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Welcome to the
USMC Alumni Family
Today you make your
way across the stage
and transition from
student to alumni, but
that doesn't mean
your days at USMC
and UofT are over.
Remember, you're an
alumni for life, and
we're here to help you
along the way.
Our Young Alumni
Committee develops
programming and events
just for you! Keep an eye
out for event invitations on
the topics that matter to
you. These include things
like paying down student
debt, networking,
reconnecting with your old
friends and making new
ones and career and
mentorship opportunities.
UofTs Continuing
Education credit is
available for 2 years after
convocation and offers
over 500 courses:
For additional courses, see
St Mike's Continuing
Education, which offers
more than 45 classroom
Recent grads can apply to be
a member of the Young
Alumni Committee of the
USMC Alumni Board. For
more information email
Boost your professional
connections through events
such as UofT SHAKER,
networking, career building,
skill building and community
service events for young
The career centre offers the
services you need to help you
land a job (for up to 2 years)
after graduation
Drop by Koffler Student
Services Centre (NW corner of
College and St. George
Streets), 214 College Street,
Toronto or visit:
Alumni Perks
Recent Grad
Employment Service Credit $750 Towards
Continuing Ed USMC Young Alumni
The perks of being a USMC student in the UofT family dont stop at
graduation. We offer you, a proud alumni, a multitude of services
and opportunities.
learn.utoronto.ca smc.alumniaffairs@
UofT Alumni Travel
Program offers
opportunities to connect
with alumni and other
travellers who share your
Sign up for a John M.
Kelly Library Alumni
Reader Card (EMR Card)
for $30 per year. With this
card you can take 10
items out at a time, have a
2 week loan period for
books, and a 1 week loan
period for DVDs
Use your UofT alumni
card (obtained at
Robarts) to get active or
express your artistic side
Learn more:
Trim 50% off Hart House
Rec ServicesLibrary Services
Explore the World
For more information on Alumni Perks visit
Upon graduation, your
student email will change to
Use it to find out about
mentorship opportunities,
social events, potential job
information and more
Stay connected with the USMC
community with bulletins about
fellow alumni, events and news
from the college in our bi-
annual St. Michaels Alumni
Magazine and e-mail updates
Send your news (travels, new
jobs, marriages, births) to
and well post them in our
bulletin section
Grads are offered special
rates from partners
Home and Auto Insurance
discounts from TD
Life, Health and Disability
Insurance discounts from
Enjoy Discounted
Insurance Rates
Get all the News
UofT Alumni E-mail
A USMC 'Young
Alumni' is a graduate
of the last 15 years
We are a community of
Alumni How-To
Enter to Win an iPad Mini
Get Social
Attend a Young
Alumni Event
Share your Ideas
Use our LinkedIn to network with
alumni in your field and find out
about upcoming events on our
facebook page. Use #SMCGrad
today and share your photos on
instagram and twitter.
Whether you're involved to socialize
or looking to build your skills and
network, our Young Alumni
Committee has something for you. What do you want and need as a new
grad? We're here to help you in your
transition to life after USMC at UofT. Be
on the look out for upcoming surveys or
e-mail smc.connected@utoronto.ca to let
us know what you want to see from us!
Give Back
Our alumni support us with over $5
million every year at SMC and over
$190 million at UofT as a whole. Our
future students will need support just as
much as you did. Whether it's a little or
a lot, alumni support has a huge
impact on our student experience!
Mentor students or join the Young Alumni
Committee. Come out to a networking
event and discuss your chosen career path
and give advice to students. Or help plan a
Young Alumni Event with the committee.
For more information contact
Don't miss out on events, reunions and
news from SMC. Update your post-grad
contact info to win! Information must be
complete and accurate to be entered.
Fill out the ballot online:
Your step by step guide on being a
proud USMC alumni.
Grad Class Gift 2015
Students voted for a
fundraising project for
the Grad Class Gift.
GRADitute projects are
seen across the campus.
From inscribed benches
to the gates of Elmsley
Place, our graduates
leave a piece of
themselves on our
"I give back because I've received so much from the
SMC and UofT community. I want everyone to be
able to share the same opportunities that I had."
The Grad Class Scholarship will be awarded to a grad of the
Class of 2015 in the fall in order to include November
graduates. All grads in the Class of 2015 are eligible. Keep
an eye out for applications opening soon!
To everyone who donated, thank you for
making a difference for students!
To make your gift of $20.15 to the Grad
Class Gift go to:
Congratulations and good luck on the
next step of your journey!
