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U.S.BRAND 2010

TOP 100 Brands
of United States

                   U.S.Brand 2010   |1|
MPP Consulting agency presents the first rating of Brands of United States.

The main objective of the U.S.Brand 2010 rating was to determine the TOP 100 most
expensive Brands of United States, as well as their current market value, based on the
performance of companies brand-owners, their market position and opportunities of
companies and their brands.

Under existing conditions of the world economy, rather important aspect of business for each
company is the presence of a strong brand, which allows to retain a substantial market share,
as well as enable the company to actively develop and distribute their products in new

As a rule, for a large global company's brand is one of the most expensive of its assets in the
total value of the company compared with manufacturing facilities or other tangible or
intangible assets. And this trend continues to grow every year.

The rating U.S.Brand 2010 includes only brands created in United States or for American
goods or services. Geographical origin of brands to the United States was the main criterion
for brand selection to be evaluated in this rating.

* All rights to brands and trademarks mentioned or referred to in the rankings belong to their respective owners.

                                                                                                        U.S.Brand 2010   |2|
The methodology of the brand evaluation based on the evaluation of activity of companies
brand-owners, and also takes into account several factors, that show the market conditions
that influence the brands, possible threats and perspectives of every industries development.

This methodology is based on analysis of factors influencing the market value of the brand:
the company's position in the market, consumer value of the brand, as well as factors that
show the trends of the company and its brand.

Brand value calculation formula:

    Vb = Pt*Fc*(Qi*Qc*Qf*Qm)*Uid

 Vb  brand value
 Pt  static coefficient
 Fc  composite financial index
 Qi  investments coefficient
 Qc  geographical coefficient
 Qf  technique coefficient
 Qm - competitive coefficient
 Uid  unique ID

It is worth noting that the brand value includes only the cost of the brand (name), excluding
production facilities, infrastructure, patents, inventions and other tangible or intellectual

