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Wyland Foundation
Volunteer Packet
2016 Volunteer Information and Guidelines
Hello 2016 Wyland Foundation Volunteers!
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Wyland Foundation for the year of
2016-2017. Volunteers will be working all over, ranging from being a docent inside our Mobile
Learning Center to helping children paint murals during the community events. Your
assistance will be a great asset to the environment and the children and adults who come to
the events to learn about how we can all work together to help conserve our ocean and
sustain the world we live in. Volunteering at the Wyland Foundation is a fun and beneficial
way to support our Earth and have a good time along the way!
Please fill out all forms in this packet and email to: info@wylandfoundation.org
Or mail it to us at: 6 Mason, Ste. B, Irvine, CA 92618
Thank you for your interest in the Wyland Foundation, and we cant wait to start working with
-Wyland Foundation
Phone: 949-643-7070 Toll free: 800-WYLAND-0
About the Wyland Foundation
Service Mission
Founded in 1993, theWyland Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofitpublic
charity, is dedicated to promoting, protecting, and preserving the
worlds ocean, waterways, and marinelife. The foundation encourages
environmental awareness by bringing communities together through
public education programs and community events. Though innovation
and creativity, the foundation inspires thousands of people each year
to become morepositive, solution-oriented stewards of our global
marine resources.
Bringing people together for clean water and a healthy ocean
The ocean stirs the
heart, inspires the
imagination and brings
eternal joy to the soul.
- Wyland
Volunteer Information
Below you will find Q&As that many new
volunteers may have. This should provide you
with a sufficient amount of information to help
your volunteering experience be as smooth as
possible. We hope you find this useful.
However, if you do have any questions, we are
always happy to help. You can contact us by
email: info@wylandfoundation.org or reach us
by phone at 949-643-7070.
What will you be doing at the event? While every event is different, the main purpose is always
to educate the attendees about the foundation goals and different ways to conserve water. We
strive to promote clean water and a healthy ocean. Depending on which event you volunteer for,
you could be helping children paint a mural, promoting other events we put on throughout the
year, and etc.
Where will the events take place? Most community events happen in Southern California, with
the exception of the Mobile Learning Center, which can take place all across the nation. When
you become a volunteer, you will be notified of the event location.
Whats expected of a Wyland Foundation Volunteer? We expect all volunteers to arrive on
time to an event and be prepared to interact with all different walks of life.
What should I wear to an event? Depending on the event, we encourage volunteers to dress in
dark colors (navy or black). These events are not formal, so any form of casual clothes are
allowed as long as they are appropriate. For any event that requires painting, volunteers should
wear clothes that they would be comfortable getting paint on.
Do you offer volunteer opportunities for high school students or children? Yes, we welcome
all ages to help with the events. In this packet you will find a form for volunteers under the age
of 18 that will require a parent signature. We also sign off for High School and College
community service hours.
What information do I relay to the attendees? The next page explains what information we
expect to be relayed to participants.
This is an example speech to help you be prepared as a
volunteer and provide you with the information that we expect
volunteers to relay to participants.
Have you heard of the Wyland Foundation?
Do you want to hear a little 1-minute summary?
Well we are all about keeping our ocean healthy and our water clean.
We work with kids and adults to keep pollution out of our water and
to conserve water and conserve everything that it takes water to
manufacture, which is pretty much everything from food to gas to
electricity, you name it, it takes water to make it.
We get our message out through art programs for kids and community
events for both kids and adults. We have 3 major programs: An Art
Challenge, A Mayors Challenge, and The Mobile Learning Center. Our
founder is marine life artist Wyland, famous for 100-life size whaling
(If appropriate: today we are giving away this signed piece of art, if
you want to sign up to win just do that here, and we will email you if
you won and ship to your address. If asked what else do with info,
once in a while we send out information on the foundation)
Clean Water Mobile Learning Center
Assist as a coordinator or docent aboard our
clean water mobile learning center, a 1,000
square foot science museum on wheels. The
MLC contains a theater and hands-on learning
stations to teach people about current water
issues and conservation. Educational or
interpretive background is a plus, but not
Community Events
The Wyland Foundation participates in many fun
community events throughout the year. For
example, Earth Month Heroes and our Paint n;
Pledge event. Event volunteers should be
comfortable interacting with the public and
speaking to small groups.
