This document provides an overview of installing and setting up an IPSTAR user terminal. It discusses the components of the user terminal including the antenna, low noise block downconverter (LNB), block upconverter (BUC), feed assembly, orthogonal mode transducer (OMT), and transmit reject filter (TRF). It also covers topics like polarization, antenna patterns, the effects of mispointing an antenna, and checking for sun outage times. The proper assembly and setup of each component is important to ensure optimal performance and avoid interference issues.
Ultrasound has its origins in research from the late 19th century onward investigating the interaction of sound with matter. The piezoelectric effect, which ultrasound depends on, was discovered in 1880. During World Wars I and II, ultrasound was further developed for applications like sonar. However, it was not until the late 1940s that the medical potential of ultrasound was realized, as technological advances allowed focused ultrasound beams to be used experimentally for therapies and to detect flaws in materials. This laid the groundwork for the development of medical ultrasonography in the 1970s as the technology advanced to allow safe, non-invasive medical imaging applications.
MCU stands for Micturating Cystourethrogram.
it's a radiographic procedure used to visualize the urinary bladder and lower urinary tract.
MCU involves real-time imaging during urination (micturition).
El documento describe los antecedentes y consecuencias de varios accidentes nucleares importantes. Entre los accidentes descritos se encuentran los de Chalk River y Windscale en 1952 y 1957 respectivamente, el de Three Mile Island en 1979, y el desastre de Chernobyl en 1986. Los accidentes tuvieron consecuencias como la liberaci坦n de material radiactivo, aumento de casos de c叩ncer, mutaciones gen辿ticas en plantas y animales, y contaminaci坦n de cultivos, agua y suelo.
Beam restriction refers to decreasing the size of the projected x-ray field to limit unnecessary radiation exposure and reduce scattered radiation. This improves image quality by increasing radiographic contrast. Common beam restricting devices include aperture diaphragms, cones, cylinders, and collimators. Collimators allow adjustable rectangular or square field sizes and include lights and templates to ensure accurate beam alignment. Proper collimation is important for patient safety and diagnostic image quality.
The document summarizes a medical linear accelerator (LINAC). It describes how a LINAC works by using high-frequency electromagnetic waves to accelerate electrons and produce x-rays. It then discusses the history and development of LINACs from the first installation in 1952 to modern machines. Key components of a LINAC are also outlined, including the electron gun, magnetron/klystron, waveguide, and treatment head.
The document summarizes the structure and function of a medical linear accelerator (LINAC). It describes how a LINAC works by using high-frequency electromagnetic waves to accelerate electrons and produce x-rays or electron beams for radiation therapy. Key components of a LINAC include the electron gun, accelerating waveguide, bending magnet, and treatment head for beam shaping and targeting. Modern LINACs can produce multiple photon and electron beam energies for flexible radiation treatment options.
X- Ray physics- X-Ray Tube, Transformer, Generator and Rectifiers by kajalsra...DrKajalLimbad
X-Ray physics including x-ray tube, transformer, generator, and rectifiers. physics made an easy
Note: this ppt has many animations that may not be appreciated over here. Request original ppt at
Este documento discute las fuentes de incertidumbre y error en la dosimetr鱈a y planificaci坦n de radioterapia, incluyendo errores en la imagen, contorneo y variaci坦n interobservador. Se単ala que los errores en la elecci坦n de la imagen, fusi坦n de im叩genes, distorsi坦n y artefactos pueden conducir a errores de contorneo. Adem叩s, las variaciones en la interpretaci坦n anat坦mica y los conceptos de contorneo entre observadores pueden dar lugar a diferencias significativas en los vol炭menes delineados. El documento
The document provides step-by-step instructions for setting up an OE-254 antenna system and connecting radios for retransmission. It involves assembling the antenna mast and guy wires, attaching antenna elements, and connecting radios to transmit and receive signals through the antenna. The radios are then configured for either traditional or same-net retransmission depending on the frequency plan and network setup.
Anstellar is a Chinese company that has specialized in manufacturing satellite communication antennas for over 15 years. It produces a wide range of antenna products including VSAT antennas, flyaway antennas, TVRO antennas, and SNG antennas for applications such as telecommunications, broadcasting, and military use. Anstellar has a strong research and testing capacity and provides turnkey solutions including custom antenna design, installation, and maintenance services globally.
This document describes a monitoring, protection, and control module for a radar transmitter. The module monitors key transmitter parameters, protects the system by triggering faults if parameters exceed thresholds, and controls the transmitter's on/off sequencing. It uses comparators to detect parameter faults, a microcontroller for control and interfacing, an ADC to convert analog signals, and an LCD for output display. The design aims to safely monitor and protect the expensive transmitter components.