* Value of Brands in rating indicated in millions $

                                                                               U.S.Brand 2010   |3|
TOP 100            Rank 1 - 20

     Brand              Value, mln.$   Logo               Industry

1    Google               80 500              Internet

2    Walmart              74 200              Retail

3    Microsoft            61 340              Computer software

4    Coca-Cola            58 200              Drinks

5    McDonald's           45 088              HoReCa

6    Nike                 33 000              Clothing & Fashion

7    Apple                23 390              Electronics

8    Windows              22 250              Computer software

9    IBM                  21 325              Electronics

10   Gillette             19 550              Cosmetics

11   Budweiser            18 500              Beer

12   Disney               18 230              Media

13   Facebook             17 550              Internet

14   Procter & Gamble     17 300              Household chemistry

15   AT&T                 16 900              Telecoms

16   Amazon.com           16 572              Internet

17   GAP                  15 800              Clothing & Fashion

18   Motorola             14 880              Electronics

19   Pepsi                13 188              Drinks

20   iPhone               12 200              Electronics

                                                          U.S.Brand 2010   |4|
TOP 100                Rank 21 - 40

     Brand                 Value, mln.$   Logo              Industry

21   Wells Fargo             11 533              Financial services

22   Mobil                   11 440              Oil & Fuels

23   Citi                    11 220              Financial services

24   Verizon                 11 200              Telecoms

25   HP                      10 910              Electronics

26   Chevron                 10 765              Oil & Fuels

27   Lowe's                  10 720              Retail

28   Visa                     9 800              Financial services

29   Pampers                  9 280              Hygiene goods

30   MasterCard               9 112              Financial services

31   Walgreens                8 970              Pharmacy

32   Marlboro                 8 760              Tobacco

33   Kleenex                  8 700              Hygiene goods

34   Cisco                    8 640              Electronics

35   Bank of America          8 245              Financial services

36   UPS                      8 170              Delivery

37   American Express         8 135              Financial services

38   Home Depot               8 077              Retail

39   Kellogg's                7 926              Foods

40   Dell                     7 890              Electronics

                                                            U.S.Brand 2010   |5|
TOP 100                 Rank 41 - 60

     Brand                  Value, mln.$   Logo               Industry

41   Tide                      7 450              Household chemistry

42   ebay                      7 343              Internet

43   Oracle                    6 940              Computer software

44   Starbucks                 6 740              HoReCa

45   FedEx                     6 551              Delivery

46   MTV                       6 500              Media

47   Costco                    6 222              Retail

48   General Electric          6 203              Engineering

49   Intel                     5 950              Electronics

50   Sears                     5 490              Retail

51   Crest                     5 220              Cosmetics

52   Yahoo!                    5 180              Internet

53   Esso                      5 075              Oil & Fuels

54   Playboy                   5 000              Media

55   Target                    4 911              Retail

56   Harley-Davidson           4 750              Automotive

57   Johnson & Johnson         4 615              Cosmetics

58   Colgate                   4 600              Cosmetics

59   Cadillac                  4 400              Automotive

60   Youtube                   4 350              Internet

                                                              U.S.Brand 2010   |6|
TOP 100               Rank 61 - 80

     Brand                Value, mln.$   Logo               Industry

61   Ford                    4 254              Automotive

62   Heinz                   4 120              Foods

63   ConocoPhillips          3 955              Oil & Fuels

64   Gatorade                3 900              Drinks

65   Jeep                    3 805              Automotive

66   Goldman Sachs           3 655              Financial services

67   Caterpillar             3 525              Engineering

68   Kodak                   3 416              Electronics

69   Xerox                   3 380              Electronics

70   Goodyear                3 350              Chemistry

71   Western Union           3 270              Financial services

72   Castrol                 3 226              Oil & Fuels

73   Wrigley                 3 177              Foods

74   KFC                     2 995              HoReCa

75   Bing                    2 918              Internet

76   CNN                     2 850              Media

77   Aetna                   2 770              Insurance

78   Energizer               2 683              Equipment

79   AIG                     2 609              Insurance

80   Boeing                  2 530              Aerospace

                                                            U.S.Brand 2010   |7|
TOP 100               Rank 81 - 100

      Brand                  Value, mln.$   Logo               Industry

81    Duracell                  2 440              Equipment

82    Polo Ralph Lauren         2 352              Clothing & Fashion

83    Avon                      2 300              Cosmetics

84    Chevrolet                 2 280              Automotive

85    Honeywell                 2 132              Engineering

86    Hilton                    2 000              HoReCa

87    Adobe                     1 949              Computer software

88    Head & Shoulders          1 913              Household chemistry

89    Calvin Klein              1 860              Clothing & Fashion

90    Continental Airlines      1 680              Transport

91    Chrysler                  1 620              Automotive

92    Hyatt                     1 550              HoReCa

93    Forbes                    1 330              Media

94    Twitter                   1 220              Internet

95    3M                        1 212              Chemistry

96    Levi's                    1 201              Clothing & Fashion

97    Southwest Airlines        1 185              Transport

98    Est辿e Lauder              1 150              Clothing & Fashion

99    Hertz                     1 108              Transport

100   John Deere                1 047              Engineering

                                                               U.S.Brand 2010   |8|
The rating U.S.Brand 2010 is the 8th rating of the project TOP National Brands, launched in
2010, and is the first rating of Brands of United States.

Methodology of brands evaluation, created by our agency and applied in TOP National
Brands project, allow to consider all the parameters that define the real market value of each
brand, and provides an opportunity to identify and create a list of the most expensive national
brands in each country.

We hope that this rating will allow companies and investors to be guided in the national
market and also in the global and strongly competitive markets, and to determine for
themselves the ways of further effective development of their brands and business.

MPP Consulting
Ukraine, Kyiv
tel: +380-44-361-46-47

                                                                              U.S.Brand 2010   |9|

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Usbrand2010 101213071209-phpapp02

