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Uterine Torsion in Cattle: Short Note
Bhuwan Raj Bhatta
B.V.Sc & A.H 8th semester
T.U, IAAS, Nepal
Fig: vetstudentresearch.blogspot.com/2015/10/uterine-torsion-in-cattle.html
 Torsion of the uterus may occur in all species of animals.
 Torsion of the uterus is most commonly observed in dairy cattle, occasionally seen in beef
cattle, dogs, cats, sheep, goat mare and rarely seen in sow.
 Torsion of the uterus from its longitudinal axis is known as uterine torsion, also called the
twisted uterus.
 Torsion may clockwise and anticlockwise in the direction.
 Torsion chances are more at the before 1st stage labor, during 1st stage and initiation of
2nd stage.
 Normally the broad ligament of uterus that tend to prevent torsion.
 Degree of torsion: 45属, 90属, 180属, 270属, 360属, 720属.
 Torsion occurs more in left than right, due to the right ovary is more functional than left in
 In normal condition, the uterus is suspended by the broad ligament in the horizontal
 The gravid uterus is supported by the abdominal floor, rumen, and abdominal viscera.
 Post cervical torsion:
One common pattern found in most studies that most of the cases involve post-cervical
torsions (i.e. the point of rotation occurs between the cervix and the vulva, not the cervix
and the womb.
 Pre cervical torsion:
Rotation occurs between cervix and uterus but this is uncommon.
 In uniparous, both gravid and non gravid horn are involved in torsion, but not in
animal (dog, cat).
 In multiparous animal, torsion of one horn may or may not the involvement of the another
 Twinning may also prevent torsion, due to the balance of both side of horn.
 Odd number of fetus may also cause torsion, due to the heavy load at the one side.
 Torsion cause stop the blood floe to the fetus and cause death according to the torsion
 Buffalos are more prone because of the weak musculature of the broad ligaments than
the cattle.
 The weak musculature, deep abdominal cavity and the poor broad ligament structure
this makes buffalo the most susceptible to uterine torsion compared to any other
 Sudden slip or fall in either lying down or rising could cause torsion.
 Factor aiding torsion of uterus:
 Absence of fetal fluid
 Sudden falls or rolling
 These factor are more important in dog and cat for torsion.
 Confinement of stables for long period favours torsion in cow.
The main cause of the uterine torsion are:
 Frequent sitting down and standing up by pregnant animals
 Big dam and small fetus
 Sudden movement of animals
 Enough exercise to keep ligament of cow in tone
 Calving in small group increased risk of aggressiveness of animal
 Heavier calf increased uterine instability
 Pyometra, mucometra, hematomera and hydrometra condition
 Deep capacious abdomen
 Flaccid uterus
Clinical Sign and Symptoms
 Uterine torsion form dystocia, due to the blockade of the birth canal.
 Most often, abnormal fetal presentation
 Myoma uteri
 Uterine malformations
 Obstruction of birth canal
 Abdominal pain
 Vaginal bleeding
 Urinary and intestinal symptoms.
 Non-progression of labor
 Tight, unlubricated vaginal cavity
 Conical, corkscrew appearance of vaginal lining
 Twisted, tight or skewed vulvar lips
 Inability to see or feel calf inside the birth canal
 Restless or stressed behavior
 Increased heart rate and respiratory rate
 Increased levels of progesterone compared to control animal
 Decreased levels of estradiol-17 (type of estrogen) compared to control animal
 Fever presented in around 1 in 5 cases
 Complete anorexia
 Fetid diarrhea
 Complete lack of ruminations
 Very rapid at initial and weak pulse later
 Rapid respiration
 Expiratory grunt
 Normal to subnormal temperature
 Cold exteremires
Torsion Causes
 Death of fetus
 Fetal mummification
 Fetal maceration
 Fetal emphysema
 Stoppage of blood, nutrient, gas exchange
 Gangrene of the uterus
 Rupture of ligament
 Laparohysterotomy: By the Caesarean section
 Schaeffer`s rolling method: Rolling of the animals at the same side which the torsion
is directed according to the type of torsion. A maximum number of rolled is 4 times.
 Rotation of the fetus per vaginal: Used for the mild degree of torsion. By the use of the
hand, push right on the opposite site of the direction.
