The number of the extreme meteorological events has increased in the last few years and the trend should be the same for the next future. These events generally develop very quickly and on a small scale, nevertheless they may provoke several damages and affect also the human's safety. For these reasons it is very important to monitor and prevent these natural hazards by means of advanced techniques which must be able to:
detect the event as soon as possible
track the behaviour of the event
predict the short term development of the event
StormTrack is a novel multispectral algorithm for the detection, the tracking and the short term forecast of convective objects developed by Geo-K.
The model is already operational and some web services based on its output are already available. Our work is aimed to show the results of the validation activity developed in the last year.
The StormTrack validation involves the comparison with benchmarks like the Rapid Development Thunderstorms, developed by Meteo France, and the lightning activity over Europe and South Africa.
This document discusses the Galileo PVT app, which provides positioning, velocity, and time solutions using Galileo and GPS satellite constellations. It retrieves ephemeris and clock data from a SUPL server and applies ionospheric corrections using the NeQuick model. The app was tested in static, pedestrian, and vehicular scenarios and provides satellite visibility information, computed positions on a map, and augmented reality views. It aims to demonstrate assisted GNSS capabilities on Android devices using Galileo signals.
A year of validation of the storm track algorithm over different european reg...Michele de Rosa
StormTrack is a novel algorithm for the identification, tracking and nowcasting of the thunderstorms which uses the Meteosat Second Generation as unique data source. It works in near realtime and provides the information with a high refresh rate (every 15 minutes). Actually it covers Europe, Africa, part of South America and Arabian Peninsula. This presentation, done at the Eumetsat Conference 2016, shows its validation over different European Regions using the lightnings as ground truth.
- GNSS raw measurements from Android phones can provide centimeter-level accuracy with dual-frequency receivers and techniques like PPP.
- Tools are available for logging raw GNSS data from Android phones and performing analysis on the logged data, including analyzing errors from ionosphere, troposphere, and signal-in-space.
- Future applications of high-accuracy GNSS from phones include jamming detection, carrier-phase positioning for apps requiring precise location, and signal analysis for effects like ionosphere and multipath.
1) The document analyzes raw GNSS measurement data quality from several Android smartphones.
2) It finds that Galileo code measurements are often ambiguous and GPS/GLONASS measurements have lower precision at low elevation angles, unlike with geodetic receivers.
3) Analysis of various measurement combinations like code-phase, code rate-phase rate, and double differences show effects mainly from code noise, multipath, and potential cycle slips.
The document summarizes observations from the Pi-SAR2 airborne SAR system after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Pi-SAR2 conducted urgent observation flights on March 12th and 18th, processing SAR images onboard and distributing them to disaster authorities. The images detected changes in inundated areas and damage from the tsunami. Pi-SAR2 provided high-resolution imagery to assess the disaster situation and monitor recovery efforts.
The Time and Frequency Laboratory of the Hellenic Institute of Metrology (EIM)eimgreece
1. Continuous and reliable local representation of Universal Coordinated Time - UTC(EIM).
2. Contribution to Temps Atomique International (TAI).
3. Reliable and continuous distribution of reference frequencies.
4. Traceability to the international standards.
5. Broadcast of standard time and frequency signals inside and outside EIM facilities.
This document provides an overview of wind profiler radar systems produced by NRIET, including:
- NRIET has deployed 49 wind profiler radar systems in China, with the majority being boundary layer systems. Several systems have also been deployed internationally.
- NRIET's systems include boundary layer, tropospheric, and stratospheric profiling radars. Their boundary layer system, the CLC-11, uses active phased array technology and pulse compression for high accuracy wind measurements.
- NRIET is developing an integrated airport weather warning system software suite to ingest and analyze data from multiple sensors like wind profilers and provide alerts and visualizations to airport operators.
Monitoring and Data Acquisition of the Laser Calibration System of Muon g-2 E...Atanu Nath
The document summarizes the laser calibration system and data acquisition for the Muon g-2 experiment. It describes the laser control system which sends laser pulses to monitors during muon fills and outside of fills. It also discusses the source monitors and local monitors which receive the laser pulses. The MIDAS and Naples data acquisition systems are used to collect and monitor the data from the laser calibration system. Online monitoring provides short-term and long-term trends of the laser pulses and temperatures to check the stability and performance of the laser calibration system.
