A presentation held by Sandro Scocco at the seminar "Varselvågen, de svenska jobben och vårt beroende av Europa", organized by Global Utmanig on the 25th of March.
Samtal om trafikplanering för en hållbar stad - Anders GullbergGlobal UtmaningSamtal om trafikplanering för en hålbar stad, Global Utmanings kansli 4 mars. Bilder från Anders Gullberg, Stockholmsforskningen och KTH.
Karolina Ekholm, Deputy Governor of the Riksbank: "A financial market that fo...Global UtmaningA preesentation held by Ms Karoliina Ekholm, deputy governor of the Swedish Riksbank, at the high level seminar "Towards a sustainable financial system", hosted by the Stockholm based Think Tank Global Challenge in cooperation with London School of Economics and The Swedish House of Financie on the 12th of September
EU integration policy and the UK multiculturalism debates: how do they fit Fi...Global UtmaningPresentation given at the expert seminar: New era in integration policies in the Baltic Sea Countries? Tallinn, Estonia, 25.2.2013
Beyond GDP Stewart-Wallis-nef-22feb-2012Global UtmaningA presentation by Mr Stewart Wallis, head of New Economic Foundation, held at a seminar with think tank Global Utmaning and the Swedish green party, February 22nd 2012.
Richard Murray, rundabordssamtal MalmöGlobal UtmaningKreditmarknadsförutsättningar och samverkan mellan fastighetsbolag och kommun
för renovering, standardhöjning och klimatsäkring av miljonprogrammet. Rundabordssamtal i Malmö den 21 maj 2013.
Pavan Sukhdev Stockholm May 9thGlobal UtmaningA presentation held by mr Pavan Sukhdev, UNEP, at Stockholms kulturhus at the seminar "How do we valule nature?" on the 9th of May 2012.
Cross-border cooperation in the electricity sector - the Nordic exampleGlobal UtmaningThe document discusses cross-border cooperation in the electricity sector through the Nordic example. It outlines the history of interconnections between Nordic countries dating back to 1963, which grew over time through the establishment of Nordel in 1992 to facilitate cooperation between transmission system operators. Nordel later joined ENTSO-E and helped coordinate the decarbonization of the power sector in the region through increasing renewable energy and electrification while maintaining a reliable grid through 2050. The context of cooperation has become more complex over time with new drivers like emissions pricing and public demand, as well as obstacles around political will, governance capacity, and handling interdependencies across borders.
Nordic Energy ways in Europe – Clean, Competitive and ConnectedGlobal UtmaningSeminar: NORDIC ENERGY WAYS – WHAT‘S IN IT FOR US?
Monday, 2 June 2014
Anders Olsson, vice CEO E.ON Norden, presented the main conclusions of the report Nordic Energy Ways in Europe. Read the full report here: www.globalutmaning.se/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Nordic-Energy-Ways-in-Europe1.pdf
Combating the Debt AddictionGlobal UtmaningThis document discusses the role of private debt and credit growth in economic stability. It argues that pre-crisis orthodoxy viewed low inflation as sufficient for stability, but private debt growth fueled asset price booms and recessions. Credit growth for real estate and existing assets does not directly stimulate GDP but can inflate prices. To promote stability, policy should constrain private leverage growth and the dominance of real estate lending through higher bank capital requirements and countercyclical policies.
Combating the Debt Addiction Global UtmaningUlf Dahlsten gave a presentation at the Stockholm School of Economics on March 22nd, 2014 about combating debt addiction and stabilizing the financial system. He argued that more needs to be done as the system has issues like extreme pro-cyclicality, underestimating endogenous risks, excessive money creation, growing private debts, asset inflation, and complexity. He focused on these problems and asked questions about addressing excessive money creation, the danger of private debt buildup, curbing asset inflation without hurting the economy, and what central banks, regulators, and politicians can do to help.
Challenges with high household debt levels - a Swedish perspectiveGlobal UtmaningA presentation held by Lord Adair Turner from INET at Global Utmaning's and the Swedish House of Finance's seminar "Combating the Debt Addiction" at the Stockholm School of Economics, Thursday May 22, 2014.
