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Hello !
I am Nelson Suwal
http://jyaasa.comCopyright 2017. Jyaasa Technologies.
Associate Software Engineer
Jyaasa Technologies
User Story
http://jyaasa.comCopyright 2017. Jyaasa Technologies.
http://jyaasa.comCopyright 2017. Jyaasa Technologies.
What is User story ?
User stories are short, simple descriptions of a feature told from the
perspective of the person who desires the new capability, usually a
user or customer of the system.
http://jyaasa.comCopyright 2017. Jyaasa Technologies.
Target user
 Stakeholder will write down the story
Focus on
 Who am I
 What I want
 Why I want this
 Keep It Short and Sweet
http://jyaasa.comCopyright 2017. Jyaasa Technologies.
http://jyaasa.comCopyright 2017. Jyaasa Technologies.
It should be understandable by normal person. Not only the
technical person.
http://jyaasa.comCopyright 2017. Jyaasa Technologies.
Why user story is important ?
http://jyaasa.comCopyright 2017. Jyaasa Technologies.
http://jyaasa.comCopyright 2017. Jyaasa Technologies.
Precise Information
The user can enter a name. It can be 127 characters.
 From this statement its unclear whether the user must enter a name for
the folder. Perhaps a default name is provided.
 The second sentence is almost completely meaningless. Can the folder
name be other lengths, or must it always be 127 characters?
http://jyaasa.comCopyright 2017. Jyaasa Technologies.
Useful for Planning
 User stories are written so that each can be given an estimate of how
difficult or timeconsuming it will be to develop
http://jyaasa.comCopyright 2017. Jyaasa Technologies.
Spare Me the Details
 User stories encourage the team to defer collecting details.
http://jyaasa.comCopyright 2017. Jyaasa Technologies.
http://jyaasa.comCopyright 2017. Jyaasa Technologies.

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