Cakrawala Pengetahuan Dasar
Mengembangkan 49 keterampilan melalui cerita yang interaktif!
Keterampilan utama meliputi:
Abjad & Membaca
Angka & Berhitung
Warna-warna pokok & sekunder
Konsep waktu.
Kemampuan memanipulasi.
Observasi & Persepsi Visual
Berfikir & Berimajinasi
Memecahkan Masalah
Kemampuan Bersosialisasi & Mengendalikan Emosi
Buku 3-D yang membuat kegiatan belajar & membaca menjadi menyenangkan
15 buku dengan sampul tebal, berbahasa Inggris.
Mengembangkan 49 skills yang dibutuhkan anak untuk sukses di sekolah dan kehidupan.
Setiap buku dirancang untuk mengembangkan keterampilan atau pemahaman khusus dari suatu subyek untuk anak Anda.
Tampilan 3 dimensi interaktif seperti : halaman belah, cut outs, roda warna, dan jam dengan jarum yang dapat bergerak, sengaja didisain untuk membuat proses belajar lebih menyenangkan sehingga mudah dimengerti.
Urutan buku dimulai dengand dasar membaca dan berhitung, meningkatkan keterampilan kompleks, seperti pemecahan masalah dan pola piker yang fleksibel.
5 CD-ROM yang dilengkapi dengan lebih dari 40 permainan menarik dan memperkuat keteramnpilan lanjutan, seperti pemecahan masalah dan pola pikir fleksibel.
Peda permulaan setiap buku ada "Note to Parents" (catatan untuk orang tua) yang menjelaskan isi buku, agar orang tua dapat memanfaatkan setiap buku secara maksimal, disertai dengan saran aktifitas tambahan.
Judul Buku & Keterampilan:
1. Anjing Penyengat! - Imajinasi
2. Berapa Kuda Nil? - Jumlah
3. Belgeduel si Cemerlang - Warna
4. Jam Ajaib Kakek Berto - Waktu
5. Tebaklah Siapa Aku? - Binatang
6. Cerita di Waktu Badai - Moral
7. Pak Badru Kebingungan - Persepsi Visual
8. Menyibak Rahasia Hutan - Alam
9. Mencari Tujuh Saudara - Geografi
10. Silsilah keluarga - Sejarah
11. Seindah Alam Aslinya - Kehidupan Alam Liar
12. Perjalanan Para Mikronaut - Tubuh Manusia
13. Tania Peranti dan Geng Lacak - Penjelajahan
14. Tiga Pendongeng Atau - atau - Berfikir Kritis
15. Detektif Kotabingar - Pemecahan Masalah
Terdiri dari :
15 Hardcover books.
User guide.
This document discusses strategies for selling higher-priced products and services by focusing on quality and value. It emphasizes communicating the benefits and value proposition to customers rather than just focusing on price. Some key strategies include guaranteeing products and services, using quality proposals, packaging, and emphasizing how the product satisfies customer needs and objectives. It also provides tips on handling objections about price by clarifying the customer's real concerns and maximizing the benefits.
The podcast "The Not Old - Better Show" interviewed Michael "Eddie The Eagle" Edwards to promote the new film about his life. The podcast is aimed at the 55+ age community and their families. It is hosted by Paul Vogelzang and has seen great success in connecting with its audience through entertainment interviews and commentary. Vogelzang has nearly 20 years of experience in content marketing and building online communities.
- Mohamed Ahmed Taha Selman Fadl is seeking a position as a drilling or workover supervisor with over 10 years of experience in both onshore and offshore rigs in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
- He holds a Bachelor's degree in Petroleum and Mining Engineering from Suez Canal University and has extensive training and certifications in drilling, completions, and well control.
- His experience includes supervising the drilling and completion of exploration, development, horizontal, and multilateral wells to depths of over 18,000 feet on land and offshore from rig mobilization through well testing and handover.
The document provides an overview of resources available on the World Bank website for researching topics related to the World Bank and its activities. It describes the various sections of the website that contain statistics, reports, publications, research papers, project information and more. Key sections highlighted include the World Bank DataBank for indicators and country-specific data, the research programs and publications, and information on current and past World Bank projects. The resources are intended to support students in finding information for assignments on topics handled by the World Bank.