Ed Groark presents State of the World 2014: Governing for sustainabilityGlobal UtmaningEd Groark, Chairman of the Worldwatch institute, presented the annual report State of the World, this year themed "Governing for sustainability" at a seminar hosted by Norden i Fokus and Global Utmaning on the 7th of May 2014.
Energiewende - Status of the German Energy reformsGlobal UtmaningA presentation given in Stockholm, March 20th 2014, by Dr. Ralf Bartels, Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie
Head of Department Energy Reforms / Sustainability
at Global Challenge's and E.ON's seminar "A Nordic Energiewende?"
Nordic Energy ways in Europe – Clean, Competitive and ConnectedGlobal UtmaningA presentation given in Stockholm, March 20th 2014, by Ola Alterå,
at Global Challenge's and E.ON's seminar "A Nordic Energiewende?"
Trust in a green economyGlobal UtmaningThe document defines a green economy as one that is low-carbon, resource-efficient, and socially inclusive according to the UNEP. It also includes a diagram showing the interdependencies between different levels of trust, politics, markets, resources, and social relations that are necessary for a sustainable green economy. Weaknesses in any of these areas can undermine the transition to a green economy.
Research questions for a green, inclusive economyGlobal UtmaningThis document summarizes a presentation on research questions for a green, inclusive economy. The presentation covered three main topics:
1. Metrics - It discussed developing alternative metrics to GDP like national wealth accounts and a prosperity metric based on solving human problems.
2. Vision - It addressed the need for systems thinking and considering renewable vs. exhaustible natural resources.
3. Transition - Key research questions were presented around the politics and innovation required for an economic transition, including governance mechanisms, necessary institutions, and business models within planetary boundaries.
The presentation concluded by noting the career prospects for economists to work on these important transition questions and called for mutual understanding between disciplines.
A critical review and considerations: Green economy, what is it?Global UtmaningThis document provides a summary and critique of a proposal to build models for a sustainable Germany by 2040. It notes that the proposal makes some good points but its economic understanding is still simplistic and it is insufficient in design and scope. The summary recommends using systems analysis throughout, integrated assessment modeling to analyze past data and scenarios, and involving experienced systems analysts. It concludes that the proposal has some blind spots and needs to better connect the whole system, address issues like population and trade, and engage policy/government to enable real paradigm shifts.
Cross-border cooperation in the electricity sector - the Nordic exampleGlobal UtmaningThe document discusses cross-border cooperation in the electricity sector through the Nordic example. It outlines the history of interconnections between Nordic countries dating back to 1963, which grew over time through the establishment of Nordel in 1992 to facilitate cooperation between transmission system operators. Nordel later joined ENTSO-E and helped coordinate the decarbonization of the power sector in the region through increasing renewable energy and electrification while maintaining a reliable grid through 2050. The context of cooperation has become more complex over time with new drivers like emissions pricing and public demand, as well as obstacles around political will, governance capacity, and handling interdependencies across borders.
Nordic Energy ways in Europe – Clean, Competitive and ConnectedGlobal UtmaningSeminar: NORDIC ENERGY WAYS – WHAT‘S IN IT FOR US?
Monday, 2 June 2014
Anders Olsson, vice CEO E.ON Norden, presented the main conclusions of the report Nordic Energy Ways in Europe. Read the full report here: www.globalutmaning.se/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Nordic-Energy-Ways-in-Europe1.pdf
Combating the Debt AddictionGlobal UtmaningThis document discusses the role of private debt and credit growth in economic stability. It argues that pre-crisis orthodoxy viewed low inflation as sufficient for stability, but private debt growth fueled asset price booms and recessions. Credit growth for real estate and existing assets does not directly stimulate GDP but can inflate prices. To promote stability, policy should constrain private leverage growth and the dominance of real estate lending through higher bank capital requirements and countercyclical policies.