The results of the
voting were to
fundraise for furniture
in Kelly Library as well
as a Graduation
USMC Alumni are
matching our gifts
dollar for dollar up to
$2015 and will give
an additional $1000
when we reach 100
gifts. Currently, 90
people have
Save the Date

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USMC Grad Class 2015 (6)

  • 1. Welcome to the USMC Alumni Family Today you make your way across the stage and transition from student to alumni, but that doesn't mean your days at USMC and UofT are over. Remember, you're an alumni for life, and we're here to help you along the way. Our Young Alumni Committee develops programming and events just for you! Keep an eye out for event invitations on the topics that matter to you. These include things like paying down student debt, networking, reconnecting with your old friends and making new ones and career and mentorship opportunities. Congratulations! UofTs Continuing Education credit is available for 2 years after convocation and offers over 500 courses: For additional courses, see St Mike's Continuing Education, which offers more than 45 classroom courses: Recent grads can apply to be a member of the Young Alumni Committee of the USMC Alumni Board. For more information email Boost your professional connections through events such as UofT SHAKER, networking, career building, skill building and community service events for young professionals The career centre offers the services you need to help you land a job (for up to 2 years) after graduation Drop by Koffler Student Services Centre (NW corner of College and St. George Streets), 214 College Street, Toronto or visit: Alumni Perks Recent Grad Employment Service Credit $750 Towards Continuing Ed USMC Young Alumni Committee The perks of being a USMC student in the UofT family dont stop at graduation. We offer you, a proud alumni, a multitude of services and opportunities. careers.utoronto.ca/ students-grads ce.stmikes.utoronto.ca learn.utoronto.ca smc.alumniaffairs@ utoronto.ca
  • 2. UofT Alumni Travel Program offers opportunities to connect with alumni and other travellers who share your interests: Sign up for a John M. Kelly Library Alumni Reader Card (EMR Card) for $30 per year. With this card you can take 10 items out at a time, have a 2 week loan period for books, and a 1 week loan period for DVDs Use your UofT alumni card (obtained at Robarts) to get active or express your artistic side Learn more: inquiries@harthouse.ca 416-978-2452 Trim 50% off Hart House Rec ServicesLibrary Services Explore the World For more information on Alumni Perks visit Upon graduation, your student email will change to your.name@ alum.utoronto.ca Use it to find out about mentorship opportunities, social events, potential job information and more Stay connected with the USMC community with bulletins about fellow alumni, events and news from the college in our bi- annual St. Michaels Alumni Magazine and e-mail updates Send your news (travels, new jobs, marriages, births) to smc.bulletinboard@utoronto.ca and well post them in our bulletin section Grads are offered special rates from partners including: Home and Auto Insurance discounts from TD Insurance Life, Health and Disability Insurance discounts from Manulife Enjoy Discounted Insurance Rates Get all the News UofT Alumni E-mail 12,678 A USMC 'Young Alumni' is a graduate of the last 15 years We are a community of alumni.utoronto.ca/travel/ harthouse.utoronto.ca stmikes.utoronto.ca/youngalumni alumni.utoronto.ca/services/ alumni-email
  • 3. Alumni How-To Enter to Win an iPad Mini Get Social Attend a Young Alumni Event Share your Ideas Volunteer Use our LinkedIn to network with alumni in your field and find out about upcoming events on our facebook page. Use #SMCGrad today and share your photos on instagram and twitter. Whether you're involved to socialize or looking to build your skills and network, our Young Alumni Committee has something for you. What do you want and need as a new grad? We're here to help you in your transition to life after USMC at UofT. Be on the look out for upcoming surveys or e-mail smc.connected@utoronto.ca to let us know what you want to see from us! Give Back Our alumni support us with over $5 million every year at SMC and over $190 million at UofT as a whole. Our future students will need support just as much as you did. Whether it's a little or a lot, alumni support has a huge impact on our student experience! Mentor students or join the Young Alumni Committee. Come out to a networking event and discuss your chosen career path and give advice to students. Or help plan a Young Alumni Event with the committee. For more information contact smc.alumniaffairs@utoronto.ca Don't miss out on events, reunions and news from SMC. Update your post-grad contact info to win! Information must be complete and accurate to be entered. Fill out the ballot online: facebook.com/USMCUofT @smcuoftalumni @smcalumniaffair alumni.utoronto.ca/smc- linkedin Your step by step guide on being a proud USMC alumni. stmikes.utoronto.ca/youngalumni
  • 4. Grad Class Gift 2015 Students voted for a fundraising project for the Grad Class Gift. GRADitute projects are seen across the campus. From inscribed benches to the gates of Elmsley Place, our graduates leave a piece of themselves on our campus. "I give back because I've received so much from the SMC and UofT community. I want everyone to be able to share the same opportunities that I had." MISHA BOUTILIER 15 The Grad Class Scholarship will be awarded to a grad of the Class of 2015 in the fall in order to include November graduates. All grads in the Class of 2015 are eligible. Keep an eye out for applications opening soon! To everyone who donated, thank you for making a difference for students! To make your gift of $20.15 to the Grad Class Gift go to: Congratulations and good luck on the next step of your journey! The results of the voting were to fundraise for furniture in Kelly Library as well as a Graduation Scholarship. USMC Alumni are matching our gifts dollar for dollar up to $2015 and will give an additional $1000 when we reach 100 gifts. Currently, 90 people have participated! Save the Date donate.utoronto.ca/stmikes