Declaratoria de los pueblos ante el Estado de Excepci坦n decretado por el Gobi...Cr坦nicas del despojo
Los pueblos ind鱈genas, autoridades ancestrales y las organizaciones ind鱈genas, campesinas, feministas, defensoras de Derechos Humanos, ambientalistas, iglesias y sindicalistas, el d鱈a de hoy, reunidas y reunidos:
Rechazamos el estado de sitio impuesto anoche seg炭n Decreto Gubernativo 06-測2013 que afecta a pobladoras y pobladores del municipio de Jalapa; la Comunidad Ind鱈gena Santa Mar鱈a Xalap叩n, y Mataquescuintla, y en el departamento de Santa Rosa a los municipios de Casillas y San Rafael Las Flores con el pretexto y justificaci坦n de que opera crimen organizado y el terrorismo en la regi坦n, as鱈 como de atentar contra la seguridad nacional y contra los intereses privados.
The document discusses the history and development of artificial intelligence over several decades. Early research focused on symbolic approaches using rules and logic but progress was slow. More recently, machine learning techniques such as deep learning have seen increasing success by learning from large amounts of data without being explicitly programmed. These new approaches have achieved human-level performance on some tasks but full human-level AI remains an ongoing challenge.
This document provides an overview of government contracting for small businesses. It discusses common myths about government contracting, outlines a seven-step process for success, and covers important topics like strategy, focus, understanding the procurement process, and tools like registrations and GSA schedules. It also addresses current trends like declining contract spending and the use of reverse auctions on sites like The goal is to equip small businesses with the essential information needed to pursue and win government contracts.
This document provides an overview of a beginner's course on Islam being conducted in Singapore. The course, titled "Fardhu 'Ain in English for Adults", is taught every Friday night by Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail using a textbook and curriculum he developed for Muslim converts and young English-speaking Muslims. It aims to be a refresher for Muslim parents and educators as well. The document outlines the course content which includes lessons on the pillars of Islam, Shahadah, belief, faith, obedience, righteousness and more. It provides contact information for those interested in registering.
The document summarizes a survey conducted in new and existing areas to study the domestic PNG market. In the new areas of Bayad and Dhansura, the survey found most families have monthly incomes between Rs. 10,000-30,000 and use LPG as fuel. Many were unaware of PNG. Farmers and those with lower incomes showed lower chances of buying PNG. In existing areas, the survey found reasons for low PNG usage and marketed its benefits over other fuels. The objective was to estimate potential domestic PNG customers in new and existing areas.
El documento resume el proceso de planificaci坦n participativa para la formulaci坦n del Plan Nacional para el Buen Vivir en Ecuador. Incluye disposiciones constitucionales, talleres de consulta ciudadana, y principios metodol坦gicos para la planificaci坦n. El proceso permiti坦 incorporar las voces de diversos actores y fortalecer la democracia en la toma de decisiones sobre pol鱈ticas p炭blicas.
Presentation from Ravi Prabhu, Director of the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), outlining the role of Agroforestry in strengthening food security. The presentation was prepared and delivered in occasion of the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition, held at FAO in Rome on 18-19 September 2014.
Once estudiantes del Colegio Santa Luisa participaron en el V Modelo de las Naciones Unidas con el prop坦sito de desarrollar habilidades argumentativas y propositivas para generar estudiantes m叩s conscientes de la realidad global. Varios estudiantes recibieron reconocimientos por sus destacadas presentaciones.
This document summarizes different drugs used to treat asthma and related conditions. It discusses:
1) Cromolyn sodium and nedocromil, which are used prophylactically to inhibit mast cell mediator release and reduce exercise-induced asthma symptoms. Side effects include throat irritation.
2) Methylxanthines like theophylline which work by inhibiting phosphodiesterases, relaxing smooth muscle. They have various effects in the body and drug interactions can affect metabolism.
3) Beta-agonists which are short or long-acting and work by binding beta receptors to relax airways. Corticosteroids are also discussed which reduce inflammation in asthma.
The document discusses the history and development of artificial intelligence over several decades. Early research focused on symbolic approaches using rules and logic but progress was slow. More recently, machine learning techniques such as deep learning have seen increasing success by learning from large amounts of data without being explicitly programmed. These new approaches have achieved human-level performance on some tasks but full human-level AI remains an ongoing challenge.
This document provides an overview of government contracting for small businesses. It discusses common myths about government contracting, outlines a seven-step process for success, and covers important topics like strategy, focus, understanding the procurement process, and tools like registrations and GSA schedules. It also addresses current trends like declining contract spending and the use of reverse auctions on sites like The goal is to equip small businesses with the essential information needed to pursue and win government contracts.
