The book "No Logo" by Naomi Klein examines the rise of brand-focused marketing in the late 20th century and the anti-corporate globalization movement that emerged in response. Klein argues that large corporations have increasingly focused on branding and marketing activities over production. This has led to issues such as degraded working conditions in factories abroad and the commercialization of public spaces. The book also documents grassroots protests and "culture jamming" campaigns that have targeted high-profile brands like Nike, The Gap, and Starbucks. Klein sees these campaigns as part of a growing push
This document provides a summary of stories from the Quran about various prophets, beginning with the creation of Adam. It describes how Allah informed the angels of his plan to create humans and place them on earth. It tells of Iblis's refusal to prostrate before Adam, which led to his banishment. It recounts how Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden but disobeyed Allah by eating from the forbidden tree. As a result, they were sent to earth to live and die there until resurrection.
The document is a table of contents for the book "Sunan AbuDawud" which contains 41 chapters on various topics related to Islamic law and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. Some of the chapter topics included are Purification, Prayer, Zakat, Marriage, Fasting, Jihad, Inheritance, Funerals, and the Prophet's Behavior. The table of contents provides a high level overview of the content in each chapter by listing its title and page or hadith number range.
This document discusses developments in Muslim philosophical theology between the 6th/12th centuries, focusing on al-Ghazali and al-Razi. It examines al-Ghazali's approach to kalam, including his downgrading of it from a pursuit of knowledge to persuasion. While al-Ghazali is credited with promoting Aristotelian logic in kalam, he did not depart from the non-apodictic methods of previous mutakallimun. The document aims to provide a more precise understanding of developments during this influential period of Muslim intellectual history, of which al-Razi was a central figure.
The document provides an introduction to and overview of the six pillars of faith in Islam according to the classical works of Ibn Taymiyyah and other scholars of Ahl us Sunnah wal Jama'ah. The six pillars are: belief in Allah, belief in the angels, belief in the books, belief in the messengers, belief in the Day of Judgment, and belief in divine decree. Each pillar is then discussed in its own chapter, with the first chapter focusing on defining belief in Allah, or Tawhid, as comprising rejection of false gods and sole affirmation of Allah. It also defines the major categories of false gods, or Taghut.
Lynne stewart re sentenced to 10 years u.s. justice sentenced to deathLight Upon Light
Lynne Stewart, a lawyer who represented Omar Abdel Rahman, was re-sentenced to 10 years in prison for releasing one of Rahman's statements to the media. The statement called for negotiations between an Islamic group and the Egyptian government. Stewart was convicted of providing material support to terrorists for releasing this statement. However, the document argues that Stewart was actually being punished for her lifelong advocacy for justice, and that her re-sentencing marks a decline in freedom of expression and a fair judicial process in the U.S. It claims the U.S. is becoming less democratic and more repressive of dissent.