National Mayors Challenge for Water
A national outreach program
(www.mywaterpledge.com) to engage cities across
the United States in water conservation and
promoting water quality. Volunteers are
responsible for contacting city and community
leaders to build program participation.
Assists with social networking, administrative,
marketing, grant writing or research.
The Wyland Foundation is dedicated to bringing people
together for clean water and healthy oceans. The mission
is to inspire adults, as well as children, a change in
behavior to become passionate stewards of our ocean,
lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands. Below of some of the
different programs offered that need volunteers.
These next few pages will depict how to set-up for the different events you may be
involved in. Please use the pictures for reference, they should help you understand
how we want the final set-up to look.
Follow these steps to set-up for a Mural Painting Event
1.Set up the frame for the canvas. The straight
bar goes on the bottom, the hat shaped one
goes on top. Stretch the canvas across the frame
and attach with bungee cords or zip ties, loosely
at first then slowly tighten. Put drop cloths all
around the mural.
2.Set up the paint kitchen. Use one of the dark
blue, compostable tablecloths. Put drop cloths
under paint kitchen.
4.Fill compostable cups with about an inch
of paint and do two of each color. There
should be around 30 cups. Put a paintbrush
in each cup. Set up the pop up over the
paint kitchen. Make sure cups are not in the
sun as they will melt. Keep paint from
drying by spraying with water.
3.Set up the info table.
5. The final set-up should look
similar to this.
W hen the kids arrive, a few things to tell them:
Paint one under the sea thing the size of their hand. They have to leave room for other
kids later to paint. If the canvas is pretty empty and the event is nearing the end, then it
is okay to let them at it.
Tell them to fill in their paintings. No ghost fish.
No writing of any kind, names, etc.
Take the cup of paint up with them, one cup per kid. Swipe the paintbrush on the
side of the cup to get rid of excess paint.
 Make sure every kid has an apron, and make it clear that although the paint will
wash off skin, it will not wash off clothes.
 There will be plenty of baby wipes, but make sure the parents/guardian/teachers
are okay with the kid using them in case of allergies.
 If you are taking pictures, make sure to take pictures of the photo release sign and
a sign indicating what event you are at. When taking close ups of kids, be sure to
ask for parental/guardian/teacher permission.
 Lay mural out in the sun to dry while breaking down.
 Dispose of gray water responsibly.
Follow these steps to set-up for a Paint n Pledge Event
* The set-up will be similar to the last example.
*All events will have the same information table set-up
1. Setup info table with nice tablecloth.
2. For the lithograph, tell people that they can put
down their information (aka sign up for our email list
but better to not say email list) for a chance to be
entered for a chance to win a signed Wyland
lithograph. The winner will be chosen from a pool of
all the people who signed up that day through a
random number generator. If they ask if they need
to fill out all the information, you can tell them
name and email are the only ones really needed.
Winner will be contacted through email.
3. Set-up the information table
4. Set up the paint table with a plastic tablecloth
first and then the dark blue compostable
tablecloth on top. Set out at least 5 different
shapes, the dotters, Sharpies, and the
informational handout.
Additional Notes: When the kids arrive, explain the handout to them. Explain to them
that when they paint the shapes, they are promising to help save water and keep the
earth clean. Ask them to read through the environmental pledges on the paper and circle
the one they plan on doing.
If the kids want to do more than one shape, give them 3 shapes to take home with them.
Volunteer Interest Form!
Our dedicated group of Wyland Foundation volunteers, who through their involvement, contribute to
raising environmental awareness and promoting conservation! Please email your form to
info@wylandfoundation.org with a subject line of WYFO Volunteer.
Phone: 949-643-7070 Toll free: 800-WYLAND-0
Name: ______________________________________________Date: _____________________________________
First Name Last Name
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: _______________________________________
Cell Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Secondary Phone: ____________________________________________________________ ! Home ! Work
Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Preferred Method of Communication: ! Email ! Phone ! Cellphone
I am interested in volunteering in the following activities: (please check all that
! Administrative
! Community Events
! Grant Writing / Grant Research
! Virtual Volunteering (online research projects and other tasks as needed)
List your specific days / times of the week and/or general
availability: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Tell us a little about yourself! Please tell us a little about yourself and why you would like to help. Describe any skills,
strengths, and experience you have: _____________________________________________________________________
To ensure you have a pleasant volunteer experience, please list any special health considerations that need to be taken into
account: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
About Wyland Foundation: For over twenty years, the Wyland Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit organization, has brought
people together for clean water and a healthy ocean through classroom education, live events, and traveling exhibitions.