This document provides an overview of a beginner's course on Islam being conducted in Singapore. The course, titled "Fardhu 'Ain in English for Adults", is taught every Friday night by Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail using a textbook and curriculum he developed for Muslim converts and young English-speaking Muslims. It aims to be a refresher for Muslim parents and educators as well. The document outlines the course content which includes lessons on the pillars of Islam, Shahadah, belief, faith, obedience, righteousness and more. It provides contact information for those interested in registering.
The document summarizes a survey conducted in new and existing areas to study the domestic PNG market. In the new areas of Bayad and Dhansura, the survey found most families have monthly incomes between Rs. 10,000-30,000 and use LPG as fuel. Many were unaware of PNG. Farmers and those with lower incomes showed lower chances of buying PNG. In existing areas, the survey found reasons for low PNG usage and marketed its benefits over other fuels. The objective was to estimate potential domestic PNG customers in new and existing areas.
El documento resume el proceso de planificaci坦n participativa para la formulaci坦n del Plan Nacional para el Buen Vivir en Ecuador. Incluye disposiciones constitucionales, talleres de consulta ciudadana, y principios metodol坦gicos para la planificaci坦n. El proceso permiti坦 incorporar las voces de diversos actores y fortalecer la democracia en la toma de decisiones sobre pol鱈ticas p炭blicas.
Presentation from Ravi Prabhu, Director of the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), outlining the role of Agroforestry in strengthening food security. The presentation was prepared and delivered in occasion of the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition, held at FAO in Rome on 18-19 September 2014.
Once estudiantes del Colegio Santa Luisa participaron en el V Modelo de las Naciones Unidas con el prop坦sito de desarrollar habilidades argumentativas y propositivas para generar estudiantes m叩s conscientes de la realidad global. Varios estudiantes recibieron reconocimientos por sus destacadas presentaciones.
This document summarizes different drugs used to treat asthma and related conditions. It discusses:
1) Cromolyn sodium and nedocromil, which are used prophylactically to inhibit mast cell mediator release and reduce exercise-induced asthma symptoms. Side effects include throat irritation.
2) Methylxanthines like theophylline which work by inhibiting phosphodiesterases, relaxing smooth muscle. They have various effects in the body and drug interactions can affect metabolism.
3) Beta-agonists which are short or long-acting and work by binding beta receptors to relax airways. Corticosteroids are also discussed which reduce inflammation in asthma.
3. ppimine ja temperatuur
-20 kraadi ja madalam koju v探ivad j辰辰da 1.-6.kl
-25 kraadi ja madalam koju v探ivad j辰辰da 7.-9.kl
4. T辰helepanu
Mobiiltelefonid (vanemad ei helista lastele tunni aja
pilase puudumine (teavitada klassi探petajat)
Pikemaajalise puudumise puhul vanem kannab
vastutust 探pitulemuste saavutamise eest
5. piabir端hmad (1-2 korda n辰dalas) alates teisest
veerandist (lapsevanema kirjalik n探usolek / lapse
v辰ljaarvamiseks kirjalik avaldus)
Logopeedi tunnid
6. Peale tunde
Pikap辰evar端hm (tasuline) 35 探pilast
(lapsevanema avalduse p探hjal)
Vajadusel v探tta 端hendust pikap辰evar端hma
探petajatega saab valvelauas.
Huviringid (huviringide loetelu koolilehek端ljel).
7. Kooli puhvet
Kuni 12.00 4.-12.kl
Alates kella 12.00 1.-3. kl ja teised 探ppijad
7.45 hommikupuder (tasuta)
9. 3.kl tasemet旦旦d
Eesti keel eesti 探ppekeelega klassides 13.mai 2015
Vene 探ppekeel vene 探ppekeelega klassides 13.mai 2015
Matemaatika 19.mai 2015
10. Hea tegu
Aktsiooni eesm辰rgiks on algkooli lastele m辰ngunurga loomine ja
tunnivaheaja korraldamine. Kui kodus on huvitavaid, heas korras
ja kasulikke m辰nge, mida Teie laps enam ei kasuta, leiame
headele asjadele koolis kohta.
Oleme t辰nulikud j辰rgmiste asjade eest:
arendavad m辰ngud (loogikalised m辰ngud)
vaibakesed p探randal peetavate m辰ngude jaoks
M辰nguasju saab anda klassi探petaja k辰tte.