TU1.L10 - Globwave and applications of global satellite wave observationsgrssieee
The GlobWave project aims to improve the use of satellite-derived wind and wave data. It develops a web portal providing access to multi-sensor satellite wave data in a common format, demonstration products, and tools for comparing satellite and model wave data. The project is led by Logica and involves partners ESA, CNES, Ifremer, SatOC, CLS, and NOC.
This document provides an overview of the Meteonorm software and its process for generating Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) climate data. It details how Meteonorm combines ground measurements from over 1700 stations with satellite data using interpolation algorithms to produce hourly climate values. It then describes Meteonorm's uncertainty model which estimates the uncertainty in the data to be between 2-10% based on factors like measurement accuracy, interpolation distance, and effects of using satellite data. The document concludes that Meteonorm provides a useful input for simulation tools despite its uncertainties and that its data archive can be enhanced in the future.
The document discusses the development of a Meteo Dashboard decision support system for planning offshore wind farm operations and maintenance. It includes forecasts of waves, currents and water levels from a hydrodynamic model. The dashboard collects and presents measured and forecasted meteorological and hydrodynamic data to support decision making. It has been piloted for RWE's offshore wind farms and includes databases, interfaces for measurements, forecasts from models, and tools to determine weather windows and validate data. The system integrates forecasts from hydraulic models with real-time and historical measurement data from met masts and buoys to provide visualized support for maintenance planning.
Assured PNT for data centers: All you need to knowAdtran
Gil Biran's presentation at the OCP Regional Summit highlighted the vulnerabilities of GNSS-dependent timing in data centers and critical networks. He emphasized the need for resilient architectures integrating multiple timing sources to safeguard against disruptions from jamming, spoofing, and environmental factors, advocating for enhanced network security.
TeleRescuer is an innovative system for inspecting coal mine roadways, especially those affected by catastrophes such as fire, explosion of methane or coal dust, and the others.
The system allows virtual teleportation of a mining rescuer to those areas of a coal mine, in which he could not remain due to hazards for life or health.
Field Measurement Options for Network OperatorsADVA
The document discusses field measurement options for network operators to monitor synchronization. It describes how synchronization probes can be used to monitor slave clocks, boundary clocks, and the network by measuring time error, time interval error, and mean time interval error. Probes can monitor clocks and network paths passively by tapping signals or actively by exchanging precision time protocol messages. This allows operators to ensure synchronization quality and detect any issues to help meet new stringent time and phase requirements for next generation networks.
ZONeSEC is an EU project that developed an early warning framework for security in wide zones. It ran from 2014 to 2018. The framework integrates various sensors like radar, acoustic, and video analytics to detect physical and cyber threats. It uses distributed processing and data fusion to analyze signals from numerous scalable sensors. Three pilot demonstrations tested the integrated system in different environments and scenarios. The final pilot will integrate legacy systems, detect cyber and physical intrusions, and use drones for remote monitoring.
Earth Viewing Systems Satellite Sensor Project, for Professor DiNardo's Course.
The presentation was given on 14th May, 2009.
I realize that some of the graphics do not have their sources cited, but I did not make those slides, and the group members who made them did not remember their sources. So, please forgive this oversight, since I consider it important enough to students of the earth surveillance class at The City College of New York (and elsewhere) that old presentations be available to them.
If, however, you can give me the sources of the graphics that you see, then I will be grateful, and I will be happy to cite them.
Real Time Data Transmission for Weather Monitoring SystemIRJET Journal
This document describes a real-time weather monitoring system that transmits data wirelessly from sensors in remote locations to a control room. The system uses a Vaisala WXT520 transmitter to measure weather parameters like wind speed, direction, pressure, temperature and humidity. A data logger stores the sensor readings, and a GSM module is used to transmit the data via SMS to the control room. In the control room, Datagraph software analyzes and displays the data graphically and in charts for weather monitoring and forecasting. The wireless transmission allows continuous monitoring of remote areas without needing physical access to retrieve data storage devices.
In Service Monitoring and Assurance at ITSF 2014 ADVA
1) Synchronization assurance is important for mobile backhaul networks to ensure synchronization quality as network conditions can affect timing.
2) In-service monitoring tools are needed to continuously monitor synchronization sources and the network to detect errors early, as using lab equipment for each location is too expensive.