Este documento resume el dise単o de una antena Yagi para la recepci坦n de TV utilizando el software MMANA-GAL. El objetivo era dise単ar una antena con una resistencia de radiaci坦n entre 25-50 ohmios, una relaci坦n de onda estacionaria menor a 2, una ganancia mayor a 10 dBi, una relaci坦n frente-atr叩s mayor a 15 dB y un ancho de haz menor a 50 grados. El dise単o optimizado cumpli坦 con todos los objetivos, con una resistencia de radiaci坦n de 29.2 ohmios, una relaci坦n de onda estacionaria de 1.73,
La antena parab坦lica consiste en un reflector parab坦lico que enfoca las ondas de radio en un punto focal. La forma parab坦lica del reflector hace que los rayos de radio que inciden en 辿l de forma paralela se enfocan en el foco, permitiendo una recepci坦n direccional. Existen varios tipos de antenas parab坦licas como las de Cassegrain y Gregoriana que usan un subreflector secundario para mejorar el desempe単o. La geometr鱈a parab坦lica del reflector principal es crucial para lograr la direccionalidad
This presentation covers:
Different types of antennas used in satellite communication
Role of an antenna
Antenna temperature
Cassegrain feed Antenna
Parabolic antenna
La antena Yagi-Uda se compone de un elemento activo alimentado y elementos par叩sitos que act炭an como reflectores y directores. Fue inventada en 1926 por los ingenieros japoneses Shintaro Uda y Hidetsugu Yagi. Consiste t鱈picamente en un dipolo doblado como elemento activo y entre 1 y 20 directores, con longitudes ligeramente menores, que mejoran la directividad. Se usa com炭nmente en radiodifusi坦n y radioaficionados por su alta ganancia direccional y bajos l坦bulos laterales.
VSAT systems use small satellite dishes to provide internet access and connectivity. A VSAT consists of an outdoor unit with a satellite dish and indoor unit. There are two main types of VSAT access technologies - SCPC uses dedicated bandwidth in a point-to-point topology while DVB-S2/FD-TDMA uses shared bandwidth in a star topology. VSATs maximize efficiency through techniques like adaptive coding and modulation, IP header compression, and TCP spoofing. VSAT provides ubiquitous connectivity, especially for remote or underserved areas, and can be used for applications like retail banking, oil exploration, and high-availability networks.
The document discusses different types of microwave equipment, including trunk microwave equipment, all outdoor microwave equipment, and split-mount microwave equipment. Split-mount microwave equipment has the RF unit located outdoors in an outdoor unit connected via an IF cable to an indoor unit containing the IF, signal processing, and multiplexing/demultiplexing units. This equipment type is widely used due to its easy installation and maintenance capabilities. The document also describes microwave antenna types and adjustment, as well as specifications for outdoor and indoor units.
This document describes the design of a receiver for detecting radio emissions from Jupiter. Key points:
1. The receiver consists of an antenna array, RF amplifier tuned to 20.1MHz, mixer, low-pass filter limiting output to 3.3kHz, and audio amplifier.
2. The receiver requirements include an operating frequency range of 18-22MHz, sensitivity of -125dBm, and gain of 110dB to produce audible signals.
3. Studying Jupiter's radio emissions can provide information about its interior, magnetic field, and relationship with its moons. This helps scientists better understand planetary magnetic fields and interior compositions.
hello readers i give my PPT presentation for about antenna and ther properties and working explain in this ppt
i hope you like it THANK YOU.......!!!!!!!
The document discusses different types of antennas used in wireless communication. It describes antennas such as dipole antennas, horn antennas, parabolic dish antennas, and antenna arrays. Dipole antennas are simple and widely used. They consist of two conductive elements that transmit and receive electromagnetic waves. Horn antennas guide radio waves into a beam but have limited directivity. Parabolic dish antennas have high gain and directivity due to their distinctive parabolic shape. Antenna arrays combine the radiation patterns of individual antenna elements to provide benefits such as high gain and directivity.
This document discusses principles of antenna selection and provides guidance on selecting antenna models for different scenarios. It begins with an overview of antenna principles including dipole antennas and factors that influence antenna gain. It then discusses key parameters to consider when selecting antennas such as radiation pattern, gain, beamwidth, downtilt mode, polarization, frequency range, and impedance. The document provides recommendations for selecting antenna models based on scenarios such as downtown areas, suburbs, water surfaces, narrow land strips, and complicated terrain. It also discusses downtilt techniques and provides examples of specific antenna models.
This document discusses the key parameters in designing a transceiver system. It describes the components in the transmitter and receiver paths that impact the link budget, including transmitter power output, gains and losses, noise figure, and signal-to-noise ratio. Key transmitter components are the power amplifier, transmission line, and antenna. Key receiver components are the antenna, low-noise amplifier, and additional amplifiers. The document provides equations to calculate link budget parameters like effective isotropic radiated power, received signal power, and noise level.
The document discusses the Yagi-Uda antenna, which consists of a driven element connected to a transmitter or receiver, along with multiple parasitic elements called reflectors and directors that help direct radio waves. It operates based on the principle that elements of specific lengths resonate at particular frequencies. The reflector is longer than the driven element to reflect waves forward, while progressively shorter directors increase directivity. Yagi-Uda antennas are commonly used for television reception due to their high gain and directionality over long distances.
Frequency-independent (FI) antennas are radiating structures capable of maintaining consistent impedance and pattern characteristics over multiple-decade bandwidths. Their finite size limits the lowest frequency of operation, and the finite precision of the center region bounds the highest frequency of operation.
An earth station is a type of radio equipment used to communicate with satellites from Earth's surface. It transmits and receives radio waves in extremely high frequency bands to communicate with geosynchronous satellites. Larger antenna apertures are needed for earth stations to achieve higher gains and narrower beam widths for better reception and transmission of signals. The key components of an earth station include a feed, reflector, transmission lines, control system, and power supply. The control system uses an antenna control unit and drive unit to precisely orient the antenna based on signals from a satellite beacon.
