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Verbos Irregulares - Irregular Verbs 
to arise arose arisen erguer, levantar 
to awake awoke awoken acordar, despertar-se 
to be was / were been ser, estar, ficar 
to bear bore borne suportar, aguentar 
to beat beat beaten 
bater, superar, vencer, 
derrotar, espancar 
to become became become tornar-se 
to begin began begun começar, iniciar 
to bet bet bet apostar 
to bite bit bitten morder 
to bleed bled bled sangrar 
to break broke broken quebrar 
to bring brought brought trazer 
to build built built construir 
to burn burnt/burned burnt/burned queimar 
to buy bought bought comprar 
to cast cast cast lançar 
to catch caught caught pegar, agarrar 
to choose chose chosen escolher 
to come came come vir 
to cost cost cost custar 
to cut cut cut cortar 
to deal dealt dealt tratar, lidar 
to dig dug dug cavar, escavar 
to do did done fazer 
to draw drew drawn 
desenhar, traçar, puxar, 
to dream 
dreamt / 
dreamt / 
to drink drank drunk beber 
to drive drove driven dirigir, guiar 
to eat ate eaten comer 
to fall fell fallen 
cair, desaguar, abater-se, 
decrescer, diminuir 
to feed fed fed alimentar, nutrir
to feel felt felt sentir, notar 
to fight fought fought lutar, brigar 
to find found found achar, encontrar 
to fit fitted fitted 
servir, ajustar, adaptar, 
caber, assentar. 
to fly flew flown voar 
to forbid forbade forbidden proibir 
to forget forgot forgotten esquecer(-se) 
to forgive forgave forgiven perdoar 
to freeze froze frozen congelar, gelar 
to get got got / gotten obter, conseguir 
to give gave given dar 
to go went gone ir 
to grow grew grown crescer, florescer, germinar 
to hang hung hung pendurar, suspender 
to have had had ter, possuir 
to hear heard heard ouvir, escutar, ter notícias 
to hide hid hidden esconder(-se), ocultar 
to hit hit hit bater, chocar-se 
to hold held held segurar, agarrar 
to hurt hurt hurt ferir(-se), machucar 
to keep kept kept 
manter, conservar, 
to know knew known saber, conhecer 
to lay laid laid 
pôr, colocar, derrubar, 
to lead led led 
conduzir, liderar, dirigir, 
to learn 
learnt / 
learnt / learned aprender, ficar sabendo 
to leave left left partir, deixar, sair 
to lend lent lent emprestar 
to let let let permitir, deixar 
to lie lay lain deitar, jazer 
to lose lost lost Perder 
to light lit lit acender, iluminar
to make made made fazer, criar, elaborar 
to mean meant meant 
significar, querer 
to meet met met 
misunderstood misunderstood 
entender mal, 
interpretar mal 
to pay paid paid pagar 
to partake partook partaken participar 
to prove proved 
provar, comprovar 
to put put put pôr, colocar 
to quit quit / quitted quit / quitted desistir, abandonar 
to read read read ler, interpretar 
to ride rode ridden 
cavalgar, andar de 
bibicleta, carro, etc. 
to ring rang rung 
soar, tocar 
(campainha, telefone) 
to rise rose risen erguer-se, levantar-se 
to run ran run correr, apressar-se 
to saw sawed sawn serrar 
to say said said 
dizer, afirmar, 
to see saw seen ver, perceber 
to sell sold sold vender 
to send sent sent enviar, mandar 
to set set set pôr, dispor, ajustar 
to sew sewed sewn, sewed costurar, coser 
to shake shook shaken 
sacudir, agitar, apertar 
a mão (em 
to shave shaved 
shaven / 
to shine shone shone brilhar 
to shoot shot shot atirar, ferir com tiro 
to show showed shown mostrar, apresentar 
to sing sang sung cantar
to sink sank sunk afundar 
to sit sat sat sentar(-se) 
to sleep slept slept dormir 
to slide slid slid escorregar, deslizar 
to smell 
smelt / 
smelt / 
to sow sowed sown / sowed semear 
to speak spoke spoken falar 
to speed sped / speeded sped / speeded apressar(-se) 
to spend spent spent 
gastar (dinheiro), 
passar (tempo) 
to spoil spoiled / spoilt spoiled / spoilt 
estragar, destruir, 
mimar (crianças) 
to spread spread spread espalhar, estender 
to stand stood stood ficar ou pôr-se de pé 
to steal stole stolen roubar, furtar 
to stick stuck stuck cravar, fincar 
to strike struck struck bater, golpear 
to swear swore sworn jurar 
to sweep swept swept varrer 
to swim swam swum nadar 
to swing swung swung balançar 
to take took taken tomar, pegar, levar 
to teach taught taught ensinar 
to tell told told dizer, contar 
to think thought thought pensar, achar 
to throw threw thrown lançar, atirar 
to understand understood understood 
to wake woke woken acordar 
to wear wore worn vestir, usar, trajar 
to wet wet / wetted wet / wetted molhar, umedecer 
to win won won ganhar, vencer 
to wring wrung wrung espremer, torcer 
to write wrote written escrever

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Verbos irregulares Inglês