3) Examples of in-service monitoring include monitoring a slave clock against GNSS while it is available, then against the secondary source; and monitoring boundary clocks and the network connecting synchronization sources.
ZONeSEC was a EU-funded project from 2014-2018 that developed an open framework to improve critical infrastructure protection for wide areas like pipelines, railways, and highways. It involved 19 partners from 9 countries. The project overcame challenges like integrating heterogeneous sensors over different network types at scale. It tested its solutions in four pilots covering water pipelines, gas pipelines, railways, and oil pipelines. Lessons learned included the need for extensive field testing of integrated solutions and the importance of good communication between partners.
Global grid of master events for waveform cross correlation: design and testingIvan Kitov
This document describes the design and testing of a global grid of master events for waveform cross correlation to improve seismic monitoring capabilities. The grid uses real and synthetic master events from seismic arrays and other stations. Testing in February 2013 using 134 events found 92 matches using the grid, demonstrating its potential to detect more small events through cross correlation across the global seismic network. Future versions aim to optimize the use of real data, principal components, and machine learning to further enhance monitoring.
Time sync: Existing mobile networks need to be ready for 5G and time-sensitiv...ADVA
At ITSF 2020, J旦rg Urban explored how networks can evolve quickly to solve new time and sync challenges. He discussed advanced technologies for backing up GNSS signals with network-based timing in order to satisfy the demands of the most time-sensitive applications, enhancing resilience and enabling significant capex and opex savings.
Open Source Software Tools for Synchrophasor ApplicationsLuigi Vanfretti
This document summarizes Luigi Vanfretti's work on developing open source software tools for synchrophasor applications. It discusses tools developed at KTH Royal Institute of Technology's SmarTS Lab for real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulation and prototyping of synchrophasor software and hardware. It also describes tools like S3DK and Khorjin that were created to help with synchrophasor application development by handling communication protocols and data management. The document outlines Vanfretti's motivation and the evolution of the SmarTS Lab's open source tools to support synchrophasor applications.
Global Environmental MEMS Sensors (GEMS) is a proposed concept for a revolutionary global observing system using mass-produced, disposable airborne probes with MEMS sensors to monitor meteorological and environmental conditions. Phase I defined major feasibility issues. Phase II plans to further study issues through simulation and experiments, develop a cost-benefit analysis, and generate a technology roadmap to identify pathways for development and integration with NASA missions. The system has potential applications for weather prediction, environmental monitoring, planetary science, and security.
In-service synchronization monitoring and assuranceADVA
Smart grids, next-generation mobile networks and digital studio broadcasting all need accurate and stable synchronization for reliable and optimized operations. To ensure synchronization is kept within the expected accuracy levels, in-service monitoring and assurance is key. In his talk WSTS talk, Nir Laufer discussed solutions and best practice to enable affordable in-service synchronization monitoring. He reviewed use cases in telecoms, power utilities and broadcasting networks and demonstrated how to achieve full visibility of the synchronization network.
The document discusses scheduling dedicated lithography equipment in semiconductor manufacturing facilities. It describes how lithography accounts for a significant portion of cycle times and how matching restrictions require spreading production across multiple routes. An integer programming model and goal programming approach are used to schedule fab starts across machines and days to minimize overloads while balancing workloads and linearizing start rates. Implementing this IP-based scheduler reduced average photo wait times by 1.5 days, providing revenue gains given the economic value of cycle time reductions.
Achieving Real-Time Target Tracking Using Wireless Sensor Networks1James Heller
This document summarizes a research paper on achieving real-time target tracking using wireless sensor networks. It discusses the VigilNet system, which is a large-scale sensor network that tracks, detects, and classifies targets in a timely and energy-efficient manner. The system is designed to meet real-time constraints for tracking fast-moving targets while balancing other factors like energy consumption and accuracy. It presents an analysis of the real-time performance of VigilNet and validates the design through large-scale simulations and a field test with 200 sensor nodes. The results provide general guidelines for building similar real-time sensor network systems.