  • 1. U.S.BRAND 2010 TOP 100 Brands of United States U.S.Brand 2010 |1|
  • 2. About MPP Consulting agency presents the first rating of Brands of United States. The main objective of the U.S.Brand 2010 rating was to determine the TOP 100 most expensive Brands of United States, as well as their current market value, based on the performance of companies brand-owners, their market position and opportunities of companies and their brands. Under existing conditions of the world economy, rather important aspect of business for each company is the presence of a strong brand, which allows to retain a substantial market share, as well as enable the company to actively develop and distribute their products in new markets. As a rule, for a large global company's brand is one of the most expensive of its assets in the total value of the company compared with manufacturing facilities or other tangible or intangible assets. And this trend continues to grow every year. The rating U.S.Brand 2010 includes only brands created in United States or for American goods or services. Geographical origin of brands to the United States was the main criterion for brand selection to be evaluated in this rating. * All rights to brands and trademarks mentioned or referred to in the rankings belong to their respective owners. U.S.Brand 2010 |2|
  • 3. Methodology The methodology of the brand evaluation based on the evaluation of activity of companies brand-owners, and also takes into account several factors, that show the market conditions that influence the brands, possible threats and perspectives of every industries development. This methodology is based on analysis of factors influencing the market value of the brand: the company's position in the market, consumer value of the brand, as well as factors that show the trends of the company and its brand. Brand value calculation formula: Vb = Pt*Fc*(Qi*Qc*Qf*Qm)*Uid Vb brand value Pt static coefficient Fc composite financial index Qi investments coefficient Qc geographical coefficient Qf technique coefficient Qm - competitive coefficient Uid unique ID It is worth noting that the brand value includes only the cost of the brand (name), excluding production facilities, infrastructure, patents, inventions and other tangible or intellectual property. * Value of Brands in rating indicated in millions $ U.S.Brand 2010 |3|
  • 4. TOP 100 Rank 1 - 20 Brand Value, mln.$ Logo Industry 1 Google 80 500 Internet 2 Walmart 74 200 Retail 3 Microsoft 61 340 Computer software 4 Coca-Cola 58 200 Drinks 5 McDonald's 45 088 HoReCa 6 Nike 33 000 Clothing & Fashion 7 Apple 23 390 Electronics 8 Windows 22 250 Computer software 9 IBM 21 325 Electronics 10 Gillette 19 550 Cosmetics 11 Budweiser 18 500 Beer 12 Disney 18 230 Media 13 Facebook 17 550 Internet 14 Procter & Gamble 17 300 Household chemistry 15 AT&T 16 900 Telecoms 16 Amazon.com 16 572 Internet 17 GAP 15 800 Clothing & Fashion 18 Motorola 14 880 Electronics 19 Pepsi 13 188 Drinks 20 iPhone 12 200 Electronics U.S.Brand 2010 |4|
  • 5. TOP 100 Rank 21 - 40 Brand Value, mln.$ Logo Industry 21 Wells Fargo 11 533 Financial services 22 Mobil 11 440 Oil & Fuels 23 Citi 11 220 Financial services 24 Verizon 11 200 Telecoms 25 HP 10 910 Electronics 26 Chevron 10 765 Oil & Fuels 27 Lowe's 10 720 Retail 28 Visa 9 800 Financial services 29 Pampers 9 280 Hygiene goods 30 MasterCard 9 112 Financial services 31 Walgreens 8 970 Pharmacy 32 Marlboro 8 760 Tobacco 33 Kleenex 8 700 Hygiene goods 34 Cisco 8 640 Electronics 35 Bank of America 8 245 Financial services 36 UPS 8 170 Delivery 37 American Express 8 135 Financial services 38 Home Depot 8 077 Retail 39 Kellogg's 7 926 Foods 40 Dell 7 890 Electronics U.S.Brand 2010 |5|
  • 6. TOP 100 Rank 41 - 60 Brand Value, mln.$ Logo Industry 41 Tide 7 450 Household chemistry 42 ebay 7 343 Internet 43 Oracle 6 940 Computer software 44 Starbucks 6 740 HoReCa 45 FedEx 6 551 Delivery 46 MTV 6 500 Media 47 Costco 6 222 Retail 48 General Electric 6 203 Engineering 49 Intel 5 950 Electronics 50 Sears 5 490 Retail 51 Crest 5 220 Cosmetics 52 Yahoo! 5 180 Internet 53 Esso 5 075 Oil & Fuels 54 Playboy 5 000 Media 55 Target 4 911 Retail 56 Harley-Davidson 4 750 Automotive 57 Johnson & Johnson 4 615 Cosmetics 58 Colgate 4 600 Cosmetics 59 Cadillac 4 400 Automotive 60 Youtube 4 350 Internet U.S.Brand 2010 |6|
  • 7. TOP 100 Rank 61 - 80 Brand Value, mln.$ Logo Industry 61 Ford 4 254 Automotive 62 Heinz 4 120 Foods 63 ConocoPhillips 3 955 Oil & Fuels 64 Gatorade 3 900 Drinks 65 Jeep 3 805 Automotive 66 Goldman Sachs 3 655 Financial services 67 Caterpillar 3 525 Engineering 68 Kodak 3 416 Electronics 69 Xerox 3 380 Electronics 70 Goodyear 3 350 Chemistry 71 Western Union 3 270 Financial services 72 Castrol 3 226 Oil & Fuels 73 Wrigley 3 177 Foods 74 KFC 2 995 HoReCa 75 Bing 2 918 Internet 76 CNN 2 850 Media 77 Aetna 2 770 Insurance 78 Energizer 2 683 Equipment 79 AIG 2 609 Insurance 80 Boeing 2 530 Aerospace U.S.Brand 2010 |7|
  • 8. TOP 100 Rank 81 - 100 Brand Value, mln.$ Logo Industry 81 Duracell 2 440 Equipment 82 Polo Ralph Lauren 2 352 Clothing & Fashion 83 Avon 2 300 Cosmetics 84 Chevrolet 2 280 Automotive 85 Honeywell 2 132 Engineering 86 Hilton 2 000 HoReCa 87 Adobe 1 949 Computer software 88 Head & Shoulders 1 913 Household chemistry 89 Calvin Klein 1 860 Clothing & Fashion 90 Continental Airlines 1 680 Transport 91 Chrysler 1 620 Automotive 92 Hyatt 1 550 HoReCa 93 Forbes 1 330 Media 94 Twitter 1 220 Internet 95 3M 1 212 Chemistry 96 Levi's 1 201 Clothing & Fashion 97 Southwest Airlines 1 185 Transport 98 Est辿e Lauder 1 150 Clothing & Fashion 99 Hertz 1 108 Transport 100 John Deere 1 047 Engineering U.S.Brand 2010 |8|
  • 9. Conclusions The rating U.S.Brand 2010 is the 8th rating of the project TOP National Brands, launched in 2010, and is the first rating of Brands of United States. Methodology of brands evaluation, created by our agency and applied in TOP National Brands project, allow to consider all the parameters that define the real market value of each brand, and provides an opportunity to identify and create a list of the most expensive national brands in each country. We hope that this rating will allow companies and investors to be guided in the national market and also in the global and strongly competitive markets, and to determine for themselves the ways of further effective development of their brands and business. MPP Consulting Ukraine, Kyiv tel: +380-44-361-46-47 www.mppconsulting.com.ua office@mppconsulting.com.ua U.S.Brand 2010 |9|