This document summarizes the evolution of low-cost construction using surplus satellite TV LNBs (low noise block downconverters). It begins with an introduction to the author's history with analog satellite TV and fascination with stripping down LNBs. It then provides a detailed overview of the technology and design of early single-output Ku-band LNBs from the 1990s, followed by early dual-output and current single-output extended band LNB designs. The document concludes by listing 10 potential reuses for spare or unwanted LNBs, such as using their GaAsFETs and MMICs for microwave circuits, or converting them for use as antennas, amplifiers, or frequency converters.
Terrestrial microwave antennas are used for point-to-point communication between two locations and require line of sight. Different types of antennas exist depending on location, usage, and frequency, and their key electrical performance parameters include gain, front-to-back ratio, radiation pattern, return loss, and interport isolation. Common types discussed are parabolic, shielded, GRIDPAK, and focal plane antennas.
The document discusses various digital television standards and satellite components. It describes ATSC, ISDB, DVB, DTMB and DMB standards for digital television broadcasting. It then summarizes types of LNBs including dual-band, dual-polarization, and multi-LNBs. Interference issues for C-band LNBs and methods for impedance matching are also covered briefly.
This document summarizes a seminar report on the design and implementation of a log-periodic antenna. It was submitted by three students - Shruti Nadkarni, Gargi Mohokar, and Sneha Vyavahare - to the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication at Pune's Modern College of Engineering as partial fulfillment of their degree requirements. The report describes the design of a log-periodic antenna with an operational bandwidth of 1150MHz from 350MHz to 1500MHz. It will use two such antennas pointing in four cardinal directions connected to a receiver to determine the direction of signal interference.
The document provides step-by-step instructions for setting up an OE-254 antenna system and connecting radios for retransmission. It involves assembling the antenna mast and guy wires, attaching antenna elements, and connecting radios to transmit and receive signals through the antenna. The radios are then configured for either traditional or same-net retransmission depending on the frequency plan and network setup.
Anstellar is a Chinese company that has specialized in manufacturing satellite communication antennas for over 15 years. It produces a wide range of antenna products including VSAT antennas, flyaway antennas, TVRO antennas, and SNG antennas for applications such as telecommunications, broadcasting, and military use. Anstellar has a strong research and testing capacity and provides turnkey solutions including custom antenna design, installation, and maintenance services globally.
This document describes a monitoring, protection, and control module for a radar transmitter. The module monitors key transmitter parameters, protects the system by triggering faults if parameters exceed thresholds, and controls the transmitter's on/off sequencing. It uses comparators to detect parameter faults, a microcontroller for control and interfacing, an ADC to convert analog signals, and an LCD for output display. The design aims to safely monitor and protect the expensive transmitter components.
Este documento resume el dise単o de una antena Yagi para la recepci坦n de TV utilizando el software MMANA-GAL. El objetivo era dise単ar una antena con una resistencia de radiaci坦n entre 25-50 ohmios, una relaci坦n de onda estacionaria menor a 2, una ganancia mayor a 10 dBi, una relaci坦n frente-atr叩s mayor a 15 dB y un ancho de haz menor a 50 grados. El dise単o optimizado cumpli坦 con todos los objetivos, con una resistencia de radiaci坦n de 29.2 ohmios, una relaci坦n de onda estacionaria de 1.73,
La antena parab坦lica consiste en un reflector parab坦lico que enfoca las ondas de radio en un punto focal. La forma parab坦lica del reflector hace que los rayos de radio que inciden en 辿l de forma paralela se enfocan en el foco, permitiendo una recepci坦n direccional. Existen varios tipos de antenas parab坦licas como las de Cassegrain y Gregoriana que usan un subreflector secundario para mejorar el desempe単o. La geometr鱈a parab坦lica del reflector principal es crucial para lograr la direccionalidad
This presentation covers:
Different types of antennas used in satellite communication
Role of an antenna
Antenna temperature
Cassegrain feed Antenna
Parabolic antenna
La antena Yagi-Uda se compone de un elemento activo alimentado y elementos par叩sitos que act炭an como reflectores y directores. Fue inventada en 1926 por los ingenieros japoneses Shintaro Uda y Hidetsugu Yagi. Consiste t鱈picamente en un dipolo doblado como elemento activo y entre 1 y 20 directores, con longitudes ligeramente menores, que mejoran la directividad. Se usa com炭nmente en radiodifusi坦n y radioaficionados por su alta ganancia direccional y bajos l坦bulos laterales.
VSAT systems use small satellite dishes to provide internet access and connectivity. A VSAT consists of an outdoor unit with a satellite dish and indoor unit. There are two main types of VSAT access technologies - SCPC uses dedicated bandwidth in a point-to-point topology while DVB-S2/FD-TDMA uses shared bandwidth in a star topology. VSATs maximize efficiency through techniques like adaptive coding and modulation, IP header compression, and TCP spoofing. VSAT provides ubiquitous connectivity, especially for remote or underserved areas, and can be used for applications like retail banking, oil exploration, and high-availability networks.