The document discusses strategies for optimizing data collection for the proposed GEO-CAPE mission through intelligent observation studies conducted by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center team. Key findings include developing an observation operations simulator to examine different instrument and scheduling options, identifying cloud detection algorithms including the value of shortwave infrared bands, and establishing the feasibility of approaches like onboard cloud detection to reduce data handling costs. The simulator could be used to test different "what if" scenarios incorporating actual cloud forecast data and characterize instruments based on scene footprints. Possible future work involves integrating a scheduler with the simulator for live simulations, updating the tool with user feedback, and further analyzing instruments and cloud detection capabilities.
Integrating telemetry sensors with cloud computing. Presentation of Suciu et al. at 14th RoEduNet International Conference - Networking in Education and Research (NER'2015)
Respiration & Gas Exchange | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explains respiration and gas exchange, covering the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration, the structure of the respiratory system, gas exchange in the lungs, and the role of diffusion. Learn about the effects of exercise on breathing, how smoking affects the lungs, and how respiration provides energy for cells. A perfect study resource for Cambridge IGCSE students preparing for exams!
TU1.L10 - Globwave and applications of global satellite wave observationsgrssieee
The GlobWave project aims to improve the use of satellite-derived wind and wave data. It develops a web portal providing access to multi-sensor satellite wave data in a common format, demonstration products, and tools for comparing satellite and model wave data. The project is led by Logica and involves partners ESA, CNES, Ifremer, SatOC, CLS, and NOC.
This document provides an overview of the Meteonorm software and its process for generating Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) climate data. It details how Meteonorm combines ground measurements from over 1700 stations with satellite data using interpolation algorithms to produce hourly climate values. It then describes Meteonorm's uncertainty model which estimates the uncertainty in the data to be between 2-10% based on factors like measurement accuracy, interpolation distance, and effects of using satellite data. The document concludes that Meteonorm provides a useful input for simulation tools despite its uncertainties and that its data archive can be enhanced in the future.
The document discusses the development of a Meteo Dashboard decision support system for planning offshore wind farm operations and maintenance. It includes forecasts of waves, currents and water levels from a hydrodynamic model. The dashboard collects and presents measured and forecasted meteorological and hydrodynamic data to support decision making. It has been piloted for RWE's offshore wind farms and includes databases, interfaces for measurements, forecasts from models, and tools to determine weather windows and validate data. The system integrates forecasts from hydraulic models with real-time and historical measurement data from met masts and buoys to provide visualized support for maintenance planning.
Assured PNT for data centers: All you need to knowAdtran
Gil Biran's presentation at the OCP Regional Summit highlighted the vulnerabilities of GNSS-dependent timing in data centers and critical networks. He emphasized the need for resilient architectures integrating multiple timing sources to safeguard against disruptions from jamming, spoofing, and environmental factors, advocating for enhanced network security.
TeleRescuer is an innovative system for inspecting coal mine roadways, especially those affected by catastrophes such as fire, explosion of methane or coal dust, and the others.
The system allows virtual teleportation of a mining rescuer to those areas of a coal mine, in which he could not remain due to hazards for life or health.
Field Measurement Options for Network OperatorsADVA
The document discusses field measurement options for network operators to monitor synchronization. It describes how synchronization probes can be used to monitor slave clocks, boundary clocks, and the network by measuring time error, time interval error, and mean time interval error. Probes can monitor clocks and network paths passively by tapping signals or actively by exchanging precision time protocol messages. This allows operators to ensure synchronization quality and detect any issues to help meet new stringent time and phase requirements for next generation networks.
ZONeSEC is an EU project that developed an early warning framework for security in wide zones. It ran from 2014 to 2018. The framework integrates various sensors like radar, acoustic, and video analytics to detect physical and cyber threats. It uses distributed processing and data fusion to analyze signals from numerous scalable sensors. Three pilot demonstrations tested the integrated system in different environments and scenarios. The final pilot will integrate legacy systems, detect cyber and physical intrusions, and use drones for remote monitoring.
Earth Viewing Systems Satellite Sensor Project, for Professor DiNardo's Course.
The presentation was given on 14th May, 2009.
I realize that some of the graphics do not have their sources cited, but I did not make those slides, and the group members who made them did not remember their sources. So, please forgive this oversight, since I consider it important enough to students of the earth surveillance class at The City College of New York (and elsewhere) that old presentations be available to them.
If, however, you can give me the sources of the graphics that you see, then I will be grateful, and I will be happy to cite them.