Art and science programs like the Wyland National Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation, Earth Month Heroes, Wyland
National Art Challenge and our Clean Water Mobile Learning Center are helping millions of people each year become
solution-oriented stewards of our blue planet.
Volunteer Interest Form!
Our dedicated group of Wyland Foundation volunteers, who through their involvement, contribute to
raising environmental awareness and promoting conservation! Please email your form to
info@wylandfoundation.org with a subject line of WYFO Volunteer.
Phone: 949-643-7070 Toll free: 800-WYLAND-0
Name: ______________________________________________Date: _____________________________________
First Name Last Name
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: _______________________________________
Cell Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Secondary Phone: ____________________________________________________________ ! Home ! Work
Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Preferred Method of Communication: ! Email ! Phone ! Cellphone
I am interested in volunteering in the following activities: (please check all that
! Administrative
! Community Events
! Grant Writing / Grant Research
! Virtual Volunteering (online research projects and other tasks as needed)
List your specific days / times of the week and/or general
availability: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Tell us a little about yourself! Please tell us a little about yourself and why you would like to help. Describe any skills,
strengths, and experience you have: _____________________________________________________________________
To ensure you have a pleasant volunteer experience, please list any special health considerations that need to be taken into
account: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
About Wyland Foundation: For over twenty years, the Wyland Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit organization, has brought
people together for clean water and a healthy ocean through classroom education, live events, and traveling exhibitions.
Art and science programs like the Wyland National Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation, Earth Month Heroes, Wyland
National Art Challenge and our Clean Water Mobile Learning Center are helping millions of people each year become
solution-oriented stewards of our blue planet.
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
 Check this box if you will be volunteering for High School or College community service hours
Parent or Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________________________________
Minor Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Volunteer Interest Form for Minors

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  • 1. Wyland Foundation Volunteer Packet 2016 Volunteer Information and Guidelines
  • 2. 2 Hello 2016 Wyland Foundation Volunteers! Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Wyland Foundation for the year of 2016-2017. Volunteers will be working all over, ranging from being a docent inside our Mobile Learning Center to helping children paint murals during the community events. Your assistance will be a great asset to the environment and the children and adults who come to the events to learn about how we can all work together to help conserve our ocean and sustain the world we live in. Volunteering at the Wyland Foundation is a fun and beneficial way to support our Earth and have a good time along the way! Please fill out all forms in this packet and email to: info@wylandfoundation.org Or mail it to us at: 6 Mason, Ste. B, Irvine, CA 92618 Thank you for your interest in the Wyland Foundation, and we cant wait to start working with you! -Wyland Foundation Phone: 949-643-7070 Toll free: 800-WYLAND-0
  • 3. 3 About the Wyland Foundation Service Mission Founded in 1993, theWyland Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofitpublic charity, is dedicated to promoting, protecting, and preserving the worlds ocean, waterways, and marinelife. The foundation encourages environmental awareness by bringing communities together through public education programs and community events. Though innovation and creativity, the foundation inspires thousands of people each year to become morepositive, solution-oriented stewards of our global marine resources. Vision Bringing people together for clean water and a healthy ocean
  • 4. 4 The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings eternal joy to the soul. - Wyland Volunteer Information Below you will find Q&As that many new volunteers may have. This should provide you with a sufficient amount of information to help your volunteering experience be as smooth as possible. We hope you find this useful. However, if you do have any questions, we are always happy to help. You can contact us by email: info@wylandfoundation.org or reach us by phone at 949-643-7070. What will you be doing at the event? While every event is different, the main purpose is always to educate the attendees about the foundation goals and different ways to conserve water. We strive to promote clean water and a healthy ocean. Depending on which event you volunteer for, you could be helping children paint a mural, promoting other events we put on throughout the year, and etc. Where will the events take place? Most community events happen in Southern California, with the exception of the Mobile Learning Center, which can take place all across the nation. When you become a volunteer, you will be notified of the event location. Whats expected of a Wyland Foundation Volunteer? We expect all volunteers to arrive on time to an event and be prepared to interact with all different walks of life. What should I wear to an event? Depending on the event, we encourage volunteers to dress in dark colors (navy or black). These events are not formal, so any form of casual clothes are allowed as long as they are appropriate. For any event that requires painting, volunteers should wear clothes that they would be comfortable getting paint on. Do you offer volunteer opportunities for high school students or children? Yes, we welcome all ages to help with the events. In this packet you will find a form for volunteers under the age of 18 that will require a parent signature. We also sign off for High School and College community service hours. What information do I relay to the attendees? The next page explains what information we expect to be relayed to participants.