The document discusses different types of microwave equipment, including trunk microwave equipment, all outdoor microwave equipment, and split-mount microwave equipment. Split-mount microwave equipment has the RF unit located outdoors in an outdoor unit connected via an IF cable to an indoor unit containing the IF, signal processing, and multiplexing/demultiplexing units. This equipment type is widely used due to its easy installation and maintenance capabilities. The document also describes microwave antenna types and adjustment, as well as specifications for outdoor and indoor units.
This document describes the design of a receiver for detecting radio emissions from Jupiter. Key points:
1. The receiver consists of an antenna array, RF amplifier tuned to 20.1MHz, mixer, low-pass filter limiting output to 3.3kHz, and audio amplifier.
2. The receiver requirements include an operating frequency range of 18-22MHz, sensitivity of -125dBm, and gain of 110dB to produce audible signals.
3. Studying Jupiter's radio emissions can provide information about its interior, magnetic field, and relationship with its moons. This helps scientists better understand planetary magnetic fields and interior compositions.
hello readers i give my PPT presentation for about antenna and ther properties and working explain in this ppt
i hope you like it THANK YOU.......!!!!!!!
The document discusses different types of antennas used in wireless communication. It describes antennas such as dipole antennas, horn antennas, parabolic dish antennas, and antenna arrays. Dipole antennas are simple and widely used. They consist of two conductive elements that transmit and receive electromagnetic waves. Horn antennas guide radio waves into a beam but have limited directivity. Parabolic dish antennas have high gain and directivity due to their distinctive parabolic shape. Antenna arrays combine the radiation patterns of individual antenna elements to provide benefits such as high gain and directivity.
This document discusses principles of antenna selection and provides guidance on selecting antenna models for different scenarios. It begins with an overview of antenna principles including dipole antennas and factors that influence antenna gain. It then discusses key parameters to consider when selecting antennas such as radiation pattern, gain, beamwidth, downtilt mode, polarization, frequency range, and impedance. The document provides recommendations for selecting antenna models based on scenarios such as downtown areas, suburbs, water surfaces, narrow land strips, and complicated terrain. It also discusses downtilt techniques and provides examples of specific antenna models.
This document discusses the key parameters in designing a transceiver system. It describes the components in the transmitter and receiver paths that impact the link budget, including transmitter power output, gains and losses, noise figure, and signal-to-noise ratio. Key transmitter components are the power amplifier, transmission line, and antenna. Key receiver components are the antenna, low-noise amplifier, and additional amplifiers. The document provides equations to calculate link budget parameters like effective isotropic radiated power, received signal power, and noise level.
The document discusses the Yagi-Uda antenna, which consists of a driven element connected to a transmitter or receiver, along with multiple parasitic elements called reflectors and directors that help direct radio waves. It operates based on the principle that elements of specific lengths resonate at particular frequencies. The reflector is longer than the driven element to reflect waves forward, while progressively shorter directors increase directivity. Yagi-Uda antennas are commonly used for television reception due to their high gain and directionality over long distances.
Frequency-independent (FI) antennas are radiating structures capable of maintaining consistent impedance and pattern characteristics over multiple-decade bandwidths. Their finite size limits the lowest frequency of operation, and the finite precision of the center region bounds the highest frequency of operation.
An earth station is a type of radio equipment used to communicate with satellites from Earth's surface. It transmits and receives radio waves in extremely high frequency bands to communicate with geosynchronous satellites. Larger antenna apertures are needed for earth stations to achieve higher gains and narrower beam widths for better reception and transmission of signals. The key components of an earth station include a feed, reflector, transmission lines, control system, and power supply. The control system uses an antenna control unit and drive unit to precisely orient the antenna based on signals from a satellite beacon.
This document summarizes the evolution of low-cost construction using surplus satellite TV LNBs (low noise block downconverters). It begins with an introduction to the author's history with analog satellite TV and fascination with stripping down LNBs. It then provides a detailed overview of the technology and design of early single-output Ku-band LNBs from the 1990s, followed by early dual-output and current single-output extended band LNB designs. The document concludes by listing 10 potential reuses for spare or unwanted LNBs, such as using their GaAsFETs and MMICs for microwave circuits, or converting them for use as antennas, amplifiers, or frequency converters.
Terrestrial microwave antennas are used for point-to-point communication between two locations and require line of sight. Different types of antennas exist depending on location, usage, and frequency, and their key electrical performance parameters include gain, front-to-back ratio, radiation pattern, return loss, and interport isolation. Common types discussed are parabolic, shielded, GRIDPAK, and focal plane antennas.
The document discusses various digital television standards and satellite components. It describes ATSC, ISDB, DVB, DTMB and DMB standards for digital television broadcasting. It then summarizes types of LNBs including dual-band, dual-polarization, and multi-LNBs. Interference issues for C-band LNBs and methods for impedance matching are also covered briefly.
This document summarizes a seminar report on the design and implementation of a log-periodic antenna. It was submitted by three students - Shruti Nadkarni, Gargi Mohokar, and Sneha Vyavahare - to the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication at Pune's Modern College of Engineering as partial fulfillment of their degree requirements. The report describes the design of a log-periodic antenna with an operational bandwidth of 1150MHz from 350MHz to 1500MHz. It will use two such antennas pointing in four cardinal directions connected to a receiver to determine the direction of signal interference.
