Buffer culture 0.6 (With a change to Be a No Ego Doer)Buffer
This is the 6th evolution of the cultural values we try to live to at Buffer. Read more about our values and approach to business at http://open.bufferapp.com
The document provides an overview of Patreon's company culture. It discusses the company's mission of funding creators and creating a fulfilling workplace. It outlines 7 core behaviors including putting creators first, being an energy giver, candor, moving fast, seeking learning, respecting time, and fixing issues. It also covers expectations for transparency, manager roles in coaching teams, and a commitment to diversity and inclusion. The overall summary emphasizes Patreon's focus on creators and teammates through its cultural values and behaviors.
This is the biggest change to Buffer's core values since they were first written down in 2013. For more about our values head over to www.buffer.com/values and read more about our approach to business at open.buffer.com.
This document outlines the culture and values of Acceleration Partners, a performance marketing company. It describes AP's culture as being world-class, with employees who are team players, curious, resilient, innovative, strategic, and results-driven. It highlights AP's core values of owning it, embracing relationships, and excelling/improving continuously. The document also discusses AP's operating principles, which include having a bias towards action, bringing solutions, working smarter, being present, encouraging autonomy and transparency, being genuine partners, having a growth mindset, being fanatical about feedback, enjoying competing, keeping moving forward, being resilient, and bringing purpose.
This document provides an overview of the culture at IDEO, highlighting that creativity is valued in all roles, from design to operations. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration indicated by the power of the word "we," and encourages taking risks, helping others succeed, and taking ownership while avoiding over-intellectualizing in favor of practical work.
Accenture's Technology Vision 2021 details emerging technology trends that will help companies get back on track & build their future post COVID-19. Read more.
This document is an employee handbook for Crispin Porter + Bogusky, an advertising agency. It welcomes new employees and explains that while some may love working there and others may hate it, the experience will be memorable. It defines the agency's broad view of advertising as anything that promotes their clients, not just traditional media. It emphasizes the agency's strong culture and the passion, confidence, and work ethic needed to generate great ideas even when original ideas fail. It frames the work as operating like a factory to produce marketing products and stresses the importance of execution over simply discussing ideas.
Hootsuite's Manifesto: Building a Social RevolutionHootsuite
This document is a resource for all Hootsuite employees. We give this to each new team member who joins us. Hootsuite's Manifesto contains our core principles, some stories of our history and culture, and a special Peepsbook.
How do you capture the attention of potential clients during a pitch? In this presentation Crimson Hexagon provides tips and strategy for incorporating social media analytics into your pitch in order to win more business and bigger accounts.
Y Combinator Startup Class #10 : Company Culture and Building a TeamFabien Grenet
The document discusses company culture and its importance. It defines culture as the beliefs, customs and behaviors of a group. Company culture specifically refers to the daily assumptions, beliefs and behaviors (A&B) of employees in pursuit of company goals (C). A strong culture provides alignment, stability and trust which can positively impact business results. The document recommends identifying core values through a worksheet, looking for elements of high performing teams like accountability and trust, and establishing best practices like integrating values into performance evaluations and making culture a daily habit.
PIAZZA is a local social networking service (SNS) in Japan that aims to create and strengthen local communities both online and offline. The document discusses how PIAZZA works with local governments and businesses to digitally transform local advertising markets from traditional paper-based methods to an online platform. It also outlines PIAZZA's unique strategies of building real-world connections between users, quantifying community engagement metrics, and forming strategic partnerships. This allows PIAZZA to potentially unlock new revenue opportunities in the large but under-digitized local advertising market.
The Handy Culture Deck provides an inside look at the uniquely Handy company and culture we are building to achieve our mission. It outlines the things we believe at Handy and the ways we try to live up to them.
Interested joining the team at Handy and changing the world? Visit handy.com/careers
Easy Ten is a language learning app that has gained popularity in over 140 countries and 7 languages by focusing on entertainment rather than traditional teaching. The app has achieved over $7 million in sales in the last 12 months, reaching the #1 spot for education apps in app stores in Russia and Brazil. With the global mobile learning market size estimated at $6 billion, Easy Ten aims to continue its growth under founder Dmitry Zaruta by playing games rather than traditional learning.
We wrote this to give you a sense of IDEO’s culture—the ties that bind us together as coworkers and as people.