  • 5. 5 This is an example speech to help you be prepared as a volunteer and provide you with the information that we expect volunteers to relay to participants. Have you heard of the Wyland Foundation? Do you want to hear a little 1-minute summary? Well we are all about keeping our ocean healthy and our water clean. We work with kids and adults to keep pollution out of our water and to conserve water and conserve everything that it takes water to manufacture, which is pretty much everything from food to gas to electricity, you name it, it takes water to make it. We get our message out through art programs for kids and community events for both kids and adults. We have 3 major programs: An Art Challenge, A Mayors Challenge, and The Mobile Learning Center. Our founder is marine life artist Wyland, famous for 100-life size whaling walls. (If appropriate: today we are giving away this signed piece of art, if you want to sign up to win just do that here, and we will email you if you won and ship to your address. If asked what else do with info, once in a while we send out information on the foundation)
  • 6. 6 Clean Water Mobile Learning Center Assist as a coordinator or docent aboard our clean water mobile learning center, a 1,000 square foot science museum on wheels. The MLC contains a theater and hands-on learning stations to teach people about current water issues and conservation. Educational or interpretive background is a plus, but not required. Community Events The Wyland Foundation participates in many fun community events throughout the year. For example, Earth Month Heroes and our Paint n; Pledge event. Event volunteers should be comfortable interacting with the public and speaking to small groups. National Mayors Challenge for Water A national outreach program (www.mywaterpledge.com) to engage cities across the United States in water conservation and promoting water quality. Volunteers are responsible for contacting city and community leaders to build program participation. Office Assists with social networking, administrative, marketing, grant writing or research. The Wyland Foundation is dedicated to bringing people together for clean water and healthy oceans. The mission is to inspire adults, as well as children, a change in behavior to become passionate stewards of our ocean, lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands. Below of some of the different programs offered that need volunteers.
  • 7. These next few pages will depict how to set-up for the different events you may be involved in. Please use the pictures for reference, they should help you understand how we want the final set-up to look. Follow these steps to set-up for a Mural Painting Event 1.Set up the frame for the canvas. The straight bar goes on the bottom, the hat shaped one goes on top. Stretch the canvas across the frame and attach with bungee cords or zip ties, loosely at first then slowly tighten. Put drop cloths all around the mural. 2.Set up the paint kitchen. Use one of the dark blue, compostable tablecloths. Put drop cloths under paint kitchen. 4.Fill compostable cups with about an inch of paint and do two of each color. There should be around 30 cups. Put a paintbrush in each cup. Set up the pop up over the paint kitchen. Make sure cups are not in the sun as they will melt. Keep paint from drying by spraying with water. 3.Set up the info table. 5. The final set-up should look similar to this.
  • 8. W hen the kids arrive, a few things to tell them: Paint one under the sea thing the size of their hand. They have to leave room for other kids later to paint. If the canvas is pretty empty and the event is nearing the end, then it is okay to let them at it. NO SPONGEBOB Tell them to fill in their paintings. No ghost fish. No writing of any kind, names, etc. Take the cup of paint up with them, one cup per kid. Swipe the paintbrush on the side of the cup to get rid of excess paint. Make sure every kid has an apron, and make it clear that although the paint will wash off skin, it will not wash off clothes. There will be plenty of baby wipes, but make sure the parents/guardian/teachers are okay with the kid using them in case of allergies. If you are taking pictures, make sure to take pictures of the photo release sign and a sign indicating what event you are at. When taking close ups of kids, be sure to ask for parental/guardian/teacher permission. Lay mural out in the sun to dry while breaking down. Dispose of gray water responsibly.