It was our first real life based designing experience on this platform. From the mentioned designed we tried to develop a prototype of Dipole antenna of 600 Mhz for practical uses. For the further development weve a got plan to use a simulation software like CST microwave studio or ADS to simulate our developed design in the long term . We had to work very hard to complete this design in time! But in the end, the challenge and learning experience were well worth it.
The document discusses different types of small antennas that can be used for EnOcean-based products, including quarter-wave monopole antennas, helical antennas, chip antennas, and PCB antennas. It emphasizes that the antenna design is critical for RF performance and range. A quarter-wave monopole antenna provides good overall performance but may be too long at lower frequencies. A helical antenna can significantly reduce the size while maintaining good performance. PCB antennas can be a low-cost solution if enough ground plane is available. The size and shape of the ground plane is important for all these antenna types to function properly.
The document discusses various types of small antennas that can be used for EnOcean-based products, including quarter-wave monopole antennas, helical antennas, chip antennas, and PCB antennas. It emphasizes that the antenna design is critical for radio performance and range. The antenna and a sufficiently sized ground plane form a resonant circuit. Common pitfalls in antenna design are an undersized ground plane or traces and components placed too close to the antenna.
This document discusses various types of antennas and antenna arrays. It begins by describing common antenna types including helical antennas, horn antennas, and parabolic reflector antennas. It then discusses how antenna arrays work, noting that they are composed of multiple similar radiating elements whose spacing and excitation determine the array's properties. Examples of linear and 2D arrays are provided. The document also summarizes different array configurations and beamforming techniques as well as applications such as smart antennas and adaptive arrays. Key benefits of arrays like controlling radiation patterns electronically are highlighted.
This document provides an overview of important considerations for selecting an antenna for short range wireless applications. It discusses various antenna types (PCB, chip, whip, wire), parameters to consider (radiation pattern, gain, bandwidth, size, cost), antenna theory basics, and measurement techniques. The document also describes antenna reference designs from Texas Instruments for different frequency bands and provides additional antenna resources. Selecting the proper antenna is key to optimizing system performance and reducing costs.
This document discusses different types of antennas used in radio and electronics. It describes that antennas convert electric power to radio waves and vice versa. Antennas are categorized as either omnidirectional or directional. Key parameters that define antennas like frequency, directivity, and gain are also outlined. Specific antenna types discussed include Yagi-Uda, log-periodic, horn, loop, parabolic, and their uses.
Call center application documents-new-en-2010kyawzay htet
This document outlines the application process and requirements for call centers in Lebanon. It details the 14 documents required in the application, including commercial documents, financial documents, real estate documents, and technical specifications. It describes the 5-step application procedure. It provides additional clarification requested from applicant companies regarding clearance, ownership, IDs, services, and customers. Binding and photocopy requirements are also specified.
Call pilot call center setup and operationkyawzay htet
This document provides instructions for setting up and operating a Nortel Networks call center using their Call Center and CallPilot software. It describes the different call center features, how to add agents and set up skillsets to route calls. The document also covers setting up and managing skillset mailboxes to handle calls not answered by agents.
This document describes the components and infrastructure of an international call center. It includes interactive voice responses, a CTI server, a management console, a switch, agent PCs, phones, a MUX and ACD, copper wire, a local leased line, an application server, a customer database server, and CDR records. Common abbreviations used are listed.
This document provides guidelines for call center licensing in Bangladesh. It defines key terms related to call centers and sets forth licensing requirements. Call centers are required to be licensed and must meet technical requirements regarding connectivity and record keeping. The guidelines cover both domestic and international call centers as well as hosted call center service providers. Revenue sharing requirements are also outlined.
Gsma mobile world congress 2012 barcelona (day 2)kyawzay htet
The GSMA mobile world congress was held in Barcelona in 2012. On the second day of the conference, attendees participated in discussions and presentations about the mobile industry. New technologies and upcoming mobile devices were highlighted at the event.
Call centers handle inbound and outbound customer calls for businesses. Call center agents must have a variety of skills to handle calls, provide customer service, enter data, and resolve issues. Effective agents require common sense, empathy, concentration, computer skills, product knowledge, systems knowledge, customer service skills, rational thinking, self-assurance, and the ability to be fair while representing both the customer and company.
This document provides guidelines for call center licensing in Bangladesh. It defines key terms related to call centers and outlines licensing requirements and technical conditions for operating domestic, international, hosted, and service provider call centers. Licenses are required and valid for 5 years, with fees of 5000 taka. Revenue sharing of 0.5% of gross earnings is also required after initial exemptions. Technical conditions specify infrastructure and connectivity requirements depending on the call center type, and prohibit certain interconnections. Call detail records must be stored for a minimum time period.
This document describes the components and infrastructure of an international call center. It includes interactive voice responses, a CTI server, a management console, a switch, agent PCs, phones, a MUX and ACD, copper wire, a local leased line, an application server, a customer database server, and CDR records. It also defines common abbreviations used like IVR, PABX, ACD, CLI, CND, CSR, CTI, PSTN, BTRC.
