The number of the extreme meteorological events has increased in the last few years and the trend should be the same for the next future. These events generally develop very quickly and on a small scale, nevertheless they may provoke several damages and affect also the human's safety. For these reasons it is very important to monitor and prevent these natural hazards by means of advanced techniques which must be able to:
detect the event as soon as possible
track the behaviour of the event
predict the short term development of the event
StormTrack is a novel multispectral algorithm for the detection, the tracking and the short term forecast of convective objects developed by Geo-K.
The model is already operational and some web services based on its output are already available. Our work is aimed to show the results of the validation activity developed in the last year.
The StormTrack validation involves the comparison with benchmarks like the Rapid Development Thunderstorms, developed by Meteo France, and the lightning activity over Europe and South Africa.
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Validation of different nowcasting models based on the Meteosat Second Generation satellite data
1. Validation of different nowcasting
models based on the Meteosat
Second Generation satellite data
M. de Rosa1, M. Picchiani1,2, M. Sist1,2, F. Del Frate2
1 GEO-K srl, via del Politecnico, Rome,Italy
2 Tor Vergata University of Rome, Department of
Civil Engineering and Computer Science, via del
Politecnico, Rome, Italy
2. Outline
The StormTrack model
The validation
The benchmark
Validation at South Africa (case studies)
Validation at Europe (Summer 2015)
Future tasks
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
3. Nowcasting
Very short term weather prediction (within
few hours) over a certain area
Prediction of extreme weather events like
thunderstorms, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes
Near real time computation time: in parallel
with observations (weather stations,
soundings, satellite images, weather radar)
Very useful to the outdoor activities, air traffic
control, agrometeorology
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
5. The StormTrack model
MSG as unique data source
(Early) Detection of the convective objects
Tracking of the detected objects
Cells lifecycle monitoring
Temporal and spatial extrapolation of the
detected objects
High computation efficiency and reliability
Easy to use
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
8. The algorithm: CDT
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
Use the 5,6 and 9
BTD6,9 cloud base
detection (early
BTD5,9: cloud top
detection (Kolios and
Feidas, 2010)
Connected components
Convex approximation
Object definition
9. The Validation
MET is a set of verification tools developed by the Developmental
Testbed Center (DTC) for use by the numerical weather prediction
community to help them assess and evaluate the performance of
numerical weather predictions.
The primary goal of MET development is to provide a state-of-the-
art verification package to the NWP community. By state-of-the-
art it means that MET will incorporate newly developed and
advanced verification methodologies, including new methods for
diagnostic and spatial verification and new techniques provided by
the verification and modeling communities.
Several tools are part of the MET package and the MODE (object
oriented validation) tool has been chosen for the validation of the
StormTrack algorithm.
Dont reinvent
the wheel
Write new
New validation
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
11. The benchmark
RDT, Rapid Development Thunderstorms, has been (and is)
developed by Meteo-France in the framework of the
EUMETSAT SAF in support to Nowcasting.
Using mainly geostationary satellite data, it provides
information on clouds related to significant convective
systems, from meso-alpha scale (200 to 2000 km) down to
smaller scales (few pixels).
The RDT algorithm includes three steps:
The detection of cloud systems
The tracking of cloud systems
The discrimination of convective cloud objects
Only objects flagged as convective have been taken into
RDT: the state-of-the-art
in storms detection
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
12. Validation at South Africa
6 case studies during summer
2014 (12 UTC 18 UTC)
Lightning network: accuracy
500m, CG strikes, 19
Strikes 5 mins before/after
MSG slot time
lightning data (thanks to
StormTrack setup: MSG HRIT
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
13. South Africa case study: 2014/12/16
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
25. Summary: South Africa case studies
12,00 13,00 14,00 15,00 16,00 17,00
Hours UTC
StormTrack vs RDT
Mean StormTrack POD
Mean StormTrack FAR
Lower StormTrack FAR (0.2 vs 0.3)
Higher RDT POD in the morning
Higher StormTrack POD in the afternoon
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
26. Validation at South Africa:
Mean StormTrack Accuracy (POD): 0.5
0.41 in the morning
0.61 in the afternoon
Mean RDT Accuracy (POD): 0.54
0.58 in the morning
0.51 in the afternoon
Mean StormTrack FAR: 0.2
0.2 in the morning
O.2 in the afternoon
Mean RDT FAR: 0.32
0.27 in the morning
0.38 in the afternoon
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
27. Validation at Europe
Mid June 2015 Mid Sep
2015 (00 UTC-21 UTC)
ATDNet lightning data
(sampled every 5 mins)
Strikes 5 mins before, 10
mins after MSG slot time
RDT setup: MSG HRIT,
NWP, lightning data
(thanks to AEMET)
StormTrack setup: MSG
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
29. Over 5000 samples collected (Mid June 2015
Mid Sept 2015) for StormTrack
Over 3000 samples collected (Mid June 2015
Mid Aug 2015) for RDT
No filters on ground data: investigating about
the model(s) sensitivity
Validation at Europe
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
36. Summary
Validation over South Africa (6 case studies) and Europe
(Summer 2015)
MET framework for validation (Object Oriented using
MODE tool)
StormTrack setup: MSG HRIT
RDT (benchmark) setup: MSG HRIT, NWP, lightning data
Good results in the afternoon on South Africa case studies
Over Europe better RDT POD but comparable FAR. BTW
good STK POD on average (no ground data or NWP)
STK flexible and light (less than 2 GB RAM needed on FD)
Issues on cold base clouds
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
37. Future tasks
Validation over Europe will go on (divide the
region into sub regions)
Automatic trajectories extrapolation ready but
not yet operational (15/30 mins ahead)
RSS integration
Neural nets to improve POD/reduce FAR (pruning
using other MSG channels)
Public APIs development to share data (first
version online)
App and IoT (Internet of Things) integration
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
38. Acknowledgements
Estelle de Coning (SAWS) and SAWS for the RDT and the lightning
Cecilia Marcos (AEMET), Ana S叩nchez Piqu辿 (AEMET) and AEMET
for the hints about MET, the RDT and the lightning data
Italian Air force Meteorological Office for the support
2015-09-23 Eumetsat Conference 2015 - Toulouse
39. Thanks for your attention