Read more: http://blog.slideshare.net/2014/01/08/culturecode-what-makes-a-company-great/
For Digital 22, the Culture Code defines what we believe in, what we do and how we work with people internally and externally. It's a way of formalising our DNA and the soul of the company so it becomes the backbone of how to act at work.
This document provides an overview of the culture at IDEO, highlighting that creativity is valued in all roles, from design to operations. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration indicated by the power of the word "we," and encourages taking risks, helping others succeed, and taking ownership while avoiding over-intellectualizing in favor of practical work.
Accenture's Technology Vision 2021 details emerging technology trends that will help companies get back on track & build their future post COVID-19. Read more.
This document is an employee handbook for Crispin Porter + Bogusky, an advertising agency. It welcomes new employees and explains that while some may love working there and others may hate it, the experience will be memorable. It defines the agency's broad view of advertising as anything that promotes their clients, not just traditional media. It emphasizes the agency's strong culture and the passion, confidence, and work ethic needed to generate great ideas even when original ideas fail. It frames the work as operating like a factory to produce marketing products and stresses the importance of execution over simply discussing ideas.
Hootsuite's Manifesto: Building a Social RevolutionHootsuite
This document is a resource for all Hootsuite employees. We give this to each new team member who joins us. Hootsuite's Manifesto contains our core principles, some stories of our history and culture, and a special Peepsbook.
How do you capture the attention of potential clients during a pitch? In this presentation Crimson Hexagon provides tips and strategy for incorporating social media analytics into your pitch in order to win more business and bigger accounts.
Y Combinator Startup Class #10 : Company Culture and Building a TeamFabien Grenet
The document discusses company culture and its importance. It defines culture as the beliefs, customs and behaviors of a group. Company culture specifically refers to the daily assumptions, beliefs and behaviors (A&B) of employees in pursuit of company goals (C). A strong culture provides alignment, stability and trust which can positively impact business results. The document recommends identifying core values through a worksheet, looking for elements of high performing teams like accountability and trust, and establishing best practices like integrating values into performance evaluations and making culture a daily habit.
PIAZZA is a local social networking service (SNS) in Japan that aims to create and strengthen local communities both online and offline. The document discusses how PIAZZA works with local governments and businesses to digitally transform local advertising markets from traditional paper-based methods to an online platform. It also outlines PIAZZA's unique strategies of building real-world connections between users, quantifying community engagement metrics, and forming strategic partnerships. This allows PIAZZA to potentially unlock new revenue opportunities in the large but under-digitized local advertising market.
The Handy Culture Deck provides an inside look at the uniquely Handy company and culture we are building to achieve our mission. It outlines the things we believe at Handy and the ways we try to live up to them.
Interested joining the team at Handy and changing the world? Visit handy.com/careers
Easy Ten is a language learning app that has gained popularity in over 140 countries and 7 languages by focusing on entertainment rather than traditional teaching. The app has achieved over $7 million in sales in the last 12 months, reaching the #1 spot for education apps in app stores in Russia and Brazil. With the global mobile learning market size estimated at $6 billion, Easy Ten aims to continue its growth under founder Dmitry Zaruta by playing games rather than traditional learning.
We wrote this to give you a sense of IDEO’s culture—the ties that bind us together as coworkers and as people.
Read more: http://blog.slideshare.net/2014/01/08/culturecode-what-makes-a-company-great/
For Digital 22, the Culture Code defines what we believe in, what we do and how we work with people internally and externally. It's a way of formalising our DNA and the soul of the company so it becomes the backbone of how to act at work.