  • 9. Follow these steps to set-up for a Paint n Pledge Event * The set-up will be similar to the last example. *All events will have the same information table set-up 1. Setup info table with nice tablecloth. 2. For the lithograph, tell people that they can put down their information (aka sign up for our email list but better to not say email list) for a chance to be entered for a chance to win a signed Wyland lithograph. The winner will be chosen from a pool of all the people who signed up that day through a random number generator. If they ask if they need to fill out all the information, you can tell them name and email are the only ones really needed. Winner will be contacted through email. 3. Set-up the information table 4. Set up the paint table with a plastic tablecloth first and then the dark blue compostable tablecloth on top. Set out at least 5 different shapes, the dotters, Sharpies, and the informational handout. Additional Notes: When the kids arrive, explain the handout to them. Explain to them that when they paint the shapes, they are promising to help save water and keep the earth clean. Ask them to read through the environmental pledges on the paper and circle the one they plan on doing. If the kids want to do more than one shape, give them 3 shapes to take home with them.
  • 10. ! ! ! Volunteer Interest Form! Our dedicated group of Wyland Foundation volunteers, who through their involvement, contribute to raising environmental awareness and promoting conservation! Please email your form to info@wylandfoundation.org with a subject line of WYFO Volunteer. Phone: 949-643-7070 Toll free: 800-WYLAND-0 Name: ______________________________________________Date: _____________________________________ First Name Last Name Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________________________ (Month/Day/Year) Cell Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Secondary Phone: ____________________________________________________________ ! Home ! Work Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Method of Communication: ! Email ! Phone ! Cellphone I am interested in volunteering in the following activities: (please check all that apply) ! Administrative ! Community Events ! Grant Writing / Grant Research ! Virtual Volunteering (online research projects and other tasks as needed) List your specific days / times of the week and/or general availability: ________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tell us a little about yourself! Please tell us a little about yourself and why you would like to help. Describe any skills, strengths, and experience you have: _____________________________________________________________________ To ensure you have a pleasant volunteer experience, please list any special health considerations that need to be taken into account: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ About Wyland Foundation: For over twenty years, the Wyland Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit organization, has brought people together for clean water and a healthy ocean through classroom education, live events, and traveling exhibitions. Art and science programs like the Wyland National Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation, Earth Month Heroes, Wyland National Art Challenge and our Clean Water Mobile Learning Center are helping millions of people each year become solution-oriented stewards of our blue planet.
  • 11. ! ! ! Volunteer Interest Form! Our dedicated group of Wyland Foundation volunteers, who through their involvement, contribute to raising environmental awareness and promoting conservation! Please email your form to info@wylandfoundation.org with a subject line of WYFO Volunteer. Phone: 949-643-7070 Toll free: 800-WYLAND-0 Name: ______________________________________________Date: _____________________________________ First Name Last Name Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________________________ (Month/Day/Year) Cell Phone: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Secondary Phone: ____________________________________________________________ ! Home ! Work Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Method of Communication: ! Email ! Phone ! Cellphone I am interested in volunteering in the following activities: (please check all that apply) ! Administrative ! Community Events ! Grant Writing / Grant Research ! Virtual Volunteering (online research projects and other tasks as needed) List your specific days / times of the week and/or general availability: ________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tell us a little about yourself! Please tell us a little about yourself and why you would like to help. Describe any skills, strengths, and experience you have: _____________________________________________________________________ To ensure you have a pleasant volunteer experience, please list any special health considerations that need to be taken into account: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ About Wyland Foundation: For over twenty years, the Wyland Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit organization, has brought people together for clean water and a healthy ocean through classroom education, live events, and traveling exhibitions. Art and science programs like the Wyland National Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation, Earth Month Heroes, Wyland National Art Challenge and our Clean Water Mobile Learning Center are helping millions of people each year become solution-oriented stewards of our blue planet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Check this box if you will be volunteering for High School or College community service hours Parent or Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________________________________ Minor Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Volunteer Interest Form for Minors