Real Time Data Transmission for Weather Monitoring SystemIRJET Journal
This document describes a real-time weather monitoring system that transmits data wirelessly from sensors in remote locations to a control room. The system uses a Vaisala WXT520 transmitter to measure weather parameters like wind speed, direction, pressure, temperature and humidity. A data logger stores the sensor readings, and a GSM module is used to transmit the data via SMS to the control room. In the control room, Datagraph software analyzes and displays the data graphically and in charts for weather monitoring and forecasting. The wireless transmission allows continuous monitoring of remote areas without needing physical access to retrieve data storage devices.
In Service Monitoring and Assurance at ITSF 2014 ADVA
1) Synchronization assurance is important for mobile backhaul networks to ensure synchronization quality as network conditions can affect timing.
2) In-service monitoring tools are needed to continuously monitor synchronization sources and the network to detect errors early, as using lab equipment for each location is too expensive.
3) Examples of in-service monitoring include monitoring a slave clock against GNSS while it is available, then against the secondary source; and monitoring boundary clocks and the network connecting synchronization sources.
ZONeSEC was a EU-funded project from 2014-2018 that developed an open framework to improve critical infrastructure protection for wide areas like pipelines, railways, and highways. It involved 19 partners from 9 countries. The project overcame challenges like integrating heterogeneous sensors over different network types at scale. It tested its solutions in four pilots covering water pipelines, gas pipelines, railways, and oil pipelines. Lessons learned included the need for extensive field testing of integrated solutions and the importance of good communication between partners.
Global grid of master events for waveform cross correlation: design and testingIvan Kitov
This document describes the design and testing of a global grid of master events for waveform cross correlation to improve seismic monitoring capabilities. The grid uses real and synthetic master events from seismic arrays and other stations. Testing in February 2013 using 134 events found 92 matches using the grid, demonstrating its potential to detect more small events through cross correlation across the global seismic network. Future versions aim to optimize the use of real data, principal components, and machine learning to further enhance monitoring.
Time sync: Existing mobile networks need to be ready for 5G and time-sensitiv...ADVA
At ITSF 2020, J旦rg Urban explored how networks can evolve quickly to solve new time and sync challenges. He discussed advanced technologies for backing up GNSS signals with network-based timing in order to satisfy the demands of the most time-sensitive applications, enhancing resilience and enabling significant capex and opex savings.
Open Source Software Tools for Synchrophasor ApplicationsLuigi Vanfretti
This document summarizes Luigi Vanfretti's work on developing open source software tools for synchrophasor applications. It discusses tools developed at KTH Royal Institute of Technology's SmarTS Lab for real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulation and prototyping of synchrophasor software and hardware. It also describes tools like S3DK and Khorjin that were created to help with synchrophasor application development by handling communication protocols and data management. The document outlines Vanfretti's motivation and the evolution of the SmarTS Lab's open source tools to support synchrophasor applications.
Global Environmental MEMS Sensors (GEMS) is a proposed concept for a revolutionary global observing system using mass-produced, disposable airborne probes with MEMS sensors to monitor meteorological and environmental conditions. Phase I defined major feasibility issues. Phase II plans to further study issues through simulation and experiments, develop a cost-benefit analysis, and generate a technology roadmap to identify pathways for development and integration with NASA missions. The system has potential applications for weather prediction, environmental monitoring, planetary science, and security.
In-service synchronization monitoring and assuranceADVA
Smart grids, next-generation mobile networks and digital studio broadcasting all need accurate and stable synchronization for reliable and optimized operations. To ensure synchronization is kept within the expected accuracy levels, in-service monitoring and assurance is key. In his talk WSTS talk, Nir Laufer discussed solutions and best practice to enable affordable in-service synchronization monitoring. He reviewed use cases in telecoms, power utilities and broadcasting networks and demonstrated how to achieve full visibility of the synchronization network.
The document discusses scheduling dedicated lithography equipment in semiconductor manufacturing facilities. It describes how lithography accounts for a significant portion of cycle times and how matching restrictions require spreading production across multiple routes. An integer programming model and goal programming approach are used to schedule fab starts across machines and days to minimize overloads while balancing workloads and linearizing start rates. Implementing this IP-based scheduler reduced average photo wait times by 1.5 days, providing revenue gains given the economic value of cycle time reductions.