Combating the Debt Addiction Global UtmaningUlf Dahlsten gave a presentation at the Stockholm School of Economics on March 22nd, 2014 about combating debt addiction and stabilizing the financial system. He argued that more needs to be done as the system has issues like extreme pro-cyclicality, underestimating endogenous risks, excessive money creation, growing private debts, asset inflation, and complexity. He focused on these problems and asked questions about addressing excessive money creation, the danger of private debt buildup, curbing asset inflation without hurting the economy, and what central banks, regulators, and politicians can do to help.
Challenges with high household debt levels - a Swedish perspectiveGlobal UtmaningA presentation held by Lord Adair Turner from INET at Global Utmaning's and the Swedish House of Finance's seminar "Combating the Debt Addiction" at the Stockholm School of Economics, Thursday May 22, 2014.
Ed Groark presents State of the World 2014: Governing for sustainabilityGlobal UtmaningEd Groark, Chairman of the Worldwatch institute, presented the annual report State of the World, this year themed "Governing for sustainability" at a seminar hosted by Norden i Fokus and Global Utmaning on the 7th of May 2014.
Energiewende - Status of the German Energy reformsGlobal UtmaningA presentation given in Stockholm, March 20th 2014, by Dr. Ralf Bartels, Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie
Head of Department Energy Reforms / Sustainability
at Global Challenge's and E.ON's seminar "A Nordic Energiewende?"
Nordic Energy ways in Europe – Clean, Competitive and ConnectedGlobal UtmaningA presentation given in Stockholm, March 20th 2014, by Ola Alterå,
at Global Challenge's and E.ON's seminar "A Nordic Energiewende?"
Trust in a green economyGlobal UtmaningThe document defines a green economy as one that is low-carbon, resource-efficient, and socially inclusive according to the UNEP. It also includes a diagram showing the interdependencies between different levels of trust, politics, markets, resources, and social relations that are necessary for a sustainable green economy. Weaknesses in any of these areas can undermine the transition to a green economy.
Research questions for a green, inclusive economyGlobal UtmaningThis document summarizes a presentation on research questions for a green, inclusive economy. The presentation covered three main topics:
1. Metrics - It discussed developing alternative metrics to GDP like national wealth accounts and a prosperity metric based on solving human problems.
2. Vision - It addressed the need for systems thinking and considering renewable vs. exhaustible natural resources.
3. Transition - Key research questions were presented around the politics and innovation required for an economic transition, including governance mechanisms, necessary institutions, and business models within planetary boundaries.
The presentation concluded by noting the career prospects for economists to work on these important transition questions and called for mutual understanding between disciplines.
A critical review and considerations: Green economy, what is it?Global UtmaningThis document provides a summary and critique of a proposal to build models for a sustainable Germany by 2040. It notes that the proposal makes some good points but its economic understanding is still simplistic and it is insufficient in design and scope. The summary recommends using systems analysis throughout, integrated assessment modeling to analyze past data and scenarios, and involving experienced systems analysts. It concludes that the proposal has some blind spots and needs to better connect the whole system, address issues like population and trade, and engage policy/government to enable real paradigm shifts.
2. Varför stigande
• Svagare exportefterfrågan (stigande
• Budgeten också ”svagt åtstramande”
enligt finansdepartmentet (stigande
• Satsning på 16 miljarder i
bolagsskattesänkning inom
budgetram åtstramande effekt på
efterfrågan (stigande arbetslöshet).
• Reformutrymme = reala sänkningar av
a-kassa, sjukersättning, kommunala
bidrag, studielån, m.m.
3. Multiplikatorn årets överraskning (för vissa)
Offentlig sektors netto utlåning/upplåning Arbetslöshet
procent av BNP (IMF) procent av arbetskraften (IMF)
EU definition: net borrowing (+)/net lending (-) of general government is the difference between the revenue and the expenditure of the general
government sector. The general government sector comprises the following subsectors: central government, state government, local government, and
social security funds. GDP used as a denominator is the gross domestic product at current market prices.