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UTS - Presentation - 27102014
NSW Vision and Delivery
Clare Huxley
ePlanning Manager
NSW Department of Planning & Environment
What is ePlanning?
Online tools and services
The ePlanning Journey
Release 1
The usage stats in the first month
? Interactive Buildings http://www.interactivebuildings.planning.nsw.gov.au)
C Over 4,400 visits to the tool in the first month
C Residential model is the most popular section of the tool
? Local Insights (http://www.localinsights.planning.nsw.gov.au)
C Over 2,200 visits to the tool in the first month
C Majority of the searches are within the Sydney metro area
? Planning Viewer (beta) (https://maps.planningportal.nsw.gov.au)
C Over 12,000 visits to the tool in the first month
C Ashfield is the most searched local government area
The benefits of the program
What we have learnt
? The significance of open access to `government-held¨ data for
industry and to inform evidence based planning within
? That there are a number of legal, data, policy and financial
hurdles still to overcome.
? That success is about looking at the various participants in the
planning system to see what their needs are and how to best
meet those needs.
? That success can only be achieved through collaboration.
What we have learnt ´.
? That Local Government is looking to the State to provide
direction on the future of ePlanning and the role Local
Government will play.
? Stakeholders are looking for regular updates to the tools to
include additional functionality and integration with other tools
and / or other agency processes.
? There is a need to provide information and tools in languages
other than English.
? Stakeholders want to be able to make payments online.
Feedback from stakeholders
? ^The suite of ePlanning tools are a fantastic initiative by the
Department!!!! ´ Congratulations to the Department for this initiative
and for providing the budget to enable Local Government to make
this available. Great stuff!!!! ̄ (Junee Shire Council)
? ^Great work - I really like the website and its interface!! Thank you
for investing in this service!! Keep the updates coming!! ̄ (Member
of the Public referring to Local Insights)
? ^The new planning tools will make planning more accessible for
communities, consumers & industry and should make planning
faster and easier for all. ̄ (Urban Taskforce)
Next Releases
Release 2 (2015) Release 3 (2016)
Our Future Direction
? Designed with the user
in mind C consistent and
? Fosters innovation due
to the release of
government data (Open
? Increased transparency
? Improved access to information C
anywhere anytime
? Improved understanding of the planning
Thank you
Access the tools:
Email: eplanning@planning.nsw.gov.au

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UTS - Presentation - 27102014

  • 2. ePlanning NSW Vision and Delivery Clare Huxley ePlanning Manager NSW Department of Planning & Environment
  • 3. What is ePlanning? Online tools and services
  • 6. The usage stats in the first month ? Interactive Buildings http://www.interactivebuildings.planning.nsw.gov.au) C Over 4,400 visits to the tool in the first month C Residential model is the most popular section of the tool ? Local Insights (http://www.localinsights.planning.nsw.gov.au) C Over 2,200 visits to the tool in the first month C Majority of the searches are within the Sydney metro area ? Planning Viewer (beta) (https://maps.planningportal.nsw.gov.au) C Over 12,000 visits to the tool in the first month C Ashfield is the most searched local government area
  • 7. The benefits of the program
  • 8. What we have learnt ? The significance of open access to `government-held¨ data for industry and to inform evidence based planning within government. ? That there are a number of legal, data, policy and financial hurdles still to overcome. ? That success is about looking at the various participants in the planning system to see what their needs are and how to best meet those needs. ? That success can only be achieved through collaboration.
  • 9. What we have learnt ´. ? That Local Government is looking to the State to provide direction on the future of ePlanning and the role Local Government will play. ? Stakeholders are looking for regular updates to the tools to include additional functionality and integration with other tools and / or other agency processes. ? There is a need to provide information and tools in languages other than English. ? Stakeholders want to be able to make payments online.
  • 10. Feedback from stakeholders ? ^The suite of ePlanning tools are a fantastic initiative by the Department!!!! ´ Congratulations to the Department for this initiative and for providing the budget to enable Local Government to make this available. Great stuff!!!! ̄ (Junee Shire Council) ? ^Great work - I really like the website and its interface!! Thank you for investing in this service!! Keep the updates coming!! ̄ (Member of the Public referring to Local Insights) ? ^The new planning tools will make planning more accessible for communities, consumers & industry and should make planning faster and easier for all. ̄ (Urban Taskforce)
  • 11. Next Releases Release 2 (2015) Release 3 (2016)
  • 12. Our Future Direction ? Designed with the user in mind C consistent and seamless ? Fosters innovation due to the release of government data (Open Data) ? Increased transparency ? Improved access to information C anywhere anytime ? Improved understanding of the planning system
  • 13. Thank you Access the tools: http://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/eplanning Email: eplanning@planning.nsw.gov.au