5. ? 2022 UUUM Inc. 5
“Expand the World with Great Zeal”
6. ? 2022 UUUM Inc. 6
? 部署を超えた柔軟な協力を心がけ、チームで最高の成果を目指す。
? 一方通行のコミュニケーションは避け、常に相手を思いやる言動を。
? 人財は宝であることを肝に銘じ、新卒や若手は全社で育てる。
Mission Statement
? クリエイター?社員の垣根は持たず、エンタメを創造する。
? クオリティを高めるため、余白を作る。
? どんな時も、楽しむことを忘れない。
? チャレンジを賞賛し、失敗を許容する。
? 事業チャレンジ、撤退はスピード感を持って。
? 既存ルールに拘らず、新しいアイデアを創造し続ける。
? 法令遵守を徹底し、オープンでフェアな組織を形成する。
? 目の前の人や物事に誠実に向き合い、妥協しない。
? 社会のため、人のためになることをしよう。
7. 会社沿革
? 2022 UUUM Inc. 7
C o m p a n y
月間再生数10億回達成?登録チャンネル数 1,000ch
U-FES TOUR 2016スタート
東京証券取引所グロース上場?登録チャンネル数 5,000ch
11. マネジメント
H I K A K I N や は じ め し ゃ ち ょ ー を 始 め と し た 、 U U U M 専 属 ク リ エ イ タ ー の マ ネ ジ メ ン ト を 行 っ て い ま す 。
ク リ エ イ タ ー の ジ ャ ン ル は 様 々 な た め 、 登 録 者 1 0 0 万 人 超 え の ク リ エ イ タ ー は 7 5 c h 、 合 計 約
1 3 , 0 0 0 c h
の ク リ エ イ タ ー の 活 動 支 援 を 行 い 、 ビ ジ ネ ス 共 創 を 行 な っ て い ま す 。
? 2022 UUUM Inc. 11
B u s i n e s s
12. イベント
ク リ エ イ タ ー を 巻 き 込 ん だ さ ま ざ ま な イ ベ ン ト の 企 画 ? 運 営 を 行 っ て お り ま す 。 「 D R E A M G A M E
2 0 2 2 」 で は 、 約 5 0 0 0 人 分 の チ ケ ッ ト が 即 完 売 し 、 同 時 接 続 数 が 3 2 万 人 を 突 破 い た し ま し た 。
? 2022 UUUM Inc. 12
B u s i n e s s
CR えぺまつり
T 東海オンエア C カモン東京!!
G ゴッドオブエンターテインメント
はじめしゃちょー & 川崎ブレイブサンダース
presents DREAM GAME 2022
13. 運用型広告事例 WED様 レシート買取アプリ「ONE」
マ ー ケ テ ィ ン グ ? プ ロ モ ー シ ョ ン を 通 し て 、 ク ラ イ ア ン ト と カ ス タ マ ー 、 そ し て ク リ エ イ タ ー と フ ァ ン
に お け る エ ン ゲ ー ジ メ ン ト の 最 大 化 を 実 現 す る 「 U U U M 統 合 ソ リ ュ ー シ ョ ン 」 を 提 供 し て い ま す 。
? 2022 UUUM Inc. 13
B u s i n e s s
UUUM 統合ソリューション 動画タイアップ事例 PPIH様 ドン?キホーテプレゼントキャンペーン
Public Relations
キャスティング クリエイティブ制作
動画タイアップ SNS投稿
メディアバイイング レポート分析
イベント 商品開発
14. クリエイティブ制作事例
? 2022 UUUM Inc. 14
B u s i n e s s
シルクプロデュースホラー映画「カカリ -憑-」 モビリティリゾートもてぎ(2022.6) YouTube Original 制作
アクラクララ リサイタルズMV(2021.10) HIMAWARIドラマ「まーちゃんオーちゃんのないしょの冒険」を制作
15. ポケるんTV
登 録 者 数 2 3 0 万 人 を 超 え る ボ ン ボ ン T V や 、 登 録 者 数 5 1 . 2 万 人 の ポ ケ る ん T V な ど 、
自 社 で 複 数 の Y o u T u b e チ ャ ン ネ ル を 運 営 し て い ま す 。
? 2022 UUUM Inc. 15
B u s i n e s s
44. 福利厚生?休日
? 2022 UUUM Inc. 44
E n v i r o n m e n t
福 利 厚 生 休 日
ご結婚?ご出産祝い金 確定拠出年金制度
持株会制度 福利厚生サービス
定期健康診断 各種社会保険完備
年間休日128日 週休2日制
年末年始休暇 慶弔休暇
産前産後休暇 育児休暇
生理休暇 有給休暇
47. 職種例
? 2022 UUUM Inc. 47
R e c r u i t m e n t
ビジネス系 エンジニア系 コーポレート系
U U U M で は 、 以 下 の 4 つ 領 域 を 中 心 と し た 様 々 な 職 種 が あ り ま す 。
48. Webテスト 最終面接
? 2022 UUUM Inc. 48
R e c r u i t m e n t
※エントリーから内定まで、目安として1ヶ月半程度になります。/ 職種により選考回収やフローが異なります。
エントリー 書類選考 1次面接