THE OMNIPOTENT CODES by Ayas Ganguly (Un-Cut Edition)talksrick
This Pocket Book Contains Some so-called "Forbidden by the Society" Techniques Thatll Make You a Master at Making Others Bow DownAnd Will Stop You from Bowing down to Others.
~ Author
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SWOT Analysis for Personal Growth & Character Development004mabubakarmirza
SWOT Analysis for Personal Growth & Character Development. You can use the following steps to improve yourself and highlight the keypoint about yourself.
Bullying presentation/How to deal with bullying .pptxssuserb6cf2e
Any form of verbal, psychological, or physical violence that is repeated by someone or a group, who is in a position of domination against one or more other individuals in a position of weakness and intends to harm its victims that are unable to defend themselves especially when the bully may have one or more followers who are willing to assist the primary bully or who reinforce the bully by providing positive feedback such as laughing
How to Create Space for Deeper Mental ProcessesSOFTTECHHUB
We live in a world that's always on. Our phones buzz, emails pile up, and to-do lists never end. It's hard to find a quiet moment, let alone come up with fresh ideas. But here's the thing - creativity isn't a luxury. It's how we solve problems, innovate, and move forward. Without it, we're just running in place.
This constant noise in our lives makes it tough to think clearly. We're always reacting, never reflecting. And when we do try to be creative, our minds feel cluttered. It's like trying to paint in a room full of people shouting at you.
Learning objective: Encourage innovation in the face of adversity. Panelists will discuss strategies for cultivating innovation and promoting a resilient growth mindset.
HypeLadies -Women Empower Women At, we believe in celebrating ...Susanna
**HypeLadies - Women Empowerment**
At ****, we believe in celebrating the modern woman by providing a one-stop destination for **self-improvement** and **personal growth**. Our platform is designed to empower women by offering valuable insights that foster **empowerment** and a strong **mindset**. With a focus on **continuous learning**, we guide women in **goal setting**, **self-care**, and maintaining **positive vibes** to boost their **mental wellness**.
By embracing **life goals**, **motivation**, and a **success mindset**, we inspire women to cultivate **confidence** and embark on their **growth journey**. At HypeLadies, we believe that when women come together, they truly **empower** one another to achieve greatness. **Believe in yourself**, because you are capable of so much!**HypeLadies - Women Empower Women**
At ****, we believe in celebrating the modern woman by offering a comprehensive platform that inspires, empowers, and supports women everywhere. Our mission is to create a space where women can access valuable content, build their confidence, and grow in every aspect of their lives.
We provide a diverse range of resources that support women in their journey of **self-improvement**, **personal growth**, and **empowerment**. Join our community and be a part of a movement where **women empower women**.
SelfImprovement, PersonalGrowth, Empowerment, MindsetMatters, ContinuousLearning, GoalSetting, SelfCare, PositiveVibes, MentalWellness, LifeGoals, Motivation, SuccessMindset, ConfidenceBuilding, GrowthJourney, BelieveInYourself
Learning Objective: Examine tips and strategies to increase positive study habits
Learning to study effectively is a skill that benefits everyone, even the smartest in the class. When polled, most college students would agree that they needed to learn how to study when they started college properly. In this seminar, we will address preparatory study principles, such as setting goals, knowing your learning style, being an active reader, participating in study groups, organizing your notes and study materials, and writing drafts of papers, which can help all students improve their study skills and perform better.
After this seminar, the participants will be able to:
a.油油 油Identify the traits of successful studying candidates.油
b.油油 油Generate methods for achieving successful studying habits.
c.油油 油Outline methods for implementing successful studying techniques.
3. 1/20/2011 3
Power Measurement in decibel (dB)
Decibel (dB) is a way of expressing power level as a ratio between two signals
Gain (dB) = 10 log (P2 / P1)
Conventionally gain is expressed as positive dB value while attenuation or loss is
expressed as negative dB value or negative gain.
Decibels can also be expressed relative to a reference power value such as dBW,
4. 1/20/2011 4
Satellite Link Performance
Es/No is the measurement of the satellite link performance before demodulation.
Es (dB) = _________ Energy per symbol ___________
No Noise power per Hertz (Noise Spectrum Density)
6. 1/20/2011 6
Feed Assembly Set
Feed assembly set is composed of BUC, LNB, TRF, OMT, and feed horn.
It had been tested for air leakage so it is not recommended to take apart each
Feed horn
7. 1/20/2011 7
Low Noise Block-down converter (LNB)
LNB functions:
convert downlink Ku band signal to L-band frequency
amplify signal before sending it to be demodulated.
LNB receives electric power from coaxial cable
8. LO Freq. 9.4 GHz 9. 65 GHz 10.6 GHz
Input 10.95 11.2 GHz 11.20 11.70 GHz 11.5 12.75 GHz
Output 1550 1800 MHz 1550 2250 MHz 900 2150 MHz
+/- 500 KHz (Max)
@ -30 oC to 50oC
+/- 675 KHz (Max)
+/- 500 KHz (Max)
@ -30 oC to 50oC
Noise Figure
(over temp)
0.8 (MTI), 0.9dB
0.8 dB (Typical) 0.9 dB(Typical)
Source: from MTI and NJRC
In an amplifier, the noise generated by the amplifier itself is usually measured as
Noise Figure in dB
LNB Specifications
9. 1/20/2011 9
Block diagram of LNB
LNB uses its local oscillator (LO) for frequency down conversion.