  • 1. Verbos Irregulares - Irregular Verbs INFINITIVO PASSADO SIMPLES PARTICÍPIO PASSADO TRADUÇÃO to arise arose arisen erguer, levantar to awake awoke awoken acordar, despertar-se to be was / were been ser, estar, ficar to bear bore borne suportar, aguentar to beat beat beaten bater, superar, vencer, derrotar, espancar to become became become tornar-se to begin began begun começar, iniciar to bet bet bet apostar to bite bit bitten morder to bleed bled bled sangrar to break broke broken quebrar to bring brought brought trazer to build built built construir to burn burnt/burned burnt/burned queimar to buy bought bought comprar to cast cast cast lançar to catch caught caught pegar, agarrar to choose chose chosen escolher to come came come vir to cost cost cost custar to cut cut cut cortar to deal dealt dealt tratar, lidar to dig dug dug cavar, escavar to do did done fazer to draw drew drawn desenhar, traçar, puxar, arrastar to dream dreamt / dreamed dreamt / dreamed sonhar to drink drank drunk beber to drive drove driven dirigir, guiar to eat ate eaten comer to fall fell fallen cair, desaguar, abater-se, decrescer, diminuir to feed fed fed alimentar, nutrir
  • 2. to feel felt felt sentir, notar to fight fought fought lutar, brigar to find found found achar, encontrar to fit fitted fitted servir, ajustar, adaptar, caber, assentar. to fly flew flown voar to forbid forbade forbidden proibir to forget forgot forgotten esquecer(-se) to forgive forgave forgiven perdoar to freeze froze frozen congelar, gelar to get got got / gotten obter, conseguir to give gave given dar to go went gone ir to grow grew grown crescer, florescer, germinar to hang hung hung pendurar, suspender to have had had ter, possuir to hear heard heard ouvir, escutar, ter notícias to hide hid hidden esconder(-se), ocultar to hit hit hit bater, chocar-se to hold held held segurar, agarrar to hurt hurt hurt ferir(-se), machucar to keep kept kept manter, conservar, preservar to know knew known saber, conhecer to lay laid laid pôr, colocar, derrubar, deitar to lead led led conduzir, liderar, dirigir, comandar to learn learnt / learned learnt / learned aprender, ficar sabendo to leave left left partir, deixar, sair to lend lent lent emprestar to let let let permitir, deixar to lie lay lain deitar, jazer to lose lost lost Perder to light lit lit acender, iluminar
  • 3. INFINITIVO PASSADO SIMPLES PARTICÍPIO PASSADO TRADUÇÃO to make made made fazer, criar, elaborar to mean meant meant significar, querer dizer to meet met met encontrar(-se), reunir(-se) to misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood entender mal, interpretar mal to pay paid paid pagar to partake partook partaken participar to prove proved proved, proven provar, comprovar to put put put pôr, colocar to quit quit / quitted quit / quitted desistir, abandonar to read read read ler, interpretar to ride rode ridden cavalgar, andar de bibicleta, carro, etc. to ring rang rung soar, tocar (campainha, telefone) to rise rose risen erguer-se, levantar-se to run ran run correr, apressar-se to saw sawed sawn serrar to say said said dizer, afirmar, declarar to see saw seen ver, perceber to sell sold sold vender to send sent sent enviar, mandar to set set set pôr, dispor, ajustar to sew sewed sewn, sewed costurar, coser to shake shook shaken sacudir, agitar, apertar a mão (em cumprimento) to shave shaved shaven / shaved barbear-se to shine shone shone brilhar to shoot shot shot atirar, ferir com tiro to show showed shown mostrar, apresentar to sing sang sung cantar
  • 4. to sink sank sunk afundar to sit sat sat sentar(-se) to sleep slept slept dormir to slide slid slid escorregar, deslizar to smell smelt / smelled smelt / smelled cheirar to sow sowed sown / sowed semear to speak spoke spoken falar to speed sped / speeded sped / speeded apressar(-se) to spend spent spent gastar (dinheiro), passar (tempo) to spoil spoiled / spoilt spoiled / spoilt estragar, destruir, mimar (crianças) to spread spread spread espalhar, estender to stand stood stood ficar ou pôr-se de pé to steal stole stolen roubar, furtar to stick stuck stuck cravar, fincar to strike struck struck bater, golpear to swear swore sworn jurar to sweep swept swept varrer to swim swam swum nadar to swing swung swung balançar to take took taken tomar, pegar, levar to teach taught taught ensinar to tell told told dizer, contar to think thought thought pensar, achar to throw threw thrown lançar, atirar to understand understood understood entender, compreender to wake woke woken acordar to wear wore worn vestir, usar, trajar to wet wet / wetted wet / wetted molhar, umedecer to win won won ganhar, vencer to wring wrung wrung espremer, torcer to write wrote written escrever