Achieving Real-Time Target Tracking Using Wireless Sensor Networks1James Heller
This document summarizes a research paper on achieving real-time target tracking using wireless sensor networks. It discusses the VigilNet system, which is a large-scale sensor network that tracks, detects, and classifies targets in a timely and energy-efficient manner. The system is designed to meet real-time constraints for tracking fast-moving targets while balancing other factors like energy consumption and accuracy. It presents an analysis of the real-time performance of VigilNet and validates the design through large-scale simulations and a field test with 200 sensor nodes. The results provide general guidelines for building similar real-time sensor network systems.
The document discusses strategies for optimizing data collection for the proposed GEO-CAPE mission through intelligent observation studies conducted by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center team. Key findings include developing an observation operations simulator to examine different instrument and scheduling options, identifying cloud detection algorithms including the value of shortwave infrared bands, and establishing the feasibility of approaches like onboard cloud detection to reduce data handling costs. The simulator could be used to test different "what if" scenarios incorporating actual cloud forecast data and characterize instruments based on scene footprints. Possible future work involves integrating a scheduler with the simulator for live simulations, updating the tool with user feedback, and further analyzing instruments and cloud detection capabilities.
Integrating telemetry sensors with cloud computing. Presentation of Suciu et al. at 14th RoEduNet International Conference - Networking in Education and Research (NER'2015)
Respiration & Gas Exchange | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explains respiration and gas exchange, covering the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration, the structure of the respiratory system, gas exchange in the lungs, and the role of diffusion. Learn about the effects of exercise on breathing, how smoking affects the lungs, and how respiration provides energy for cells. A perfect study resource for Cambridge IGCSE students preparing for exams!
Detection of ferrihydrite in Martian red dust records ancient cold and wet co...S辿rgio Sacani
Iron oxide-hydroxide minerals in Martian dust provide crucial insights into
Mars past climate and habitability. Previous studies attributed Mars red color
to anhydrous hematite formed through recent weathering. Here, we show that
poorly crystalline ferrihydrite (Fe5O8H 揃 nH2O) is the dominant iron oxidebearing phase in Martian dust, based on combined analyses of orbital, in-situ,
and laboratory visible near-infrared spectra. Spectroscopic analyses indicate
that a hyperfine mixture of ferrihydrite, basalt and sulfate best matches Martian dust observations. Through laboratory experiments and kinetic calculations, we demonstrate that ferrihydrite remains stable under present-day
Martian conditions, preserving its poorly crystalline structure. The persistence
of ferrihydrite suggests it formed during a cold, wet period on early Mars
under oxidative conditions, followed by a transition to the current hyper-arid
environment. This finding challenges previous models of continuous dry oxidation and indicates that ancient Mars experienced aqueous alteration before
transitioning to its current desert state.
Excretion in Humans | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation covers excretion in humans, explaining the removal of metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide, urea, and excess salts. Learn about the structure and function of the kidneys, the role of the liver in excretion, ultrafiltration, selective reabsorption, and the importance of homeostasis. Includes diagrams and explanations to help Cambridge IGCSE students prepare effectively for exams!
Hormones and the Endocrine System | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explores hormones and the endocrine system, explaining their role in controlling body functions. Learn about the differences between nervous and hormonal control, major endocrine glands, key hormones (such as insulin, adrenaline, and testosterone), and homeostasis. Understand how hormones regulate growth, metabolism, reproduction, and the fight-or-flight response. A perfect resource for Cambridge IGCSE students preparing for exams!
PROTEIN DEGRADATION via ubiquitous pathawayKaviya Priya A
Protein degradation via ubiquitous pathway In general science, a ubiquitous pathway refers to a biochemical or metabolic pathway that is:
1. *Widely present*: Found in many different organisms, tissues, or cells.
2. *Conserved*: Remains relatively unchanged across different species or contexts.
Examples of ubiquitous pathways include:
1. *Glycolysis*: The process of breaking down glucose for energy, found in nearly all living organisms.
2. *Citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle)*: A key metabolic pathway involved in energy production, present in many cells.
3. *Pentose phosphate pathway*: A metabolic pathway involved in energy production and antioxidant defenses, found in many organisms.
These pathways are essential for life and have been conserved across evolution, highlighting their importance for cellular function and survival.
