
Humanity, the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) Toys for Teens program just to name
a few. For this past Philanthropy Week the Greek System raised money for St. Mary's Home For Children
in Providence. Greek Lifes goal was to assist St. Mary's in collecting items they always find themselves
needing as well as raise money to improve the experiences for the children who come to their facilities.
Along with this major charity, the Greek chapters are partnered with one another to raise money for
various other organizations. Each fraternity and sorority work together as a team and build a great sense
of community while making new friendships in the process. Events during the week are ranked through a
points system and all of the proceeds from the event ticket sales are donated to that years charity of
The theme for this year's Philanthropy Week was international -- each paired fraternity and sorority
represented a different "country and incorporated aspects of their country into each event.
The events:
 Nov. 17, Lego Construction Competition 1 p.m., Union Ballroom, Each sorority and fraternity were in
teams of six people and had two hours to construct buildings from each of their countries.
All the Legos used during the event were donated to the St. Marys Home for Children.
 Nov. 17, Family Feud, 7 p.m., Edwards Hall Auditorium. The teams consisted of six people, three men,
and three women from each pairing. The categories of questions included: URI, Rhode Island, Greek life,
holidays, life in college and television shows.
 Nov. 19, So You Think You Can Dance, 7 p.m., Edwards Hall Auditorium. The pair-dance competition
had three rounds. Each of the dances included lots of creativity, energy, and music/costume related to
their countries.
 Nov. 21, Date Auction, 7 p.m., Edwards Hall Auditorium. Each sorority and fraternity chose one person
from their house and they dressed to impress in formal attire to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. All
the money that was raised through the date auction was donated to St. Marys Home for the Children.
 Nov. 23, Dodgeball Tournament, 2 p.m., Tootell Gym, This was the first ever dodgeball tournament held
during Philanthropy Week. There were a separate fraternity bracket and a separate sorority bracket. Each
team consisted of six members.
Now that PhilanthropyWeek is over, the Fraternity and Sorority team that earned the mostpoints is deemed the
winner of PhilanthropyWeek. Though no prize is given to the winning pairing,the real prize is gift of giving that the
entire Greek Life communityhelped contribute to through their hard word, participation and donations throughoutthe
week. On December 16th,Dave Osei of IFC and Sydney Kempler ofPanhel will be heading to St. Marys to give the
children the donated items as well as a check that the home will use for therapeutic practices for the children and to
purchase items on classroom wishlists.The goal of PhilanthropyWeek is for Greek Life to give back to the less
fortunate justin time for the holidays.
Background on St. Mary's-
Since 1877, St. Mary's has been caring for Rhode Island's children. While receiving some support from
the Episcopal Diocese, we are a secular, non- profit agency offering comprehensive treatment programs
for boys and girls traumatized by abuse or experiencing the challenges of psychiatric disorders. Children
are treated and cared for in both the residential, educational and outpatient programs located in North
Providence, Rhode Island.
At St. Mary's, we focus on treatment and healing while providing the support and skills necessary for the
preservation of families with programs tailored to meet the diverse requirements of our clients. Whether
you are an individual whose child requires special attention, or a representative of a business or
government agency, we welcome you to discover more about what our services can do for you and the
children you care about.
St. Mary's does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, gender, or any other protected category in
accordance with applicable law.
Our mission is to create an environment of healing and hope for those we serve. Children and families
are empowered to develop healthy, trusting relationships. Through an array of residential and community
based services, we create effective, lasting partnerships that enable children and adults to lead fulfilling
To learn more about St. Marys and their services and needs, please visit www.smhfc.org
Student quotes-
"Philanthropy Week is something I look forward to every year, it's not only a great time to build a sense of
Greek community but also a great way for us to give back. These events aren't only for Greek life but for
anyone in the URI community who wants to be part of this philanthropic effort." - Robert Marshall,
President of the Interfraternity Council
"It's been great putting this week together. It's awesome knowing that we get to plan events that bring the
Greek system together, but also help raise money for a great cause." - Dave Osei, Vice President of
Programming for Interfraternity Council
"I'm so excited for Philanthropy Week this year! We have a great charity, a great theme and our
programming chairs have been working so hard to make this philanthropy week safe, fun and memorable
one!" - Mia Wilkowski, President of the Panhellenic Council
"We have been hard at work to shake things up and make this week one to remember. Dave and I knew
we wanted to raise money for children this year, and the money we raise will truly make an impact." -
Sydney Kempler, Vice President of Programming for the Panhellenic Council

