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Professor Katrina Pritchard
School of Management, Swansea University
October 2023
 This short presentation provides an overview
of using the macro developed by Babbage
and Terry in the early stages of a qualitative
research project
 The macro is available free to download with
full instructions provided: https://osf.io/jdea2.
Please ensure you always fully reference this
source when you use this macro in your work
 I will explain how to use the macro and its
use in qualitative research but I will not be
covering how to install the macro
Babbage, D. R., & Terry, G. (2023, April 19).
Thematic analysis coding management
 This macro helps with the process of coding qualitative data  the first step in many qualitative
analytic methods.
 Your data need to be available in Microsoft Word and you must use a Windows NOT Mac
operating system for the macro to function.
 However, you only need to run the macro on a Windows PC, other steps can be performed on a
 It is always recommended to work on a specific version of your data files during each stage.
That is to say you should keep a clean version so that you can return to this at any stage.
 You should also ensure you have completed any data anonymisation, checking and review
before starting this process.
 You are also advised to keep a notebook to record observations, issues or ideas about your data
as you go through the coding exercise
 Open your Word file
 Highlight text and use the comment function in Word to tag this text with
the appropriate code
 You can insert more than one code in a single comment box as long as
there is a return between them
 Progress through your document until your coding is complete.
TIP: Develop a code book as you progress to ensure consistency across
different data documents. In my research I have completed and reviewed all
coding across a data set before running the macro on individual Word
documents. You can tidy up coding once the codes are extracted however.
TIP: You can add also add notes or observations too, however to keep these
separate you can add a prefix such as Note: ... Later you will be able to
select and extract these notes from the Excel spreadsheet created through
using the macro
Example of a comment
box with a note
 Once you have completed the coding in your Word document, run the macro.
 Depending on the set up, you may need to reselect the file name you wish to run
 You will be asked if you wish to create a new excel spreadsheet or add the extraction to a
previous spreadsheet.
 Once you make a selection, your extracted codes will be presented in an open excel file
 Save the excel file and word document!
TIP: I always create a new spreadsheet as it is very easy to combine these at a later date
TIP: Have a very clear file name convention and keep a version control log
Example of the excel
 Name the sheet in the excel file (e.g. P1 for participant 1)
 Move comments/notes to a separate sheet in the excel book and name this (P1 notes etc.)
 Add a filter to the column headings to allow you to sort your codes
 Do a thorough check for coding consistency e.g. misspelt words, close variations that should be
merged and deviation from your coding book.
TIP: Ensure you note any decisions made at this stage if you change your coding approach and
update your code book for use with subsequent files
Now repeat steps 1-3 for all your data files
 Consolidate all the excel sheets  copy rather than move these into one book and a single sheet
 Do a further coding consistency check across all your data sources (as you did in step three for a
single data file)
 Spend time reviewing the coding in relation to your research question and at this stage you will
probably find that you are starting to construct themes from the coded data.
 You can add an additional theme column to your spreadsheet to enable you to start to sort and
re-sort these data to explore further.
Example of consolidated spreadsheet with added initial themes
 Steps 1-4 align closely with stages 2 & 3 of Braun and Clarke (2021) reflexive thematic analysis
which you can read more about on their excellent website: https://www.thematicanalysis.net/
 Many qualitative approaches begin with a similar process of coding and developing initial themes
and so this macro can be used at the start of other methods too
 This is only the start of the analytic process, Braun and Clarke (2021) have another three stages
in their reflexive thematic analysis approach.
 No macro or any other software does the analysis for you  the analysis is something you need
to do yourself
 This coding is just the start of your qualitative analysis journey!

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Using macros.pptx

  • 1. Professor Katrina Pritchard School of Management, Swansea University October 2023
  • 2. This short presentation provides an overview of using the macro developed by Babbage and Terry in the early stages of a qualitative research project The macro is available free to download with full instructions provided: https://osf.io/jdea2. Please ensure you always fully reference this source when you use this macro in your work I will explain how to use the macro and its use in qualitative research but I will not be covering how to install the macro Babbage, D. R., & Terry, G. (2023, April 19). Thematic analysis coding management macro. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/ZA7B6
  • 3. This macro helps with the process of coding qualitative data the first step in many qualitative analytic methods. Your data need to be available in Microsoft Word and you must use a Windows NOT Mac operating system for the macro to function. However, you only need to run the macro on a Windows PC, other steps can be performed on a Mac. It is always recommended to work on a specific version of your data files during each stage. That is to say you should keep a clean version so that you can return to this at any stage. You should also ensure you have completed any data anonymisation, checking and review before starting this process. You are also advised to keep a notebook to record observations, issues or ideas about your data as you go through the coding exercise
  • 4. STEP ONE: Open your Word file Highlight text and use the comment function in Word to tag this text with the appropriate code You can insert more than one code in a single comment box as long as there is a return between them Progress through your document until your coding is complete. Save! TIP: Develop a code book as you progress to ensure consistency across different data documents. In my research I have completed and reviewed all coding across a data set before running the macro on individual Word documents. You can tidy up coding once the codes are extracted however. TIP: You can add also add notes or observations too, however to keep these separate you can add a prefix such as Note: ... Later you will be able to select and extract these notes from the Excel spreadsheet created through using the macro Example of a comment box with a note
  • 5. STEP TWO: Once you have completed the coding in your Word document, run the macro. Depending on the set up, you may need to reselect the file name you wish to run You will be asked if you wish to create a new excel spreadsheet or add the extraction to a previous spreadsheet. Once you make a selection, your extracted codes will be presented in an open excel file Save the excel file and word document! TIP: I always create a new spreadsheet as it is very easy to combine these at a later date TIP: Have a very clear file name convention and keep a version control log Example of the excel generated
  • 6. STEP THREE Name the sheet in the excel file (e.g. P1 for participant 1) Move comments/notes to a separate sheet in the excel book and name this (P1 notes etc.) Add a filter to the column headings to allow you to sort your codes Do a thorough check for coding consistency e.g. misspelt words, close variations that should be merged and deviation from your coding book. TIP: Ensure you note any decisions made at this stage if you change your coding approach and update your code book for use with subsequent files Now repeat steps 1-3 for all your data files
  • 7. STEP FOUR Consolidate all the excel sheets copy rather than move these into one book and a single sheet Do a further coding consistency check across all your data sources (as you did in step three for a single data file) Spend time reviewing the coding in relation to your research question and at this stage you will probably find that you are starting to construct themes from the coded data. You can add an additional theme column to your spreadsheet to enable you to start to sort and re-sort these data to explore further. Example of consolidated spreadsheet with added initial themes
  • 8. Steps 1-4 align closely with stages 2 & 3 of Braun and Clarke (2021) reflexive thematic analysis which you can read more about on their excellent website: https://www.thematicanalysis.net/ Many qualitative approaches begin with a similar process of coding and developing initial themes and so this macro can be used at the start of other methods too BUT This is only the start of the analytic process, Braun and Clarke (2021) have another three stages in their reflexive thematic analysis approach. No macro or any other software does the analysis for you the analysis is something you need to do yourself This coding is just the start of your qualitative analysis journey!