Coordination and Response: The Nervous System | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This comprehensive IGCSE Biology presentation explains the nervous system, focusing on how the body coordinates and responds to stimuli. Learn about the central and peripheral nervous systems, reflex actions, neurons, synapses, and the role of neurotransmitters. Understand the differences between voluntary and involuntary responses and how the nervous system interacts with other body systems. Ideal for Cambridge IGCSE students preparing for exams!
In vitro means production in a test tube or other similar vessel where culture conditions and medium are controlled for optimum growth during tissue culture.
It is a critical step in plant tissue culture where roots are induced and developed from plant explants in a controlled, sterile environment.
際際滷 include factors affecting In-vitro Rooting, steps involved, stages and In vitro rooting of the two genotypes of Argania Spinosa in different culture media.
History of atomic layer deposition (ALD) in a nutshellRiikka Puurunen
Lecture slides presented at Aalto University course CHEM-E5175 Materials engineering by thin films (by Prof. Ville Miikkulainen), in a visiting lecture Jan 28, 2025
1 Invention of Atomic Layer Epitaxy 1974
2 Microchemistry Ltd and spread of ALE/ALD
3 Independent invention, Molecular Layering 1960s -->
4 Connecting the two independent development branches of ALD
5 Take-home message
(Extra materials on fundamentals of ALD, assumed as background knowledge)
際際滷Share: /slideshow/history-of-atomic-layer-deposition-ald-in-a-nutshell/275984811
The Solar Systems passage through the Radcliffe wave during the middle MioceneS辿rgio Sacani
As the Solar System orbits the Milky Way, it encounters various Galactic environments, including dense regions of the
interstellar medium (ISM). These encounters can compress the heliosphere, exposing parts of the Solar System to the ISM, while also
increasing the influx of interstellar dust into the Solar System and Earths atmosphere. The discovery of new Galactic structures, such
as the Radcliffe wave, raises the question of whether the Sun has encountered any of them.
Aims. The present study investigates the potential passage of the Solar System through the Radcliffe wave gas structure over the past
30 million years (Myr).
Methods. We used a sample of 56 high-quality, young (30 Myr) open clusters associated with a region of interest of the Radcliffe
wave to trace its motion back and investigate a potential crossing with the Solar Systems past orbit.
Results. We find that the Solar Systems trajectory intersected the Radcliffe wave in the Orion region. We have constrained the timing
of this event to between 18.2 and 11.5 Myr ago, with the closest approach occurring between 14.8 and 12.4 Myr ago. Notably, this
period coincides with the Middle Miocene climate transition on Earth, providing an interdisciplinary link with paleoclimatology. The
potential impact of the crossing of the Radcliffe wave on the climate on Earth is estimated. This crossing could also lead to anomalies
in radionuclide abundances, which is an important research topic in the field of geology and nuclear astrophysics.
Variation and Natural Selection | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of variation and natural selection for IGCSE Biology. It covers key concepts such as genetic and environmental variation, types of variation (continuous and discontinuous), mutation, evolution, and the principles of natural selection. The presentation also explains Darwins theory of evolution, adaptation, survival of the fittest, selective breeding, antibiotic resistance in bacteria, and speciation. With illustrative diagrams, real-life examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
Variation and Natural Selection | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
Validation of different nowcasting models based on the Meteosat Second Generation satellite data
1. Validation of different nowcasting
models based on the Meteosat
Second Generation satellite data
M. de Rosa1, M. Picchiani1,2, M. Sist1,2, F. Del Frate2
1 GEO-K srl, via del Politecnico, Rome,Italy
2 Tor Vergata University of Rome, Department of
Civil Engineering and Computer Science, via del
Politecnico, Rome, Italy
2. Outline
The StormTrack model
The validation
The benchmark
Validation at South Africa (case studies)
Validation at Europe (Summer 2015)
Future tasks
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
3. Nowcasting
Very short term weather prediction (within
few hours) over a certain area
Prediction of extreme weather events like
thunderstorms, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes
Near real time computation time: in parallel
with observations (weather stations,
soundings, satellite images, weather radar)
Very useful to the outdoor activities, air traffic
control, agrometeorology
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
5. The StormTrack model
MSG as unique data source
(Early) Detection of the convective objects
Tracking of the detected objects
Cells lifecycle monitoring
Temporal and spatial extrapolation of the
detected objects
High computation efficiency and reliability
Easy to use
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
8. The algorithm: CDT
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
Use the 5,6 and 9
BTD6,9 cloud base
detection (early
BTD5,9: cloud top
detection (Kolios and
Feidas, 2010)
Connected components
Convex approximation
Object definition
9. The Validation
MET is a set of verification tools developed by the Developmental
Testbed Center (DTC) for use by the numerical weather prediction
community to help them assess and evaluate the performance of
numerical weather predictions.