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  • 1. Greek Life Gives Back BY SABRINA BROTONS and ALISON YEAKEL Greek Life Intern and Panhellenic CouncilPublicRelationsChair The 12th annual URI Greek Life Philanthropy Week was Sunday, Nov. 16- Saturday, Nov. 23. The students from 13 fraternities and 9 sororities were paired together and through a series of events raised $15,984.59 and collected over 1,000 items such as legos, undergarments, stress balls, art supplies, personal hygiene products and clothing for St. Mary's Home For Children in Providence. Philanthropy Week is one of the most rewarding times for the Greek System. Throughout this week there is a series of events where all Greeks come together to fundraise for charitable organizations. Each year we fundraise for a different charity. In the past that has been the Gloria Gemma Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) Toys for Teens program just to name a few. For this past Philanthropy Week the Greek System raised money for St. Mary's Home For Children in Providence. Greek Lifes goal was to assist St. Mary's in collecting items they always find themselves needing as well as raise money to improve the experiences for the children who come to their facilities. Along with this major charity, the Greek chapters are partnered with one another to raise money for various other organizations. Each fraternity and sorority work together as a team and build a great sense of community while making new friendships in the process. Events during the week are ranked through a points system and all of the proceeds from the event ticket sales are donated to that years charity of choice. The theme for this year's Philanthropy Week was international -- each paired fraternity and sorority represented a different "country and incorporated aspects of their country into each event. The events: Nov. 17, Lego Construction Competition 1 p.m., Union Ballroom, Each sorority and fraternity were in teams of six people and had two hours to construct buildings from each of their countries. All the Legos used during the event were donated to the St. Marys Home for Children. Nov. 17, Family Feud, 7 p.m., Edwards Hall Auditorium. The teams consisted of six people, three men, and three women from each pairing. The categories of questions included: URI, Rhode Island, Greek life, holidays, life in college and television shows. Nov. 19, So You Think You Can Dance, 7 p.m., Edwards Hall Auditorium. The pair-dance competition had three rounds. Each of the dances included lots of creativity, energy, and music/costume related to their countries. Nov. 21, Date Auction, 7 p.m., Edwards Hall Auditorium. Each sorority and fraternity chose one person from their house and they dressed to impress in formal attire to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. All the money that was raised through the date auction was donated to St. Marys Home for the Children. Nov. 23, Dodgeball Tournament, 2 p.m., Tootell Gym, This was the first ever dodgeball tournament held during Philanthropy Week. There were a separate fraternity bracket and a separate sorority bracket. Each team consisted of six members.
  • 2. Now that PhilanthropyWeek is over, the Fraternity and Sorority team that earned the mostpoints is deemed the winner of PhilanthropyWeek. Though no prize is given to the winning pairing,the real prize is gift of giving that the entire Greek Life communityhelped contribute to through their hard word, participation and donations throughoutthe week. On December 16th,Dave Osei of IFC and Sydney Kempler ofPanhel will be heading to St. Marys to give the children the donated items as well as a check that the home will use for therapeutic practices for the children and to purchase items on classroom wishlists.The goal of PhilanthropyWeek is for Greek Life to give back to the less fortunate justin time for the holidays. Background on St. Mary's- Since 1877, St. Mary's has been caring for Rhode Island's children. While receiving some support from the Episcopal Diocese, we are a secular, non- profit agency offering comprehensive treatment programs for boys and girls traumatized by abuse or experiencing the challenges of psychiatric disorders. Children are treated and cared for in both the residential, educational and outpatient programs located in North Providence, Rhode Island. At St. Mary's, we focus on treatment and healing while providing the support and skills necessary for the preservation of families with programs tailored to meet the diverse requirements of our clients. Whether you are an individual whose child requires special attention, or a representative of a business or government agency, we welcome you to discover more about what our services can do for you and the children you care about. St. Mary's does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, gender, or any other protected category in accordance with applicable law. Our mission is to create an environment of healing and hope for those we serve. Children and families are empowered to develop healthy, trusting relationships. Through an array of residential and community based services, we create effective, lasting partnerships that enable children and adults to lead fulfilling lives. To learn more about St. Marys and their services and needs, please visit www.smhfc.org Student quotes- "Philanthropy Week is something I look forward to every year, it's not only a great time to build a sense of Greek community but also a great way for us to give back. These events aren't only for Greek life but for anyone in the URI community who wants to be part of this philanthropic effort." - Robert Marshall, President of the Interfraternity Council "It's been great putting this week together. It's awesome knowing that we get to plan events that bring the Greek system together, but also help raise money for a great cause." - Dave Osei, Vice President of Programming for Interfraternity Council "I'm so excited for Philanthropy Week this year! We have a great charity, a great theme and our programming chairs have been working so hard to make this philanthropy week safe, fun and memorable one!" - Mia Wilkowski, President of the Panhellenic Council "We have been hard at work to shake things up and make this week one to remember. Dave and I knew we wanted to raise money for children this year, and the money we raise will truly make an impact." - Sydney Kempler, Vice President of Programming for the Panhellenic Council