LNB has built-in LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) with very low noise figure so it would not
add noise to the signal it amplifies.
10. IPSTAR Downlink Frequency Plan
Beam Type
Frequency (GHz)
Spot Beams 12.2 12.750 1600 2150 10.6 GHz Vertical
Augment and
Shaped Beams
10.95 11.2 1550 1800 9.4 GHz Vertical *
11.5 11.7 1850 2050 9.65 GHz Vertical
* Except China and Indonesias shaped beams use Horizontal
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Block Diagram of BUC
BUC uses internal LO for frequency up conversion.
BUC amplifies the signal with SSPA (Solid State Power Amplifier).
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Block Up Converter (BUC)
BUC functions:
convert the transmit L-band signal to the uplink Ku band frequency
amplify signal before sending the it to the feedhorn.
BUC also receives electric power from coaxial cable.
13. BUC Table
Input 950 MHz 1450 MHz 950 MHz 1450 MHz
Output 14 14.5 GHz 14 14.5 GHz
LO Frequency 13.05 GHz 13.05 GHz
Conversion Gain 50 dB 50 dB
Output Power @ P1dB 30 dBm 30 dBm
Source: from MTI and NJRC:: 1W BUC
14. IPSTAR Uplink Frequency Plan
Beam Type
Frequency (GHz)
Spot Beams 14.0 14.375 950 1325 13.05 GHz Horizontal
Augment and
Shaped Beams
14.3885 14.5 1338.5 - 1450 13.05 GHz Horizontal *
* Except China and Indonesias shaped beams use Vertical
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Transmit Reject Filter (TRF)
TRF helps to block any leaking transmit signal out of OMT from overloading the LNB.
It is usually a piece of waveguide with internal resonator elements
Sometimes TRF is integrated into the OMT or feed system, or even into the LNB.
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What is a Waveguide?
Waveguide is a hollow tube that carries microwave signals. Design to be used at a
higher frequency, it has much less loss than coaxial cable.
Waveguide connectors are called flanges. Connections between waveguides are
made by inserting bolts through holes around the flanges.
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Orthogonal Mode Transducer (OMT)
OMT is a combiner that connects both the transmit signal from BUC to feedhorn,
and received signal from feed horn to LNB, respectively
OMT is able to direct the transmit and received waves according to their
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Feed Horn
Feed Horn launches transmit waves as a wide "spray" towards the antenna reflector,
which then focuses them into a narrow beam to the satellite.
Each feed assembly set is designed to match with a particular antenna. Installer
should only use the approved feed system components with antenna; otherwise, the
antenna may not meet its performance specifications, and is likely to generate
interference to other systems.
In order to obtain maximum efficiency, the feed horn must be at the correct distance
from the center of the dish, and properly oriented perpendicular to the antenna.
Feed Horn
Front view of feed horn
21. 1/20/2011 21
IPSTAR Antenna
Reflector Size 0.84m 1.2m 1.8m
Antenna Type Offset Offset Offset
Reflector Material
metal reflector with
rolled aluminum
Glass Fiber
Polyester reflector
with iron mesh
Glass Fiber
Polyester reflector
with iron mesh
Rotating dish Rotating feed Rotating feed
0属-90属 Continuous 10属-90属 Continuous 10属-90属 Continuous
360属 Continuous 360属 Continuous
360属 Continuous ,
賊 10属 Fine Adjust
22. Type of Antenna
Symmetric (Prime focus) antenna Offset antenna
Advantage - lifting higher elevation angle
- no feed horn blockage
- lower noise due to the feed looks toward the lower
temperature sky rather than high temperature ground
- avoiding rain collection inside the reflector
- ease to tweak in cross-polarization setting
Disadvantage large side lobes and wider beam width (less directivity)
- prone to misalignment and interference
24. Size of Antenna versus Beamwidth
At a given frequency, if the diameter of the antenna is smaller, the
gain decreases and the beamwidth increases.
25. Too smaller the size of antenna or poor antenna assembly/alignment
can cause lower gain, wider beamwidth, and larger sidelobes.
The result is the performance drops because antenna receives from
nearby satellites and also generates interference to others.
Effects of Antenna Pattern
26. Installer must ensure:
Clear Line of Sight (LOS): no obstacles (e.g buildings, trees)
Strong antenna foundation
Peak the antenna towards satellite
Consequences of Antenna Mispoint :
At Transmit Path:
Cause transmission loss
Interfere to adjacent satellite
At Receive Path:
Poor receive quality
Interfered by signals from adjacent satellites
Get unwanted signals from surroundings
Effects of Antenna Pattern
27. Sun Transit Outage
Due to the transit of the sun within the
beamwidth of the earth station antenna,
Sun appears as an extremely noisy source
and blanks out the signal from satellite.
This phenomenon lasts for 6 days around
the equinox for a short duration in each day.