The primary goal of MET development is to provide a state-of-the-
art verification package to the NWP community. By state-of-the-
art it means that MET will incorporate newly developed and
advanced verification methodologies, including new methods for
diagnostic and spatial verification and new techniques provided by
the verification and modeling communities.
Several tools are part of the MET package and the MODE (object
oriented validation) tool has been chosen for the validation of the
StormTrack algorithm.
Dont reinvent
the wheel
Write new
New validation
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
11. The benchmark
RDT, Rapid Development Thunderstorms, has been (and is)
developed by Meteo-France in the framework of the
EUMETSAT SAF in support to Nowcasting.
Using mainly geostationary satellite data, it provides
information on clouds related to significant convective
systems, from meso-alpha scale (200 to 2000 km) down to
smaller scales (few pixels).
The RDT algorithm includes three steps:
The detection of cloud systems
The tracking of cloud systems
The discrimination of convective cloud objects
Only objects flagged as convective have been taken into
RDT: the state-of-the-art
in storms detection
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
12. Validation at South Africa
6 case studies during summer
2014 (12 UTC 18 UTC)
Lightning network: accuracy
500m, CG strikes, 19
Strikes 5 mins before/after
MSG slot time
lightning data (thanks to
StormTrack setup: MSG HRIT
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
13. South Africa case study: 2014/12/16
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
25. Summary: South Africa case studies
12,00 13,00 14,00 15,00 16,00 17,00
Hours UTC
StormTrack vs RDT
Mean StormTrack POD
Mean StormTrack FAR
Lower StormTrack FAR (0.2 vs 0.3)
Higher RDT POD in the morning
Higher StormTrack POD in the afternoon
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
26. Validation at South Africa:
Mean StormTrack Accuracy (POD): 0.5
0.41 in the morning
0.61 in the afternoon
Mean RDT Accuracy (POD): 0.54
0.58 in the morning
0.51 in the afternoon
Mean StormTrack FAR: 0.2
0.2 in the morning
O.2 in the afternoon
Mean RDT FAR: 0.32
0.27 in the morning
0.38 in the afternoon
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
27. Validation at Europe
Mid June 2015 Mid Sep
2015 (00 UTC-21 UTC)
ATDNet lightning data
(sampled every 5 mins)
Strikes 5 mins before, 10
mins after MSG slot time
RDT setup: MSG HRIT,
NWP, lightning data
(thanks to AEMET)
StormTrack setup: MSG
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
29. Over 5000 samples collected (Mid June 2015
Mid Sept 2015) for StormTrack
Over 3000 samples collected (Mid June 2015
Mid Aug 2015) for RDT
No filters on ground data: investigating about
the model(s) sensitivity
Validation at Europe
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
36. Summary
Validation over South Africa (6 case studies) and Europe
(Summer 2015)
MET framework for validation (Object Oriented using
MODE tool)
StormTrack setup: MSG HRIT
RDT (benchmark) setup: MSG HRIT, NWP, lightning data
Good results in the afternoon on South Africa case studies
Over Europe better RDT POD but comparable FAR. BTW
good STK POD on average (no ground data or NWP)
STK flexible and light (less than 2 GB RAM needed on FD)
Issues on cold base clouds
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
37. Future tasks
Validation over Europe will go on (divide the
region into sub regions)
Automatic trajectories extrapolation ready but
not yet operational (15/30 mins ahead)
RSS integration
Neural nets to improve POD/reduce FAR (pruning
using other MSG channels)
Public APIs development to share data (first
version online)
App and IoT (Internet of Things) integration
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
38. Acknowledgements
Estelle de Coning (SAWS) and SAWS for the RDT and the lightning
Cecilia Marcos (AEMET), Ana S叩nchez Piqu辿 (AEMET) and AEMET
for the hints about MET, the RDT and the lightning data
Italian Air force Meteorological Office for the support
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
39. Thanks for your attention