Faria, N. and Simoies, (2015), j. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction,
Grant Maxie, (2007), Jubb, Kennedy & Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals, 5th Edition, 3-
Volume Set
Jensen, J.G. Uterine torsion in pregnancy, Department of Obstetrics, Hj淡rring Hospital, Denmark
Stephen. J. Roberts, (2012), Veterinary Obstetrics And Genital Disease
Vet In Training, Veterinary Disease Information Blog

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Uterine torsion

  • 1. Uterine Torsion in Cattle: Short Note Bhuwan Raj Bhatta B.V.Sc & A.H 8th semester T.U, IAAS, Nepal Fig: vetstudentresearch.blogspot.com/2015/10/uterine-torsion-in-cattle.html 1
  • 2. Introduction Torsion of the uterus may occur in all species of animals. Torsion of the uterus is most commonly observed in dairy cattle, occasionally seen in beef cattle, dogs, cats, sheep, goat mare and rarely seen in sow. Torsion of the uterus from its longitudinal axis is known as uterine torsion, also called the twisted uterus. Torsion may clockwise and anticlockwise in the direction. Torsion chances are more at the before 1st stage labor, during 1st stage and initiation of 2nd stage. Normally the broad ligament of uterus that tend to prevent torsion. Degree of torsion: 45属, 90属, 180属, 270属, 360属, 720属. 2
  • 3. Torsion occurs more in left than right, due to the right ovary is more functional than left in cattle. In normal condition, the uterus is suspended by the broad ligament in the horizontal direction. The gravid uterus is supported by the abdominal floor, rumen, and abdominal viscera. Post cervical torsion: One common pattern found in most studies that most of the cases involve post-cervical torsions (i.e. the point of rotation occurs between the cervix and the vulva, not the cervix and the womb. 3
  • 4. Pre cervical torsion: Rotation occurs between cervix and uterus but this is uncommon. In uniparous, both gravid and non gravid horn are involved in torsion, but not in animal (dog, cat). In multiparous animal, torsion of one horn may or may not the involvement of the another horn. Twinning may also prevent torsion, due to the balance of both side of horn. Odd number of fetus may also cause torsion, due to the heavy load at the one side. Torsion cause stop the blood floe to the fetus and cause death according to the torsion degree. 4
  • 5. Buffalos are more prone because of the weak musculature of the broad ligaments than the cattle. The weak musculature, deep abdominal cavity and the poor broad ligament structure this makes buffalo the most susceptible to uterine torsion compared to any other species. Sudden slip or fall in either lying down or rising could cause torsion. Factor aiding torsion of uterus: Absence of fetal fluid Sudden falls or rolling These factor are more important in dog and cat for torsion. Confinement of stables for long period favours torsion in cow. 5
  • 6. Causes The main cause of the uterine torsion are: Frequent sitting down and standing up by pregnant animals Big dam and small fetus Sudden movement of animals Enough exercise to keep ligament of cow in tone Calving in small group increased risk of aggressiveness of animal Heavier calf increased uterine instability Pyometra, mucometra, hematomera and hydrometra condition Deep capacious abdomen Flaccid uterus 6
  • 7. Clinical Sign and Symptoms Uterine torsion form dystocia, due to the blockade of the birth canal. Most often, abnormal fetal presentation Myoma uteri Uterine malformations Obstruction of birth canal Abdominal pain Vaginal bleeding Shock Urinary and intestinal symptoms. 7
  • 8. Non-progression of labor Tight, unlubricated vaginal cavity Conical, corkscrew appearance of vaginal lining Twisted, tight or skewed vulvar lips Inability to see or feel calf inside the birth canal Restless or stressed behavior Increased heart rate and respiratory rate Increased levels of progesterone compared to control animal Decreased levels of estradiol-17 (type of estrogen) compared to control animal 8
  • 9. Fever presented in around 1 in 5 cases Complete anorexia Constipation Fetid diarrhea Complete lack of ruminations Very rapid at initial and weak pulse later Rapid respiration Expiratory grunt Normal to subnormal temperature Cold exteremires Shock Death 9
  • 10. Torsion Causes Death of fetus Fetal mummification Fetal maceration Fetal emphysema Stoppage of blood, nutrient, gas exchange Dystocia Gangrene of the uterus Rupture of ligament 10
  • 11. Treatment Laparohysterotomy: By the Caesarean section Schaeffer`s rolling method: Rolling of the animals at the same side which the torsion is directed according to the type of torsion. A maximum number of rolled is 4 times. Rotation of the fetus per vaginal: Used for the mild degree of torsion. By the use of the hand, push right on the opposite site of the direction. 11
  • 12. Reference Faria, N. and Simoies, (2015), j. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2305050015000275 Grant Maxie, (2007), Jubb, Kennedy & Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals, 5th Edition, 3- Volume Set Jensen, J.G. Uterine torsion in pregnancy, Department of Obstetrics, Hj淡rring Hospital, Denmark Stephen. J. Roberts, (2012), Veterinary Obstetrics And Genital Disease Vet In Training, Veterinary Disease Information Blog vetstudentresearch.blogspot.com/2015/10/uterine-torsion-in-cattle.html 12