28. How to check the time of Sun Outage for IPSTAR?
The customer can access the following website to check the sun outage time by keying
their site location and selecting the iPSTAR satellite, Link :
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Liquid-filled Level
1. AZ/EL/Skew Cap Mount and Hardware 2. Detail of AZ/EL/Skew Cap Mount
84cm Antenna Assembly
**Refer to antenna assembly manual for more details.**
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5. Connect Feed Arm to the reflector 6. Set feed assembly initial position & Connect
it to the feed support arm
84cm Antenna Assembly
32. 1/20/2011 32
Liquid-filled Level
3. Assemble AZ/EL/Skew Cap Mount
on reflector
4. Connect Reflector on pipe
84cm Antenna Assembly
**Refer to antenna assembly manual for more details.**
38. THAICOM PLC & IPSTAR Co., Ltd. Proprietary& Confidential
What is polarization?
Microwave is an Electro-magnetic wave
which are composed of electric and
magnetic fields.
The direction of electric field is at 90 degree
with the direction of propagation, and it is
called Polarization.
If the electric field is oriented in a plane, it
is called Linear Polarization.
39. THAICOM PLC & IPSTAR Co., Ltd. Proprietary& Confidential
Polarization Angle
The direction of the electric field is
controlled by the orientation of the feed
horn waveguide in the antenna.
The polarization angle can be changed by
rotating the feed horn.
The blue color waveform represents the
electric field, and can be denoted as:
Horizontal polarization or
Vertical polarization
40. THAICOM PLC & IPSTAR Co., Ltd. Proprietary& Confidential
Polarization Alignment
For better efficiency to transmit and receive
microwave signal, the transmit and receive
feed horns should be aligned to match each
If the feed horn do not align, the
polarization is not correctly set, and it
causes loss and interference to the transmit
and receive signal.
41. THAICOM PLC & IPSTAR Co., Ltd. Proprietary& Confidential
Cross-Polarized Signals
A feed horn can transmit and receive signals in different polarization.
This can double the satellite link capacity.
However, if the two feed horns are not correctly aligned, the signals are lost at
the receiving feed horns.
42. THAICOM PLC & IPSTAR Co., Ltd. Proprietary& Confidential
Polarization of Signals from Satellite
When a signal from satellite reaches the earth, the polarization angle is slightly
changed depending on the location of antenna on the earth due to the skew
angle of the wave when it comes to the earths surface.
43. Polarization Angle (POL )
For 0.84 m antenna : Rotate the reflector.
For 1.2 antenna : Rotate the feed assembly
Polarization is a way to orient transmission
signals a specific direction.
IPSTAR uses linear polarization.
UT Receive: Vertical
UT Transmit: Horizontal
Note: Polarization of China and Indonesias shape
beam is vice versa.
POL angle
POL angle
44. Adjusting POL Angle of 84cm Antenna
Skew Angle = 90 POL Angle
Loosen the (four) skew locking bolts until its
Rotate the reflector until the indicator mark
on the reflector align with skew angle on
Az/El/Skew Cap Mount.
Tighten skew locking bolts.
**DO NOT over tighten**
45. Adjusting POL Angle of 1.2m Antenna
Loosen the (two) M6 x 16 mm Hex Head Bolts.
Rotate the feed assembly according to the job order.
Tighten M6 x 16 mm Hex Head Bolts.
**DO NOT over tighten**
POL angle
POL angle
50. Refer to Document Recommendation on Cable and Connector for IPSTAR UT
Engineering Recommended List
Cable Stripper Rotary RG6 Cable Stripper Rotary RG11
Compression Tool CX3 All SizeGF-UE-6
51. THAICOM PLC & IPSTAR Co., Ltd. Proprietary& Confidential
Two-way Splitters
IPSTAR Training Department
54. Location of ODU :
Line of sight Clear Not Clear
Present and future obstacles Exist Not Exist
Interference Source Exist Not Exist
Antenna mounting location Rigid Not Rigid
Public safety OK Not OK
Location of IDU :
Ventilation Good Not Good
AC Power Outlet Available Not Available
Cable length to ODU < 30m between 30m to 60m
Facilities :
Grounding Available Not Available
Power backup and protection Available Not Available
Cable route and conduit Check Not Check
Survey Result Agreed by premise owner Yes No
Survey Checklist
56. Before running IUAT program
Installer should strictly do the following steps.
1. Antenna pole must be perpendicular to the earth's surface.
2. Foundation must be stable.
57. Before running IUAT program (Continue)
3. Mounting cab must be perfectly attached with the antenna reflector.
All the nuts must be tightened.
58. Before running IUAT program (Continue)
4. After plugging mounting cab, it must be finely attached with the pole.
This should be finely attached and stable.
59. Before running IUAT program (Continue)
5. Pre-adjust polarization angle according to the installation job order.
60. Before running IUAT program (Continue)
6. Pre-adjust elevation angle according to the installation job order.
This example :
Elevation = 36o
61. Before running IUAT program (Continue)
7. Use compass to pre-align antenna to Azimuth angle according to the
installation job order.
Note: During IUAT process, dont have to use compass to adjust azimuth angle.
62. While running IUAT program
1. In IUAT Step 4, Antenna alignment, only try to adjust azimuth angle first until the
received signal is found and TOLL Es/No is detected. Continue to scan for the
maximum TOLL Es/No in Azimuth direction.
Azimuth angle adjustment
63. While running IUAT program (Continue)
2. Adjust elevation angle in small step to obtain the maximum TOLL Es/No.
3. Then adjust Polarization angle using the procedure described earlier.